Friday, July 15, 2016

Words we all need to hear: Tim Scott Shares Personal Stories as a Black Man of 'Frustration' with Cops

PJ Media

"Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) revealed today that he's been stopped seven times in the past year by law enforcement for "trivial" reasons in a highly personal speech focusing on experiences of black men and police stops.

"Scott called it his "most difficult" floor speech of the week because "it's the most personal."
The senator said most police "have two things on their minds: protect and serve."

However, he added, "we do have serious issues that must be resolved" -- the "deep divide" between the black community and law enforcement in many cities, "a trust gap" and "tension that has been growing for decades."
"And as a family, one American family, we cannot ignore these issues."

"Stressing that Americans should be "thankful" for the good job most police officers do, Scott added that "some do not" do a good job.

" 'I've experienced it myself," he said. "... I shuddered when I heard Eric Garner say, 'I can't breathe.' I wept when I watched Walter Scott turn and run away and get shot and killed from the back. And I broke when I heard the 4-year-old daughter of Philando Castile's girlfriend tell her mother, 'It's OK; I'm right here with you."

" 'These are people lost forever. Fathers, brothers, sons. Some will say and maybe even scream, 'But they had criminal records! They were criminals! They spent time in jail!' And while having a record should not sentence you to death, I say, OK then -- I will share with you some of my own experiences or the experiences of good friends or other professionals."

    What a shame that admirable people like Sen. Scott must pay the price for not only police who may have an axe to grind and the Jim Crow culture that has faded but still lurks among whites - including my own biological family in Mississippi - but for those vast numbers of police who simply fear being murdered or beaten within an inch of their lives.
    Those hordes of blacks ransacking businesses, playing the "knock-out game" on passing whites, murdering foreign tourists, shooting an Australian baseball player who was just a "white guy" passing by, cheering black leaders who call for the death of whites; these would make me be on edge in a traffic encounter with a black person that I do not know.
    As with the search for "peaceful Muslims" where are the mass demonstrations by blacks and their Democrat enablers against the rioters, the pandering politicians, and the Black Power academics? We have seen many admirable individual blacks since the Dallas shootings, people who are a source of strength in our society. But where is there an anti-BLM movement? Where is any sign of anger at what African-Americans must suffer at the hands of violent people in their midst?
    I deeply regret that honorable people like Sen. Scott must suffer this indignity, yet blame all around must be honestly and equitably be discussed without political pandering and fear of death threats.  
    Senator Scott, you do deserve much more honor and respect than you have received. You have been victimized ( I hate that word!) by racial hate in so many corners of this society and I am so sorry for that. We can fearlessly speak against what we might see from authorities, but as for speaking against black threats, we are terrorized by what we fear from BLM people and white leftists.  The Tunnel Dweller 

Conservatives; swimming upstream in American society

"Black Lives Matter" and their Democrat enablers, tearing America apart

"There are three things you need to know about modern American politics: (1) the black vote is hugely important to the Democratic Party, but (2) less than half of black voters actually agree with the Democratic Party’s view of government, and among those who do agree a great many are routinely mistreated by the very politicians they vote for; therefore (3) the only practical way to ensure that the vast majority of black voters reliably and enthusiastically turn out for the Democrats is to avoid debating real issues and focus instead on racial politics." . . .
In a previous post, I reported on the remarkable history of my home town Waco, Texas. During the years of segregation and Jim Crow laws, black voters consistently voted for the very Democrats who enforced those awful practices.
 Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Mike Adams: Silencing Whitey  "Recently, I have made some pretty charged statements about Black Lives Matter. In a nutshell, I have argued that the organization is not a pro-black civil rights group. Instead, it is an anti-white anti-free speech mob. Evidence of my contention isn’t very hard to gather. In fact, you have to have your head buried pretty deep in the ground in order to miss it. Consider the following examples:" . . .
"By running the police out of black neighborhoods, they are ensuring that black on black violence increases. Predictably, as the slaughter of black males increases, the problem of black fatherlessness increases. Consequently, every single negative social indicator skyrockets along with it. They are therefore destroying far more than their own credibility with their tactics. They are destroying their own communities and helping to kill their own neighbors."
Thomas Sowell:  The War on Cops  "Chief among those who generate this poisonous atmosphere are career race hustlers like Al Sharpton and racist institutions like the "Black Lives Matter" movement. All such demagogues need is a situation where there has been a confrontation where someone was white and someone else was black. The facts don't matter to them."
"The same is true of the more upscale, genteel and sophisticated race panderers, including the President of the United States." . . .

Thomas Sowell: The War on Cops: Part II   . . . "Consider one of the big talking points of politicians and others who claim that the harsher penalties for people selling crack cocaine than for people selling powder cocaine show racism, since crack cocaine is more likely to be used by blacks." . . .
Main Image
Many black neighborhoods are becoming apartheid states, South Africa in reverse.  Where are the noble liberals on this? Probably busy honoring areas of sharia law elsewhere in our nation. TD

Britain SHUTS DOWN Its Global Warming Agency

Daily Caller
UK flag overlaid over wind generators and solar panels

"Britain’s new government abolished its Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Thursday morning, ridding the country of its global warming bureaucracy.
"Officials stated that the DECC has been abolished and U.K.’s environmental policy is will be transferred to a new ministry called the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Some former DECC’s functions will be outright abolished, while others will be handed back to the new ministry.
"The new agency will be headed by Greg Clark, who has a record of opposing wind power, causing environmentalists to panic." . . .

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Who's feelin' the Bern now?

Ben Garrison toon  "Bernie Sander’s decision to support the crooked, corrupt criminal Hillary Clinton was despicable. He once denounced her as ‘unqualified’ and described her as an establishment candidate owned by Wall Street and the banking oligarchy. No he’s endorsing her.

"Some Bernie apologists commend him by stating that he had to do it to keep the Democrat Party in tact. But why should he? The party is rigged and corrupt. Super-delegates are pre-decided. The voters ’say’ has been compromised. Bernie was ripped off routinely. What happened in Nevada, for example.

"Shame on you, Bernie. We thought you had integrity. Now you are endorsing the very face of the establishment. You have embraced the whore of Wall Street. My older brother donated to your campaign, but lost faith in you before you endorsed Clinton. He’s a smart man and saw the writing on the wall. I never supported you—I know that your communism doesn’t work—but I admired your integrity. Now I don’t admire you at all. You sold out. "

[VIDEO] This is why voters picked Trump over the GOP

 Bookworm Room  "Bill Whittle’s indictment in this video isn’t the Left, it’s the GOP — the gutless, passive political party that purports to represent conservative interests but that will always bow down to their Leftist overlords. After watching this video, read this post, take its marching orders, and get proactive."

Resisting the revisionists: Finally, a first step

Charles Krauthammer
The troop deployments to Eastern Europe are a good first step in pushing back against the rising revisionist powers. But a first step, however welcome, 7½ years into a presidency, is a melancholy reminder of what might have been.

. . . "The post-Ukraine economic sanctions have been weak; the declamatory denunciations, a mere embarrassment. They’ve only encouraged further reckless Russian behavior — the buzzing of U.S. ships, intrusions into European waters, threats to the Baltic States.
"NATO will now deploy four battalions to front-line states. In Estonia, they will be led by Britain; in Lithuania, by Germany; in Latvia, by Canada; in Poland, by the United States. Not nearly enough, and not permanently based, but nonetheless significant.
"In the unlikely event of a Russian invasion of any of those territories, these troops are to act as a tripwire, triggering a full-scale war with NATO. It’s the kind of coldblooded deterrent that kept the peace in Europe during the Cold War and keeps it now along the DMZ in Korea." . . .
A trip-wire force is akin to a "red line", which our adversaries know from repeated experiences will not be honored by Obama's Democrats.
Sorry, but in events influenced by Obama and Democrats, I am a pessimist. TD

The Hillary defense; what hath it wrought?

‘Hillary Defense’ invoked by cop accused of trading favors for sex  
"Grant will probably not succeed in court.  But the fact that the plea is made, that it is heard, and that it reinforces the public’s skepticism that the legal and political systems are fair to ordinary people is what matters.  Faith in our political institutions is plummeting, and that is a dangerous situation."
"This is how the fish rots from the head down.  Standards crumble at all levels of society when the powerful and prominent are seen to get away with flouting the law.  Kaja Whitehouse writes in the New York Post:
A lawyer for one of the NYPD cops accused of doing favors for bribes – including mile-high sex with this hooker on a free trip to Las Vegas  said his client’s behavior was no worse than Hillary Clinton’s.
“It’s similar to what the FBI said about Hillary Clinton, and why she wasn’t charged,” said John Meringolo, a lawyer for James Grant, who pleaded not guilty in Manhattan federal court Wednesday. . . .

Hillary Clinton and the erosion of legitimacy  . . . "But are today's Americans ready to rise up and do what is necessary to prevent servitude?  Do Americans still consider themselves free citizens who are the sovereign?  Or do they consider themselves subjects of an all-powerful government that determines social justice through rules, regulations, and laws?  Are the people now willing for the political elite to have special privileges?  Or are they as strong, as God-fearing, and as courageous as the Americans of the 18th century?" . . .

Maybe the Democrats should start a Never Clinton movement . . . "Second, Mrs. Clinton, the FBI, Attorney General Lynch, and President Clinton's grandchildren chat are not passing the smell test for many voters, especially those independents who decide elections.  It's fair to say a lot of Americans have concluded that Mrs. Clinton got special treatment, or the kind of treatment that the average person working in the federal government would never get. " . . .
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

MYSTERY: CNN loses feed as reporter critiques Hillary Clinton

The American Mirror  "What happened on Tuesday isn’t going to do anything to help CNN shed the “Clinton News Network” moniker.
"As reporter Brianna Keilar was appearing live from Hillary’s speech in Springfield, Illinois — and critiquing her record — the feed was mysteriously lost."


"The same month, in Birmingham, Alabama, an officer was beaten unconscious with his own gun by a suspect in a car stop. There was gloating on social media. “Pistol whipped his ass to sleep,” read one Twitter post. The officer later said that he had refrained from using force to defend himself for fear of a media backlash for alleged racism."
Image result for birmingham cop beaten with own gun photos

Power Line  . . . "Nor have I seen evidence that “the talk,” if widely given in the African-American community, is having the desired effect. Michael Brown wasn’t saying “yes sir, no sir” when he twice attacked Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, first in Wilson’s police car and later on the street. Freddy Gray wasn’t saying “yes sir, no sir” when he made a scene and then threw himself about in the police van in West Baltimore.
"How about the black teenagers in McKinney, Texas who crashed a pool party and thenrefused to disperse when the police arrived and told them to? One of the kids repeatedly disobeyed reasonable police orders. Yes, one officer badly overreacted to this incident. However, my point for purposes of this post is that the behavior of the teenagers suggests that either they didn’t get “the talk” or didn’t take it seriously.
"Heather Mac Donald’s new book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe, documents what she calls “the virulent antipolice campaign that began with a now-discredited narrative about a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.” Even assuming that many African-American parents are giving “the talk,” a competing and seemingly more powerful narrative has taken hold." . . .

Actor Mark Ruffalo Just Trashed Cops, Let’s BOYCOTT His Films

Clash Daily  "The stupid is strong on this Tweet from Mark Ruffalo. Are you going to continue watching his movies after seeing how he feels about police officers?
Actor Mark Ruffalo has called on President Obama to sign an executive order divesting federal funds from “bad cops” and police departments in the wake of the shooting deaths of two African-American men and five Dallas police officers earlier this month.
The 48-year-old Avengers star posted a link to a petition on his Twitter page on Monday.
“Defund bad cops and police departments,” the actor wrote. “Tell Obama: We need an executive order!” Ruffalo ended the message with the hashtag, “#DefundPolice.”
The petition linked to by the actor calls on Congress and the Obama administration to cut federal funding for police departments nationwide.
hill77All of which Obama is ready, willing, and able to do.

Ruffalo prefers Hillary? Many do not:  If Hillary Clinton won, I’d probably consider suicide. I’m definitely not a fan”  "The vast majority of Americans are scared of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump becoming president, according to a new poll.
Faced with the presidential Hobson’s choice of sorts, 81 percent of Americans say they would feel afraid after the election of one of the two polarizing politicians, according to the Associated Press-GfK poll.
"That includes a quarter who say it doesn’t matter who wins: they’re terrified of both.
"Three-quarters of voters say their selection would be motivated more by a desire to keep either Trump or Clinton out of the Oval Office — more than those who say they’re voting for the candidate who shares their positions on the issues or is the most qualified to hold the office." . . .

Ginsberg gets thumped for Dump Trump remarks.

"In a statement to the Washington Post, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said: “On reflection, my recent remarks in response to press inquiries were ill-advised and I regret making them. Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect.' ”
" 'On reflection, my recent remarks' were less than 'circumspect' "
That's an apology?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

. . . "To the Associated Press, Ginsburg said, as WND previously reported: “I don’t want to think about [a Trump presidency] possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs.”
"And to the New York Times, she said, while reflecting on a Trump presidency: “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be – I don’t even want to contemplate that.' ”
Ginsburg also mentioned a joke she and her now-deceased husband Marty shared, in which they considered Trump in the White House and said: “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand,” various media reported. And, she called him a “faker” who “really has an ego” and “has no consistency about him,” as NBC News reported.
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Somehow I can see Ginsberg retiring in time for Obama to select her replacement.

More at Politico   "Ginsburg’s surprisingly outspoken comments on the presidential election drew condemnation from Democrats, as well as the Times and Washington Post’s editorial boards."

If what RBG did is a disgrace to the court, she’s in illustrious company   . . . "O’Connor had a long history of rooting for the Bushes in presidential elections. In 1988, she wrote to longtime political ally Senator Barry Goldwater, in a letter now in his public archives, that she “would be thankful if George B wins. It is vital for the Court and the nation that he does.' ” . . .

From The Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Ginsburg takes selfless actions to prevent election litigation deadlock  . . . As others have noted too, Ginsburg’s comments have been quite unusual for a sitting justice, and she continues to shoot from the hip with each additional opportunity. Although I largely agree with Ginsburg’s assessment of Trump, it is surprising to hear such things from a sitting Supreme Court justice. What can explain her comments? I have an idea." . . .