Monday, January 10, 2022

The Six Biggest Lies About January 6th -

  The Blue State Conservative

. . ."Joe Biden ran on a promise of “unity and healing” last year, and millions of Americans – naïve Americans – believed him. But even those who didn’t believe Biden agree with the sentiment that America should be more unified. It was clearly just a ploy by Biden, and he never had any intention on helping the country heal or come back together. Biden is one of the most divisive presidents in history, and worse than even Barack Obama. If Biden were to tone down the hysteria on 1/6, stop demonizing the right, and say something like, “it’s time to put that behind us,” he could really make some headway with voters, particularly independents and moderates.  


"But Joe Biden isn’t going to do that because Joe Biden is a coward. Biden is terrified of taking a stance opposing his radical left base, and therein lies Biden’s problem. The far-left faction of the Democratic Party is so invested in portraying Donald Trump as the Antichrist and his supporters as evil minions, that they can’t allow Biden to be reasonable on the topic of 1/6. They must stay with their narrative and continue to try and divide the country because to do otherwise would result in them being exposed for what they are: dishonest, anti-American opportunists."

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