Sunday, July 14, 2024

AOC: part of the Congressional Democrat's brain trust

 AOC wants to impeach two Supreme Court justices - John Klar   . . ."Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has led the charge to impeach U.S. Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel J. Alito, Jr. on grounds of alleged failure to report gifts and for political views that AOC asserts compromise their ethical obligation toward impartiality.   In particular, AOC is enraged that Justice Thomas has questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 elections and the Democrat narrative regarding the events of January 6, 2021, and that Justice Alito’s wife passionately supported Donald Trump through the so-called insurrection and displayed flags AOC connects to extremism." . . .

"AOC, et al. seek to displace two justices for their (and their wives’) conservative political views so that the institution of the Court may be more fully weaponized solely for the advancement of social justice causes instead.  This is the declared intention of endorser Take Back the Court: . . ."

"AOC’s impeachment initiative is a politically motivated ploy timed to distract national attention from a floundering POTUS while virtue-signaling faux righteousness before the Cult-Party faithful.

"The Democrats lack a party majority in the House (necessary to pass the articles of impeachment to the Senate) and hold only a bare majority in the U.S. Senate (where the resolutions would require a two-thirds vote for conviction).  There is no way that these outrageous, anti-American resolutions will pass.

"AOC’s hypocrisy is plain: she attacks these justices for political views she claims are inappropriate to the Court while shamelessly advancing far more partisan one-party totalitarianism — always in the name of justice."

Trump Haters Immediately Flood Twitter With Sick New Hashtag - Pure Evil -The Western Journal

Who is Thomas Matthew Crooks? Not much is known at this time but a disturbing picture is starting to emerge - American Thinker. . ."Reuters reported that Crooks was a registered Republican according to state voter records, and that he had donated $15 to a left wing Democrat progressive group, The Progressive Turnout Project, in 2021, through the ActBlue Democrat donation platform. Interestingly, Crooks’ contribution to the leftist group was dated Jan. 20, 2021, the date of Biden’s inauguration, while he registered to vote as a Republican eight months later in September 2021." . . .

. . ."Interviewed on FOX News this morning at 3:30 AM ET, retired FBI agent Bobby Chacon commented about Crooks:

If we look at this as a suicide mission – he knew that he was going to be a martyr. .  . So what makes him so radicalized that he wants to become this martyr and kill Donald Trump? In my mind, the constant drum beat of comparing Trump to somebody like Adolf Hitler, when Hitler was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, would be something that would radicalize a young person. If any of us had the opportunity to go back to the 1930s and assassinate Adolf Hitler, we might do it."

But Crooks did indeed have friends:  Trump Haters Immediately Flood Twitter With Sick New Hashtag - Pure Evil -The Western Journal

I'm sure this lady watched MSNBC and "The View". One supposes she also has a Hamas scarf and hates Israel.

Who really tried to assassinate President Donald J. Trump? - by Lynne Lechter . . ."Where is a bit of [Amal Clooney's] empathy for the Bibas children who are being held hostage to this day by Hamas terrorists?  Nowhere. Clooney has proved to be a pretty face.

"Then there are the Jewish voters of which I am one. The choice is obvious.


"Trump moved the Embassy of the United States in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He also reversed Obama’s odious proclamation that no Jew born in Jerusalem was Jewish!  Now all Jews born there are!
"The choice is obvious. Our leader showed incredible courage under grave pressure. Trump is the consummate fighter. And he has pledged to fight this attack."

Don Jr. Blames Biden’s Rhetoric For His Dad’s Shooting: ‘Don’t Tell Me They Didn’t Know Exactly What They Were Doing’ (

Don't tell me they didn't know exactly what they were doing with this crap. Calling my dad a "dictator" and a "threat to Democracy" wasn't some one off comment. It has been the *MAIN MESSAGE* of the Biden-Kamala campaign and Democrats across the country!!!

Watch: President Biden's full speech at Independence Hall - CBS Philadelphia (

Watch this speech where Biden divides America into two factions, one being "MAGA" Republicans. He wants you to feel the same anger towards Republicans as he demonstrates in his facial expressions. TD

 WATCH: Biden warns Trump and his allies are a threat to the ‘foundations of our Republic’ | PBS News  "At a Democratic fundraiser last week, Biden likened the “MAGA philosophy” to “semi-fascism.' ”

Screen Shot: Biden's Secret Service Director's Profile Says It All - Diversity

 Daily Express US (

"Cernovich's post drew plenty of comments that mocked Cheatle's PepsiCo years, but a few hit on the real problem -- the leftist idea that "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" -- DEI in short -- is a substitute for competence when it counts. Another DEI hire."

"Diversity" isn't looking so good these days -- not when it comes to the Secret Service.

"But Secret Service Director Kimberly A. Cheatle apparently considers it a virtue important enough to be mentioned in the very first paragraph of her professional biography.

"In the aftermath of Saturday's very nearly successful attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, it's looking more like a disgrace.

"Cheatle's profile on the Secret Service website says it all:

"She is responsible for successfully executing the agency’s integrated mission of protection and investigations by leading a diverse workforce composed of more than 7,800 Special Agents, Uniformed Division Officers, Technical Law Enforcement Officers, and Administrative, Professional, and Technical personnel."

"The word "diverse" isn't bold in the original, but it might as well be. The only reason a woman who oversees an agency that should be dedicated to preserving the lives of presidents and would-be presidents would even mention the makeup of her staff with a term that connotes racial and sexual "identities" -- and do it in the second sentence of her bio -- is that she considers it vital in the United States of 2024.

"Conservative commentator Mike Cernovic drew attention to the document in a post on the social media platform X on Saturday night.

"Director of Secret Service

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 14, 2024

The Trump Gunman Fired the Rifle, the Left Loaded the Gun

 Jim Thompson – RedState

"Then J6 happened. Although the mob was removed from the Capitol with the vote to confirm completed within hours, those few hours of mayhem convinced a vast cohort of the crazy left that “democracy had been on the brink.” Transfer of power and democracy were never in danger, but the cult of the deranged had formed."

"Before the ink was dry on the gunman’s fingerprint sheet, the elected Sheriff of Pima County, Clarence Dupink, passionately proclaimed that “political vitriol” was “absolutely to blame” for the shooting. By early afternoon, Jared Loughner had been identified as the shooter – and identified as white and male. These two latter facts apparently were enough to get the yellow journalism machine in full throttle as Loughner was instantly labeled a neo-Nazi and white supremacist. Then Loughner was a Tea Party guy, an ultra “right” guy, a veteran. None of it was true.   

"The “person of interest” the media was hunting was a cab driver, and Giffords wasn’t dead – Facts were intruding on the myth, but true believers were too red-faced with hate to bother with facts. Yellow journalists went into overdrive.  

"By late afternoon of the shooting, the kooks on MSNBC were exploding with insults – all aimed at the right. The HuffPo and the DailyKosers were ranting about violence and, at the same time wishing death to conservatives. Twitter lit up like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. The theme was the same: The shooter, they wailed, was provoked by the “right.” Sarah Palin and her “target map” showing congressional districts Republicans wanted to flip. They wailed that Palin had incited the killer. Broadcast media was soon showing the soon-to-be-famous Palin “target map” as Exhibit A. Giffords' district was on that map, so, ipso facto, Palin had put the gun in the assassin's hand.  

"They concluded Palin’s rhetoric generally and her target map specifically caused Loughner to turn to mass murder. By nightfall, the torches were lit, and the pitchforks were out. The mob was collectively screaming for blood; the mob wanted Palin’s head on a pike. By the next day, facts had gotten in the way. 

"Loughner wasn’t a white supremacist. He wasn’t a foot soldier in a conspiracy; he wasn’t a “right-wing kook”; he wasn’t a vet. He was simply – a kook. Loughner was described by acquaintances as strikingly anti-social. He was often seen talking to himself, and when he spoke to others, he made little sense. He didn’t watch TV and didn’t listen to talk radio. The types of books he favored were written by Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx. He wasn’t part of the “Tea Party” or any party or group for that matter.  Loughner was a drifter, a loser, a nihilist, and crazy person.  

"No one needed a degree in psychology to determine that Loughner wasn’t a political assassin — he was just nutty as a fruitcake. Loughner attended Giffords events three years before his rampage and apparently didn’t get the attention from Giffords he thought he deserved and started a slow boil. He held a personal grudge, and on January 8, 2011, he acted on it. This rebuff occurred three years before he pulled a gun and shot 19 people. It predated Palin and her target map. It predated Arizona’s SB 1070 and predated Obama. This information, coupled with his disinterest in TV, cable news, or talk radio (and adding his mental illness to the mix) would lead anyone with the IQ of a gnat to the conclusion that Loughner’s rampage had no link to political rhetoric, political imagery or current events. " . . . 

Opinion | Yes, it’s okay to compare Trump to Hitler. Don’t let me stop you. - The Washington Post

Kamala Harris calls Trump a politician who ‘incites hate.’ - The New York Times (   . . ."“Someone who vilifies immigrants, who promotes xenophobia, who stokes hate and who incites fear should never again have the chance to stand behind a microphone,” Ms. Harris said. “And never again have the chance to stand behind the seal of the president of the United States of America.”
"During the pandemic, Mr. Trump often referred to Covid-19 as the “China virus” or the “Kung Flu,” angering Asian Americans who said he was being racist.
"The Biden campaign has been battling to turn the nation’s attention back toward Mr. Trump after the president’s poor debate performance caused panic among some Democrats who worry he is too old to win re-election. Polls show that a majority of Democratic voters now want Mr. Biden to drop out of the race." . . .

Corey Comperatore, former firefighter killed at Trump rally, is hailed as a ‘hero’ for shielding family (   "A man killed at a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania Saturday has been identified as 50-year-old former firefighter Corey Comperatore, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro announced Sunday.

Comperatore was an avid supporter of Trump and excited to be at Trump's rally Saturday in Butler, Shapiro said. He was there with his wife and two daughters and dove over them to protect them when gunshots were heard in the crowd.

"Corey died a hero," Shapiro said.

"Shapiro described Comperatore as a "girl dad" who went to church every Sunday and loved his family and community." . . .

Rantz: After failed Donald Trump assassination attempt, will you stop claiming he’s Hitler?

 Trump assassination attempt after gross 'democracy in peril' claims

Fearmongering and demonizing opponents might win elections, or even given MSNBC some ratings, but it comes at the cost of social cohesion and public safety.

"The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is a chilling reminder of how far political rhetoric has strayed from civility and reason. Even before we get the details about who is behind the attempted assassination, we can’t be shocked that it’s gotten to this point given what Trump has endured.

"For years, Democrat opponents of Trump have resorted to extreme language, labeling him as “Hitler”, “a fascist,” or an “existential threat to democracy.” Democrats claim women will live as if they’re in “A Handmaid’s Tale” under Trump. Others scream that Trump in office endangers us all — that he will become a tyrant and we’ll never have elections again.

"Such hyperbolic accusations have always been unproductive. Now, Trump is lucky to have lived through the consequences of the dangerously inflammatory language from too many. As he’s on a campaign trajectory to be elected president, it’s worth asking those responsible for the nastiest claims about Trump: is this worth the demonizing?

"More from Jason RantzPramila Jayapal’s dangerous rhetoric could incite violence 

Will those who demonize Donald Trump change their tune after an assassination attempt?

"After the attempted assassination, Democrats that have engaged in the very hyperbolic language demonizing Trump put out statements condemning political violence. But you can’t keep calling someone Hitler or an existential threat to democracy and then just merely say political violence is unacceptable.

"Seattle Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Seattle) said she is “horrified” by the unacceptable political violence. Yet she’s told her angry, aggressive progressive base to “take to the streets” to “fight tooth and nail” against a Supreme Court she said was a “direct threat to our rights and our democracy.” Similarly, Governor Jay Inslee said political violence is unacceptable (while not mentioning Donald Trump by name), yet just days ago posted on X that Trump is a “threat to the basic functioning of democracy.” . . .

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Preparing Trump to be an assassin's victim

 Reasons for assassins to attack Trump

Why Do Liberals Hate Trump So Much? (  "But first. Do they hate him because the average price of a gallon of gas in his administration was far lower than under Biden? Is it because inflation was low (around 2%) and trending downward? Is it that the USA was energy independent and didn’t need to beg our enemies for oil, deplete our strategic oil reserve or sell it to China? Is it because black and Hispanic unemployment was lower than at any time in history? Is it because Trump forced China into a fairer trade agreement, got a strong trade deal with Japan, and a solid peace in the Middle East?

Are these the reasons (more in a subsequent article) that the Left despises Trump so much?

"These reasons may be symptoms, but don’t touch the main issue. If you ask a liberal why they hate DJT so much, they aren’t going to say, “Well, because gas prices and inflation were manageable, minority unemployment was at record low levels, America was energy independent” etc., etc. Those aren’t the answers you are going to receive. More likely, they might mention something about his “mean, hateful tweets” or maybe opposition to their Green God. Mr. Liberal, are you better off now than you were four years ago? “Trump is a Nazi racist!” Are you paying less for gasoline, groceries, and heating oil? “He is an insurrectionist and dictator!” I truly doubt any of them will respond, “I hate Trump because we now have to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil.” I’ve just a hunch you’ll get a different reply." . . .

‘Trump is a threat to this nation’: Biden rips into former president

Whoopi Goldberg Says ‘Dictator’ Trump Will Round Up Journalists, Gays;

Sorry about this video: The View: Whoopi Goldberg says Trump will put people in camps if he’s elected President again.

Stephen Colbert: The Hall Of Presidents After Trump's Conviction

Joy Behar tells how bad Trump will be

Joy Behar believes Trump will take ‘The View’ off the air if he becomes president

Biden: This Is What Trump Will Do If He Loses The Election

Rep. Maxine Waters: I will 'take Trump out'

Maxine Waters: Donald Trump Is 'The Most Deplorable Person I Have Met' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden has warned Americans about going back to the “chaos” of having Donald Trump as president.

UPDATED below: Why the anger when they know this is not true? It has to be more than any abortion ban! Fake anger over a fake story is beyond disgusting!

Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president's rally

 Latest news (

"Donald Trump has been rushed off the stage after gunshots were heard as he addressed a crowd at a rally in Pennsylvania.

"Secret Service agents dashed up to the former president and quickly removed him from the stage in Butler.

"Mr Trump could be seen ducking for cover behind the lectern.

"The former president was then driven quickly from the scene in an armoured vehicle.

"This is a breaking news story – 

TD anxiously awaits hearing from the ladies of "The View", MSNBC, including Joy Behar, and everyone else there including Joe Scarborough. I expect their expressions of regret will be qualified with phrases such as "No matter what we may think of Trump"..."Love him or hate him"... It will be hard not to picture Joe Biden's clenched teeth and narrowed eyes at Trump. I in no way connect Joe Biden with the shooting, but simply the atmosphere and the vibe among the American left. We see the same evil on college campuses directed toward Jews and the same hate in those tearing down Israeli hostage posters. 

One recalls Maxine Waters and her telling people to confront anyone they see in restaurants and stores they are not welcome. Evil is so very accessible to all.  TD

Trump Shot at Pennsylvania Campaign Rally: Live Updates (

The left will blame this on Trump and tell us this won't happen with Biden.

Riley Gaines Swims From Alcatraz to Shore With Vets, Gives Keith Olbermann a New Beatdown on Swimwear

What produces people like Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough, Joys Reid and Behar, and the rude, over-talking Wolf Blitzer, to name just a few?  TD

 Jim Thompson – RedState  "Riley Gaines has championed women’s sports and, in the process, she has been vilified and attacked by leftists. Her “crime” being her advocacy for women. Actual women. Women without Adam's Apples. Women competing against other women. Women born women.  

"Because she’s done that and, I think, because she is a Christian who is open about her faith, she’s been attacked. Gaines took a path to advocate for women even when she was competing in college. When she stopped swimming competitively, she continued to use her celebrity to push for fairness in women’s sports. Gaines hosts the "Gaines for Girls" podcast on OutKick,
where she discusses women's sports and advocates for biological women and Title IX.

"On Friday, Riley Gaines made the 1.25-mile swim from Alcatraz to shore and she did it with a bunch of manly men. Gaines described her swim mates on X as a bunch of combat vets and Navy SEALs, no doubt all retired. There is zero chance that active-duty SEALs would be allowed to make the swim with Gaines. Gaines posted a bunch of photos of the fun day with her new buddies." . . . 
Gaines has been in a running, social media battle with one of X’s most absurd personalities, Keth Olbermann. It is not much of a battle - more like a consistent beatdown. Gaines made the swim with real men and challenged Keith to make the swim, just not in a Speedo: . . .
. . ."Olbermann is a pathetic man-child who holds onto his fading relevance, even when it means he gets rhetorically beaten by a women. The former sportscaster and the subject of one of the funniest SNL bits in history won't take Gaines up on the mocking challenge. Olbermann is a consistently angry baby who has targeted Gaines on X, and each time, Olbermann embarrasses himself. With each insult, he ends up getting sent to the corner by Gaines." . . .

. . ."It's as though some government agents in shiny suits, porkpie hats, and sunglasses were showing up at some of these social media companies and telling them, "Nice little social media site you have there. It would be a shame if anything... happened to it." That's not literally what's happening, of course - but it sure as hell is figuratively what's going on. As evidence, we can note, as Jonathan Turley points out, that Democrats have been opposing any effort to look into these censorship efforts. Remember when Democrats used to claim to be in favor of free speech? No longer, it seems." . . .

While the Press Slobber Over Biden's 'Comeback,' Western Diplomats Are Horrified and Turning to Trump

 Bonchie – RedState

"So is Biden's campaign saved? In the eyes of the press, perhaps, but in the eyes of Western diplomats who choose to still believe their eyes and ears, not so much." 

"If you're a conservative or any style of Republican, you've long known how shameless the mainstream press is. Still, the shamelessness with which the current about-face on Joe Biden's health is occurring is truly next-level. As we'll get to, though, not everyone is buying the "comeback" narrative. 

"It was fun while it lasted, I suppose. For about two weeks, the press came down with a case of honesty and reported on Biden's ailing condition. The leaks came hard and fast, and even some long-time sycophants in the media expressed a realization of reality. 

"That all changed on Thursday after Biden's "big boy" press conference, and it wasn't because the president performed well. On the contrary, he confused Kamala Harris with Donald Trump while rambling aimlessly in the face of an onslaught of softball questions from a curated list of reporters. Things got so bad that Karine Jean-Pierre stood up and tried to end the presser before Biden overrode her and attempted to answer another question." . . .

Another senior European diplomat in D.C. said colleagues have been busy reaching out to those who are likely to join the Trump team for months — setting up meetings, attending the same events, and inviting Trump’s allies to dinner.

Asked if there’s any pressure back home not to do this due to Trump’s polarizing image, one diplomat said: “No. We would be failing our duty if we were not trying to build connections with his people now.”

RELATED: Biden in Michigan Forgets Names, Rambles Incoherently, and Gets Heckled By Protesters

The Dems publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud; It must be the people. These traitors must be voted out of office or all is lost.

 Patricia McCarthy - American Thinker

"It was the left which opposed the Civil Rights laws of 1965; they were passed by a Republican majority.  It was Joe Biden who relished humiliating the great Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings.  Democrats cannot abide black conservatives.  Joe Biden was among the worst."
Dark Angel

"On Wednesday, the SAVE Act, Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, was passed by the House despite that fact that 198 Democrats voted against it. 

"The bill would require proof of citizenship to register to vote; it would prevent illegal residents from voting. 

"The Democrats have long made clear their support of the open border, the unlimited importation of ten to fifteen million migrants, from around 170 countries. 

"They are flooding the country with millions of immigrants, dispersing them throughout the nation, in order to boost their representation in Congress where needed.  While they don't need the migrants to vote to get that benefit, they confidently assume these millions of migrants will vote for Democrats, the party that is transferring billions of dollars of taxpayer money to them; money to feed, shelter, transport and sustain them.

"Of course, they will vote Democrat!  How blatant can they be? 

"Election fraud is their game and they’re good at it.  They’ve been doing it for decades.  They are just getting more brazen.  Refusing to vote for this bill is an overt dismissal of the Constitution and the intentional invalidation of American election integrity. 

"The reason for their 'no' votes?  They claim that no such law is needed because it is already illegal for foreigners to vote in our elections.  Well, of course it is, but it is not at all enforced as the numerous investigations of the 2020 election have proven. 

"So far, at least ten percent of new migrants have already registered to vote.  Probably more, given that they are automatically registered in states with motor-voter laws that allow illegals to get drivers’ licenses.  Some Democrats claim that the bill is effectively a “poll tax.”  They continue to assert that blacks and Hispanics cannot afford or do not know how to obtain legitimate proof of citizenship!  How insulting is that? 

"Extremely insulting and extremely racist but then it has always been that the left is racist.  It was the left that supported slavery and fought to keep it.  It was the left which implemented Jim Crow laws throughout the South.  It was the left which opposed the Civil Rights laws of 1965; they were passed by a Republican majority.  It was Joe Biden who relished humiliating the great Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings.  Democrats cannot abide black conservatives.  Joe Biden was among the worst." . . .

Dethroning Biden

 Rajan Laad - American Thinker Called "cognitive decline", but over the years I have seen the trait that could better be called "slow-witted" TD

"The Democrats are once again making a mockery of what should be sacrosanct."

"Joe Biden's cognitive decline has been obvious since he launched his presidential 'run' in 2019. Even a fellow Democrat challenger taunted him over this during a 2020 primary debate.

"But the DNC establishment thought Biden would appear to be an avuncular centrist figure that would appeal to the general public. Hence despite Biden's abysmal beginning in the primaries, his rivals were encouraged to drop out. Biden became the nominee with 2739 delegates.

"This has been a tradition for Democrats. During the 2015 Democrat Primaries, Bernie Sanders, who had more ground support and voter passion, was sidelined in favor of the DNC establishment's choice Hillary Clinton.

"Once he was 'elected', the cognitively impaired Biden was used as a rubber stamp to push their agenda. 

"During his 'Presidency,' Biden's decline was mocked by comedians in Saudi Arabia. However, 'comedians' in New York engaged in PR for Biden.

"The DNC PR agencies that masquerade as the news media followed the diktats. Biden's myriad dementia-driven gaffes were dismissed. 

"Those stating the obvious that Biden is usually non compos mentis were branded as ageists, even though the objection wasn't related to Biden's age, but rather his mental state.

"Democrat social media trolls engaged in blatant fabrication, even comparing Biden to Harrison Ford, since both men were born in the same year. 

"The results of the Biden administration's misgovernance are open borders, out-of-control inflation, rampant crime, targeting of dissenting citizens, identity politics giving preference over merit, and spending on gratuitous foreign wars and items such as the Green New Deal.

"Then it was time for Biden's 'reelection.'

"The Democrats could have tactfully abandoned Biden. They just needed to conduct a fair primary and mandate all candidates to participate in the debates. Biden would have been exposed during the debates and would have forced Biden to quit or would have suffered a routing. " . . .

The Story the Media Missed: What Biden’s Debate Disaster Revealed About the Democrats – PJ Media

. . .Joe Biden is a brand. So is Kamala Harris. All well-known politicians have certain adjectives attached to their names; when you see them, they are what you think about first. And, for better or worse, the Democrats have been “married” to Biden for a very, very long time. He’s been their long-term dance partner for more than a generation.

"And they’re ready to toss Biden into the trash heap.

"Here’s the irony: For today’s Democrats, the Biden brand hasn’t undergone a sudden, seismic shift; even before the debate, they already knew he was an elderly, gaffe-prone octogenarian. The Biden brand shift, such as it was, has been granular: He went from “older” to “old”; from “battle-hardened” to “battle-weary”; from “occasionally forgetful” to “please get Grandpappy in bed by 8 p.m.”

"But these differences are just a matter of degrees. There hasn’t been a wholesale change in Biden’s brand ID. He’s basically the same guy he was one month ago – or one year ago – or even two years ago. And the Democrats know this! So do the American people.

"Yet the Democrats’ reaction to Biden is beyond mere pearl-clutching. At this point, it’s pathologically hysterical." . . .

Army Briefing Lists Pro-Life Groups as Terrorist Organizations

 STARRS (STAND TOGETHER Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services)

I am an Army Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) at a different installation. And according to my counterparts at Ft. Liberty, I’m not only an ATO, I’m also a domestic terrorist. Because you will get no more Pro Life than me. I believe in zero exceptions, and you’ll find me praising the overturning of Roe and Dobbs all over my feed.

"While Ft. Liberty is a much bigger installation, and under a different command, I call tell you that this is not what is being sent out to the Army enterprise wide.

"However, with that said, in 2023, during our annual symposium, there was a lot of focus on right-wing groups. This year, the focus was on cyber and infrastructure issues.

"Make no mistake, the DoD has moved left, but I am seeing pushback, including groups that are suing Austin for about mandates. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking isn’t rare, but I can assure you, you’ll never see this trash in one of my briefings.”

MxM News: U.S. Army anti-terrorism briefing labels National Right to Life and pro-life groups as "terrorist groups"

Fort Liberty responds to slide calling anti-abortion groups 'terrorist organizations' (  "Fort Liberty is responding to backlash after a slideshow presentation used for training at the U.S. Army base referred to anti-abortion organizations as “terrorist organizations.”

A photo circulating on social media shows one slide from a presentation used to train soldiers. The slide, titled "Terrorist Groups," lists several groups, including National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, and "opponents of Roe v. Wade," the Supreme Court ruling that established a right to abortion before it was overturned in 2022.

Fort Liberty responded, sharing the following statement on Facebook:

After conducting a commander’s inquiry, we determined that the slides presented on social media were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities, and do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense.

The slides were developed by a local garrison employee to train soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty.

These slides will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.

Anne Reed is with Operation Rescue one of the groups listed.