Thursday, January 13, 2022

Concrete Barriers Are Going Up Around The White House

 Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House - The Last Refuge  "Recently revealed video shows the Joe Biden White House is erecting a concrete (K-Rail) blast and security containment wall directly around the White House.   There doesn’t appear to be any explanation readily available.  Pictures"

Defiant America

"However, there is construction work on the White House fountain and it seems that the construction barricades are placed for that!"  
Perhaps Joe will rehash his days as a heavy equipment operator. TD

Even as Biden tears down our border, he's protecting himself and his friends - American Thinker  "When Donald Trump boasted about and then began building his wall along America's southern border to protect us from illegal aliens flooding in, bringing crime in their wake, and taking jobs from low-income Americans, Democrats insisted that walls were evil.  Walls were ugly.  Walls divided Americans.  Blah, blah, blah.  And when Biden got into the White House, the first thing he did was stop building Trump's wall and throw open the border to illegal aliens from around the world.  Given all that, it's ironic, to say the least, that Biden appears to be building a ten-foot-high wall around the White House." . . .
However, the Democrats have made it clear that if a six-year-old child is raped by an illegal alien sex offender or a 17-year-old boy is executed by MS-13 gang members who sneaked into the country...whatever.  They don't matter.  Walls to protect them are bad.  Very, very bad.  And racist.

. . ."Because my mind has a somewhat conspiratorial cast (I read way too many crime novels growing up, and the Trump-Russia hoax proved conspiracies can be real), I can't help but wonder if this wall isn't being built to further the "insurrection" narrative. Americans will never be told what the threat is; we'll just be told there is a threat from evil right-wingers and that the kind, grandfatherly man who is trying to unite America must be protected."

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