Friday, February 4, 2022

I have "Beto" up to here

Beto is desperately hoping that the lights go out - American Thinker  "The RCP average has Governor Abbott up 8.2 points on Beto O’Rourke.

"So, what is Beto doing these days? The answer is that he can’t stop reminding Texas that the lights went out a year ago. This is from The Austin Statesman:" . . .

. . ."A year ago, we had a disaster in Texas. Unfortunately, our power grid collapsed under the weight of unusually cold temperatures and snow. I’ve lived in Texas since 1984 and have seen many tornadoes, heat waves of 100-plus temperatures, freak winter storms, and a few other crazy things. However, nothing like what happened a year ago, when Texas resembled the North Pole for a weekend.

"So why is Beto reminding people of that terrible situation a year ago? He’s got nothing else and the campaign looks more and more desperate every day."

Listening to cheers for him from the audience, I'm guessing his crowd is mostly teenage girls. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

CNN, the most trusted name in news once upon a time

 The calls to fire CNN Misinformation Maven Brian Stelter are coming from inside the house.  . . ."If Brian Stelter had even an ounce of integrity, he would have either put a stop to this or resigned. Instead, he participated in the three-way — as did Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Alisyn Camerota, and the rest.". . .

The calls to fire CNN Misinformation Maven Brian Stelter are coming from inside the house.   

"Media critics are calling for Brian Stelter to be fired after failing to report the ‘open secret’ affair between top boss Jeff Zucker and staffer Allison Gollust.

" ‘The network needs to step up and fire Brian Stelter,’ a CNN insider tells ‘He is allegedly our top media reporter – yet he failed to report on the scoop that everyone in the office knew. And if he wants to say he didn’t know, he is truly terrible at his job.’ …

"A cable news veteran, who wishes not to be named, spoke of the close relationship between Stelter and Zucker.

" ‘Brian Stelter should be calling his agent to start looking for another job,’ they said. ‘He’s been Jeff Zucker’s water boy for years and no one believes he didn’t know about all of this.’ ". . .

The source added that Stelter often criticizes competing networks, like Fox News. ‘He’s been sitting on his moral high horse doing Jeff’s bidding and ripping Fox and every other media outlet that Jeff tells him to while his ratings crash and burn. Where was he on the biggest story at his own network after chastising everyone else?’. . .

 NY Mag: Come on, why is Zucker *really* leaving? – HotAir

McCreesh is right — there’s more going on here than meets the eye. And there will be more to come. CNN will need to clean house top to bottom, and I’ll have more on that in an upcoming post.

MSM Ignores Fact That CNN Went Into the Toilet Under Zucker – PJ Media  . . ."Here in the real world, if any of us did our jobs as poorly as Jeff Zucker after we were put in charge of something we’d have been thrown out of a window.

"Before Zucker took over the network, CNN had carved out a niche as the most centrist of the Big Three cable news networks. That was very relative, to be sure, but it was mostly accurate.

"Zucker then pointed CNN at the radical left cliff and pushed it off.

"The commie kids at CNN had a brief flirtation with success while soiling themselves over Trump’s presidency. Zucker was a one-trick pony, however. Once Trump was gone from office, CNN couldn’t quite move on from him.

"The ratings results of their obsession were disastrous."

"Just yesterday, Rick wrote about a truly stunning aspect of CNN’s collapse:. . .

‘Have Respect You Irrelevant Washed Up Actress’: Susan Sarandon Torched For Mocking Massive NYPD Funeral

A Pennsylvania state representative fired, “Those were Heroes paying their last respects to two fallen brothers who lost their lives in the line of duty. Two of those heroes mourning the loss of their brothers in blue are my sons. Have respect you irrelevant, washed up actress! What do you contribute?”

 The Daily Wire

 . . ."Rivera and his partner Wilbert Mora, 27, who also died, were ambushed and shot in Harlem while responding to a domestic call.

Social media expressed their anger: The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York responded, “This is what privilege looks like: a wealthy actress, safe in her bubble, mocking heroes & making light of the crisis that cops are battling alongside our communities. NYC is uniting to stop the violence —  @SusanSarandon  is living on a different planet.”

. . ."The National Order of Fraternal Police added, “Of all the days for  @SusanSarandon to share her true feelings towards police, she picks the day we bury our fallen brother to make such inflammatory & brainless comments. When you spend more time hating on cops than you do your own career, it’s no wonder why you’re a D-list actor.' ”

Mark Krikorian, the executive director of Center for Immigration Studies, tweeted succinctly, “Hollywood vs. America, cont’d.”

Biden Won't Deport Illegal Immigrant Career Criminal Who Covered Union Station in Swastikas


"In President Biden's America and Mayor Bowser's Washington, career criminals are increasingly emboldened to continue their lawlessness. Slaps on the wrist show criminals that crime actually does pay. A prime example is playing out just blocks away from the U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings at D.C.'s Union Station where someone defaced the columns along the entrance to the transit hub with large swastikas scrawled across the pillars and facade.". . .
. . ."The trend of leniency continued after Pando's most recent arrest for defacing Union Station because, as The Examiner reported, "Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not attempt to take him into federal custody after his Union Station arrest so that he could face deportation proceedings in court." Instead, Pando will be allowed to stay in the United States as a result of the guidelines set by the Biden administration:". . .
And despite a pile of initial stories mainstream outlets on the disgusting vandalism, and rightfully so, it seems unlikely that the major networks and mainstream media will be doing follow-up pieces on the suspect's identity and reams of prior crimes, not to mention his previous deportations or the Biden administration's decision to continue allowing this criminal to stay in the United States. 

The Road to Vengeance

  American Greatness

Millennials look for meaningful existence in false gods of social justice, unable to find it where they should, in church, in tradition, in humanitas, in country.

. . ."Not the students, though. This wasn’t funny at all. They went after Trump’s racism and barked objections to “the wall.” A couple of them stormed out and slammed the doors after I answered their challenges. I had mentioned Emerson, Thoreau, and Walt Whitman in my short talk—classic voices that hailed the iconoclast and the irreverent—and the very first question I got chided me for selecting those three white males. 

"I wanted to reply, “Who ever taught you to think in this way?” but I didn’t want to insult my hosts. Instead, I went with a little sarcasm: “Oh, yes, it’s really bad, especially when Emerson says that society is in ‘conspiracy’ against the ‘manhood’ of its members” (“Self-Reliance”). I stressed the word “manhood” and waited for the questioner to respond. He remained quiet, so I gave the crowd the historical fact that the “manhood” element in Emerson didn’t stop thousands of strong women in the 1840s from reading him and recognizing, “Yeah, that’s me!” The questioner still didn’t reply—had he read one word of those three men before?—so another student shouted, “But were they black women?!”. . .

. . ."Cancel culture proves that Millennials have moral fervor. They aren’t the sly relativists of which Allan Bloom warned in The Closing of the American Mind. What they lack, instead, is a solid education in history, politics, religion, literature, languages, and art. The mentors didn’t give it to them, no real heroes, no gods, no glorious past, no great nations, no meetings with the beautiful and the sublime. They disallowed identification with vivid characters and larger-than-life personages, teaching critical thinking, instead. No patriotism, no faith, no reverence—those are naïve, old-fashioned, uncritical. Let’s demystify and politicize and theorize, rather; just what rising adults need in this dynamic, disruptive 21st century, right? 

"The result isn’t, however, a youth of critical scrutiny, skeptical of absolutes. It is the opposite, a moral vision that is absolute and simplistic, a Millennial outlook that neatly divides sociopolitical sins (racism, voting for Trump . . .) from utopian wishes (“No person is illegal,” “Love is love” . . .). And it springs right out of the vacancy in their hearts and minds that the mentors failed to fill. We robbed them of greatness and meaning and purpose and transcendence. We gave them no role models. The universal desire for those inspirations didn’t go away, but nobody supplied them. I’d be angry, too.". . .

Why Wokeism?

Seth Grossman   "Last Monday, Hollywood celebrity Whoopi Goldberg said on “The View” that Hitler’s mass murder of Jews during World War II was “not about race.”  She repeated this to Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show.”

"Whoopi was immediately denounced as stupid and anti-Semitic.  Although she made numerous public apologies, she was suspended from “The View” for two weeks.

"However, Whoopi’s statements perfectly reflect the narrative of the “woke” black history and Critical Race Theory that saturates our public schools, colleges, media, and Hollywood/TV entertainment.

"That narrative goes like this.: until about 600 years ago, most people in the world lived peaceful, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable lives.

"Then, in the 1400s, a bunch of white men in Europe went crazy.  While abusing their women, they built ships and weapons to attack and exploit the rest of the world.  These crazy white men exterminated Native Americans, enslaved black Africans, and impoverished Asians.  They also started wars and polluted the planet to cause the catastrophic “climate crisis” we have today.

"That is why today’s “woke” Democrats call for a “final solution” to put these crazy white people in their place.  That is why they demand mass migration, an anti-family/pro-abortion culture, harsh climate laws, and “reparations” to destroy their wealth and power.

"Whoopi’s comments make a lot of sense to those who agree that skin color is the most important factor in human relations and history. To them, the Holocaust is just another example of toxic “white people doing it to white people.”. . .

Whoopi Goldberg for Supreme Court Justice - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  
"Like all American patriots, I stand ready to help my president. Since I can’t find one, I may as well help Joe Biden.
"Mr. Biden has made clear that the next U.S. Supreme Court justice needs to have two qualifications: black skin and a vagina. She does not need to have attended law school, much less to have passed a state bar exam on the first try. Sounds like his requirements for vice president. (Note: Amy Coney Barrett — pronouns: she/her/hers — passed on her first bar-exam try. #MeToo. She meets only one Biden criterion. I meet none — pronouns: me/myself/I.)". . .

Disney’s Holocaust Double Standards Go On Full Display In Whoopi Goldberg Suspension
Goldberg’s treatment comes in stark contrast to how the same company handled online outrage when “Mandalorian” star Gina Carano made a Holocaust comparison with logical and factual bases. In February last year, Carano was promptly fired after the actress wrote on Instagram that mass political violence such as that of Nazi Germany begins with hatred of one’s neighbors.

. . . “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children,” Carano wrote. “Most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”. . . 

While Watching 'The View' In Hell, Hitler Surprised To Learn Holocaust Wasn't About Race | The Babylon Bee

. . ."“I was very explicit in my writings and speeches! I compared the Jews to rats and to germs! I appealed to social Darwinism and eugenics on a constant basis to justify everything I did for the master Aryan race! How could this Whoopi Goldberg not pick up what I was laying down!?” the mustachioed psychopath was overheard shouting in a thick German accent.

"Hitler was sure to hear about Whoopi’s views on the Holocaust since no matter what channel or streaming service one flips to in Hell, the only program that comes through on every channel is The View. Theologians and scientists don’t understand quite how it works, but the only broadcast signal that penetrates the metaphysical barriers surrounding the realm of eternal fiery torment is ABC’s The View.". . .

Pictures show Holocaust was merely white guys vs white guys and not racist.  Bone Chilling Pictures of Jews Being Humiliated And Led Off To Be Exterminated By Nazi Germany (

Did you get infuriated when cities burned, stores were looted, and folks trying to protect their property and their lives were prosecuted while the looters weren’t?

 What happens when the elites don’t give a f**k - American Thinker . . ."Are you fed up with over-paid spoiled rotten Hollywood types and sports stars who, because they get paid mega bucks for scant work or no work at all, think their beliefs are more important than yours?  

"Are you gagging at the censorship wrapped in the canard of ‘Covid misinformation”? Have you had it with the cancel culture?

 "Well, that’s the result when those in power -- in government, in education, in entertainment

"and, in sports - just don’t give a f**k.*

"Yes, that’s not a proper word for “polite society.”  But it is being acted out, and explicitly stated.  Examples abound.  

"In government, Vice President Kamala Harris -- the not-serious laughing pantsuit -- has been empowered to solve the invasion on our Southern border.  What has she done?  Since her appointment over ten months ago, she has visited the area exactly once.  Why?   Because the left doesn’t care. They don’t care if kids are killed, or girls are raped, or if killer drugs come across the border.   And if at least 50% of Americans abhor this invasion?  So what!  About sovereignty - and safety, Kamala doesn’t give a f**k. ". . .

Just how frail is Joe Biden?

 Andrea Widberg   "I must admit that I was very wrong about Biden. I thought he'd be out of office by June 2021 at the latest.  Instead, technically speaking, he's still in office.  But looking at a recent, very disturbing little video of Joe Biden being gently led away from the podium by his caretaker/wife, Mrs. Joe Biden, one has to wonder what kind of an empty shell of a man is helming what long was the most powerful nation in the world.

"Biden was pulled together enough to read a teleprompter speech in which he once again invoked the usefully dead Beau Biden to declare a new war on cancer.  (While I think it's a real tragedy that Beau, a father, died young from cancer, I've said for a while that, given how much Joe uses Beau for political effect and to shield himself from criticism, if Beau hadn't died, Biden would have had to kill him.)

"Once again, Biden did that weird whispering thing into the microphone.  I don't know what he thinks he's doing, but it's creepy:"

More at Just how frail is Joe Biden? - American Thinker


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Arab Times: Screw Palestine, we're with Israel

 [Palestinian Arabs] also hamper progress. President Trump fully understood that leaders in the Gulf states want to move on. His Abraham Accords got 5 Muslim nations to recognize Israel's right to exist. That brought the total to 7 in 75 years.

Don Surber: Arab Times: Screw Palestine, we're with Israel

"Ahmed Al-Jarallah, Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times, has had it with the Palestinians. He wrote a stinging column calling for cutting the Palestinians loose.

"His newspaper is in Kuwait. You know, the nation we saved in the Gulf War in 1991.

"He wrote, "Why are we the ones being insulted by the Palestinians?

"When they are happy, they curse the Gulf leaders and people. When they are angry, they use all of the defamatory and abusive words in their dictionary against us.

" 'We, the Gulf nationals, overlook all that by sending them aid. We also participated in all the Arab wars for defending the right of the Palestinians for self-determination and the establishment of an independent state on the 1967 borders."

"He then detailed 54 years of Arabs rescuing these losers.

"And for what, he asked.

"They are ingrates. They also hamper progress. President Trump fully understood that leaders in the Gulf states want to move on. His Abraham Accords got 5 Muslim nations to recognize Israel's right to exist. That brought the total to 7 in 75 years.". . .

And they produce children's TV such as this:

If Whoopi Read 'Maus,' She Wouldn't Have Stepped on a Rake with Her Abysmal Holocaust Remarks

After reading the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Spiegelman said he got the impression that the board members were asking, “Why can’t they teach a nicer Holocaust

Townhall   "The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg got torched when she said that the Holocaust wasn’t about race. She tried to water it down, saying it was more about our inhumanity toward each other. That’s historically illiterate drivel. Of course, it was about race. That was the ethos and the overall agenda of Nazi Germany. The creation of a dominating empire led by the white Aryan race. Wiping the Jewish people from the European continent was the first step. Killing all the Slavs was another action item as everything west of the Ural Mountains was to be deemed lebensraum (“living space”) for the new Aryan race. The absorption of Austria was critical for the greater union of German peoples or “Anschluss.” The Holocaust has become a subject bastardized by political correctness and ignorance. The emerging anti-Semitism among American liberals compounds the issue as they dominate institutions of learning." . . .


Who Will Follow Biden Into No Man’s Land?

 Conrad Black

The media cheerleaders are taking to the boats as Biden’s approval numbers sink.

"If Afghanistan was the worst disaster in American military history, not in terms of lives lost but of profound incompetence in planning and executing a vital military operation, last week must stand as the single greatest one-week showcase of political miscalculation in modern American history. 

"The administration had run on and propelled itself through its first year in office on the slogan “Build Back Better” and particularly on the multitrillion-dollar cornucopia of expanded money supply scattered among the favored causes of the Sanders Democrats. The Democrats’ most important legislative measures are the Freedom to Vote and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts to assure an almost indefinite Democratic hold on the federal government by banning voter identification rules (which are popular with all groups of voters), expanding mailed and harvested ballots, and restricting voter roll updates and signature validation. These measures passed their trial run when enacted in the swing states of the 2020 election generally by state governors and courts, and not the state legislatures as required by the Constitution, supposedly to encourage voting despite the COVID pandemic.

"The Democrats have also made it clear that they intend to impose no restraints at all on the influx of illegal aliens, who could total 6 to 8 million people for the current presidential term, whom the Democrats propose to permit to vote without becoming citizens (which, like much of this protracted attempted coup d’etat, is unconstitutional, if anyone still cares).". . .

'I voted for you, and I feel disappointed right now': Mother of woman, 19, killed by drunk illegal immigrant criticizes Biden and demands to know why his Homeland Security stopped his deportation

Rhonda Exum, mother of a 19-year-old woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run in 2020, said she is 'disappointed' with the Biden administration's new policies that will see her daughter's alleged killer stay in the country

 UK Daily Mail Online    "The mother of a 19-year-old who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run said she is 'disappointed' with the Biden administration's new policies that will see her daughter's alleged killer stay in the country despite being in the U.S. illegally.

" 'My message is, look out for the American people first,' Rhonda Exum told Fox News during a panel of victims of crime by illegal immigrants when asked what she would tell Biden's team when it comes to border policies.

".'Truth be told, this was literally my first time voting and I voted for you, and I feel disappointed right now,' Exum added.

"Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was driving drunk in November 2020 when he caused a car crash in Texas, killing 19-year-old Adrienne Sophia. The accused tried to flee the scene but was caught by police.

"While the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initially wanted authorities to deport Fuerte-Padilla after Texas issued its punishment, the federal agency changed its mind because the individual does not qualify for priority deportation under Mayorkas' new rules issued in September 2021 to try and lower the number of removals.". . .