Sunday, October 6, 2019

'Nancy Pelosi's in the clutches of a left-wing mob': McConnell vows to stop impeachment; Pelosi's "Grubering" of voters.

Several years ago the architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera the Democrats who were assembling healthcare legislation were “relying upon the stupidity of the American voter”….  Fast forward to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019 and her “official impeachment inquiry” by decree; she’s doing the exact same thing.  CTH

Washington Examiner  "In a digital campaign ad that first aired last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of being "in the clutches of a left-wing mob" and forced to proceed with impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

"McConnell, 77, is seeking his seventh consecutive term as a Republican Kentucky senator with the hope of remaining the majority leader of the Senate, a post he has held since the midterm wave of Republicans were elected in 2014.
"McConnell, who recently referred to himself as the "grim reaper" of socialist Democratic legislation passed by the House of Representatives, said last week that he would not have a choice but to bring impeachment to a vote in the Senate if the House majority passed such a resolution.
" 'It’s a Senate rule related to impeachment that would take 67 votes to change, so I would have no choice but to take it up,” he said at the time. “The Senate would have to take up an impeachment resolution if it came over from the House."
"But his newest campaign ad, aimed at rebuking the Democrats' efforts to move forward with impeachment proceedings, backs up his consistent support of the president.
" 'Nancy Pelosi's in the clutches of a left-wing mob," McConnell says from between the ears of a symbolic elephant portrait. "They finally convinced her to impeach the president ... All of you know your Constitution. The way that impeachment stops is a [Republican] Senate majority with me as majority leader."
"His call to action is simple. "But I need your help," he said. "Please contribute before the deadline.' " . . .

"Several years ago the architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera the Democrats who were assembling healthcare legislation were “relying upon the stupidity of the American voter”….  Fast forward to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019 and her “official impeachment inquiry” by decree; she’s doing the exact same thing." . . .

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