Sunday, October 6, 2019

Elizabeth Warren caught makin' it up about pregnancy discrimination

Who would you believe more in an Oval Office address, Warren or Hillary? 

Monica Showalter  "Elizabeth Warren has a pretty impressive penchant for makin' it up when it comes to serving a leftist narrative.
"Fake Indian, complete with tales of discrimination experienced, worked for awhile, until it didn't.
"So did the fake research, claiming medical costs are the reason behind most bankruptcies. Nope, not at all.
"Now we have Warren saying that when she became pregnant as a young teacher of special-ed students, presumably in the 1960s, she was asked to leave her post for being visibly pregnant. A found tape of her speaking in 2008 suggests maybe she actually wanted to leave her dead-end job teaching special-ed to scale the career ladder instead. 
. . . 
"It goes to show that Warren has a habit of making things up, not just for personal advantage, not just to appear a hero, the way Joe Biden does, but in her case, specifically to advance a false left wing 'narrative.'
"She claimed her Indian ancestry derived from a mixed-race marriage among her ancestors resulted in discrimination - a truly phony claim given that there was no recent Indian ancestor - but it was useful to claim for the lefty 'narrative' that America, even in a nice place like Oklahoma, was brimming with racists.
"She claimed medical costs in her research were behind most bankruptcies - totally errant, but again, useful for the leftist narrative to advance a the idea of a socialist government takeover of health care. Now she's thrown out this whopper on being ousted for pregancy, making herself part of a labor/women's grievance narrative always experiencing pregnancy discrimination because the discriminators even in lefty woke educational institutions are rampant in society. It's nonsense."
"It's a lefty vision of a world that doesn't exist which is why it's constantly trapping her and exposing her as a liar."
What I saw at the Elizabeth Warren rally

Elizabeth Warren’s Current Claim She Lost Teacher Job Over Pregnancy Contradicts Her Prior Statements  . . .

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