Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Transgender Movement is A Modern-Day Castration Cult

 Issues & Insights

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” — George Orwell

"As a psychologist, I was invariably sympathetic with individuals who had gender dysphoria and/or became transgender, even though the latter was distasteful to me. However, in recent years I have become deeply antagonistic towards such persons, principally because they have targeted children for chemical and physical mutilation. I now consider myself — proudly — to be transphobic. And I have no problems in saying so publicly.

"And you should, too.

"As a rule, when someone gets accused of something that liberals don’t like the automatic reaction is to deny the accusation. I, however, have no problem in owning the label of “transphobic.”

"The present-day transgender movement can best be understood as simply being one of those castration cults that crop up in history from time to time (some may argue that it is not truly a castration cult since girls are taking part, but the basic principle of genital mutilation applies). The movement began with a minor celebrity in America announcing that he had transitioned into a female identity and the subsequently coordinated torrent of adulation from the media that followed.

"The popular media’s reaction was very effusive in its approval and of long duration. The clamor was such that he was suddenly awarded the Social Media Queen award, was named one of Glamour’s 25 Glamour Women of the Year, one of 2015 Entertainers of the Year, Barbara Walter’s Most Fascinating Person of 2015, was listed in Time 100, was put in the Vanity Fair and Sports Illustrated covers (both very photoshopped), and given the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. “For being courageous! So very courageous! I’m so inspired by how courageous he/she/it is! Aren’t you?'”. . .

When will @Scott_Wiener & @GavinNewsom admit that this was a mistake? How many more women need to be raped in California prisons by men who should have never been there? How many babies born to incarcerated mothers before you hear their cries? #StopSB132

The Left Tries Again to Crush the McCloskeys

 If they can't disarm us, they will make us regret the day we defended ourselves.

Victoria Taft

"They’re back for the McCloskeys.

"The St. Louis couple came into prominence during the riotous and fiery “Summer of Love” of 2020 when a BLM mob broke a gate down to get into a secure neighborhood to hunt down the mayor.

"Mark and Patricia McCloskey, both attorneys, saw the mob break down the gate, armed themselves, and came out to their front yard to keep the mob away from their home. The mob stayed peaceful. The couple has been considered public enemy number one ever since that June 28, 2020 incident.

"The McCloskey’s biggest offense appears to be timing and their color, as Axios reveals in their first, top-line description of the couple as “two white attorneys who made global headlines in 2020 when they pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters …” Another Axios headline at the time referred to the “white couple” pointing guns at protesters. Patricia McCloskey’s striped shirt even became a target for the mob.

"The local George Soros/Big Tech-purchased DA, Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, upon taking office in 2016, “went right to work” letting out all kinds of crooks, thugs, and criminals from jail, ending cash bail, and failing to prosecute crimes. But in 2020, the McCloskeys were front and center. Gardner found the book in the dustbin and commenced throwing it at them.

"Gardner and her crooked office were taken off the case when a judge ruled she’d fundraised on the prosecution, making it appear that she’d “initiated a criminal prosecution for political purposes,” which, of course, she did. She appealed and yet failed to convince two higher courts, including the state Supreme Court, that she didn’t have a political vendetta and that her motives were just and pure. Yet so tainted was Gardner’s office that a special prosecutor was named to cut her out of the picture entirely.". . .

Troy Nehls says the U.S. Capitol Police entered his office and took photos of confidential information. An inspector general will investigate.


Politico   "What happened: Freshman Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) made the fiery accusation Tuesday that the U.S. Capitol Police entered his office and took photos of a confidential legislative proposal. The congressman said the USCP then launched a full-scale investigation against him.

"The timeline: Nehls said they snapped pictures of a draft legislative proposal that would have ensured body armor quality for law enforcement officers. He said Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger indicated they were investigating a "veiled threat" against the congressman, but Nehls said he was never warned of such a risk.

"After communicating with Chief Manger, it became clear that my office was under investigation and surveillance by [Capitol Police]. We were the ‘threat.’ If Capitol Police had spent this much time investigating January 6th as they did investigating my private legislative materials, January 6th would not have happened.”  — Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas)

 "Next steps: Nehls said he asked the Capitol Police inspector general to look into the matter and they accepted.". . .

 . . ." The Capitol Police, without naming Nehls, denied his allegation: Chief Thomas Manger said it's policy that if officers see a lawmaker's office is open without anyone inside, they are "directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious.". . .

"A spokesperson for the Capitol Police denied any disguises were worn by the officers, saying they had "plain clothes that were appropriate for the weather" and "none had vests or hard hats or anything like that.'". . .

The Capitol Police have been fully weaponized against Republicans - American Thinker

One of the things we learned during the Trump years is that the employees in the various federal agencies were so loyal to the Democrat party that nothing would sway them.  Is the same true for the Capitol Police?  Once Nancy Pelosi is no longer calling the shots, will they begin to do their job policing the Capitol, or will they continue to act as partisans who believe that their mission is to ensure that Washington, D.C. is a one-party town, no matter what the American voters want? 

 GOP Rep Says Capitol Police Entered His Office And Took Photos Of Confidential Documents… | Weasel Zippers

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

'IQ of a Garden Pest': Senator Kennedy Blasts Biden's Crack Pipe Giveaway

 Every single day reality calls and the Biden administration just hangs up," Sen. Kennedy added. 

'IQ of a Garden Pest': Senator Kennedy Blasts Biden's Crack Pipe Giveaway (

"As Townhall reported yesterday, the Biden administration — with taxpayer funding from the American Rescue Plan — is funding grants that can be used to provide clean crack pipes under the guise of the president's "equity" agenda. 
The plan is, of course, nonsense given the rising number of overdose deaths claiming lives in the United States, a problem compounded by President Biden's open border and soft-on-crime policies. As only he can, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) offered his thoughts on the mind-numbingly absurd program and hints that the Biden administration might approve so-called "safe injection sites" for drug use.
"There almost aren't words in English," Senator Kennedy said of the White House's recent policies on drug use and crime, "the Biden administration just keeps on rockin' it in the free world. Every single day reality calls and the Biden administration just hangs up," Sen. Kennedy added.". . .
 "Why has crime gone up?" Kennedy asked Biden rhetorically. "I know it's complicated but I'll tell you a big reason: Wokeism now runs in the democratic family — it practically gallops. Most, not all but most, of our large urban areas are run by woke Democrats, and wokers believe that the criminal is a victim," Kennedy explained. "Wokers believe that when a criminal commits a crime, it's not the criminals fault, it's the fault of an unfair world. And Wokers believe that punishment and prisons and cops just make things worse — and the American people don't believe that."

Pictured: Hunter and his meth pipe. 

Photo of Hunter Biden Smoking Crack Released from
Abandoned Laptop (

Female High School Track Star Says We Must Preserve and Protect Women’s Sports

 College Insurrection

"Ainsley Erzen [a bona fide female] is a high school student in Iowa and an award winning athlete.

"She writes at the Des Moines Register:

Opinion: Iowa girls are relying on Athletic Union to preserve girls sports

To the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union,

"My name is Ainsley Erzen, and I’m writing to you concerning comments in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that the union needs guidance regarding transgender athletes in sports.

"This summer, I won the girls 800-meter high school national championship in track, and broke the Iowa state record. It was such an honor to represent my state as the first Iowa female high school runner to win a national track title, and so humbling to have my name listed among such talented women as Shelby Houlihan and Joy Ripslinger. I believe this is a prime example of some of my most core beliefs: that if you work hard and put your faith in the Lord, He can, and will, accomplish things within you that you could never even dream of on your own.

"That being said, my time of 2:06.52, the time that made me the fastest Iowa high school female 800 runner of all time, the time that earned me the title of national champion, was easily beat by 85 high school boys at the 2021 Iowa high school state track meet alone. Eighty-five. Just in our small state of Iowa. The results of the 2021 Drake Relays proved to be no different, as the last male runner came through the line in a time of 2:03. That same year, a time of 2:13 was enough to make me the 800-meter Drake champion. The slowest boy was easily 10 seconds faster than the first-place girl. But I don’t need to explain this to you. Iowa track officials already know there are huge biological differences between boys and girls. Why else would the 2021 girls blue standard (the automatic qualifying time for the Drake Relays) have been 2:16, while the boys was set 20 seconds faster, at 1:56?" . . .  Read the whole thing.

Trudeau branded protesters in Ottawa as a 'few people shouting and waving swastikas'


The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Canada pushes back against GOP support for COVID protests | Daily Mail  A lawmaker from Justin Trudeau's own party resigned Tuesday after accusing the prime minister of dividing the people of Canada, saying the federal government's pandemic response has become 'politicized' and 'divisive.' 

. . ."Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed the demonstrators are being treated like terrorists. 

" 'This is a peaceful, political protest. No one has shown any evidence to the contrary. It's not a drug trafficking or human trafficking operation. It's not Al Qaeda,' Carlson said on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight.

" 'These are Canadian citizens who drive trucks for a living, but they're being treated like a terror group.' 

"The truckers themselves have strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers,' he said. 

"Carlson added, 'GoFundMe announced it would redirect the $10 million raised by supporters of the truckers to charities of its choice, presumably BLM, which it has supported since the very beginning. In other words, GoFundMe planned to steal that money.'

AfterMath - Home (

Democrats Are Responsible for the War on Cops

 The violent crime, lawlessness, and looting we’re seeing across the country is the direct result of the policies of far-left politicians who have repeatedly peddled the lie that police officers and our criminal justice system are systematically racist. No amount of revisionist history can change that fact.

      They have pushed the idea that criminals are the victims.

The American Spectator    "A war on cops is brewing across the country, and the Democrat Party is directly responsible for aiding and abetting it. They can deny it all they want, but they have blood on their hands.

"Following George Floyd’s death in 2020, calls by Democrat politicians to defund or “reimagine” the police, in conjunction with soft-on-crime district attorneys, have led to a massive increase in homicides as well as an all-out assault on police officers.

"According to the National Fraternal Order of Police, 2021 was one of the deadliest years for police officers. A total of 346 officers were shot last year, resulting in 63 deaths, a 55 percent increase from 2020. The number of officers involved in ambush-style attacks ​also increased by 115 percent in 2021 compared to 2020. In total, 130 officers were shot in 103 ambush attacks last year.

"If the first month of 2022 is any indication, these trends show no sign of improving. At least 24 police officers were shot in January.

"Two NYPD officers, Jason Rivera, 22, and Wilbert Mora, 27, were killed in January when a deranged man fired at them with a stolen Glock 45 after they responded to a 911 call in Harlem.

"Just two days later, an officer was shot in Washington, D.C., and four days after that, three more officers were shot in Houston. Fortunately, none of those officers’ injuries appear to be life-threatening.". . .

Amid Crime Wave, Democrats Rally Around Left-wing San Francisco Prosecutor Chesa Boudin


"Democrats have rallied around controversial San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who is facing a recall election in June as crime continues to soar in the city and he continues to pursue radical reforms to policing and prosecution.

"Boudin, the son of a convicted member of the Weather Underground terrorist group, was elected in 2019 on promises to pursue criminal justice reform, including a pledge to stop prosecuting “quality of life” crimes such as public urination.

"He immediately caused controversy by firing experienced anti-gang prosecutors and dropping charges against a man who attacked police. His policies became more controversial as crimes, including mass looting, continued to spread in the city.

"When left-wing Mayor London Breed, who initially backed the “Defund the Police” movement, changed her mind and called for a state of emergency in the drug-infested Tenderloin district, Boudin spoke out in opposition to her plan. “Arresting people who are addicted to drugs, jailing people who have mental health struggles, putting folks who are vending hot dogs or other food on the streets in cages will not solve these problems, and they are certainly not the only tools available,” he said. " . . . 

CNN Crybabies Host ‘Shiva,’ Suffer Mental Health Crises Over Zucker Exit


"The internal fallout over disgraced CNN chief Jeff Zucker’s resignation last week once again reveals just how awful everyone is at that far-left outlet. You want to talk about a bunch of entitled, spoiled, neurotic, and emotionally brittle crybabies, get a load of this — this is what is known as “baring your ass:”

"Jake Tapper:    Tapper “hosted a shiva-like get-together … for bereaved colleagues” at his home in Washington, Puck News reported. So, is Jeff Zucker dead? Kind of sounds like it, but no. He just got fired.

A “shiva” is a period of mourning for someone who has died!

"Don Lemon:  “It’s been a really tough day today and a tough few days for us here at CNN. All week, really. I didn’t want to talk about it until tonight. The truth is that we are all heartbroken because we lose our leader here. We lost a man who was the backbone, the glue, and the spirit of this company. The man I personally credit with changing my life. He is the reason you have a gay, black man with two hours of primetime. A show with my name on it. The only anchor of color on primetime news. It has been hard to come into work this week. Not only for me, but for so many of us at CNN…. So, thank you, Jeff Zucker, for everything you did for everyone at this network and for what you did to the entire country — for the entire country.”. . .

"Camerota yet again:   “I think that what you’re hearing, and what we’re all experiencing, is just a huge shockwave to all of our mental health.”. . .

"Camerota yet again:   “I think that what you’re hearing, and what we’re all experiencing, is just a huge shockwave to all of our mental health.”. . .

Hospital Denies Hispanic Man Life-Saving COVID19 Medicine Because He Checked 'White' On Form


"After years of turning blind eyes to healthcare rationing within the collectivist systems of the UK and Canada, many Americans now are seeing, firsthand and in the news, how government control of medicine sees bureaucrats and politicians decide the “haves” and “have nots.”

"In the case of Phoenix, AZ, resident Michael Myers, the confrontation with this reality could have cost him his life, and reveals one of the arbitrary, politically-driven ways in which the US system is starting to operate.

"Keep in mind, the ethical, constitutional, and economic points do not center on the “manner” by which the government-claimed resources are divvied out, but that the government claims the resources and the power to divvy them at all. To begin arguing about the criteria under which an immoral system is run is to accept the immoral premise of the system…

"As Corinne Murdock reports for AZFreeNews:

Michael Myers explained that he made the mistake of marking his race as ‘white’ on medical intake paperwork rather than ‘Hispanic’ — in part due to his complexion, mixed with the fact that he was raised to not think of himself as Hispanic. 

‘Had I put that I was Hispanic they probably would’ve gave [the monoclonal antibodies] to me,’ said Myers. ‘I lost four days [of treatment] getting sicker and sicker. I put down ‘white’ even though I was sicker than a dog.’

Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this

Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this - YouTube    Via Revolver

  allan lansdowne  Never disrespect a trucker because they are the backbone of any country. Food, goods and services travel everyday by the trucking industry. Truckers can make a country shut down. Treat them with respect.

School Board Members Try To Walk Out On Bosnian Immigrant Warning Against Tyranny; He Continues To Standing Ovation

 The Daily Wire

"I'm telling you, if you do not stop complying, you will lose everything that you have. Stop complying."

"At least two school board members from a district in Illinois attempted to walk out on a Bosnian immigrant speaking against the district’s decision to keep in place a mask mandate for students and staff, despite a recent ruling from an Illinois circuit judge approving a temporary restraining order on the policy.

"The man, an immigrant from Bosnia, was speaking about his family’s experience fleeing genocide for America. While he was warning about creeping authoritarianism, which he said started with a clamp down on speech, video shows commotion among parents and the board.

"According to Daily Wire reporter Virginia Kruta, who has children in the district and attended the meeting; video evidence; and local reporting, two school board members got up to leave the meeting, allegedly to cut off the father and start a “closed session.” After parents erupted, the school board president reportedly told the board members to sit back down.". . .