Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Timing of This COVID Study Is Pretty Interesting, Huh?


Image by Ghenghis Gary.

Townhall "So, now that Joe Biden is leading in the election, COVID is over. I mean, I’m, seeing people dancing in the streets right now. And indoor concerts may be made safe from COVID spread. Yes, that’s what dropped…right now. As Donald Trump Jr. and others noted, the “timing” is remarkable, right? Granted, this study has not been peer-reviewed, but it’s going to be fun watching all these COVID reversals now that a Democrat could occupy the White House. And IF Biden does win, the gaslighting on this will be epic (via The Hill):


Indoor concerts may be made safe from coronavirus spread, new study finds 

It's a Christmas Miracle!


A nation gets the government it deserves

 From People's Pundit Daily:


75,511,354 votes (51%)
71,141,079 votes (48%)
270 TO WIN
+1 seats
-1 seats
-4 seats
+4 seats

Democrats Set to Reap What They Have Sown

"A waffling old cipher of a candidate is about to have the antics of his more robust partisans hung around his neck like a dead raccoon."

"The election as of Wednesday evening was on a knife’s edge, and the outcome remains unclear. At this point, Joe Biden leads. But if the votes are counted fairly, Trump is the more likely winner in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Alaska, which would bring him to 268 electoral votes to Biden’s 264 votes. 

"If Arizona flips back to the Republicans or Nevada, where the candidates are only separated by 7,000 votes with a quarter of the vote yet to be counted, goes to Trump, then he wins. If neither event occurs, Biden apparently wins. But increasingly persistent and disquieting allegations of irregular treatment of late-mailed or delivered ballots are opening up the likelihood of massive contestation of results. 

"Even in these uncertain circumstances, there are a few conclusions that can already be made. The Trump-haters, including almost all of the American national political media, had drunk so much of their own bathwater that they expected the election to be over by 9 o’clock

Eastern time and were flabbergasted at the formidable performance of the president on Election Night.

"Even before the winner’s identity is known, it is not too soon to examine the trends this election amplifies and reveals. The change of roles between the Democrats and Republicans is accelerating as the Republicans encroach heavily upon the former working-class support of the Democrats and poach from their former preserves amongst the minorities, especially African Americans and Latino Americans." . . . 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

If Elected, Biden Will Wield ‘Phone and Pen’ with Flurry of Executive Orders To Reverse Trump Policies

First Neil Kinnock, now he's plagiarizing Obama!


"The far-left Washington Post reports that if Joe Biden wins the presidential election, he intends to bring back the Obama era phone and pen approach with a flurry of executive orders.

“President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly sign a series of executive orders after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, immediately forecasting that the country’s politics have shifted and that his presidency will be guided by radically different priorities,” the far-left Post reports, and does so inaccurately by referring to Joe Biden is “president-elect.”

"Joe Biden is not president-elect. Only the corporate media have said he won the election, which is still going through a series of recounts and lawsuits.

"You are not “president-elect” until the electoral college meets and confirms your victory.

"Among other things, if he wins, Biden intends to rejoin the disastrous Paris climate accords, rejoin the World Health Organization, repeal President Trump’s ban on immigration from countries that try to sneak terrorists into our country, and reinstate the DREAMer program.

"So, good news… If Biden wins, prepare yourselves for higher gas prices, Islamic terrorism, and caravans of illegals aliens… All problems Trump solved." . . .

Biden plans immediate executive orders to reverse Trump policies upon taking office    "Earlier today, new organizations called the Presidential race for Joe Biden.

"According to a new report, Biden now has immediate executive orders planned to reverse Trump policies.

"Per Chron, Biden plans to

-Rejoin the Paris climate accords
-Real the ban on immigration from many Muslim-majority countries
-Reinstate the program allowing “dreamers,” who were brought to the United States illegally as children, to remain in the country

"Per the report “pushing major legislation through Congress could prove to be a challenge.

"Although the Democrats will hold a narrowed majority in the House, the final makeup of the Senate is not yet clear. That will be decided on Jan. 5, with two runoff elections in Georgia. "Democrats would need to win both races to effectively have control of the Senate – with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaking vote – while Republicans would retain a narrow advantage by winning at least one.”

A Successful Presidency, a Maddening President

 Andrew C. McCarthy

"President Trump did many good things. But he never recognized the majesty of the presidency as something to rise to." But Biden/Harris will?

. . . "This being modern America, nothing is final until the courts have spoken (particularly the Supreme Court, which has been too timid to say much). That process must be allowed to play out. To my knowledge, there is no hard evidence at this point of anything so monumental that it could change the result, but disturbing anecdotal reports merit investigation. And Biden’s margin of victory is so razor-thin in some states that recounts may be warranted if the president chooses to press the matter.

"Undoubtedly, post-election litigation would be pursued if the shoe were on the other foot. Democrats, after all, went straight to the litigation mat when they lost a close one in 2000, even though Al Gore had been on the cusp of conceding. And “the Resistance” spent three years not accepting the outcome of the 2016 election, on the basis of a bogus “Russia collusion” narrative ginned up by the Clinton campaign. In this era, we take matters far less consequential than the election of our president to court. I’m not suggesting that this is a good thing, I’m simply stating a fact.

"Let’s take a deep breath and let matters play out. There is no crisis of the regime. Joe Biden is presumptively President-elect Biden. He will be my president and the president of all Americans — even as many of us vigorously oppose much of what he wants to do, as we surely will. He should get the chance to be a good president that Democrats never gave Donald Trump. For Biden’s sake, and especially for the country’s, the departments and agencies of government should prepare for a smooth transition of power."  . . .

Requiem for a republic

"If the vote counts are accurate, which I don't for a minute believe, then a remarkable thing happened: Americans chose an incompetent, incoherent, and nearly senile old man who despises their nation as founded, backs BLM and Antifa, champions abortion, supports policies that will necessarily lead to economic ruin, and is essentially a wholly owned subsidiary of China...over a patriot with an unmatched economic record who has kept his promises and kept America safe and out of wars for his entire term in office." . . .

 Eric Utter  "Stalin is alleged to have said: "It's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes."

"No matter who said it, the quote is an excellent definition of tyranny.  It is also, apparently, an accurate appraisal of what occurred in America in the hours and days after polling places closed on the evening of Nov. 3.  Yet Democrats, who've spent the last four years incessantly telling us that the Russians stole the 2016 presidential election from Hillary Clinton, have abruptly pivoted and now claim that our election process is utterly meddle-proof, a thing of peerless integrity.  Even as they were stealing the 2020 election from Donald Trump...and roughly half of American voters.

"But stolen it they apparently have.  For some time now, I have warned of the pending end of America as we knew it.  Sadly, that day has arrived.  The republic is finished.  Yes, I know that Republicans did much better overall than they were projected to by the "experts."  Republicans did not lose control of the Senate, though they came close.  Shockingly to the pundits, they actually picked up a number of seats in the House.  Maybe, in 2024, if we have the right candidate (Trump again?), we can...blah, blah, blah.

"Unfortunately, that's all so much wishful thinking.  This was the presidential election we had to have to save the nation.  That is why the now radical Democrats pulled out all the stops to win it, even engaging in blatant cheating and corruption.  If Biden channels his inner Obama and decides to skip the legislative process and grant immunity to 20 million illegal aliens by executive fiat, it is game over.  No conservative will ever be elected president again.  Period." . . .    More...

AOC and other Dems' vows of vengeance on Trump-supporters ensure a fanatical fight to the bitter end

This is NOT the Democrat Party of my family, my youth, and my career. It casts shame on all associated with it. The Tunnel Dweller

 Thomas Lifson  

"Since antiquity, military commanders leading expeditions have burned their boats so nobody would be tempted to desert the battles ahead and head for the safety of home.  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, by calling for lists of Trump-supporters to be compiled, has in effect burned the boats for those Republicans tempted to concede the
presidential election and pledge their support to Biden so that the media and Democrats (they imagine) will be kind to them.

Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future

"In a tweet later made private, former Pete Buttigieg staffer Emily Abrams directed the vengeful to something called the "Trump Accountability Project."

We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.

Join us and help spread the word.

— Emily Abrams (@emabrams) November 6, 2020

More here...

Make no mistake that the left wing of the Democrat party is now revolutionary in intent and completely untethered from constitutional constraints.  If and when they gain the upper hand in a Democrat administration, probably through extensive street violence, they will not hesitate to torture and murder their opponents, the way the victorious Castro revolutionaries, especially the bloodthirsty Che Guevara so idolized by American leftists, did.

Democrats: The party of hypocrisy and villainy   . . . "How can this be? they ask.  Was not the whole nation waiting to repudiate Trump?  Guess they did not watch those rallies or pay attention to Trump's many successes in office.  Those many accomplishments annoyed the Dems; how could this guy achieve so much their guys never could?"...

 AOC, Jen Rubin (WaPo), and Former Buttigieg Staffers Launch Effort To Purge Trump Supporters From Public Life   "A few weeks ago, former Clinton Administration official Robert Reich called for a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to identify and shame people associated with Trump’s presidency. Now AOC, Jennifer Rubin, and others are actually pushing just such a thing. These are the people who accused Trump of being a fascist.

"Mia Cathill reports at the Post Millennial:

"New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled" . . .

Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters    "Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.

“ 'Democratic socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

. . . The database at the site includes a list of federal judges appointed by the president. Others also tweeted to announce the project: . . .

"Jennifer Rubin, a Washington Post columnist and Never Trumper, tweeted that anyone challenging the 2020 election results should not only be disqualified from holding public office, but ostracized from society.

“Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society,” she tweeted. “We have a list.” . . .

American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly

But potential imitators and antagonists alike would do well to remember that by that time, history’s greatest tyrant and most prolific mass-murderer had already managed another despot’s dirty trick. He had first confiscating the “people’s” guns.  A history lesson not to be trifled with.

  Marc Sheppard  "This was a Coup.  It lacked, at least for the moment, the spilled blood often associated with a classic coup d’etat but make no mistake about it – this was a coup. 

"A record number of Americans fought an unusual number of hardships to make certain their voices were heard in the selection of our next president.  And, given the stark difference in the candidates’ visions for America’s future and the growing national divide, that choice was surely not made lightly.

"So, when we on the right observed one “irregularity” after another on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, what we needed were answers and transparency.  What we got were evasions and coverups. 

"Keep in mind that we have endured over the past 4 years a seeming century’s worth of dishonesty, hoaxes, threats, wild conspiracy theories and widespread corruption from those on the left.  Indeed, Liberals appear to have made sport of treating Donald Trump and his supporters much like a cat treats a litter-box.  And we got the message: There is no limit to just how low they are willing to sink.

"So running up to Election Day, we weren’t overly shocked to hear stories of “replaced” and supposedly destroyed misprinted ballots being accepted at Pittsburgh polling centers, effectively allowing 1 person 2 votes.

"We remained calm but curious when Michigan joined other battleground states in halting their counts early Wednesday morning.  We became concerned when we noticed hours later that, while Michigan’s Trump vote stayed exactly the same at 2,202,902, the Biden vote had somehow increased by 138,339.  And, even though that result was statistically impossible, we didn’t really shift into full-blown-pissed-off until we saw a video of what appeared to be illegal ballots being wheeled into a Detroit Vote Count Center in the dead of night that very same morning." . . .