Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Let's stop pretending men are women just because they say they are

 ..."And the ones who are not mentally ill, but are using the laws for economic, athletic, and sexual advantage (including rape and exhibitionism), need to be banned from women's and girl's spaces without apology and without that damned pronoun madness."...

Andrea Widburg  "Last week, a viral video showed a woman confronting the staff at Wi Spa in Los Angeles because there was a naked man in the women-only steam room, which had girls as well as women present.  On Saturday, Antifa showed up and tried to beat the snot out of anyone who dared to say that a man is not a woman.  On Sunday, though, another woman published a video regarding a similar, deeply disturbing experience she had at the same spa over a year ago.

"Here's the almost ten-minute video in which the woman tells about her and her six-year-old daughter's experience when they went for a mom-daughter date at Wi Spa, a family-run Korean spa that caters to families.  And because it is a traditional Korean spa, people strip down to the buff when they enter the sex-segregated spa area.  A lot of the people in the women's area are Korean grandmothers there with their daughters and granddaughters.  But I'll let her tell the tale:"

"If you don't have time for the video, what the woman details is pretty grim:" . . .

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