Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Biden Official Challenges Reporter During Press Briefing, Doesn’t Go Well

Let's do pushups! C'mon man!

Daily Wire   "State Department spokesman Ned Price challenged a reporter with The Associated Press during a Tuesday press briefing and quickly had his dignity handed back to him when the reporter was able to easily refute Price’s spin.

"Associated Press reporter Matt Lee pressed Price on the notion that the Biden administration was helpless to reverse course on things that the prior administration did. The exchange came in the context of talking about the U.S. removing its forces from Afghanistan.

" 'This administration inherited plenty from the previous administration that it absolutely reversed,” Lee said. “Are you saying that you’re not – you have a – you’re not confident in your negotiating skills that you could have renegotiated with – that you couldn’t have renegotiated a deal with the Taliban and that the – and are you saying that the President, in fact, didn’t want to take troops out, didn’t want to withdraw?”

"The two then had the following exchange:"

AOC influence in question after Eric Adams defeats her picks for NYC mayor

Fox News   

"AOC is popular in her district, but mayoral primary results indicate other parts of NY may not feel the same"

Candidate for Congress Desi Cuellar rips AOC for minimizing crime wave

. .  . "While Ocasio-Cortez remains wildly popular in her district, the mayoral race indicates that her influence may not extend far beyond that. Her congressional district is located in areas of the Bronx and Queens. According to a map of unofficial results from the first round of voting published by Gothamist, the Bronx overwhelmingly supported Adams, and while Wiley fared better in Queens her support was largely limited to the western part of the borough while the rest was mainly split among Adams, Garcia and Andrew Yang.

"It remains to be seen whether the failure to draw voters to her progressive cause in her own boroughs – let alone New York City as a whole – could impact Ocasio-Cortez's decision on where her career could take her next." . . .

Associated Press Declares Eric Adams Winner of NYC Democratic Mayoral Primary "Adams is considered a moderate as far as NYC politicians go so this should be interesting."  Next to de Blasio I'm sure he is, but lets hope he isn't another David Dinkins.

. . . "Adams is considered a moderate, who supports Israel and received Jewish support. He’s also a former police officer. Garcia is not as far-left as other candidates, but she is a career politician within NYC.

"I have a feeling the progressives and far-left do not like him.

"Who knows. It would not shock me if Garcia launches a recount or contests the vote." . . .

NYC Frontline Workers to Boycott Hometown Heroes Parade: Mayor de Blasio ‘Uses Us for PR Photo-Op’  "Thousands of New York City frontline workers are set to boycott the Hometown Heroes ticker tape parade on Wednesday and are citing Mayor Bill de Blasio’s leadership as the reason for their absence." . . .

Biden Tells LA Dodgers Story About His Own Baseball Feat, Gets Immediately Called Out by RNC
 Leah Barkoukis  “My kids only remember two things that ever happened to me in my career, my boys. And they’ve met kings and queens and they’ve gone to other countries. But I played in the second Congressional baseball game at the old stadium, in the old Washington stadium,” he continued. “And I hit one off the right center field wall, bounced off the wall. I think it’s 368, or I don’t know what it is exactly now, but off the wall. And I’m rounding … anyway, to make a long story short, my kids remember that, all the rest. And guess what? Only thing I remember too. Yeah. I thought, ‘What could have been. What could have been.’”

"The story was immediately fact checked by the Republican National Committee’s Zach Parkinson." . . .

 Clutch Biden And The Cargo Cult   . . . "his time it is a forever cargo cult.

"But such a cult sorely needs a leader or at least a figurehead to be an official cult. Who did the Dems have this time around? After a rigged primary they fixed on Joe Biden.

"Pundits have started calling Joe Biden – “the Walter Mitty of American politics”.

"His brain-dead performances at the nationally televised Democrat debates and near constant gaffes made him a literal laughingstock. His polls dropped like a stone as the public saw his corrupt ways. He lost in Iowa, Nevada and in New Hampshire came in fourth! But no matter, the cult came to his back and he swept through South Carolina and outlasted poor old socialist Bernie." . . .

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Biden Gets Busted Over False Baseball Boast

 RedState  "Joe Biden told us yesterday, “word of a Biden” we were on the verge of America’s “greatest future.”

"There are a couple of problems with that.

"We may be on the verge of America’s “greatest future” but it will be in spite of Biden, not because of it and likely only after we are past Biden because of his awful policies.

"But the other problem is that the word of a Biden isn’t worth anything. Media doesn’t acknowledge them as lies, but Biden lies like he breathes. His most common type of lie is the one that puffs him up — the boasting lie. That’s the kind of lie that made him have to drop out of his first presidential race in 1988, when he plagiarized other politicians and lied about his educational background. He’s lied about marching for civil rights. He’s lied about being arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela. That kind of lying is one of the reasons he was dismissed as a buffoon for years until the Democrats thought they needed him as the safe, congenial old guy to secure their power.

"But now, he told another whopper when he had the World Series winners, the Los Angeles Dodgers, to the White House on Friday. During the visit, he told the Dodgers that he hit a 368 ft. home run off the right-centerfield wall during a Congressional baseball game. He even claimed his “kids remember that.” CBS’ Bo Erickson, one of the few reporters who actually asks questions and reports like a real reporter should, took note, calling it “Peak Biden.” . . .

The Longest Yarn… JOE BIDEN CAUGHT IN LIE – Said He Played College Football – He Didn’t    "
During a campaign stop in Athens, Ohio, on Saturday September 8, Vice President Joe Biden said the last time he was in the town, playing against the Ohio University football team on October 19, 1963, he almost got arrested for walking into a girls’ dormitory.

"During a campaign stop in Athens, Ohio, on Saturday September 8, Vice President Joe Biden said the last time he was in the town, playing against the Ohio University football team on October 19, 1963, he almost got arrested for walking into a girls’ dormitory.

"It’s a good story. It’s just not true… at all. 

" Shawn at Free Republic discovered that Joe Biden did not play football at the University of Delaware in 1961, 1962, 1963, or 1964, according to past yearbooks.

"The 1984 University of Delaware yearbook included an interview with Joe Biden. It’s Biden first ever interview were he talks about his “triple major” (later during Biden’s 1988 presidential campaign he admitted he lied and had two majors, not three) and playing “intramural football” (flag football). There is no mention about him playing college football." . . .

Brit Hume shames ‘woke’ Squad for having zero historical knowledge concerning civil rights or racism

 BPR  "Fox News commentator Brit Hume slammed the leftist Squad for getting far more attention than they deserve and for having no historical knowledge of how the civil rights movement came into being or what racism really entails.

"Monday, on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Hume gave his opinion on Rep. Cori Bush’s outrageously anti-American and racist tweet where she proclaimed that black people were not “free.”

“ 'When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for White people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free,” Bush explosively asserted on Independence Day.

"Hume started out by saying, “You know, the one thing that you never hear critics of this country, along the lines we just heard in Anita’s report, never hear them cite is some country which measures up to their standards. You never hear of another country that is doing a better job of it than we have. And there’s a reason for that. I can think of no nation on earth, perhaps no nation in history, that has tried harder or done more to bring its minority populations into the mainstream of the country with all of its freedoms and advantages. And in fact, you know, it hasn’t been all that long ago that slavery, which has been talked about more today than perhaps the Civil War, was universal… it was everywhere. Going back to biblical times, it was everywhere. This country has gone a long way, longer than I think any nation, to remedy the ills that grew out of it. The lack of freedoms, the severe violation of human rights. You never hear these critics say ‘Well, we’d rather be like this country or that country.’ They can’t in my view,” Hume declared.". . . 

Ted Cruz Puts the Kibosh on Cori Bush's Disgusting Independence Day Comments

"All of that means she fits right in with Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the rest of the far-left caucus in the House. . . "Oh, you hate the United States and think it’s evil? Well, join the dozens of other Democrat House members who think the same thing." 

 RedState  "Yesterday, I reported on what was perhaps the worst Independence Day take to go forth over the holiday weekend, though, renowned race-grifter Toure did his best to one-up it (see The Most Disgusting, Ridiculous 4th of July Take Goes Forth).

“ ;Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) decided that the Fourth of July would be a good day to let it be known that only “white” people are free and that the United States was built on stolen land." . . .

When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.

. . .  As Cruz says, these misleading rants by far-left race grifters are meant to divide and nothing else. Bush wants power, and she sees power in division. There is no need to read any deeper into her rant than that." . . .

Jonathan Turley on Hunter Biden laptop disclosures: ‘Greatest frame up of all time, or greatest cover up’


BPR "Against the backdrop of more email disclosures, constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley apparently thinks that the corporate media could be a willing partner in an all-time coverup of the extent of Hunter Biden’s alleged international influence pedaling while trading on his father’s name.
"Turley, the high-profile, fair-minded George Washington University law professor and self-described liberal, suggested that the Biden family has never disputed that validity of the alleged damning emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and that perhaps makes the media’s possible malpractice even more glaring.
"The law professor implied that a binary choice is in play: either a frameup over a coverup.
. . . “While the Bidens are not claiming that these emails are fake, the media has a blockbuster story in either case: either this is the greatest frame up of all time or it is the greatest cover up. The problem is that, if it is a cover up, the media played a major role in it,” Turley wrote Sunsay on Twitter.
"Turley was reacting to the recent revelation in the emails that former FBI Director Louis Freeh reportedly donated $100,000 in April 2016 to a trust for Joe Biden’s two grandchildren after the kids’ father tragically passed way from cancer." . . .

Biden’s Policy of National Suicide

His support for Gwen Berry’s protest is one more proof of it.

 The American Spectator  "The Gwen Berry controversy provides yet another foreshadowing of America’s future under the toxic propaganda of critical race theory. The Democrats seek to produce a nation of Gwen Berrys. For all their recent claptrap about the imperiled “symbols of

our democracy,” the Democrats extol anti-American dissent. They are the party of athletes who boycott the flag and anthem, teachers who indoctrinate their students in self-hatred, and subversive activists who push perpetual revolution. Joe Biden is pursuing a policy of national suicide, vividly symbolized by the flying of Black Lives Matter (BLM) flags atop U.S. embassies.

"He is not protecting America against anti-American ideologues but delivering it into their hands. His administration has become a jobs program for left-wing dissidents who view the American founding as a hate crime.

"To those who harbor such twisted views, Gwen Berry is a role model. The Biden administration’s unwillingness to condemn her boycott of the national anthem confirms once again its perverse conception of the national interest. Biden press secretary Jen Psaki said that the president takes “pride” in her anti-American activism.

"In recent months, Biden has postured as a great defender of American democracy, all the while pandering to the anti-American special interests of his party. He supports attacks on American democracy at the deepest possible level, conferring plum positions on BLM ideologues who see the political experiment of the Founding Fathers as a regrettable relic of a discredited Western civilization. Biden has entrusted his Department of Education to critical race theorists who hold the same views as Gwen Berry. They, too, wince at celebrations of the American Revolution and the War of 1812. They think the world would have been better off if the colonists and early Americans had lost these contests." . . .

Let's stop pretending men are women just because they say they are

 ..."And the ones who are not mentally ill, but are using the laws for economic, athletic, and sexual advantage (including rape and exhibitionism), need to be banned from women's and girl's spaces without apology and without that damned pronoun madness."...

Andrea Widburg  "Last week, a viral video showed a woman confronting the staff at Wi Spa in Los Angeles because there was a naked man in the women-only steam room, which had girls as well as women present.  On Saturday, Antifa showed up and tried to beat the snot out of anyone who dared to say that a man is not a woman.  On Sunday, though, another woman published a video regarding a similar, deeply disturbing experience she had at the same spa over a year ago.

"Here's the almost ten-minute video in which the woman tells about her and her six-year-old daughter's experience when they went for a mom-daughter date at Wi Spa, a family-run Korean spa that caters to families.  And because it is a traditional Korean spa, people strip down to the buff when they enter the sex-segregated spa area.  A lot of the people in the women's area are Korean grandmothers there with their daughters and granddaughters.  But I'll let her tell the tale:"

"If you don't have time for the video, what the woman details is pretty grim:" . . .

‘Only White Men’: Maxine Waters Goes On Anti-America Rant On July Fourth

What that demagogue calls "voter suppression" is simply voters showing they are voting citizens and cannot vote more than once.

 Daily Caller  "Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters went on an anti-America Twitter rant Sunday.

"In one tweet, Waters attacked the Declaration of Independence and questioned its words and meaning.

“July 4th … & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal,” Waters tweeted. “Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!” (RELATED: ‘I Am Nonviolent’: Maxine Waters Defends Call For Protesters To ‘Get More Confrontational’)More...

Monday, July 5, 2021

On Race, Can We All Lighten Up? Have a Banana and Chill Out!

  Larry Elder

"On a beautiful Sunday morning, I was out of town for a business meeting in the city of Santa Barbara, California, an affluent area where the rich and famous live. Demographically, it isn't exactly Wakanda. Before getting on the 101 Freeway for the long drive back to Los Angeles, I pulled into a gas station to fill up.

"Just as I got out of my car, I heard a booming male voice shout, "Hey, want a banana?" My head jerked up to locate the racist. Turns out the man who bellowed was standing next to his SUV, tailgate open, where I saw a big bag of bananas. The man was talking to a homeless guy picking through trash in a nearby garbage can. Both the SUV driver and the homeless man were white.

"Once I put all this together, I smiled and said to the driver: "Hey, I thought you were talking to me! I was about to accuse you of systemic racism." The driver started laughing. Then I said: "I think I'm still going to accuse you of systemic racism. How come the only person you offered a banana to is white? What about me?" Now the homeless man started laughing. Then I said, "And I don't even like bananas." Both were now laughing, and the homeless guy said, "Man, you are so funny." I responded: "Thanks. I'm here all week. Two drink minimum. Don't forget to throw something in my tip jar." At this point, both practically doubled over in laughter. As I drove away, I said to myself: "Did I just ask a homeless man to leave me a tip? Elder, you're going to burn in hell."

"How wrong my immediate assumption had turned out to be." . . .

The Veep From ‘Veep’; Kamala Harris can’t fix her office, much less the border

"Pardon me! I'm speaking!

 Free Beacon  

More interviews and stories like these and Harris will soon be living the politician’s worst nightmare: becoming a punchline.

"President Joe Biden has a problem, and her name is Kamala Harris. The vice president has become a comic figure in today’s Washington—a politician given to missteps and unforced errors who inspires neither loyalty nor trust within her inner circle. She might have been Biden’s safest pick for running mate. But now she’s a liability for both the president and the Democratic Party.

"It’s not just that Harris is unpopular. Her unique combination of falsity and incompetence generates negative press and endangers her dreams of succeeding Biden. For Harris, the month of June has been an extended replay of highlights from Veep, the HBO comedy starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as a clueless and floundering politician on the make. Only Harris isn’t laughing.

"Her favorability among registered voters is 7 points underwater in the latest Economist/YouGov survey. Biden’s approval, by contrast, is split even: 48 percent approve, and 48 percent disapprove. More worrisome for Harris is her "very unfavorable" rating. It’s at 40 percent. That’s 3 points higher than Biden’s number—and just 3 points short of Nancy Pelosi’s.

"The reason for Harris’s unpopularity is no mystery. It’s her performance. She has a problem following through. She’s fine when working from a script, but she stumbles whenever she must improvise. The classic example came early in the 2020 campaign. Harris attacked Biden during a primary debate for opposing school busing in the 1970s. The moment went viral—and then evaporated. Harris couldn’t rebut Biden’s arguments against Medicare for All. She couldn’t withstand Tulsi Gabbard’s criticism of her record as California’s state attorney general. She didn’t make it past the first week of December 2019.

"Last August, when Biden asked her to join the Democratic ticket, Harris took the Hippocratic Oath of running mates: first, do no harm. She lived up to the pledge. She followed the Biden strategy of letting President Donald Trump hog the stage and self-destruct. She made no great mistakes during her debate with Vice President Mike Pence. And she barely made a sound during the presidential transition. The biggest flap concerning Harris was over a Vogue cover shoot that annoyed her Very Online fan base.

"It was Biden who set Harris up for a fall. By May, the surge in illegal crossings at the southern border had become impossible to ignore. Biden said the vice president would lead the administration’s response. This was a gargantuan and impossible task. After all, Biden’s reversal of Trump’s immigration policies is behind the increase in illegal immigration. And there’s no way Harris would contradict her boss, even if she wanted to."  . . .