Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ted Cruz Puts the Kibosh on Cori Bush's Disgusting Independence Day Comments

"All of that means she fits right in with Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the rest of the far-left caucus in the House. . . "Oh, you hate the United States and think it’s evil? Well, join the dozens of other Democrat House members who think the same thing." 

 RedState  "Yesterday, I reported on what was perhaps the worst Independence Day take to go forth over the holiday weekend, though, renowned race-grifter Toure did his best to one-up it (see The Most Disgusting, Ridiculous 4th of July Take Goes Forth).

“ ;Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) decided that the Fourth of July would be a good day to let it be known that only “white” people are free and that the United States was built on stolen land." . . .

When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.

. . .  As Cruz says, these misleading rants by far-left race grifters are meant to divide and nothing else. Bush wants power, and she sees power in division. There is no need to read any deeper into her rant than that." . . .

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