Thursday, February 3, 2022

Biden Won't Deport Illegal Immigrant Career Criminal Who Covered Union Station in Swastikas


"In President Biden's America and Mayor Bowser's Washington, career criminals are increasingly emboldened to continue their lawlessness. Slaps on the wrist show criminals that crime actually does pay. A prime example is playing out just blocks away from the U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings at D.C.'s Union Station where someone defaced the columns along the entrance to the transit hub with large swastikas scrawled across the pillars and facade.". . .
. . ."The trend of leniency continued after Pando's most recent arrest for defacing Union Station because, as The Examiner reported, "Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not attempt to take him into federal custody after his Union Station arrest so that he could face deportation proceedings in court." Instead, Pando will be allowed to stay in the United States as a result of the guidelines set by the Biden administration:". . .
And despite a pile of initial stories mainstream outlets on the disgusting vandalism, and rightfully so, it seems unlikely that the major networks and mainstream media will be doing follow-up pieces on the suspect's identity and reams of prior crimes, not to mention his previous deportations or the Biden administration's decision to continue allowing this criminal to stay in the United States. 

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