Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Lost Boys of Television

The leaders in a show appear in court; the judge is a female minority, arrogant and dominating. In the ads, the male is clueless and uninformed, needing the woman to inform him of the product. Boys race against girls, being losers; a champion race car driver exits their car, removes helmet, and long flowing locks show the winner is a woman. Surprise! 

The American Spectator

Hollywoke executives wish to “detoxify” the boys who view their product. 

"Being unblessed by fatherhood (thus far), I have little idea of what boys today are watching on TV, the few not playing video games anyway. But in perusing the 2021 primetime network schedule, I found nothing I would want to watch were I under sixteen. The only constant I
could see is the dearth of male heroes, which suggests two possibilities. Hollywoke television executives either have no interest in having young males view their product, or they wish to “detoxify” those who do. Perhaps both conclusions are correct, and equally damning of our time.

"As a young kid, I came home from school every Friday eager for a full night of masculine TV bliss. It swept me and millions of other boys from the old West to espionage action to modern adventuring to strange new worlds with the coolest, cleverest, manliest men in all the universes.

"For four fun seasons, the night began with U.S. Secret Service agents James West (Robert Conrad) and Artemus Gordon (Ross Martin) saving the country from 19th Century villains in The Wild Wild West, often by Jim West punching the hell out of them. A pair of globetrotting super spies, Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) and Illya Kuryakin (David MacCallum), followed suit in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (U.N.C.L.E. being an acronym for the fictional — yet very real to us kids — United Network Command for Law and Enforcement). It says something about the progressive emasculation of our culture that the U.N.C.L.E. special — a pistol that converted into a telescopic rifle — received as much fan mail from young men as its two sex-symbol stars did from women. When U.N.C.L.E. moved to Monday night, it was replaced on Friday by the voyages of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek. The brilliant show’s three lead crewmen, Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Doctor McCoy, became our male scouts to strange new worlds, new life, and new civilizations populated by gorgeous alien women.

"In the summer of 1969, the foolishly canceled Star Trek was succeeded by the famous Simon Templar, better known from 40 years of literature, cinema, and radio as The Saint. The ridiculously handsome Roger Moore (before he became a rather silly James Bond) played Templar just like author Leslie Charteris conceived him in 1928’s The Saint Meets the Tiger — a gallant, debonair, yet fight-ready English adventurer who uses extra-legal means to help victimized innocents while romancing beautiful women. The Saint novels remained popular into the ’60s, and George Sanders portrayed Templar in five fun pictures between 1939 and 1941. Val Kilmer starred as a ghastly, clueless reincarnation of the character in 1997’s atrocious The Saint. But Moore nailed the character on television for us boys, joining the pantheon of men we wanted to emulate." . . .

Saturday, August 7, 2021

J'accuse! How Derek Chauvin became America's Dreyfus

If Dreyfus's real crime was being Jewish, Chauvin's was being white and a cop.  The fact that that three of the five officers on the scene that day were non-white did not matter to the mob now fully in control of the media and the Democratic Party. . . .

Jack Cashill   "How flimsy it is!" wrote Emile Zola in his public letter to French president FĂ©lix Faure.  "The fact that someone could have been convicted on this charge is the ultimate iniquity.  I defy decent men to read it without a stir of indignation in their hearts and a cry of revulsion, at the thought of the undeserved punishment being meted out."

"The year was 1898.  The man convicted of espionage was Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General Staff officer who was then rotting away on Devil's Island to which he had been sentenced for life.  The evidence of Dreyfus's guilt mattered less to the French military establishment than did the need to feed the anti-Semitic mania then sweeping the country.

"Upon Derek Chauvin's conviction for the murder of George Floyd, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris unwittingly laid bare the equally racist mania sweeping America.

America's enemy: "wokeness"


Incompetence + Arrogance = Woke 

. . . Is there a connection between their wokeness and the general lack of interest in the NBA, Major League Baseball, NFL, and the Tokyo Olympics? Is the public sense not just that they do not wish to be talked down to by such privileged and spoiled 20- and 30-somethings, but also that the level of play of professional and amateur sports seems on the decline as well? Or is it that these woke, young athletes can handle sports or social hectoring, but not both—and it shows in their performances and in the lack of mass appeal? 

Hollywood is the worst offender. Almost daily a mega-star joins the outrage twitter chorus to remind us of her exemplary virtue or his singular outrage over “social injustice.” They belong to this strange collection of celebrity-obsessed multi-millionaires whose homes, lifestyles, modes of transportation, and fashion are Versailles-like—yet whose daily lives never quite match their sanctimonious barking." . . .  

We do not become "Karens"; we become "Joy Behars" .

A Guide to Wokespeak Notes on the ascendant Left’s new terminology.
"With the rise of the Left inevitable over the next two years, the public should become acquainted with the Left’s strange language of Wokespeak. Failure to do so could result in job termination and career cancellation. It is certainly a fluid tongue. Words often change their meanings as the political context demands. And what was yesterday’s orthodoxy is today’s heterodoxy. "So here is some of the vocabulary of the woke lexicon." . . .

Keep “Woke” Ideology Out of the Department of Defense  "Imagine this: The streets of Army bases or the decks of Navy ships are painted with large yellow letters saluting the
UK Guardian

controversial organization, “
Black Lives Matter.”  At the Army/Navy game, players take a knee instead of saluting the flag.

"At all the military service academies, “woke” instructors are teaching mandatory “critical race theory” courses.   Non-minority midshipmen and cadets must confess their own “white privilege” and agree that all institutions are racist, and a person’s denial of racism proves they are racist. 

"Also imagine military officers accepting denials of promotions if they do not fit the desired diversity quotas.  To overcome this disadvantage, some promotable officers start book clubs for subordinates to study best sellers like White Fragility.

"Oh, wait – Navy Captain Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. already announced a book club for Second Fleet sailors' “voluntary” reading, naming White Fragility as its first selection." . . . 

Friday, August 6, 2021

How CBS and CNN went from reporting the news to distorting it

CNN's credibility collapse pushes viewership below one million for an entire week  "Not a single show on CNN could reach one million viewers in the past week, a decline that is both highly symbolic of its collapsing credibility and financially meaningful to advertising rates.  Its behavior this week suggests that the situation will only get worse."

How CBS and CNN went from reporting the news to distorting it

Yes, that means divas like Jim Acosta. A former top CNN exec (again, the name is withheld by the author) tells Attkisson, “If I were chairman of CNN, I would call [Acosta] and say, ‘Nobody elected you, and you’re not there to fight with the president of the United States.’ ” At the old CNN, Attkisson says, “a Jim Acosta would not have been possible.”

CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta makes himself the star instead
 of focusing on the news -- a far cry from the network's early "just the facts" ethos,
Sharyl Atkkisson claims

"When Sharyl Attkisson discusses media bias, she isn’t just sharpshooting from a distant perch. She’s a true insider, having worked at CNN in the early days, when it was all news instead of peacocking personalities and venting about politics. She went on to be a star correspondent and anchor for CBS News, from which she resigned in frustration six years ago. When she talks about what kinds of stories get on the air and why, she has specific, damning details. In her new book “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” (Harper), out later this month, she brings the receipts.

"The book opens with a stunning array of examples of undisguised bias from her superiors and colleagues as she fought to get investigative stories on the air at CBS. Back in 1996, when media mogul Steve Forbes was running for president, the following assignment came down to her at the Washington bureau: “Do a story on why Steve Forbes’ flat tax won’t work.” Forbes was running for president on a revolutionary idea about simplifying federal income tax so that an entire family tax return would fit on the proverbial postcard. Attkisson wasn’t told, “Do a story on the pros and cons of this” or “Look into whether this would work.” She was handed a conclusion and told to pick whatever facts might lead to it." . . .  Full article here...

CNN's Most Embarrassing Moments

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Fires Back After Psaki Says Biden Sexual Misconduct Claims Were ‘Heavily Litigated’

The backstory to the Tara Reade episode

Political Insider   "Tara Reade, the woman who has accused President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her back in the 1990s, has fired back after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that the sexual misconduct claims made against him have been “heavily litigated.”

Reade Fires Back At Psaki

“Ask Psaki: Did I miss the investigation and litigation?” Reade tweeted. “I sure did not miss the smears and attacks on my character during Joe Biden’s campaign as I came forward. Was it safe to come forward? I think not.”

"Reade told The New York Post that “what’s boneheaded is Psaki using legal term of art, ‘heavily litigated’ … that is going to haunt them.” She added that the case was never litigated at all, and that it upset her to hear Psaki say that Biden believes in “women being respected and having their voices heard and being allowed to tell their stories.”

“ 'That bulls–t Psaki said yesterday really got under my skin — when she said it’s safe for women to come forward… I’m a poster child for how that’s untrue,” Reade continued." . . .

TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden’s Gaffes from Viewers

 Newsbusters  "It’s no secret the left-wing media abruptly lose interest in covering presidential gaffes when Democrats take the White House. Well, they’re doing it again: over the past few months liberal cable and broadcast news networks have utterly ignored a slew of mistakes and fumbles by President Biden."

. . . "Last week brought yet another gaffe that these same channels ignored. While visiting a truck factory in Pennsylvania last Wednesday, Biden abruptly claimed: “I used to drive an 18-wheeler.” After some digging around, journalists concluded that no, no he didn’t. Once again, this received zero airtime from the aforementioned broadcast and cable outlets.
"A rare few of the President’s recent fumbles have caused enough of a stir to require airtime from his lackeys in TV news. In these instances, the strategy has generally been to lamely excuse his behavior.
"For example, when Biden claimed earlier this month that FaceBook was “killing people” by not doing more to combat COVID misinformation, CNN’s Jim Acosta hosted a bunch of former Democratic operatives to spin the event as a positive. “I thought it was terrific,” CNN commentator Paul Begala opined, adding, “It’s about time.' ” . . .

One US Women's Soccer Player Defies the Wokeness and Stands

One player who will not be a guest on late-night TV


I think Carli Lloyd has spoken about why she doesn't want to kneel during the national anthem. But I'm curious if anyone has asked her why she chose not to take a knee for a minute before kickoff along with every other American player, staff member, and referee

"Who she should be questioning is the other women: Do they understand why they are kneeling and what it represents to many people? That’s what a reporter should be doing.

"Lloyd touched on the question of kneeling in the past.

"Here’s what she said in 2019 when she called such kneeling during the anthem a “distraction,” indicating that she thought this was the wrong platform for such things. “At the end of the day, I’m really proud to be an American,” Lloyd said. “I’m really proud to wear the red, white and blue. I’m proud to salute the flag.' ”

In California, Recalls are not Just for the Governor

This all [prompts] the question -- Why did Californians elect all of these clowns?  They’re all doing exactly what they said they’d do.

 John Green  "Just about everyone in America is aware that California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall election.  But California has a lot more recall news than simply the recall of its governor.  In fact, the state is in the midst of a genuine recallapalooza.  The state has recall challenges underway for not just the governor, but also two district attorneys and over 48 assorted mayors, city councilmen, and school board members.  And that recall count is only as of July.  It seems that it’s not all love and harmony in the Golden State." . . .

"A number of mayors and city councilmen are being recalled because they made no attempt to resist the state’s oppressive COVID lockdowns.  It turns out that people elected them to actually represent their constituents, not the state government leviathan.  Apparently, these politicians didn’t realize that the freest people in the world would like to keep their -- you know -- freedom.  If the local politicians can’t stand up for that, then the local population would like to fire them and get someone who will." . . .

. . . "The state elected a body-builder action-hero who was decidedly more heroic in his movies than in office.  Governor “Ahnold” was then followed by Governor “Moonbeam.”  This was actually California’s second dance with Jerry Brown.  He had previously been the
governor from 1975-1983.  He didn’t impress anyone with his first time in office, but maybe age would make him better. While it works with wine, it didn’t in his case.  When Governor “Moonbeam” left office, Californians turned to Governor “Hair-Gel” Newsom -- the current recall target.  The voters have traveled this road before and didn’t learn a darn thing." . . .

Ex–Hillary Clinton operatives hold crisis meeting to find way to make Kamala Harris more likeable

Just do all the tricks they used to make Hillary likeable, starting with the cackle.

 Monica Showalter

  • Her guests included Harris confidant Minyon Moore; two former DNC officials, Donna Brazile and Leah Daughtry; Biden adviser and leader of his outside group, Stephanie Cutter; former Hillary Clinton spokeswomen and Democratic strategists Adrienne Elrod and Karen Finney; and former Obama White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

. . . "After decades of practicing sound-bite politics herself, she's angry that the media are throwing it at her, given that she's such a deep thinker and all.  The hyena laughs were...oh, forget about those giggles and laughs.  Just accept that she's a woman of depth.

"Back to the old phony, it seems.  The Hillary-linked likeability crew has got its work cut out for it."

They did such a great job with Hillary

"The team that was in charge of making Hillary Clinton "likeable" to voters is sure it can turn this one around, too.  Ummm..."

Kamala Harris’ lunatic laughter is not only inappropriate, it should give all who hear it the willies

Thursday, August 5, 2021

President Biden Announces on Live TV That He Intends to Break His Oath of Office

 Charles C.W. Cooke  "President Biden knows that the CDC’s eviction moratorium is illegal, having, per Gene Sperling, “not only kicked the tires,” but “double, triple, quadruple checked.” He also knows that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is illegal, and that the majority of the legal scholars he has consulted think that the Court is correct.

 And yet, because a bunch of progressives have spent the day complaining, Biden announced just now that he intends to violate his oath and reissue the order anyway. “The bulk of the constitutional scholars,” Biden admitted at his press conference just now, “say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.” Then he said that he was prepared to try his luck anyway"

CNN Makes Itself Complicit in Joe Biden’s Flagrant Lawbreaking, which for six long years between 2015 and 2021 turned itself into a blog about Donald Trump and his many excesses, has weighed in on President Biden’s decision to take executive action that he knows full well is illegal. And boy, is it . . . a complete whitewashing of flagrant and cynical lawbreaking.

"Here’s the headline:

Biden shows he’s ready to make drastic moves in Covid-19 fight — even if he’s not sure they’re legal

"Off to a bad start. But, hey, headlines can be misleading, so maybe it gets better?"

Psaki Brushes Off Concerns about Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium: ‘Who’s Saying That?’

Joe Concha blasts CNN for not firing Chris Cuomo

 Youtube  "A once proud network in the days of Bernard Shaw"

REMEMBER HER? Girl Who Was Touched By Biden In Viral Video is All Grown Up, Confirms Biden Groped Her, Pinched Her Nipple

What's even more amusing to me is the fact that Biden has now asked Cuomo to step down. These politicians have now become my entertainment for the day.

 Trending Politics  Back in 2015, Joe Biden went viral after he was video taped groping Senator Steve Daines’ niece on C-Span while meeting with his family for his swearing-in ceremony.

"The girl, Maria Piacesi who was only eight years old at the time, was filmed standing in front of then Vice President Biden as he ran his hands up and down her upper body." . . .

“I would do something about it tbh if I thought it would help but I honestly just think at this point it would just make people angry and I have already had people calling me out saying I’m lying this is bs even tho it’s not but I just don’t think it would help with anything right now,” Maria Piacesi said."