Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Trudeau branded protesters in Ottawa as a 'few people shouting and waving swastikas'


The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Canada pushes back against GOP support for COVID protests | Daily Mail  A lawmaker from Justin Trudeau's own party resigned Tuesday after accusing the prime minister of dividing the people of Canada, saying the federal government's pandemic response has become 'politicized' and 'divisive.' 

. . ."Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed the demonstrators are being treated like terrorists. 

" 'This is a peaceful, political protest. No one has shown any evidence to the contrary. It's not a drug trafficking or human trafficking operation. It's not Al Qaeda,' Carlson said on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight.

" 'These are Canadian citizens who drive trucks for a living, but they're being treated like a terror group.' 

"The truckers themselves have strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers,' he said. 

"Carlson added, 'GoFundMe announced it would redirect the $10 million raised by supporters of the truckers to charities of its choice, presumably BLM, which it has supported since the very beginning. In other words, GoFundMe planned to steal that money.'

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