Tuesday, July 23, 2024

No way anyone can win against Joy Reid. Prepare for racial division in 2024 and on...

 Critics say Joy Reid 'should be fired' for Trump conspiracy theories (Daily Mail)  Conservatives are calling for MSNBC anchor Joy Reid to be taken off the air after she shared inflammatory theories about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Reid, 55, angered critics on two occasions after a gunman shot Trump in the ear, including sharing a video to X implying that he was not even shot at all." . . .

Trump's previous support shows he isn't racist, but she will try

  The Trump family actually have a long history of donating to both Democrats and Republicans, including liberal stalwarts like Cory Booker and Chuck Schumer.

 Lefties losing it: ‘Weapon-grade crazy’ MSNBC host conspiracy theories

"Sky News host Rita Panahi weighs in on “weapon-grade crazy” MSNBC host Joy Reid's conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. "It comes as the MSNBC host has shared multiple clips of conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination over social media, including implying that the whole thing had been staged. "Reportedly, around 34 per cent of registered Democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination attempt. “ "That's one in three registered Dems who believe Trump trusted a last millisecond head turn to save his life and had three supporters shot, one murdered, so he could stage an assassination attempt. These people are nuts,” Ms Panahi said."

Ask Joy Reid and Kamala Harris what they consider about this lady in Colorado. I fear people like these are whom Kamala would not resist, but side with unless there is a groundswell of opposition to voting for people like them. This nation shed blood to put an end to this kind of bigotry and I fear for America with people like these in it holding power. TD

Ground News - Denver councilwoman proposes taxing 'White-led businesses' as reparations to support minority enterprises

Comment to this post: "Social decay is caused by the government, They divide us by pigmentation, sexuality, economic status, and political ideology, & then they pit us against one another, as seen here."

Referred to as a Race Tax and we will see it in the disease brought by the efforts of Joy Reid and Kamala Harris supporters. TD

Joy Reid Blows Fuse, Blurts ‘That’s Not True’ 13 Times Straight As Rep. Donalds Breaks Down Social Security Solvency | The Daily Caller  . . . "Reid also discussed the removal of Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar from the House Intelligence Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee. Speaker Kevin McCarthy told the Daily Caller in February if elected speaker he would strip the trio from their committees. McCarthy made the decision final, saying Swalwell’s reported relationship with a Chinese spy, Schiff’s defense of the Steele dossier and Omar’s blatant anti-Semitism is justifiable reason to remove them." . . .

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