Tuesday, February 8, 2022

School Board Members Try To Walk Out On Bosnian Immigrant Warning Against Tyranny; He Continues To Standing Ovation

 The Daily Wire

"I'm telling you, if you do not stop complying, you will lose everything that you have. Stop complying."

"At least two school board members from a district in Illinois attempted to walk out on a Bosnian immigrant speaking against the district’s decision to keep in place a mask mandate for students and staff, despite a recent ruling from an Illinois circuit judge approving a temporary restraining order on the policy.

"The man, an immigrant from Bosnia, was speaking about his family’s experience fleeing genocide for America. While he was warning about creeping authoritarianism, which he said started with a clamp down on speech, video shows commotion among parents and the board.

"According to Daily Wire reporter Virginia Kruta, who has children in the district and attended the meeting; video evidence; and local reporting, two school board members got up to leave the meeting, allegedly to cut off the father and start a “closed session.” After parents erupted, the school board president reportedly told the board members to sit back down.". . .

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