Saturday, October 5, 2019

Bill Kristol might regret his Twitter poll pitting Mitt Romney against Donald Trump

Twitchy  "As you’ve heard, President Donald Trump fired back after Sen. Mitt Romney posted a couple of critical tweets suggesting that there could be no other motivation for Trump to ask for assistance looking into the Bidens and Ukraine and China than political, calling it “wrong and appalling.”
“ 'If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won,” Trump replied Saturday.
"There’s a lot of chatter on Twitter about who’s right — Romney or Trump — but Never Trumper Bill Kristol decided to start a poll asking who was more respected: Trump or Romney. Kristol called Twitter a hellscape, meaning we’re pretty sure he knew which way his poll would go, and after just six hours and more than 133,662 votes, Trump is way out ahead." . . .

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