Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Hypocrisy of the Liberal Media Explained in One Cartoon

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger  . . . "Today, the mainstream leftist media has devolved into a network of tabloid activists. They've abandoned key principles they once claimed to stand for, and they now spew hatred and bigotry against minority groups who are then subjected to death threats, the burning down of their businesses, and the most outrageous bullying and intimidation imaginable.

"This, the leftist media claims, is "tolerance."

"But their "tolerance" has turned to totalitarianism. They now demand total obedience to their own narrowly-held beliefs, values and preferences, and anyone who does not fall into line is intimidated, bullied, vilified and even death-threated. As this news story now explains, gay activists are demanding Christian churches be forced to shut down if they do not publicly endorse gay marriage." . . .
More here.

What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

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Roosh V  "Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.
"The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.

SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

"Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. " . . . (Cartoons added by TD)
These days will be looked back on as days of darkness. TD
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Monday, May 29, 2017

John Mara says signing Colin Kaepernick would lead to fan backlash

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Yahoo News  "The NFL party line, as articulated by Commissioner Roger Goodell, is that Colin Kaepernick’s unemployment is football related, Giants owner John Mara has acknowledged off-field concerns contributing as well.

"Mara told Jenny Vrentas of TheMMQB.com that the Giants didn’t discuss signing Kaepernick this offseason, and that they’ve heard from many fans who would be angry if they did.
“ 'All my years being in the league, I never received more emotional mail from people than I did about that issue,” Mara said. “If any of your players ever do that, we are never coming to another Giants game. It wasn’t one or two letters. It was a lot. It’s an emotional, emotional issue for a lot of people, moreso than any other issue I’ve run into.”
"The Giants signed kicker Josh Brown to a new contract after he was arrested for domestic violence, and kept him on the team last year after he was suspended for domestic violence. It’s extraordinary that Mara says he heard from more fans about Kaepernick — a player on another team, who didn’t do anything illegal — than about Brown.
"Mara’s comments say a lot about Kaepernick’s continuing unemployment: For many teams, the decision not to sign Kaepernick may go beyond whether the coach or G.M. think Kaepernick can help on the field. It may go up to the owner, who fears Kaepernick would hurt the franchise off the field."
The left loves this style of freedom of speech; just don't expect a conservative to be allowed to speak on campus. I wonder how many people who love Kaepernick have attacked conservatives on the streets or shouted down a Republican speaking anywhere. TD

On This Memorial Day, We Are Unmaking America

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National Review  . . . "I thought of this reality when I read General James Mattis’s comments to Dexter Filkins, one of our nation’s best national-security writers. In the middle of a long profile of Mattis, Filkins writes this: 
When I asked what worried him most in his new position, I expected him to say ISIS or Russia or the defense budget. Instead, he said, “The lack of political unity in America. The lack of a fundamental friendliness. It seems like an awful lot of people in America and around the world feel spiritually and personally alienated, whether it be from organized religion or from local community school districts or from their governments.” 
"Remember, these comments aren’t coming from a “kids, just get along” preschool teacher but rather from one of America’s most courageous and fearsome warriors. A man who’s called “Mad Dog.”

"I fear that General Mattis is right. There is a profound lack of unity in America. In fact, let’s ask a key question: Is there a single significant cultural, political, social, or religious trend that is pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart?" . . .Read more

The Need for a Middle America News Network

American Thinker  "The decline and lurch to the left of the Fox News Network provides an opening for any astute conservative billionaire: create a news network specifically intended to provide news from the viewpoint of most of America, which is to say the seventy-five percent of Americans who live in Flyover Country.  While the geographic concentration of political power in America is appalling, the geographic concentration of media power is much worse.
"Because the media defy elections and, in fact, determine elections, having almost all national news pass through the tiny channel of the New York-to-Washington Beltway is toxic to our national life. 
. . . 
"Fox News rightly picked the target audience to make it grow: those millions of Americans disgusted by the ideological monopoly of the leftist establishment media.  The Middle America News Network would represent not just the ideologically disempowered, but the culturally disempowered, who find their beliefs and lives treated as weird curiosities.  The market share for this news network could skyrocket fast, particularly among the tens of millions of Americans who simply never watch network news any longer." . . .

The Left-Wing Takeover of Fox News Rupert Murdoch's daughter-in-law Kathryn's "bio says, “Between 2007-2011, Ms. Murdoch served as Director of Strategy & Communications for the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) where she also managed CCI ‘s partnership with Microsoft in the development of a global greenhouse gas emissions tracking software.”
"In short, she is a globalist insider who sees the green hysteria as a viable way to control people and their lifestyles."
Fox News Moves Left: Are We About To See The Birth Of Another CNN?
. . . "It is my belief that Fox News is hoping to become acceptable enough to the Left in this country to gain big corporate accounts.

"I believe this is folly. People watch Fox News because they cover news while respecting conservative views. As they move leftward, Americans will start looking for another home. Already, I get more of my news online than I get from Fox News. My hope is that conservatives on this site will document the use of Leftist language on Fox and that we can convince Fox that any Leftward move, would result in low ratings and reduced profits, but we must be prepared to look elsewhere for our news."

11 unsung WWII black American soldiers tortured to death by Nazis receive posthumous honors for heroism

Memorial Day
NY Daily News  . . . "The dead were assigned to the 333rd Field Army Battalion, members of a unit lauded for its deadly aim in battle. Yet theirs was a sacrifice long ignored by their country. 

"In 1949, a U.S. Senate subcommittee released an official report exhaustively detailing 12 similar massacres. Every last casualty was listed — but the Wereth 11, as they came to be known, didn’t warrant mention.

"The Lost Eleven: The Forgotten Story of Black American Soldiers Brutally Massacred in World War II," by  Denise George and Robert Child."A new book, “The Lost Eleven: The Forgotten Story of Black American Soldiers Brutally Massacred in World War II,” recounts their little-known story. Authors Denise George and Robert Child drew on extensive interviews with family members and fellow G.I.s for this account.

"The soldiers of the segregated 333rd FAB were among the first blacks to be trained for actual combat, rather than shunted into service positions. Under the command of VIII Corps, they landed on Utah Beach on June 19, 1944. 

"Within the 333rd, the unit known as Charley Battery distinguished themselves from the get-go. A reporter from Yank magazine watched stunned as the unit, firing four rounds in 90 seconds, drilled an explosive into the turret of a German tank nine miles away." . . .

Handout photo from book publisher. One time editorial use.

U.S. Memorial Wereth, V.o.E.
N.N. 476.356.607

"A tribute to eleven WW II G.I.s of the 333d U.S. Field Artillery Battalion and to all African-American soldiers who served during World War II."
Several videos in this site including this moving roll call of the eleven. Let us try to forget today's racial outrages and recall the death of men like these while we resolve never to allow anything such as Jim Crow laws to ever again be a stain on this great nation. The Tunnel Dweller

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sad: Hillary Still Insists She Won…

After Coptic massacre, Trump gives Egypt courage to blow out terrorist hellholes in Libya

After you read this, can you still make an intelligent argument that Obama was a better president than Trump?

Egypt launches strikes on Libya 'terror camps' after bus attack
. . . "In a message to US president Donald Trump, the Egyptian leader added: "You have said that your priority is to confront terrorism, and I trust you are capable of doing that."
"Mr Trump had earlier joined world leaders in denouncing the latest killing of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
"In a statement, the US president said: "The bloodletting of Christians must end, and all who aid their killers must be punished."

" 'Terrorists are engaged in a war against civilisation, and it is up to all who value life to confront and defeat this evil.' " . . .
American Thinker  "After the Palm Sunday massacre of Coptic Christians worshipping in Egypt, President Trump tweeted that he was confident that Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi would 'handle the terror attack properly.'

"He was right - Sisi did the right thing, blowing out terrorist hideouts in eastern Libya this week, following a second horrific terror attack against Egypt's Coptic Christians on a bus, killing 28 innocents. Egypt's military pilots not only blew the hell out of Derna, a frontier camp that shelters terrorists, and then released film footage of the act and the damage to celebrate the victory.
"It sends a message. It creates a new fear for terrorists who have up unitil now gotten away with it. It tells the losers the game is over.
We will not hesitate to protect our people from the evil," [Sisi] said in a televised speech on Friday.
"This is how it's done.
"It might not have happend had President Trump not only offered Sisi the support he deserved, he framed the issue in the only terms that spoke the truth.
"Terrorists are engaged in a war against civilization," Trump said in a statement issued by the White House. "This merciless slaughter of Christians in Egypt tears at our hearts and grieves our souls.
"Wherever innocent blood is spilled, a wound is inflicted upon humanity.
"But this attack also steels our resolve to bring nations together for the righteous purpose of crushing the evil organizations of terror – and exposing their depraved, twisted, and thuggish ideology.
"America also makes clear to its friends, allies, and partners that the treasured and historic Christian communities of the Middle East must be defended and protected," President Trump said. "The bloodletting of Christians must end, and all who aid their killers must be punished."
"Sisi himself said that Trump's support gave him courage, and RT News reports that those close to the matter say the U.S. probably provided intelligence on which targets to bomb.
I direct my appeal to President Trump: I trust you, your word and your ability to make fighting global terror your primary task,”[Sisi] said.
"It's an appropriate response, and may be the beginnings of victory in the war on terror. What we are seeing here is resolve and willpower. The Sisi-Trump alliance may just take out a significant part of the terrorists' game plan. The U.S. [and Egypt] finally want to win."  By Monica Showalter
Do liberals not have a single clue as to world events and the effect of Obama's meekness on it all? Obama only had anger for America's allies and many other Americans. TD

The VA’s shame continues as probes confirm treatment delays weren’t a Mickey Mouse problem

Video at the link. But this is a video of Obama from eight years ago addressing the problems of the VA:

Circa  "With Memorial Day coming up, we take time to honor the members of our military, but a new report shows that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is still failing our service men and women. 

"When allegations first surfaced about long wait times for U.S. military veterans seeking treatment at Veterans Affairs medical facilities, the Obama administration sought to put the best spin on things. 

"President Obama himself suggested that, while embarrassing, the problems weren’t a matter of life and death. “The wait times were for folks who may have had chronic conditions, were seeking their next appointment but may have already received service. It was not necessarily a situation where they were calling for emergency services,” he said.
. . . 
"The problems included:
+18 of 25 sterile satellite storage areas for supplies were dirty;
+The facility lacked an effective inventory system for managing the availability of medical equipment and supplies;
+There was no system to ensure that supplies and equipment that were subject to patient safety recalls were not deployed on patients;
+The facility failed to fill numerous and critical open senior staff positions

Friday, May 26, 2017

Tim Kaine’s Son Charged For Being Part Of Anarchist Attack On Trump Rally In March

Weasel Zippers

"Via Minn:
The son of a Democratic U.S. senator and seven others have been charged after smoke bombs and pepper spray were used at a pro-Donald Trump rally inside the Minnesota Capitol in March.
Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, of Minneapolis, is charged with a gross misdemeanor and two misdemeanors, according to the St. Paul city attorney. He is a son of Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016.
The Ramsey County attorney’s office charged Francis Thomas Sagermerek, of St. Paul, 29, and Anton William Bueckert, 26, of Ontario, Canada, with using tear gas to immobilize, a felony, and third-degree riot, a gross misdemeanor. Bueckert is also charged with felony-level obstructing legal process by interfering with a peace officer.
What sort of things have been discussed around the Kaine family dinner table?

Exclusive: Manchester suicide bomber used student loan and benefits to fund terror plot

UK Telegraph  "The Manchester suicide bomber used taxpayer-funded student loans and benefits to bankroll the terror plot, police believe.

Salman Abedi

"Salman Abedi is understood to have received thousands of pounds in state 
funding in the run up to Monday’s atrocity even while he was overseas receiving bomb-making training. 
"Police are investigating Abedi’s finances, including how he paid for frequent trips to Libya where he is thought to have been taught to make bombs at a jihadist training camp.  
"It comes as Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, Britain’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, said detectives had made “immense progress” in dismantling Abedi’s terror network."  . . . 
“All you have got to do is get yourself into university and then off you go. Often they have go no intention of turning up.”

Professor Anthony Glees, director of Buckingham University’s Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, said: “The British system makes funds readily available to jihadist students without checks on them. There needs to be an inquiry into this.”
Abedi rented a flat in this apartment block on the eve of the attack
"The Government has previously admitted it has no idea how many terrorists could be using taxpayer funded benefits and student loans to finance their activities.
Two men were convicted at the end of 2016 of channelling thousands of pounds of fraudulent housing benefits to the Islamist fanatics behind the Paris and Brussels terrorist outrages.Mohamed Abrini, the Brussels terror suspect dubbed the ‘Man in the Hat’ received £3,000 in fraudulent housing benefit.