Friday, January 14, 2022

"Sen. Sinema on Filibuster: It ‘Ensures That Millions of Americans Represented by the Minority Process Have a Voice’ "

The Democrats all of them to eliminate the 60-vote threshold, but we know for sure Sinema is a no. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is also a likely no. There are a few quiet ones, too, like Sinema’s Arizona colleague, Mark KellyLegal Insurrection

 On the filibuster, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin came through in the crunch - American Thinker   "Almost a year ago, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell agreed with majority leader Chuck Schumer to an equal power-sharing agreement for the upcoming session, reflecting the 50-50 split between the parties (with Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote).  In exchange, McConnell agreed to allow the question of the filibuster's continued existence to be brought up to a vote.  He did so because Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema promised not to end the filibuster.  That was an incredible gamble, but, on Thursday, Manchin and Sinema came through on a filibuster vote.  A furious Biden started hollering about the horrors of life without federalizing American elections and made it clear that Democrats will keep coming back.

. . ."Sinema seems to be the only one who remembers and understands why President George Washington hated political parties.

"Sinema also seems to be the only one who remembers that Americans are not robots. We all feel and think differently. You guys would be shocked to know that Professor Jacobson and I do not agree on everything. (Cats are better than dogs, Boss!)"

Democrats Block Plan to Remove Foreign Nationals from Voter Rolls ( . . ."Most recently, Democrats in New York City approved a plan to give voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals in the city, who only have to prove that they have resided in the U.S. for 30 days. Republicans, Democrats, and naturalized citizens are now suing the city."  Their voters will include those illegals Biden's Democrats are bringing into this country.

Biden's racist irony

The slogans for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act sound like perfect democracy until you realize that the act rejects election integrity laws and instead opens the door to systemic voter disenfranchisement. 

Biden's racist irony - American Thinker  . . ."Biden, the top Democrat, tried to inflame spectators' emotions by making historical comparisons to Democrat racists.  He compared the actions and intents of Democrat, racist, White supremacist George Wallace to Republican Dr. Martin Luther King.  He even compared the actions and intentions of Democrat racist, White supremacist Jefferson Davis to the pioneer of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln! 

"To be fair, Biden can't be blamed for this jarring level of irony.  The truth is, to make historical arguments citing American racist White supremacists, you automatically must include Democrats because they were the sole purveyors of racism, slavery, and White supremacy through most of American history.  Democrats were committed to using government coercion to immorally and unconstitutionally enshrine the enslavement of Blacks for as long as possible.  The infamous "Jim Crow" laws were just one of the many inhumane outcomes due to Democrats' grotesque, deep-seated hatred. " . . .

. . ."The John Lewis Voting Rights Act is designed to undermine existing election integrity laws and implement new government tools and levers to maintain power unconstitutionally.  Unfortunately, the act would enshrine voter disenfranchisement as law; every voter is disenfranchised with this legislation. 

"If the act takes effect:

  1. Ballot-harvesting will be legalized nationally.
  2. There will be no voter ID requirements (meaning non-citizens can vote).
  3. And there will be unlimited mail-in voting, expanded un-manned ballot box placements, online voting, and any number of new federally mandated and monitored changes.

"The federal government would deprive the state governments of the authority to manage and control elections in the states.  As the act dumps the states' checks and balances, dead voters would vote, and any number of illegal votes would somehow count. 

"That's how legal votes are nullified.  When illegal ballots are counted, and especially when that happens system-wide, the result is systemic voter disenfranchisement." . . .

The bipolar Covid crisis

 Biden, never a good loser, said, despite the ruling, that companies still should impose the jab on their employees.  "Tone-deaf" doesn't begin to describe the man.

COVID hysteria is so yesterday - American Thinker   . . ."When do we know that COVID hysteria has become so yesterday?  Maybe when establishment media begin to say so, too.  In Thursday's Wall Street Journal, columnist Daniel Henninger shouted it:

Today, it's fair to say that no one but the hopelessly credulous believe much of anything Mr. Biden, Jen Psaki, Anthony Fauci or Rochelle Walensky says about Covid and Omicron. The list of doubted authorities worldwide could extend to the horizon. 

"When it's obvious enough that mainstream media recognize it, it's probably actually arrived.  If you're marking your calendars, mark this day or week or month as 1 A.C. (for After COVID).  A new era has arrived." . . .

But at least now, the mentally challenged occupant of the White House, who recently likened people who disagree with him to domestic terrorists, is rapidly becoming irrelevant.. . .

Joy Reid, Doc in ‘Fauci’ Shirt: Let’s Keep Unvaccinated People From Medical Care, Dock Pay | Newsbusters  "MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid showed in 2021 that she was unrelenting in her use of dangerous and incendiary rhetoric, so it was no surprise when, on Tuesday night, she argued critics of Dr. Fauci were “pro-Omicron armchair physicians” and unvaccinated Americans should receive lower pay and less (or no) medical care when ill compared to the vaccinated.

"Joined in the endorsement of communism was MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Lipi Roy, who donned a “Fauci” t-shirt to prove her seriousness as a doctor while the two suggested Fauci critic and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wasn’t a true doctor because of his accreditation and “insane, atrocious vitriol.' ”. . .

MSNBC’s declaration that the unvaccinated be treated as second-class citizens and left to die in the streets was made possible thanks to the endorsement of advertisers such as AncestryDiscover, and E-Trade. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

5 Recent Babylon Bee Headlines That Were Surprisingly Believable

"Chris Smitherson has a problem: he's unvaccinated -- which means he's left out of all activities as he doesn't have COVID like his vaccinated friends. Thoughts and prayers."


5 Recent Babylon Bee Headlines That Were Surprisingly Believable – PJ Media  "The Babylon Bee is easily the best source of satire on the internet. On a daily basis, I see several Babylon Bee headlines in my social media feeds that make me laugh out loud.

"Yet some of the more brilliant stories from The Bee are ones that don’t so much make you laugh out loud but the ones that seem like they could be straight news articles. Here are five headlines from this year that were surprisingly (or not surprisingly) believable.". . .

CDC Recommends Being Fully Vaccinated And Also Getting COVID For Strongest Immunity

Seriously, even the liberal media is calling out the CDC for its mixed messages and lack of credibility; is this headline so far out of the realm of possibility?

 Experts with the NIH, HHS, WHO, FDA, FBI, CIA, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs all have confirmed the CDC's findings as "infallible and immutable."

MyPillow Holds Annual Jan 6 Blowout Sale

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been one of Trump’s strongest supporters and has used his considerable resources to highlight allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election. Quite frankly, he should have had a special sale on Jan. 6. 

That's not all! Earn free shipping on your order if, during checkout, you submit proof of your participation in the January 6 fight to save democracy.

9/11 Memorial To Be Replaced With ‘More Important’ Jan 6 Memorial

Admit it, you thought this was real. And why not? Comparing the Capitol riot to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or the Civil War is the new Democratic Party national pastime. While the rest of the country has moved on, Democrats in Congress have been obsessing over Jan. 6 for over a year now, and if we go another year without some memorial being planned, I’d be shocked.

 The cost of the memorial is not known, but Pelosi assured everyone that "we have to build it to find out how much it costs."

10 Reasons Remote Learning Is So Much Better For Children

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that remote learning sucks. But teachers and school boards across the country seem to still be afraid of COVID, and so we’re seeing lots of schools take ridiculous measures to “stop the spread” or whatever. But what makes this headline entirely believable is that a quick internet search will turn up links touting the benefits of remote learning.

 8) The perfect transition to homeschooling: Plus, it will usher in traditional family structure as women are forced to abandon the workforce.

CNN Boasts They Haven’t Had An Employee Sex Scandal All Year

This one made me laugh out loud for a moment and then I thought, “Wait, did they really?” One could easily see Brian Stelter bragging on-air about how CNN has purged itself of known perverts before blaming Fox News for something ridiculous. However, CNN still employs Don Lemon, who is facing accusations of sexual assault. So this headline may be obsolete soon.

 “With all of these changes, we fully expect 2022 to be a scandal-free year here at CNN,” Zucker exclaimed before abruptly ending the interview to take an urgent call from the legal department.

ABC’s ‘The View’ Doesn’t Actually Want A Conservative Co-Host; CNN's Zucker needs to go?

 Goldberg now might be regretting her routine admonishment of McCain on air for the crime of bringing her views shared by millions of conservative women underrepresented in corporate media to the legacy program.

ABC's 'The View' Doesn't Actually Want A Conservative Co-Host (  "Meghan McCain will likely be the last woman with truly conservative positions to fill a permanent seat on ABC’s “The View.” Six months after her departure from the show for which she served four seasons, the program is facing a reckoning over its hostile work environment, toxic culture, and intellectual bankruptcy.

"On Saturday, The New York Post cited a former network executive reporting the show’s absence of a non-leftist panelist was “driving Whoopi crazy.' ”. . .

"Goldberg now might be regretting her routine admonishment of McCain on air for the crime of bringing her views shared by millions of conservative women underrepresented in corporate media to the legacy program." . . .

“Being a conservative woman in mainstream media is deeply threatening. Being a woman who can hold her own on a show like that proved to be ultimately threatening, so it became more and more personal,” McCain told Fox News in October. “The more successful I was on ‘The View,’ and the more moments I helped get them and the more I pressed liberal candidates and liberal guests on the show, the worse it got for me backstage and then ultimately it started spilling out on air.”

Ever notice the raucous applause at each opinion expressed by the liberal View ladies? Does some machine or a director give applause commands for that?

Wild Applause: How the Twentieth Century Tamed the Audience. | by Matt Locke | Medium

Another column made the case for cancelling The View; it was dated 2017. How'd that work out?

DEEP IMPACT: CNN Ratings Crater Nearly 90%, Jeff Zucker Needs to Go – PJ Media

. . ."Jeff Zucker has headed up CNN for almost ten years now. The network enjoyed success running his Four Years Hate message against then-President Donald Trump, but over the last year, something has become clear to me.

Zucker isn’t a news guy; he’s an entertainment guy who came up the ranks of NBC (later NBC Universal) serving up “news lite” at the Today Show and then as chief of NBC’s entertainment division.

"Why the network chose the executive who presided over NBC as its once-proud stable of primetime shows went stale and then floundered might never be known.

"However, with a TV-friendly nemesis like Trump in office, Zucker knew exactly what to do, and judging by those CNN ratings from 2017-2020, Zucker executed his nasty business rather well.

"But losing Trump was as if George Lucas had killed off Darth Vader at the end of Star Wars — how would he have gotten a satisfying sequel without the Big Bad?"

. . . Zucker thought that entertainment-oriented News Lite puff-balls like Cuomo, Don Lemon, and (dough-ball in this case) Brian Stelter could serve up hard news.

But they turned out to be a useless bunch of non-news ninnies.

Zucker thought he could tell audiences scary stories about Orange Man Bad long after Orange Man Bad was gone.

Zucker forgot that the first N in CNN is supposed to stand for “News” and not “Ninnies.”

Volunteers Scramble To Rescue Afghan Allies Abandoned By U.S. State Department

 Volunteers Scramble To Rescue Afghan Allies Abandoned By [Biden] (

Volunteers receive images and videos every day of Afghans, including children, executed at the hands of the Taliban.

"Two months ago, Rambo, the code name for a commander in the Afghan National Army’s Special Operations Command, and seven other commandos were kidnapped by the Taliban. A video of the commandos’ execution was sent to members of Operation North Star, an all-volunteer organization working tirelessly to secure safe haven for thousands of Afghan allies abandoned by the State Department in post-withdrawal Afghanistan.

"After watching the video hundreds of times in search of Rambo, volunteers “assumed the worst,” according to Ben Owen, a former U.S. Army infantryman and president of Flanders Fields, a nonprofit that raises funds for evacuation organizations Operation North Star and Task Force Argo.

"Two weeks ago, Flanders Fields received a request to acquire a safe house in Afghanistan for an unidentified high-value target. An hour later, Owen received a pixelated photo of a familiar Afghan man being embraced by his family members on the safe house floor. Rambo had escaped Taliban captivity." . . .

Schools In America

Education Secretary Cardona solicited NSBA letter comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists: email | Fox News   "Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the much-criticized letter from the National School Boards Association that compared protesting parents to domestic terrorists, according to an email exchange reviewed by Fox News. 

"The email exchange indicates Cardona was more involved with the letter's creation than previously known. 

"President Biden's Department of Justice relied on the NSBA letter, which suggested using the Patriot Act against parents, in creating its own memo directing the FBI to mobilize in support of local education officials." . . .

Biden 'perhaps went a little too far' in elections overhaul speech, says liberal senator and ally Dick Durbin | Fox News "perhaps"?  "a little"? 

Chicago Teachers Will Deign to Show Up For Work on Wednesday – PJ Media   "Teachers in Chicago are incredibly busy, so it comes as a relief to Chicago parents that the . . .educators have agreed to come back to work on Wednesday despite their full schedule.

"They will work in some time to teach between union meetings and activist events, although there’s no guarantee how long they will be in class. The agreement to be voted on by the union’s 25,000 members includes “metrics” that will trigger shutdowns if positive tests spike — as they’re bound to do.

"Jesse Sharkey, the president of the teachers union, told the Chicago Sun-Times that Mayor Lori Lightfoot “is being relentless, but she’s being relentlessly stupid, relentlessly stubborn.”

"Speaking of being “relentlessly stupid,” Sharkey solemnly declared that saying remote learning is bad for students is just a “talking point.' ”. . .

The days of the old Daley political machine being able to exercise that kind of clout are long gone. But power abhors a vacuum, and the Chicago Teacher’s Union has a genuine appetite for it. The union has appropriated political power despite being unelected.

Biden's Cabinet: A slew of mediocrity and incompetence

Patricia McCarthy  "Most folks who were paying attention during the Obama administration realized he was racializing and weaponizing each and every one of our law enforcement institutions, among others.  The damage done to law enforcement has been catastrophic.

"How did he do it?  By appointing people who were loyal to him and not because they were particularly smart or competent.  Like the quote above about the personnel who ran Chernobyl, Obama's people were chosen or kept for their dedication to the Obama agenda, which they assumed Hillary would continue.  By the time President Trump took office, all of these agencies were geared up to do Clinton's bidding but instead set out to destroy Trump and his administration with a series of hoaxes, all of which have been debunked.  From Comey to Holder to Brennan, Clapper, and McCabe, all of them were dedicated to one project, one project only: Sabotage Trump.  And sabotage him they did, at every turn, right up to blatantly rigging the election and then falsely accusing him of orchestrating the January 6 event. " . . .

. . ."All of this brings us to the hapless Biden administration and its collection of people chosen for their skin color, sexual orientation, or mindless dedication to the destructive policies of radical leftism.

"Could Biden's Cabinet be any more incompetent?  Not likely.  Jake Sullivan, his national security adviser, was part of the Russia hoax for starters and has been hopelessly awful at his job.  He will be forever tainted by the horrendous, ill-conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Then there is Jennifer Granholm as his energy secretary, the failed former governor of Michigan who, when asked about our rising gas prices, could only laugh like a hyena.  How about Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary?  From unpopular mayor of South Bend to transportation czar?  He was chosen because he is openly gay, not for any expertise on our national transportation and all that that entails — supply chain, shipping, interstate highways, etc.  Buttigieg is clueless and barely shows up to work for three months, claiming parental leave.  He cannot even manage a traffic tie-up in the snow that left hundreds of drivers stranded for 24 hours.  And what of Ron Klain, who continues to retweet dumb tweets that reveal his cluelessness about the world outside his swamp bubble?  He too bears responsibility for the betrayal of Afghanistan and for the Americas abandoned there, just as Anthony Blinken does, who is even more pathetic than Klain." . . .

Comically Incorrect

Concrete Barriers Are Going Up Around The White House

 Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House - The Last Refuge  "Recently revealed video shows the Joe Biden White House is erecting a concrete (K-Rail) blast and security containment wall directly around the White House.   There doesn’t appear to be any explanation readily available.  Pictures"

Defiant America

"However, there is construction work on the White House fountain and it seems that the construction barricades are placed for that!"  
Perhaps Joe will rehash his days as a heavy equipment operator. TD

Even as Biden tears down our border, he's protecting himself and his friends - American Thinker  "When Donald Trump boasted about and then began building his wall along America's southern border to protect us from illegal aliens flooding in, bringing crime in their wake, and taking jobs from low-income Americans, Democrats insisted that walls were evil.  Walls were ugly.  Walls divided Americans.  Blah, blah, blah.  And when Biden got into the White House, the first thing he did was stop building Trump's wall and throw open the border to illegal aliens from around the world.  Given all that, it's ironic, to say the least, that Biden appears to be building a ten-foot-high wall around the White House." . . .
However, the Democrats have made it clear that if a six-year-old child is raped by an illegal alien sex offender or a 17-year-old boy is executed by MS-13 gang members who sneaked into the country...whatever.  They don't matter.  Walls to protect them are bad.  Very, very bad.  And racist.

. . ."Because my mind has a somewhat conspiratorial cast (I read way too many crime novels growing up, and the Trump-Russia hoax proved conspiracies can be real), I can't help but wonder if this wall isn't being built to further the "insurrection" narrative. Americans will never be told what the threat is; we'll just be told there is a threat from evil right-wingers and that the kind, grandfatherly man who is trying to unite America must be protected."

Leftists have a cow over Tucker Carlson's observations about Nancy Pelosi's strange new appearance -

House speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently has had some plastic surgery. It didn't go well. Tucker Carlson was on the scene to state what everyone was thinking:

 Monica Showalter  . . ."The Twitter mob sprang into action, too.  MEAWW has a summary of the tweets:

One user slammed, "In search of a new low on a nightly basis, Tucker Carlson says that Nancy Pelosi looks like Michael Jackson." One person replied, "I would love to see both the Jackson family and Nancy Pelosi take you to court for this." Another responded, "I'll be the first to say that Nancy Pelosi is a dishonest, manipulative (insert word). But this is in poor taste, even for you bro. Resorting to physical appearance is lame af." One trolled, "Calling Tucker Carlson’s show a news program is about as absurd as suggesting Nancy Pelosi is Michael Jackson."

. . ."It was idiocy because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was not born with those unnatural looks — she chose to have those looks, through an unusual combination of wealth gained while in office and the money from it to pay for plastic surgery.

"Oh, the horror.  As if the left never made fun of people's looks who couldn't help it, and then pioneered that as a standard mode of leftist argument.

"Ridicule, though, of this kind that Tucker engaged in, was what Tom Wolfe used to do — he specially targeted the status-seekers and social X-rays and other ostentatious displayers of wealth in the era when conspicuous consumption takes on disguised forms but nevertheless is there.  Tucker made fun of it through his Michael Jackson comparison.

"Rather than recognize that, for the Wolfean comic technique that it was and tipping its hat to him for his skill, they took the whole thing literally, sliding down to just where Tucker wanted them, flailing in the mud and spewing rage at Tucker's dreadful social faux pas and tasteless attacks on looks.

"Big deal.  Pelosi knew what she was doing with that weird plastic surgery show.  The reality is, Tucker did, too."

HOT TAKES: Nancy Pelosi's Eyebrows Are a Thing — No, Really – RedState

Finally, toss in late-stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome and Madam Speaker’s off-the-charts obsession with all things Donald Trump, and by Jove, I think you’ve got it.  

As if we didn’t already have more than enough target-rich material about which to blister Nancy Pelosi on a daily basis, the 81-year-old woman’s creepy eyebrows are now a thing on Twitter, where they — and she — continue to be mocked and ridiculed in hilarious fashion.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Liberal Washington Paper: Empty Shelves Aren’t Biden’s Fault, It’s Because You’re All Eating At Home Now…

 Weasel Zippers

4 reasons you’re seeing empty grocery store shelves | The Seattle Times  Begin with number four. Number five should be the presidency of Joe Biden. TD

...."More people eating at home

"A combination of factors from rising inflation to surging omicron cases are prompting households to eat at home more, once again meaning grocery stores are being inundated with shoppers.

"Grocery sales climbed more than 8% in December, according to national retail sales tracker Mastercard SpendingPulse. Stores are still restocking from that surge and have been struggling to keep shelves fully stocked in several categories since the beginning of this year, according to data firm IRI’s consumer packaged goods supply index.

“ 'We’re seeing a lot of restocking and replenishment going on,” said Jessica Dankert, vice president of supply chain for Retail Leaders Industry Association. The heavy shopping season has come at a particularly difficult time for coming out of the holiday period, when families traditionally cook more at home anyway.

"Widespread storms and the increased hesitancy about dining out because of the omicron surge have contributed to more demand at grocers.

"Also, in some cities, restaurants and other food service establishments had to close temporarily due to coronavirus outbreaks among workers, which sent even more families to dine at home in December.

The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 2

Unfortunately, the Jeffrey Epstein case couldn’t have happened at a worse time in history. America is going through a withdrawal from accepting the FBI and DOJ are agencies and people of integrity and honesty.

Ann Coulter "Last week, we reviewed our ruling class's strange lack of interest in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring, in which so many of them played a part. The media cover-up is second only to the government cover-up, with prosecutors delivering loss after loss in cases they've been forced to bring (by the police and the public) against the child molester. 

"This week, we'll look at the government's long record of zealously trying NOT to unravel the case. 

"Barry Krischer was the first prosecutor to let Epstein off for child molestation. The local police presented then-Palm Beach state attorney Krischer with bales of evidence. They had affidavits from dozens of witnesses: girls abused by the pederast, the women who recruited them, the butler who cleaned up sex toys after the "massages," as well as records of Epstein's molestation appointments, one delayed because of a victim's "soccer practice."

" Pretty much everything we know today about Epstein's sex ring was unearthed by the Palm Beach Police back in 2005 and handed to Krischer on a silver platter.

"Five underage girls had given police sworn statements that Epstein had sexually abused them, backed by 17 other witnesses, but when Krischer brought the case to the grand jury, weirdly, he allowed only one of the girls to testify -- and then attacked her on the stand! (Epstein's attorneys had helpfully provided Krischer's office with the girl's posts on MySpace, where she talked about boys and drinking, the little harlot.) According to an extensive review by The Palm Beach Post, most of Krischer's 2,800-page investigative file on the case consists of dirt against the teens -- and against the police -- given to him by Epstein's lawyers. (Thanks, Epstein attorneys! Do we owe you anything?) 

"The grand jurors, who'd been meticulously kept in the dark by Krischer, ended up voting only for a single charge of "solicitation of prostitution" against Epstein in 2006.

" He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years' probation. No jail time, no record as a sex offender -- no criminal record whatsoever.

"According to Nexis, only one newspaper, The Palm Beach Post, reported at the time -- or ever -- that Palm Beach prosecutor Krischer gave Epstein probation for his years of child abuse." . . .

Bart van Leeuwen