Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Biden’s Policy of National Suicide

His support for Gwen Berry’s protest is one more proof of it.

 The American Spectator  "The Gwen Berry controversy provides yet another foreshadowing of America’s future under the toxic propaganda of critical race theory. The Democrats seek to produce a nation of Gwen Berrys. For all their recent claptrap about the imperiled “symbols of

our democracy,” the Democrats extol anti-American dissent. They are the party of athletes who boycott the flag and anthem, teachers who indoctrinate their students in self-hatred, and subversive activists who push perpetual revolution. Joe Biden is pursuing a policy of national suicide, vividly symbolized by the flying of Black Lives Matter (BLM) flags atop U.S. embassies.

"He is not protecting America against anti-American ideologues but delivering it into their hands. His administration has become a jobs program for left-wing dissidents who view the American founding as a hate crime.

"To those who harbor such twisted views, Gwen Berry is a role model. The Biden administration’s unwillingness to condemn her boycott of the national anthem confirms once again its perverse conception of the national interest. Biden press secretary Jen Psaki said that the president takes “pride” in her anti-American activism.

"In recent months, Biden has postured as a great defender of American democracy, all the while pandering to the anti-American special interests of his party. He supports attacks on American democracy at the deepest possible level, conferring plum positions on BLM ideologues who see the political experiment of the Founding Fathers as a regrettable relic of a discredited Western civilization. Biden has entrusted his Department of Education to critical race theorists who hold the same views as Gwen Berry. They, too, wince at celebrations of the American Revolution and the War of 1812. They think the world would have been better off if the colonists and early Americans had lost these contests." . . .

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