Monday, October 7, 2019

Babylon Bee reports: Staffer Nervously Informs Hillary Clinton She Lost 2016 Election

Parody from the office of Adam Schiff

"WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Hillary Clinton once again suggested that Donald Trump was an illegitimate president, one unfortunate staffer was forced to be the one to gently inform her that she lost the election.
" 'Hey, Hill, we need to talk," the aide said, her voice shaky and uncertain. "We've got to discuss something of some importance. We're all a little worried about you, and we just need to make sure you realize something about the election from a few years ago."
" 'We don't have time. We need to keep campaigning in swing states like New York and California," Clinton declared, checking her watch. "We'll beat that Trump yet!"
" 'Yeah, about that, sweetheart," the aide continued. She sighed heavily. "Why don't you take a seat?" The staffer then pulled out a folder listing the electoral results from 2016 and slowly walked Clinton through it. "So you see, you're not actually the president of the United States. I'm so sorry. Do you need a tissue?"
"Clinton stared off into space, the words not registering. "Thank you. That will be all," she said at last.
" 'Do you need any---"
" 'I SAID THAT WILL BE ALL," Clinton shouted, staring ice daggers into the poor aide's soul.
"The staffer has committed suicide by running herself over with an SUV and then backing over herself several times."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez Thinks Democrats’ Trump-Impeachment Talk Is ‘Boring,’ Says She’s ‘Over It’

Either she has carefully considered the issues or she has found others to write her opinions. TD

Daily Caller  "New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday said she is “over” trying to impeach President Donald Trump, adding it should have been done a long time ago.

“I think the whole thing is boring,” Ocasio-Cortez said at a Queens Library event. “He should have been impeached a long time ago. I’m over it. And so that’s how I feel about it because we’ve got work to do,” The Washington Examiner reported.
“Impeachment of this president is the short-term action we need to preserve our democracy,” Ocasio-Cortez also said at the event. “But if we are really going to thrive as a country, we need to make long-term investments and keep our eyes on the prize of social and economic and racial justice in the United States of America. And that’s what this is all about.” . . .
"Despite Pelosi’s early reluctance to push for impeachment, there are currently 226 Democrats who support impeachment or an impeachment inquiry, compared to the 10 Democrats who don’t support impeachment or impeachment inquiry yet, according to the New York Times." . . . 

Off Her Meds: AOC Says Trump’s Attacks on Schiff Are ‘Targeted’ Anti-Semitism
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) probably says and tweets more remarkably ignorant things than anyone in Congress -- perhaps more than anyone in the United States. Her latest attack on President Trump regarding his attacks on California Democrat Adam Schiff may be her dumbest hot-take yet." . . . 
"Speaking of Omar, the most outrageously laughable aspect of this concern-trolling by AOC is the fact that half of her "Squad" are openly raging anti-Semites. Omar is so awful that she inspired a condemnation resolution by her own party after she had been in office only a month.
"This is Barack Obama's legacy. White males who are Catholic, Protestant, or atheist are the only people subject to public criticism. Democrats hide their lunacy behind identity shields.
"Any criticism of Obama was racist.
"Hillary lost because of sexism.
"Say anything about AOC's Squad and you are "attacking women of color."

"On it goes."

93 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List

Sharyl Attkisson  "We the media have “fact-checked” President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet—and he’s certainly given us plenty to write about. That’s probably why it’s so easy to find lists enumerating and examining his mistakes, missteps and “lies.”
"But as self-appointed arbiters of truth, we’ve largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly well-respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple of years ago.
"Our repeat mistakes involve declaring that Trump’s claims are “lies” when they are matters of opinion, or when the truth between conflicting sources is unknowable; taking Trump’s statements and events out of context; reporting secondhand accounts against Trump without attribution as if they’re established fact; relying on untruthful, conflicted sources; and presenting reporter opinions in news stories—without labeling them as opinions.

"What’s worse, we defend ourselves by trying to convince the public that our mistakes are actually a virtue because we (sometimes) correct them. Or we blame Trump for why we’re getting so much wrong. It’s a little bit like a police officer taking someone to jail for DUI, then driving home drunk himself: he may be correct to arrest the suspect, but he should certainly know better than to commit the same violation.
"So since nobody else has compiled an updated, extensive list of this kind, here are:  . . ."

'Nancy Pelosi's in the clutches of a left-wing mob': McConnell vows to stop impeachment; Pelosi's "Grubering" of voters.

Several years ago the architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera the Democrats who were assembling healthcare legislation were “relying upon the stupidity of the American voter”….  Fast forward to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019 and her “official impeachment inquiry” by decree; she’s doing the exact same thing.  CTH

Washington Examiner  "In a digital campaign ad that first aired last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of being "in the clutches of a left-wing mob" and forced to proceed with impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

"McConnell, 77, is seeking his seventh consecutive term as a Republican Kentucky senator with the hope of remaining the majority leader of the Senate, a post he has held since the midterm wave of Republicans were elected in 2014.
"McConnell, who recently referred to himself as the "grim reaper" of socialist Democratic legislation passed by the House of Representatives, said last week that he would not have a choice but to bring impeachment to a vote in the Senate if the House majority passed such a resolution.
" 'It’s a Senate rule related to impeachment that would take 67 votes to change, so I would have no choice but to take it up,” he said at the time. “The Senate would have to take up an impeachment resolution if it came over from the House."
"But his newest campaign ad, aimed at rebuking the Democrats' efforts to move forward with impeachment proceedings, backs up his consistent support of the president.
" 'Nancy Pelosi's in the clutches of a left-wing mob," McConnell says from between the ears of a symbolic elephant portrait. "They finally convinced her to impeach the president ... All of you know your Constitution. The way that impeachment stops is a [Republican] Senate majority with me as majority leader."
"His call to action is simple. "But I need your help," he said. "Please contribute before the deadline.' " . . .

"Several years ago the architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera the Democrats who were assembling healthcare legislation were “relying upon the stupidity of the American voter”….  Fast forward to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019 and her “official impeachment inquiry” by decree; she’s doing the exact same thing." . . .

Elizabeth Warren caught makin' it up about pregnancy discrimination

Who would you believe more in an Oval Office address, Warren or Hillary? 

Monica Showalter  "Elizabeth Warren has a pretty impressive penchant for makin' it up when it comes to serving a leftist narrative.
"Fake Indian, complete with tales of discrimination experienced, worked for awhile, until it didn't.
"So did the fake research, claiming medical costs are the reason behind most bankruptcies. Nope, not at all.
"Now we have Warren saying that when she became pregnant as a young teacher of special-ed students, presumably in the 1960s, she was asked to leave her post for being visibly pregnant. A found tape of her speaking in 2008 suggests maybe she actually wanted to leave her dead-end job teaching special-ed to scale the career ladder instead. 
. . . 
"It goes to show that Warren has a habit of making things up, not just for personal advantage, not just to appear a hero, the way Joe Biden does, but in her case, specifically to advance a false left wing 'narrative.'
"She claimed her Indian ancestry derived from a mixed-race marriage among her ancestors resulted in discrimination - a truly phony claim given that there was no recent Indian ancestor - but it was useful to claim for the lefty 'narrative' that America, even in a nice place like Oklahoma, was brimming with racists.
"She claimed medical costs in her research were behind most bankruptcies - totally errant, but again, useful for the leftist narrative to advance a the idea of a socialist government takeover of health care. Now she's thrown out this whopper on being ousted for pregancy, making herself part of a labor/women's grievance narrative always experiencing pregnancy discrimination because the discriminators even in lefty woke educational institutions are rampant in society. It's nonsense."
"It's a lefty vision of a world that doesn't exist which is why it's constantly trapping her and exposing her as a liar."
What I saw at the Elizabeth Warren rally

Elizabeth Warren’s Current Claim She Lost Teacher Job Over Pregnancy Contradicts Her Prior Statements  . . .

Swedish Teen Greta Thunberg Lectures Iowans on Climate Change Hoax, ‘Teenagers and Children Know Better Than Adults’

The Gateway Pundit
First David Hogg, now Greta Thunberg.

"16-year-old Swedish green activist Greta Thunberg lectured Iowans on Friday about the Climate Change hoax and asserted that teenagers and children know better than adults.
"Thunberg has a myriad of mental health issues. She is autistic, has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suffers from Asperger syndrome, but she knows what’s best for the world — just ask her.
“We teenagers and children shouldn’t have to take the responsibility. But right now, the world leaders keep acting like children, and somebody needs to be the adult in the room,” Thunberg said to a huge crowd in Iowa on Friday.
Thunberg also appeared before US lawmakers to lecture the US on the climate hoax.
"Meanwhile China and India continue to be the world’s biggest polluters because Climate Change legislation isn’t about the environment, it’s about a global scheme to redistribute wealth.
"Marxists always prey on the innocent and children." . . .

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Bill Kristol might regret his Twitter poll pitting Mitt Romney against Donald Trump

Twitchy  "As you’ve heard, President Donald Trump fired back after Sen. Mitt Romney posted a couple of critical tweets suggesting that there could be no other motivation for Trump to ask for assistance looking into the Bidens and Ukraine and China than political, calling it “wrong and appalling.”
“ 'If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won,” Trump replied Saturday.
"There’s a lot of chatter on Twitter about who’s right — Romney or Trump — but Never Trumper Bill Kristol decided to start a poll asking who was more respected: Trump or Romney. Kristol called Twitter a hellscape, meaning we’re pretty sure he knew which way his poll would go, and after just six hours and more than 133,662 votes, Trump is way out ahead." . . .

Trolling the left: Climate ‘activist’ at AOC event: ‘We have to eat the babies’.

One of Ocasio-Cortez's constituents loses her mind over climate change during AOC's townhall, claims we only have a few months left: "We got to start eating babies! We don't have enough time! ... We have to get rid of the babies! ... We need to eat the babies!"
Climate ‘activist’ at AOC event: ‘We have to eat the babies’

It’s unclear at this point whether she was trolling (she has to be trolling, right?) the Congresswoman and climate change or if she is just so far gone to the radical progressive indoctrination surrounding climate change that she inadvertently made a mockery of the event. Either way, it’s interesting to watch.
 "A woman at Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s town hall today took climate extremism to the next level. After saying the Green New Deal is great but it doesn’t work fast enough, she declared her own plan: eating children.

"Donning a t-shirt that read, “Save the Planet, Eat the Children,” the unhinged rant she delivered declared that bombing Russia would not be enough because there would still be too many people. She referred to a Swedish scientist who declared earlier this year that we need to start eating human corpses to fight climate change, but even that insane concept was far too sane for this activist." . . .

Troll City?
"Editor’s Note: This post has been updated to include information that the woman may be part of a fringe political group known for employing political stunts. No other parts have been altered."

Viral Video About Eating Babies at AOC Town Hall Was Staged by Pro-Trump Group
"The woman may be part of a fringe political group known for conducting political stunts, according to a connection highlighted by Gizmodo, a tech-focused publication, which cites Operation Chaos author Matthew Sweet."

What Is The LaRouche Cult? The Group Taking Credit For ‘Eating Babies’ Ocasio-Cortez Troll
. . . "The group’s stunt is “a fairly well-established tactic” for it, Matthew Sweet, a historian who has documented the group, said according to WaPo. Conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. founded the LaRouche PAC.
“ 'They’ve been doing this since the ’70s,” Sweet told WaPo. “The tactic is you go to a political meeting and you create a disturbance that disrupts the meeting, and more importantly, that creates a kind of chaos.' ” . . .
. . . LaRouche Jr. built up his following, which reaches across the world, “based on conspiracy theories, economic doom, anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism,” WaPo wrote in an obituary on LaRouche Jr., who died in 2019. He ran for president eight times between 1976 and 2004.  . . .

World War II Was Bloody, But The Battle For Okinawa Was a Horror Show

The National Interest
"Buckner also had the 27th and 77th Infantry Divisions available in reserve. The American general thus commanded a landing force larger than the one employed in the Normandy invasion the previous year. Over 180,000 soldiers and Marines would be going ashore."

"To the Americans, Okinawa represented a major stepping-stone toward the final defeat of the Japanese Empire. The successful occupation of the island by American forces would provide air bases and naval facilities that would allow for attacks on the Home Islands themselves. To the Japanese, the surrender of a base so close to the heart of the empire would seriously compromise the ability of their armed forces to defend the homeland. Capture of the island would also interdict the critical flow of petroleum to Japan from Borneo, Sumatra, and Burma.

"Okinawa is the largest and most densely populated island in the Ryukyu chain, some 380 miles southwest of the Japanese Home Island of Kyushu. With a total area of 485 square miles, Okinawa is approximately 60 miles long with a width of 2 to 18 miles. The island’s northeastern area is very rugged, mountainous, wooded, and lightly populated.

"In 1945 the population of Okinawa was estimated to be approximately 500,000, two-thirds of whom lived in the southern one-third of the island. Unlike the north, the south had large open areas suitable for cultivation. Before World War II, the Okinawans maintained a largely rural, agricultural society. The islanders fished and raised sugar
cane, sweet potatoes, rice, and soybeans. They tended to concentrate in small villages rather than in large cities. Ancestor worship dominated their religious practices, and the tombs of those ancestors dotted the countryside.

"The Japanese on Kyushu regarded the Okinawans as their inferiors. The Okinawans were a blend of Japanese, Malay, and Chinese ancestry. Although they spoke a Japanese dialect, communication between the two groups often remained strained. Okinawan labor provided most of the manpower for the construction of the elaborate system of defenses erected by the Imperial Japanese Army." . . .

Friday, October 4, 2019

Impeachment Comments Democrats Would Rather You Forget

Issues & Insights   "More than 20 years ago, when President Bill Clinton was being impeached for lying to a grand jury – then as now a documented fact that no one can credibly dispute – some Democrats who today want to impeach and have the Senate remove President Donald Trump from office ASAP, were whistling a very different tune.
:Back then they strongly argued:
1. There was no bipartisan consensus.
2. An impeachment would be traumatic for the country and distract Congress from solving major domestic and foreign policy problems.
    “We are here today because the Republicans in the House are paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton. And until the Republicans free themselves of this hatred, our country will suffer.”
    Former Vice President Joe Biden (then a U.S. senator):
    “It would have been wrong for Richard Nixon to have been removed from office based upon a purely partisan vote. No president should be removed from office merely because one party enjoys a commanding lead in either house of the Congress …“Brett Kavanaugh, who was associate independent counsel in Ken Starr’s office for three years, put this argument most succinctly in a recent article he published in the Georgetown Law Journal: ‘The President is not simply another individual. He is unique. He is the embodiment of the federal government and the head of a political party. If he is to be removed, the entire government likely would suffer, [and] the military or economic consequences to the nation could be severe’ …
    “To remove a president is to decapitate another branch and to undermine the independence necessary for it to fulfill its constitutional role … To remove a duly-elected president clashes with democratic principles in a way that simply has no constitutional parallel …
    “It is our constitutional duty to give the president the benefit of the doubt on the facts …
    "The clip proceeds to show one top Dem after another — all currently seeking Trump’s impeachment — blasting the act when a Democrat was in office.
    "Former Sen. Joe Biden was the first to appear saying that it’s unethical to use impeachment as a tool to “overturn an election on partisan grounds.”
    "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler also made unwanted cameos during the powerful clip.
    “ 'The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters,” Nadler once said. It’s worth it to note, that Nadler has been one of the most relentless in pursuit of impeachment. Apparently, he’s had a big change of heart.

    “ 'Their hatred of the president exceeds their caring about this country and its people,” Schumer’s part in the clip declared.

A new GOP comes out swinging

. . . Apart from the usual suspects such as Mitt Romney (Romney as Massachusetts governor was the sole politician to hold out against the Bulger brothers, but that was a long time ago), the GOP wall is holding firm, with no defector or weak sister of any significance.
J.R. Dunn  "One way the Democrats could fulfill their dream of crippling President Trump (as opposed to simply running him out of office) would be to stampede the Republicans, to send them running wild-eyed for shelter from shouted accusations and piercing rays of adverse publicity.  There is no shortage of weak-spined GOP officeholders, and it has happened many times before.  The Dems had no reason to doubt that it would happen again.

"But it's not happening.  Apart from the usual suspects such as Mitt Romney (Romney as Massachusetts governor was the sole politician to hold out against the Bulger brothers, but that was a long time ago), the GOP wall is holding firm, with no defector or weak sister of any significance.
"One example can be found in the confrontation between Indiana congressman Jim Banks and NPR's Michel Martin this past Wednesday.  Martin was fulfilling NPR's unwritten charter of putting the wildest fringe leftist thinking into comfortable terms to make it acceptable to the denizens of the suburbs.  Banks, a freshman representative who saw service in Afghanistan, wasn't having any." . . .
Along with Elise Stefanik's bold defiance of the House Democratic elite, this is a serious indication that a new GOP is pecking its way out of the shell.  Stefanik (R-N.Y.), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, relentlessly hammered Chairman Adam Schiff over the lies and inconsistencies regarding the "whistleblower," ending with a demand that "he should immediately step down as chair."

These people vote and want to rule over us

Portland Bans Urinals In $195M 'Gender-Neutral' Remodel of Government Building

"The City of Portland has banned urinals in the $195 million remodel of the Portland Building, which houses administrative offices for the city. While urinals use less water than toilets, they are a relic of a bygone era when men and women were recognized as biologically different." . . .
. . . "According to KGW, the building will have gender-neutral multi-stall bathrooms intended to be used by men and women together. These free-for-all restrooms — a dream come true for perverts — will be on the first, third, and fifteenth floors." . . .

Tampons Are Coming to the Men's Room at Brown University

"For some reason today people think that a company exists to virtue signal, and not to make money.
"Take the fast-food behemoth McDonald’s for example. The company makes burgers, and earns billions of dollars in the process. Now, activists want them to change their business model to appease a small percent of the population.
"When asked why their London branch did not serve food that met Halal standards, McDonald’s simply responded that it didn’t make financial sense to change things up:
“ 'Hi, we conducted a Halal trial a few years ago and learnt that Halal certified food is only popular with a very small percentage of customers. Given it would require significant changes to our kitchen procedures and supply chain, we have no plans to offer Halal food in the UK' .” . . .

"Woman at town hall in NY says her Green New Deal doesn't go far enough and says that it is time for humans to "eat the babies," because there is too much CO2 and too many people."
Not saying AOC feels this way at present, but she seems to attract people who do.

. . . "People gave the pop star so much garbage over photos of her baptism in the Jordan River that she was compelled to apologize." . . .