Saturday, July 13, 2024

While the Press Slobber Over Biden's 'Comeback,' Western Diplomats Are Horrified and Turning to Trump

 Bonchie – RedState

"So is Biden's campaign saved? In the eyes of the press, perhaps, but in the eyes of Western diplomats who choose to still believe their eyes and ears, not so much." 

"If you're a conservative or any style of Republican, you've long known how shameless the mainstream press is. Still, the shamelessness with which the current about-face on Joe Biden's health is occurring is truly next-level. As we'll get to, though, not everyone is buying the "comeback" narrative. 

"It was fun while it lasted, I suppose. For about two weeks, the press came down with a case of honesty and reported on Biden's ailing condition. The leaks came hard and fast, and even some long-time sycophants in the media expressed a realization of reality. 

"That all changed on Thursday after Biden's "big boy" press conference, and it wasn't because the president performed well. On the contrary, he confused Kamala Harris with Donald Trump while rambling aimlessly in the face of an onslaught of softball questions from a curated list of reporters. Things got so bad that Karine Jean-Pierre stood up and tried to end the presser before Biden overrode her and attempted to answer another question." . . .

Another senior European diplomat in D.C. said colleagues have been busy reaching out to those who are likely to join the Trump team for months — setting up meetings, attending the same events, and inviting Trump’s allies to dinner.

Asked if there’s any pressure back home not to do this due to Trump’s polarizing image, one diplomat said: “No. We would be failing our duty if we were not trying to build connections with his people now.”

RELATED: Biden in Michigan Forgets Names, Rambles Incoherently, and Gets Heckled By Protesters

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