Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Old Joe Biden Lies Yet Again, By Claiming He's 'Honorable'

  PJ Media

"Old Joe Biden is a lot of things. “Honorable” isn’t even close to being one of them."

"The least honorable president in American history had a softball interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Friday, in which he uttered one of the most outlandish lies of his entire life, which has been filled with his outlandish lies: “I think I’ve proven myself to be honorable, as well as effective.” As Matt Margolis noted Sunday, this was in the course of a paean of boasting from Old Joe Biden that included praise of his own wisdom and experience. But now Joe Biden would have us believe that he is honorable, too? Come on, man! This guy lies every time his lips move.

"The part about Old Joe being effective, however, was actually true. If Biden wanted to weaken America (politically, militarily, and economically), erase the Southern border, antagonize our friends as well as our enemies worldwide, and advance the Left’s socialist, authoritarian agenda at the expense of the American people, then he has indeed done a bang-up job. If, on the other hand, he is really as America-First as he has been pretending to be lately, now that the 2024 campaign season is approaching, then he has been a galloping disaster as president, and just the opposite of effective. It all depends on your point of view, you see, and since Old Joe’s administration is dedicated to calling opposing views “disinformation” and silencing them accordingly, pretty soon we will all have to agree that his presidency has been remarkably effective.

"But honorable? That Old Joe would even dare say this is staggering. The man is the most dedicated and relentless liar ever to occupy the Oval Office, and we’re talking here about a job that has been held by such skillful prevaricators as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Richard M. Nixon. Biden has lied throughout his political career and long before it even started: on Dec. 1, 1965, the faculty of the Syracuse College of Law published a report about Young Joe, stating that Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism." . . .

Evidence? What Evidence? Old Joe Biden Stands With Hunter: ‘My Son Has Done Nothing Wrong’

Bribery Probe May Sink Biden Reelection Bid -

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

His own party will force him out of the 2024 race if the whistleblower allegations are true.

. . ."House Republicans cannot decline to impeach Biden in the name of political expediency if they expect their party to survive 2024. Even better, the corporate Media won’t be able to bury the story. So, if Comer really has the goods on Biden, the Democrats will force Biden to resign for “health reasons” and Donald Trump will annihilate Kamala Harris in 2024.". . .

"When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) subpoenaed the FBI for documentation that may link President Biden to a bribery scheme perpetrated when he was Vice President, the White House response was oddly overwrought: “For going on 5 years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbing unfounded politically-motivated attacks against @POTUS without offering evidence for their claims.” This was a very strange charge to make concerning a mere subpoena for documents supporting the disclosures of a whistleblower.

"Comer’s subpoena gives FBI Director Christopher Wray until May 10 to produce the following: “All FD-1023 forms, including within any open, closed or restricted access case files, created or modified in June 2020, containing the term ‘Biden,’ including all accompanying attachments and documents to those FD-1023 forms.” This particular form is used by FBI agents to record statements made by informants and the specified date range suggests that Biden had been reported for taking bribes from a foreign national and that the file was “tidied up” right around the time he nailed down the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

"In addition to the subpoena, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Comer sent a joint letter to Wray and Attorney Gen. Merrick Garland taking them to task for sitting on the requested documents: “The DOJ and the FBI appear to have valuable, verifiable information that you have failed to disclose to the American people. Therefore, Congress will proceed to conduct an independent and objective review of this matter, free from those agencies’ influence.” The letter goes on to point out that the House Oversight Committee learned of the FD-1023 forms when a “highly credible unclassified whistleblower” disclosed their existence:". . .

Meanwhile, according to a Fox News report, Rep. Comer has advised the Justice Department to delay any Hunter Biden indictment until after his committee holds a press conference on May 10 when he will unveil previously unknown details surrounding the Biden family’s business dealings. During a Sunday morning appearance on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, Comer said, “My message to the Department of Justice is very loud and clear. Do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday.” Comer is concerned that the DOJ may attempt to give Hunter Biden a “slap on the wrist” before other revelations emerge:

Twenty Acres and Half a Mule?

  The American Catholic

News that I missed, courtesy of The Babylon Bee:

SAN JOSE, CA – Local half-white, half-black man Michael Preston has been ordered to pay himself reparations since half his ancestors were oppressed and half were oppressors.

“Wait — what?” he said after he received a letter from Governor Gavin Newsom’s office informing him he owed himself over $25,000. “Uh… OK? I guess?” He then went down to the bank and ordered a transfer to himself. He was a little short of the total amount so he made it in installments, sending himself several payments totaling the $25,000 amount he owes himself for his ancestors oppressing his other ancestors.

We’d like to thank Mr. Preston for atoning for the guilt of his ancestors,” said Governor Newsom. “Because of them, he has a unique place of privilege in life and has had a leg up on his fellow citizens, who are oppressed because of things that happened hundreds of years ago. Today, he has made that right. Well, until we ask for more reparations later. Frankly, it’s never going to stop.”

“We’d also like to congratulate Mr. Preston for receiving the reparations long overdue to his ancestors today,” said Governor Newsom. “Because of what happened to them, he is in a unique place of oppression in life and has never been able to get ahead of his fellow citizens, who are far more privileged than him because of things that happened hundreds of years ago. Today, that wrong has been righted. Well, until we send him more reparations later. Frankly, it’s never going to stop.”

Go here to receive the rest.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Democrats Are Holding Dress Rehearsals for More 'Summer of Love' Riots –

 These impressionable youths will shout canned phrases with no intelligent thought behind them and not an original thought. Their wearing apparel will announce what they feel is virtue signaling for their peers to respect. TD

PJ Media

"It’s always difficult to anticipate what new trickery the Democrats might concoct to sway any given election. They’re devious, after all, and it’s nigh on impossible for non-devious types to get in their heads.

"Another thing that’s important to ponder is which parts of their established playbook they might trot out. It’s a thick playbook, to be sure, and there’s a good chance that they’ll be throwing the whole thing at the GOP to keep President LOLEightyonemillion around well past his expiration date. The cabal running Biden’s brain is at this moment prepping for whichever nominee the Republicans eventually throw at them.

"Their candidates may be trainwrecks, but their game plan will be rock solid.

"Because the beating heart of the 21st century Democrats is communism, civil unrest is a favorite tool of theirs. It provides a lot of cover for a lot of what they would like to keep in the shadows.

"Many expect some sort of trouble in the streets to pop up next year just before the election. But what if they decide that more is better and want to kick things off this year? Maybe just give it a trial run.

"Kevin chronicled some of the responses to Jordan Neely’s death that are going on in New York:

Neely is the poster boy to kick off the 2023 riot season that the left is hungry to start. He is black, homeless, and mentally ill. Even more mouthwatering to the Marxists, he was killed by a white military veteran. . . .

E. Jean Carroll emerges grinning from civil court after jury found Trump DID sexually abuse her in Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s: Ex-President is cleared of rape but ordered to pay her $5m damages

  Daily Mail Online

. . ."Carroll bowed her head as the verdict in the battery allegation was read out. As the defamation verdict was read she bowed it again, nodding in agreement. Afterwards she stood up and shook hands with Trump's attorney Joe Tacopina.

In a fiery post to Trump's social media app Truth Social the former president wrote in all caps, 'I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS WOMAN IS. THIS VERDICT IS A DISGRACE - A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME!' He later posted, 'VERY UNFAIR TRIAL!'

Carroll left court beaming from ear to ear without making a statement to the media, but was heard saying to the crowd, 'We're very happy.'

Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct or assault by more than two dozen women, but this has so far been the only case to end up before a jury, casting another shadow over Trump's 2024 Presidential campaign."  


SEXUAL ABUSE: $ 2 million to compensate for her injuries

PUNITIVE DAMAGES: $300,000 to compensate for Trump's 'willfully negligent' disregard of Carroll's rights

DEFAMATION: $2.7million for damages and a reputation repair program 

TOTAL: $ 5 million 

We’re Taking Bets: How Long Before Environmentalists Start Attacking EVs?

  Issues & Insights (

The only solution, they will say, is that we give up private ownership of cars, move to “15-minute” cities, cram into public transportation — until they decide that these encumbrances aren’t sufficient to fight “climate change.”

"Today, you’re not allowed to say a bad word about electric cars. They’re planet savers, after all. Environmentalists tell us so. But there will come a day — in the not-too-distant future — when the climate change fanatics will decide that EVs are planet killers, too.

"We’ve seen this bait-and-switch tactic before.

"Back in 2007, energy producers pumped money into environmental groups to promote natural gas. The Sierra Club used the funds to mount a “Beyond Coal” campaign touting the benefits of gas. Joe Romm, a climate advocate at the Center for American Progress, declared that natural gas “may be the single biggest game changer for climate action in the next two decades.”

"Then came the fracking revolution, and the resulting abundance of natural gas caused power plants across the country to switch to gas from coal. Then environmentalists decided natural gas wasn’t so good after all. By 2015, they were at war with it. The motto for the Sierra Club’s new “Beyond Natural Gas” was “Dirty, Dangerous, and Run Amok.”

"Environmentalists tried to stop fracking, opposed new pipeline development, and then started pushing for bans on gas-fueled appliances.

"More than 70 cities in California alone have voted to ban natural gas hookups in new homes. New York became the first to impose a statewide ban. Sarah Fox, an associate law professor at Northern Illinois University School of Law, gleefully told CNN that this ban “is becoming a mainstream policy.”

"Soon it will be the auto industry’s turn.

" 'Just as natural gas producers before them, they are bear-hugging green groups and working arm-in-arm with government while promising to bring forth a magical electric car future.

"GM says it will be all-electric by 2035. (In the first quarter of this year, EVs accounted for a grand total of 3.4% of GM sales.) Ford aims to have electric vehicles make up half of its sales by 2030. Toyota says it will be “carbon neutral” by 2050." . . .

Say Hello To The EPA Motor Company, Say Goodbye To Freedom – Issues & Insights (

Crooked Joe Biden Gets Destroyed After Tweeting Massive LIE That Republicans Vote To Cut Veterans’ Benefits

 Not a Joke!

enVolve (

"I hear House Republicans out on TV saying they would never vote to cut veterans’ benefits. "In case there’s any confusion, I made a little chart that could help them out.". . .

. . . "This tweet is phony for two main reasons.

"First of all, the most obvious is that Joe Biden didn’t make this chart. Nobody believes Biden has the ability to make a chart like this with such smooth lines. It was his staffers who made this and tweeted it.

"Secondly, the premise of the chart is wrong. Republicans are not cutting veteran benefits and the logic in this chart doesn’t work". . .

WATCH: Joe Biden Once Boasted About Wanting to Cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans’ Benefits - Paste Magazine    "Joe Biden is the only 2020 Democrat to have supported the Balanced Budget Amendment. In a floor speech "...

Much more here...

McCarthy Is the Adult in the Room on Debt Ceiling Negotiations | RealClearPolitics "The Republican-led House is proving to be the adult in D.C. It is the only chamber in the 118th Congress that is getting things done, thanks to its 55th speaker, California Republican Kevin McCarthy, and his leadership team

"Talking heads in Washington underestimate Speaker McCarthy at their own peril. He is no stranger to pulling off what many thought was impossible, after going 15 rounds and enduring hours of cable news skepticism before being elected speaker. What are the secrets to his success?"

It’s always difficult to anticipate what new trickery the Democrats might concoct to sway any given election. They’re devious, after all, and it’s nigh on impossible for non-devious types to get in their heads.

Another thing that’s important to ponder is which parts of their established playbook they might trot out. It’s a thick playbook, to be sure, and there’s a good chance that they’ll be throwing the whole thing at the GOP to keep President LOLEightyonemillion around well past his expiration date. The cabal running Biden’s brain is at this moment prepping for whichever nominee the Republicans eventually throw at them.

Their candidates may be trainwrecks, but their game plan will be rock solid.

Why are White House staff afraid to let a Post reporter question Biden? (  "Not content with limiting President Joe Biden to a modern-record low of full press conferences, the White House staff on Monday banned The Post’s Steven Nelson from the prez’s only daytime public event — leaving around 20 of the venue’s 50 or so seats empty.

"Biden stomped out of a February presser on China in same room, griping “give me a break” about journalists’ failure to be “polite” after the Post reporter asked, “Is your ability to deal with China compromised by your family’s business relationships in China?”

"Last Friday, the prez refused to take press questions while claiming he had a “major press conference” that night; in fact it was a one-on-one interview on ultraliberal MSNBC.

"God is Trans' exhibit at NYC Catholic Church raises eyebrows

NY Post  "A new exhibit at a “very liberal” Manhattan church is raising some eyebrows for its religious take on gender identity.

"The “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey” display at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle has some parishioners scratching their heads — and seems to run counter to the Catholic Church’s stance on the transgender community.

"“The church should not be promoting this,” one irate parishioner told The Post. “I understand there are transgender people. I pray for all people but enough is enough.

"“It seems like they are trying to force the agenda on others,” they said. “Also, when a friend asked a priest about this they didn’t answer. You can’t put this out on the altar and then hide.

" 'That’s what gets the church in trouble.”

"The display by artist Adah Unachukwu is described as a queer spiritual journey in three steps: Sacrifice, Identity and Communion.

"According to the exhibit, Sacrifice represents the need to “shed an old life.” Identity is described as “the most impactful part” of the display, asking the question, ‘What does holiness look like?’

"Communion places “God and the mortal on the same plane.”

Bombshell News on Joe Biden Is Coming: ‘Do Not Indict Hunter Biden Before Wednesday,’ Says Comer –

 "Bombshell"? That's so MSNBC-ish; So Adam Schiff; so Democrat Judicial Committee; CNN.

PJ Media

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the Chair of the House Oversight Committee, is preparing to drop a major bombshell about Joe Biden. In fact, he’s so convinced that this evidence is consequential that he’s also spoken to the Department of Justice, advising them not to indict Hunter Biden until the Committee’s forthcoming announcement.". . .

               That would be the Biden, Democrat Department of Justice, right?

"According to Comer, committee members have been meticulously studying bank records and consulting with former associates and whistleblowers, and this bombshell evidence will be released on Wednesday.

“ 'My message to the Department of Justice is very loud and clear. Do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday,” Comer told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

“ 'When you have the opportunity to see the evidence that the House Oversight Committee will produce with respect to the web of LLCs, with respect to the number of adversarial countries that this family influence peddled in, and this is not just about the president’s son. This is about the entire Biden family, including the President of the United States. So we believe there are a whole lot of tips that the IRS and the DOJ don’t know about because we don’t believe they’ve done a whole lot of digging in this, and we have,” he said.

“ 'By all accounts from the media reports that we’re getting, what they’re looking at charging Hunter Biden on is a slap on the wrist. It’s a drop in the bucket,” he continued. “So Wednesday will be a very big day for the American people in getting the facts presented to them so that they can know the truth, and then the Department of Justice can finally do what they should have done years ago.' ”. . .

Biden’s Drag Queen Navy -


The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Harpy Daniels; like him or you're a hater

"Anheuser-Busch, the beer manufacturer, has suffered a huge self-inflicted wound by employing transgender “woman” Dylan Mulvaney as a brand ambassador for Bud Lite.

"Anheuser-Busch has put the female vice president of marketing who thought up the Mulvaney campaign on a presumably permanent leave of absence and fired the ad agency that helped her do it. Anheuser-Busch has reportedly lost about $6 billion in market value and as much as 20 percent of its market share.

"That loss of market share and the reduced revenue that accompany it have been enough to bring Anheuser-Busch back to reality and make the company remember that its primary mission is to brew good beer. Unfortunately for our national security, there are no market protections against President Joe Biden’s political agenda, which is destroying the readiness and lethality of our military. recruit new sailors, which we’ll get back to in a moment.

"Back in the olden days of the 1990s, the military had a culture unto itself, defined by patriotism, tradition, and pride. Young men and women join the military for any number of reasons. Some do it to satisfy family tradition. Some join simply out of patriotism. Some join to get a job or to get away from their family and friends. Some join to earn GI Bill benefits, which is the only way they can go to college.

"Anheuser-Busch’s transgender mess came late to the party. From October 2022 to March 2023, the U.S. Navy made an active-duty drag queen one of its “digital ambassadors” to help recruit new sailors, which we’ll get back to in a moment.". . .

The Navy appointed active-duty drag queen Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley to be one of its “digital ambassadors” last October in a program that ran through March. Kelley goes by the stage name "Harpy Daniels" and claims to be “non-binary.” He has reportedly performed his drag queen act aboard several ships.

  . . ."When people serve in the military, they have great pride in what they do. It may be something like what the special forces do, which nobody else can. It may take enormous skill like flying — or repairing — a fighter aircraft. The pride may simply be from being a part of something bigger than yourself.

"A lot of that pride was dashed to pieces because of Biden’s bugging out of Afghanistan, which cost 13 lives and left hundreds of Americans behind, along with about $7 billion in weapons. If you’re in the military, speaking out about that debacle and asking for accountability among the generals is a sure way to get into big trouble.". . .

Turning Point Action
While the U.S. is hiring drag queens to boost military recruitment Communist China is laughing at the free entertainment we’re providing for them while they grow and train their forces.

How do the British subjects like their new king?

 Christopher Monckton of Brenchley    "Here is an essay in pictures taken in the tent city that sprang up along the Mall that leads to Buckingham Palace the day before the coronation of King Charles III.  Some of the fans of constitutional monarchy had been there for days.  These pictures show people of all ages and from all walks of life.  Movingly, they show a nation at ease with itself and with its king, and with its sense of humor intact after the recent years of turmoil. [UPDATE: The American Thinker system purges images after six weeks. If the pictures for this post are gone, you can still find them here.]

"No British event would be complete without a tea party:"

Christopher, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is a British peer and a well known expert on climate change.  He is the author of some two dozen learned papers on climate sensitivity and mitigation economics.   Sort of a British John Kerry, one would surmise.