Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Netanyahu to address Congress, showcasing U.S. partisan divide

  Abigail Hauslohner & Liz Goodwin ( 

Many Democrats are still expected to be in attendance. Some chastised colleagues for their protest, echoing Republicans in their argument that the United States should continue to display a steadfast commitment to the Jewish state, regardless of politics. 

 "Israel's embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday, an event that is expected to draw crowds of protesters and provide a sharp contrast between the United States' two political parties in their evolving approach to one of America's closest allies.

"Netanyahu comes to Capitol Hill at a fraught time in both Israeli and American politics. Already a divisive figure before Hamas's cross-border Oct. 7 attack that left some 1,200 Israelis dead and ignited the war in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu faces a growing tide of dissent at home, where two-thirds of the Israeli public want to see him leave office.

"In Washington, Netanyahu has come to embody the Biden administration's frustrations with an ally that some officials see as having exploited America's support to mete out excessive punishment to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Republicans, by contrast, have embraced Netanyahu - seeking to portray the right-wing leader as a cherished ally, betrayed and undermined by President Biden and the Democrats in Israel's most critical hour of need.

"Netanyahu's speech Wednesday before Congress, in response to an invitation initially extended by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) alone, presents an uncomfortable moment for Democrats, who remain divided in their opinions of the U.S.-Israel relationship - an emotional topic for many voters - four months ahead of a turbulent presidential election.

"Netanyahu landed in Washington on Monday, the day after President Biden announced he was quitting the race for a second term and endorsed Vice President Harris as his successor. Harris has been careful not to publicly diverge from Biden's staunch support of Israel. But she was among the first high-ranking administration officials to speak emphatically about civilian casualties, question the way Israel has prosecuted its war against Hamas and viscerally express concern about the devastation in Gaza.

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

  Argus Hamilton (   The William Paley Media Center and Museum in New York opened an exhibit this week honoring the 25th anniversary of the first season of The West Wing starring Martin Sheen as the president. He's truly a man ahead of his times. In 1979 Martin Sheen was in Apocalypse Now and today we all are.

 People interviewed jurors in the Alec Baldwin manslaughter case in New Mexico and they each said the shooting was clearly an accident. The case was thrown out by the judge anyway. Alec Baldwin's case getting thrown out is about as close as it gets for Democrats to Trump winning in court.

 The Economist reports Americans are exhausted from the 2024 race which has included a debate exposing Joe's senility, a failed Trump assassination and a party coup throwing Joe away for Kamala. I don't think we should elect a president this fall. We need to be single for a few years and find ourselves.

 Democratic Party elites moved swiftly Monday to anoint Kamala and label anyone who criticizes her as racist and sexist. Trump is saying he took a bullet for democracy. Whenever I'm onstage at the Comedy Store and chatting with Canadians, I always ask them what it's like living above a crack house.

 Donald Trump asked the New York Appeals Court to throw out his $454 million fine in the civil fraud case Monday. Donald is riding high now. Thanks to his taking a bullet through his ear and then standing back up with his fist in the air, Trump jokes and Chuck Norris jokes are now interchangeable.

 President Biden was reportedly approached by White House aides and Obama aides Saturday who urged the president to leave the ticket, saying he can't win. It was a daring thing to attempt, especially given Biden's hot temper, but on Sunday Joe quit the race. The question now is, who's going to tell him?

 The New York Times says a Parkinson's specialist visited the White House eight times the last eight months, which could be good news for Joe. Ozzy Osborne told People he's grateful he has Parkinson's instead of dementia, which makes sense. You'd rather lose half your coke than forget where you put it altogether.

 Kamala Harris came under increased scrutiny Monday for her role in covering up Joe Biden's condition. The optics got messy. Trump rally supporters began wearing white bandages over their ears to show their support. leaving Biden rally supporters to have to wear Depends to show their support.

 President Biden was cheerful and supportive on audio to his Delaware volunteers with Kamala Monday. His future path was just happily secured. Joe will serve out the remaining six months, then he will be flown down to Orlando and become the only living robot in Disney World's Hall of Presidents.

 Donald Trump's campaign explained Monday that his repeated references to Hannibal Lector is a reference to the dangerous people we have crossing the border. Everything we say and do has to be put in context. Jesus Loves You is a beautiful sentiment, unless you happen to be in a Mexican prison.

 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that when Kamala was a San Francisco prosecutor, she was the mistress lover of the married Mayor Willie Brown, who helped raise her up through the party ranks. Today she could be our next president. Kamala is an inspiration to side chicks everywhere.

 Governor Gavin Newsom was reported Friday trying to stay off the list of Biden replacements on the 2024 ticket. He knows he needs to spend four years cleaning up California before he can run for president. The homeless situation is so awful in San Francisco that Uber picks you up in a shopping cart.

Where Does Joe Biden Rank Among America's Worst Presidents?

 Stephen Moore (

"Even the one statistic that Biden boasts about -- job creation -- is a mirage. Most of the jobs were government or health care jobs. With the government borrowing $2 trillion a year, there is no reason the government should be hiring more workers."

"President Joe Biden's time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He's now officially a lame duck with six months to go.

"Biden was a victim here of a corrupt Democratic machine (with a complicit media) that thought it could pull off a grand election-year deceit despite Biden's failing cognitive abilities. The establishment and a compliant media convinced millions of primary voters that he was of sound mind and ready to serve four more years. This lust for power put America in danger. How could they be so unpatriotic?

"So where will Biden stand in the history books? He wasn't a failed president because of his declining cognitive abilities. It was his policies that wrecked America.

"From his first days in the Oval Office, he governed from the far left on everything from climate change to radical income redistribution to massive government expansionism to racial politics to a "blame America first" foreign policy to his dangerous weaponization of every agency of government, from the IRS to the State Department to the FBI to the Justice Department and perhaps even the Secret Service. He made Richard Nixon look like an amateur.

"It's hard to point to a single policy that he got right. On the economy he was catastrophically bad. The trillions of dollars of debt he rang up bought nothing. He sent inflation to the highest levels in almost 40 years. The average family lost $2,000 of income after inflation during his reign. Test scores fell. More people died of COVID-19 during his presidency than in former President Donald Trump's -- despite the availability of the vaccine.

"Interest rates rose. Home ownership became a pipe dream for young people. Homeowners faced mortgage payments that doubled. Biden declared war on American energy. He put America back into the corrupt Paris Climate Accords. The rest of the world went on using more fossil fuels than ever. By impeding U.S. oil and gas production and pipelines, he played into the hands of our enemies -- China and Iran." . . .

Here is my list, starting with the worst: . . .

Biden ‘Really P---ed Off’: Inside the ‘Abrupt End’ That ‘Blindsided’ Campaign Staff… and the Brutal Revelation That Forced President to Drop Political ‘Bomb’

 The ‘Abrupt End’ of President Joe Biden's Campaign ‘Blindsided’ Staff (  

Campaign Chair Jen O'Malley Dillon acknowledged that the announcement was “hard for staff who may have gotten the news while they were working or door knocking, but it was important for the president to hear from him in his own words”.

"Despite its seeming inevitability, Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the race still came as a shock – especially to his dedicated campaign staffers, who were blindsided by the abrupt end of the president's bid for re-election.

"Isolated at his $3.4 vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware while recovering from COVID, surrounded only by a shrinking inner circle made up of first lady Jill Biden and longtime advisors Anthony Bernal, Annie Tomasini, Mike Donilon, and Steve Ricchetti, the 81-year-old POTUS made the call on Saturday night, can reveal.

"Biden was “really pissed off” by the betrayal of friends and allies within the Democratic party who had abandoned him, calling for him to step aside in the wake of his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, and determined to stay in the fight – until Donilon and Ricchetti confronted him with the cold hard facts of new internal polling data showing that he could no longer beat Trump." . . .

Biden Advisors ‘Turned Blind Eye’ to Age and Blocked Other Democrat Candidates (

ECCE HOMO—The Transformation of Donald Trump

Lewis Dovland - American Thinker

I still see “God’s Hand on America” for us all. This is just the latest chapter in that plan.

. . . "But a religious Great Awakening by itself cannot fix our secular society. What we need is a Great Social and Cultural Awakening that will snap the mind-numbed progressive/socialist myrmidons out of their stupor and adjust their ways. It would also energize patriots to see there is a winning plan.

"And that is what just happened.

"We’ve watched while Donald Trump has slowly climbed the polls, both because of his message and the overwhelming failures of every leftist idea the Biden administration implemented. The scales are starting to fall from the eyes of formerly loyal Democratic voters, especially minorities.

"Then there was July 13, 2024. And everything changed.

"The old Donald Trump died that day.

And he knows it. When he walked into the RNC on Monday night, you could see it in his face. He is a changed man. The old Trump does not exist anymore. He is walking in the newness of life.

"Am I comparing him to Jesus? Absolutely not! Anyone who makes that comparison makes a grave, possibly blasphemous error. I am comparing him to many other leaders that God has used throughout history, from Moses to Joshua to Saul, David, and Solomon. All are flawed human beings God used to implement His plans for this world. Donald Trump is in that panoply of heroes.

"Using a sports metaphor, President Trump is living in overtime. This means that every day he awakes is one more overtime day he has been granted. No one except God knows how long that O/T will last, but we can hope for 20 or more years." . . .

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cardin to preside at Netanyahu’s speech - with VP Harris absent

 By Marc Rod, Emily Jacobs (  

He said that there’s “a risk” that the group’s message will be co-opted by anti-Israel forces, “but the risk is much higher if Israel becomes a messianic theocracy. Then we are basically leaving the field just for the extremists.” 

Why Bibi's Address to Congress Matters

. . ."Harris, whose presidential bid was endorsed on Sunday by President Joe Biden after he announced he would not seek reelection, is set to be traveling on Wednesday, on what her office said was a prearranged trip to Indianapolis. She’ll be meeting with Netanyahu separately this week. 

"Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray (D-WA) would ordinarily be next in line after Harris to preside, but she declined to do so and won’t be attending the speech, a spokesperson told JI. Such a situation hasn’t happened in decades. 

"Murray is also the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and her decision to skip the speech suggests a sizable boycott of Netanyahu’s address among Democrats. She was not among the lawmakers who skipped Netanyahu’s last address to Congress in 2015.

" 'Securing a lasting, mutual ceasefire is of the utmost importance right now, and I will continue to push for one to be reached as soon as possible,” Murray said in a statement, while expressing her support for Israel’s security. “I hope Prime Minister Netanyahu will use the opportunity to address how he plans to secure a ceasefire — and lasting peace in the region.”. . .

. . ."Several members, including Reps. Clyburn, Jim McGovern (D-MA), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Mark Takano (D-CA), many of whom have been critical of Israel’s operations in Gaza, invited members to attend an event with hostage families on Wednesday morning, ahead of the speech, according to an invitation shared with JI.

"The invitation described it as a “pro-Israel event … intended to provide an opportunity for all Members to demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Israel and to hear from Israelis about how these catastrophic events and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s right-wing policies and indifference to the fate of the hostages have affected their lives,” for members “whether you plan to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech or not.” . . .

Donalds Says VP Harris Skipping Netanyahu's Joint Address to Congress is Anti-Semitic · The Floridian   . . . “He is the leader of Israel. Israel is under fire, they’re our ally. They didn’t just greet him, to shake hands? Listen, when Hurricane Ian hit my district, and Joe Biden and Jill Biden came to Southwest Florida, I greeted them at the tarmac. And everybody knows I do not agree with Joe Biden on anything. But the President of the United States came to my district that had just been wiped out by a massive hurricane. I was at the airport to greet him.

“ 'Israel is under attack and they can’t greet Benjamin Netanyahu? It is so disrespectful,” concluded Rep. Donalds." . . .

Douglas Murray: The Suicide of Europe

The Suicide of Europe | PragerU

Europe is committing suicide. How did this happen? In this video, Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, explains the two major causes of Europe’s impending downfall.

When Kamala tells Bibi "I'm speaking!", the ladies in the Democrat side of Congress will cheer.

 Kamala has already infuriated a key US ally (Daily Mail)

 Israel tears into VP for boycotting Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress after Biden postponed their meeting

"Kamala Harris's decision to stay away from Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress has irritated officials in the Israeli prime minister's administration.

"She is due to travel to Indianapolis on Wednesday, but is expected to meet him a day later.

"Dozens of Democrats plan to stay away in protest at the way Netanyahu is waging war on Gaza.

"An Israeli official told The Daily Telegraph that Harris's decision to press ahead with a pre-existing appointment was 'disappointing.'

" 'The free world cannot afford leaders who are unable to distinguish between good and evil,' said the official.". . .

The hostages were taken when Hamas gunmen stormed into southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and capturing 250 more.   

The hostages were taken when Hamas gunmen stormed into southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and capturing 250 more.

 WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC! Video out of Israel shows room full of children massacred by Hamas  Any chance Joy Reid, Rashida Tlaib and the other "squad" ladies will view this? Naaaa.

Rape denial is ‘new way to dehumanize Jews,’ Canary Mission says -

That’s according to a new, graphic video from the watchdog Canary Mission, which addresses anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour, Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon, Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill, podcaster Briahna Joy Gray and Max Blumenthal, editor-in-chief of The Gray Zone, among others. "Among the juxtapositions in the video is an Israel Police chief superintendent saying that the Jewish state has collected “substantial evidence for sexual violence” on Oct. 7, followed by Blumenthal stating that “right now there is no evidence of any rape taking place.”According to Scahill, there is “an intense propaganda campaign to convince the world that Hamas had engaged in systematic campaign of rape aimed at Jewish women.”“It’s time to call out these activists for what they really are: rape deniers,” the film states." . . .

This California chain beats In-N-Out for best fast food burger in America

 Alexa Mae Asperin (  "The best fast food burger in the U.S. is made by a California-based chain - and it isn't In-N-Out, according to USA Today's recent rankings.

"The top honor goes to The Habit Burger Grill, according to USA Today's list of 10Best fast food burgers around America."

"Based in Irvine, the Habit ranked first in the country because of its signature Double Char burger, made with two 100% fresh ground beef patties chargrilled over an open flame, caramelized onions, and other toppings sandwiched between two toasted buns. The Habit's first restaurant opened in 1969 in Santa Barbara.

"In-N-Out Burger came in at No. 2 for its popular Double Double burger made with two slices of American cheese, its signature spread, and fresh toppings like lettuce, onions, and tomato. Don't forget the animal style fries! It's a notch up from last year's rankings, where it placed sixth.

"Here's the top 10 list of best fast food burgers in America:

  1. The Habit Burger and Grill: Double Char

  2. In-N-Out Burger: Double Double

  3. BurgerFi: BBQ Rodeo Burger

  4. Jack in the Box: Jumbo Jack Cheeseburger

  5. Five Guys: Cheeseburger

  6. Whataburger: Double Meat Whataburger

  7. Culver's: ButterBurger Cheese, Double

  8. Burger King: Whopper

  9. Carl's Jr: Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger

  10. White Castle: The 1921 Slider 

No way anyone can win against Joy Reid. Prepare for racial division in 2024 and on...

 Critics say Joy Reid 'should be fired' for Trump conspiracy theories (Daily Mail)  Conservatives are calling for MSNBC anchor Joy Reid to be taken off the air after she shared inflammatory theories about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Reid, 55, angered critics on two occasions after a gunman shot Trump in the ear, including sharing a video to X implying that he was not even shot at all." . . .

Trump's previous support shows he isn't racist, but she will try

  The Trump family actually have a long history of donating to both Democrats and Republicans, including liberal stalwarts like Cory Booker and Chuck Schumer.

 Lefties losing it: ‘Weapon-grade crazy’ MSNBC host conspiracy theories

"Sky News host Rita Panahi weighs in on “weapon-grade crazy” MSNBC host Joy Reid's conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. "It comes as the MSNBC host has shared multiple clips of conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination over social media, including implying that the whole thing had been staged. "Reportedly, around 34 per cent of registered Democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination attempt. “ "That's one in three registered Dems who believe Trump trusted a last millisecond head turn to save his life and had three supporters shot, one murdered, so he could stage an assassination attempt. These people are nuts,” Ms Panahi said."

Ask Joy Reid and Kamala Harris what they consider about this lady in Colorado. I fear people like these are whom Kamala would not resist, but side with unless there is a groundswell of opposition to voting for people like them. This nation shed blood to put an end to this kind of bigotry and I fear for America with people like these in it holding power. TD

Ground News - Denver councilwoman proposes taxing 'White-led businesses' as reparations to support minority enterprises

Comment to this post: "Social decay is caused by the government, They divide us by pigmentation, sexuality, economic status, and political ideology, & then they pit us against one another, as seen here."

Referred to as a Race Tax and we will see it in the disease brought by the efforts of Joy Reid and Kamala Harris supporters. TD

Joy Reid Blows Fuse, Blurts ‘That’s Not True’ 13 Times Straight As Rep. Donalds Breaks Down Social Security Solvency | The Daily Caller  . . . "Reid also discussed the removal of Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar from the House Intelligence Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee. Speaker Kevin McCarthy told the Daily Caller in February if elected speaker he would strip the trio from their committees. McCarthy made the decision final, saying Swalwell’s reported relationship with a Chinese spy, Schiff’s defense of the Steele dossier and Omar’s blatant anti-Semitism is justifiable reason to remove them." . . .

Kamala Harris' great-great-great-great grandfather was 'notorious' Irish slave owner who bought Jamaican plantation and travelled to London to fight abolition, historian claims

  Daily Mail Online

Brown travelled to London to protest against the abolition of slavery and then turned his attention to Irish migrants when he was no longer allowed to enslave Africans, Mr McCracken told the Belfast Telegraph. 

Donald Harris holds his daughter, Kamala, in 1965. Professor Harris has spoken about their family history and believes they are related to Hamilton Brown, a notorious slaver and plantation owner

"Kamala Harris is descended from an owner of 120-plus slaves who ran a Jamaican plantation and fought against the abolition of the abhorrent trade, a British historian claimed today.

The Democrat would-be President is of Indian and Afro-Jamaican descent with her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, born in Madras, now Chennai, while her father, Donald Harris, is from Jamaica.

The Vice-President's father, a Stanford University academic who is 85, was born in Brown's Town on the Caribbean island – named after Hamilton Brown, who is believed to be Kamala's slave-owning great-great-great-great grandfather.

In an article published by the Jamaica Globe in 2019, Kamala's father Professor Harris wrote: 'My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown) descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown's Town, a town in Jamaica.'

Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken said today that Brown was a 'notorious' slaver and 'not nice fellow' who was born in Antrim but later settled in Jamaica. 

'I actually thought this was going to be a nice story, like (former US presidents) McKinley, Nixon, Jackson, Roosevelt, all of whom have links to Antrim, but it wasn’t', he said." . . .

 MSNBC star Joy Reid says Americans of color are 'going to look real crazy' and 'weird' if they don't vote for Kamala Harris in November | Daily Mail Online

"Black Americans risk being shunned by their communities if they do not fall in line and vote for Kamala Harris, Joy Reid has warned her followers.

"In an apparent bid to shame support for the vice president and away from Donald Trump
The 'Race Lady'
, the firebrand MSNBC host warned black voters they were going to look 'real weird and real lonely' if they do not back the 'woman of color extraordinaire' in November's presidential election

"At the same time, she renewed hostilities with black model Amber Rose, who infuriated the liberal talking head by speaking in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention last week.

" 'The door needs to close behind Amber, and she look crazy over there. But shut the door behind her,' the liberal anchor told her near two million followers on Twitter.

"But Reid's finger-wagging demands quickly sparked accusations of race-baiting and a furious backlash against being told to vote along racial lines.

" 'No merits. Just special boxes being ticked,' one post read. 'Black, Woman, First black woman.' " . . .

92 Percent Of Kamala's Staff Left In Her First Three Years As VP (   . . ."OTB’s investigation also revealed an over $2 million discrepancy in Harris’ allocation of taxpayer dollars." . . .

Wife of Washington Post hack, who for years accused Trump of being foreign agent, is arrested for being... a foreign agent

  Law Enforcement Today   "

. . ."The year before, Boot pushed for the impeachment of Trump over the bogus Russia collusion hoax that was hatched by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee with assistance by the FBI. Boot continued to do so even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence that Trump had colluded with Russia." . . .

“Revenge is a dish best served cold”--In Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan, those words are said by Khan, portrayed by the late Ricardo Montalban when he thinks he has exiled his longtime enemy, Capt. James Kirk to life on a desolate planet. Now, a Washington Post reporter is getting a taste of the “dish best served cold,” according to The Liberty Daily. 
Washington Post reporter Max Boot, an unhinged leftist, has spent years referring to President Donald Trump as a foreign agent. In the ultimate case of karma, Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, has been indicted for operating as…an unregistered foreign agent for South Korea. 
According to Reuters Legal, Terry, a former CIA and White House National Security Council (NSC) employee was indicted on charges of advocating South Korean policies, disclosing non-public US information, and facilitating access for South Korean officials in exchange for luxury goods. 
"Boot, who has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, is also an apologist for Ukrainian President Voldoymr Zelensky who thinks no amount of money sent to Ukraine to be laundered at the benefit of Democrats and globalists, is too much. Of course it probably has nothing to do with the fact that his wife used to work for the CIA. 
"The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that prosecutors accuse Terry of disclosing U.S. government secrets while influencing policy decisions for South Korea. They say in return she received goods including a $3,450 Louis Vuitton handbag and a $2,845 Dolce & Gabbana coat, as well as expensive dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants, according to The New York Post." . . .