Sunday, July 14, 2024

AOC: part of the Congressional Democrat's brain trust

 AOC wants to impeach two Supreme Court justices - John Klar   . . ."Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has led the charge to impeach U.S. Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel J. Alito, Jr. on grounds of alleged failure to report gifts and for political views that AOC asserts compromise their ethical obligation toward impartiality.   In particular, AOC is enraged that Justice Thomas has questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 elections and the Democrat narrative regarding the events of January 6, 2021, and that Justice Alito’s wife passionately supported Donald Trump through the so-called insurrection and displayed flags AOC connects to extremism." . . .

"AOC, et al. seek to displace two justices for their (and their wives’) conservative political views so that the institution of the Court may be more fully weaponized solely for the advancement of social justice causes instead.  This is the declared intention of endorser Take Back the Court: . . ."

"AOC’s impeachment initiative is a politically motivated ploy timed to distract national attention from a floundering POTUS while virtue-signaling faux righteousness before the Cult-Party faithful.

"The Democrats lack a party majority in the House (necessary to pass the articles of impeachment to the Senate) and hold only a bare majority in the U.S. Senate (where the resolutions would require a two-thirds vote for conviction).  There is no way that these outrageous, anti-American resolutions will pass.

"AOC’s hypocrisy is plain: she attacks these justices for political views she claims are inappropriate to the Court while shamelessly advancing far more partisan one-party totalitarianism — always in the name of justice."

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