Saturday, November 7, 2020

Requiem for a republic

"If the vote counts are accurate, which I don't for a minute believe, then a remarkable thing happened: Americans chose an incompetent, incoherent, and nearly senile old man who despises their nation as founded, backs BLM and Antifa, champions abortion, supports policies that will necessarily lead to economic ruin, and is essentially a wholly owned subsidiary of China...over a patriot with an unmatched economic record who has kept his promises and kept America safe and out of wars for his entire term in office." . . .

 Eric Utter  "Stalin is alleged to have said: "It's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes."

"No matter who said it, the quote is an excellent definition of tyranny.  It is also, apparently, an accurate appraisal of what occurred in America in the hours and days after polling places closed on the evening of Nov. 3.  Yet Democrats, who've spent the last four years incessantly telling us that the Russians stole the 2016 presidential election from Hillary Clinton, have abruptly pivoted and now claim that our election process is utterly meddle-proof, a thing of peerless integrity.  Even as they were stealing the 2020 election from Donald Trump...and roughly half of American voters.

"But stolen it they apparently have.  For some time now, I have warned of the pending end of America as we knew it.  Sadly, that day has arrived.  The republic is finished.  Yes, I know that Republicans did much better overall than they were projected to by the "experts."  Republicans did not lose control of the Senate, though they came close.  Shockingly to the pundits, they actually picked up a number of seats in the House.  Maybe, in 2024, if we have the right candidate (Trump again?), we can...blah, blah, blah.

"Unfortunately, that's all so much wishful thinking.  This was the presidential election we had to have to save the nation.  That is why the now radical Democrats pulled out all the stops to win it, even engaging in blatant cheating and corruption.  If Biden channels his inner Obama and decides to skip the legislative process and grant immunity to 20 million illegal aliens by executive fiat, it is game over.  No conservative will ever be elected president again.  Period." . . .    More...

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