Saturday, August 29, 2020

Yeah, well boycott THIS!

Sports are such a great exit plan for gifted young people to escape the horrors of gang-infested areas where their families must live. Those looking to a future of safety and prosperity must shudder to think what these virtue-signaling dramas can do to their prospects. TD

Boycotting Themselves Out of Business?   "By skipping games for nebulous political demands, pro athletes threaten to alienate fans and crater their own industry." . . .
"With their boycott of games earlier this week to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, athletes in the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball have crossed a bridge that they may find difficult to return from. Though professional athletes have become increasingly politicized since former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his “Star Spangled Banner” protests in 2016, the widespread cancellation of games, including NBA playoff contests, is unprecedented.
"The walkout in support of Blake, who was wanted on a sexual-assault charge and whose own girlfriend called the cops on him, hardly represents the kind of compelling case against police brutality one might build a mass movement around. If players, in the midst of a pandemic slowdown already costing professional sports billions of dollars, were willing to shut down their industry in this instance, how frequently will they feel compelled, or even pressured, to do the same in the future? Fans who were already watching less sports may react negatively to being lectured by wealthy athletes who regularly walk off the job." . . .

Empty virtue-signaling destroying sports, entertainment  "Sports leagues are now canceling and postponing games for every perceived injustice or slight.  Soon, players will boycott games if someone in the country refuses to admit there are an infinite number of genders, or if someone riding light rail in Minneapolis calls an obese person "chubby."
"In the future, "non-essential" businesses will be shut down with regularity whenever a perceived "major health threat" comes along.  Similarly, it appears sports leagues will shut down with any accusation of "injustice" — more accurately, with any accusation of injustice against the progressively protected members of society, such as non-white people and those in the LGBT community.  If a cis-gender white person in Indiana forgets to use a black American transgender person's preferred pronoun, the NBA will shut down for a month.  Because, after all, no one wants to be just a world-class athlete anymore.  Gotta be a social justice warrior.  The more ignorant you are, the more you feel the need to appear up on the issues, hip, and morally superior to the great unwashed in flyover country.
"But what if conservatives played this game, too . . ."
Soon romance novels, videogames, spas, resorts, and fishing shows will all have to toe the leftist line and aggressively push the progressive agenda or risk being boycotted, marginalized, canceled or abolished.
Stop Letting Children (aka Professional Athletes) Bully the World

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Demands Hollywood Strike Over Shooting of Jacob Blake

Rights and Wrongs of Sports Boycotts  . . . "Over the last two days, NBA players have boycotted their league's playoff games in protest of police brutality and racism, and players in several other professional sports leagues have followed suit. NBA players have now agreed to resume playing in the near future, and I expect the same thing is likely to happen in other leagues. But the whole episode still raises the more general issue of when and if sports boycotts are justified. This situation is not the first time players or others have advocated boycotting a sports event, and it is unlikely to be the last." . . .

And Just Like That, Joe Biden and the Democrats Stopped Liking Riots

No matter how righteous and peaceful Democrat supporters may become going forward, they are forever the people who would willingly burn your home and business, who would murder any person -black, white, gay, unspecified- if they were led to do so by others and encouraged by corrupt, leftist press. The Tunnel Dweller

PJ Media  "For the better part of the past three months, neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon, Minnesota, Seattle, Atlanta, Chicago, Kenosha and other cities and states – all run by Democrats – have been on fire.
"The police killing of George Floyd started the fire, but, as an old Japanese saying goes, “Fire always makes room for itself.”
"The “fire” is spreading like a metastic cancer. It is intentionally set in places where it is allowed to flourish and spread. It runs wild and unabated under the Democrats who oversee those towns and cities.
"Seattle’s Jenny Durkan, Minneapolis’s Jacob Frey, Portland’s Ted Wheeler, Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Lori Lightfoot of Chicago fan the flames. They make excuses for murder in St. Louis and the constant assault of local and federal officers in Portland. They hate the president so much they won’t take help from him as a point of pride, salving their own egos while their cities are looted “for reparations,” pillaged for “social justice” and set on fire to leave a sick mark of “accomplishment.”. . . 

Is AOC’s ‘Squad’ Running the Rioters? One Just Called for MORE ‘Unrest In the Streets’  
"Massachusetts Democratic Congresswoman Ayanna Presley called for more “unrest” (hint)." . . .
If only the looting and burning polled well we'd be OK!
"CNN's Don Lemon said Tuesday night that Democrats "ignoring" riots in some U.S. cities represents a "blind spot" for the party, and called on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to address the problem because it is "sticking" in polling and focus groups." . . .

The anti-Trump press

Newly pardoned Alice Johnson blasts media response to her speaking at RNC as 'a huge insult to me'  . . . "Johnson added that her mission is to enact criminal justice reform and the RNC was a perfect platform for her to spread the word. She went on to address the often-repeated claim that President Trump is a racist.
" 'The people who are saying this don't even know President Trump," she said. "I don't believe President Trump is a racist. My interactions with him and the things that he said and the things that I know touches his heart, those things would not come from a racist man.
" 'They are free to have their opinions, but in my personal opinion, I do not believe he's a racist." . . .

The media can and will lie and say whatever it wants about the Democrat and Republican conventions.  "The media are among the least trusted people in America, so take what they say for exactly what it’s worth." . . .

Journalistic Malpractice On The Riots  "The Democratic Party press has done its best to suppress news about the riots that have devastated cities across the country, but it is a hard secret to keep. Sometimes their efforts would be amusing, if the subject were not so serious. Here are a couple of minor cases in point from the Democrats’ flagship newspaper here in Minnesota, the Star Tribune.
"At 8:59 last night, the Strib’s top headline was an optimistic claim that rioting in downtown Minneapolis had subsided: . . . 
"In fact, the looting and arson had barely begun. Before long, that story went down the memory hole. This morning, the Strib attempted a lame coverup of last night’s lawlessness with this still photo of rioters looting the Saks store on Nicollet Mall. Note the caption:"
"Nothing to see here! Just a bunch of “people” “gathered around a window”! The woman in the foreground with her arms full of clothes? She must have brought them from home.
"The saddest thing about the Democratic Party press’s pathetic evasions is “journalists'” unwillingness to tell the real story of the lives that have been devastated by Democrat-allied, Democrat-supported rioters. This Facebook post by a man whose family’s Asian restaurant was destroyed by Black Lives Matter rioters is–as he says–heartbreaking: . . ."

"Pressttitutes"?    " ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Mob Of ‘Over 100’ People Attacks Senator Rand Paul" 
. . . "This isn’t the first, or even the second time that Senator Paul has been on the receiving end of political violence.
"You will remember that time he was attacked (blindsided) by his neighbor so savagely that he had to have part of his lung removed as one of the complications of his injuries.
"You may NOT have remembered that he was present at the ball diamond on that day when Scalise was very nearly assassinated."

The savage immaturity of the left and their proxies in the streets

Kamala Harris delivered a spiteful prebuttal speech that was an embarrassment.  She blamed the President for Covid, as though he himself created it.  She blamed him for all the deaths despite his very early grasp of the potential seriousness of the virus.  She blamed him for the shock to our economy rather than all the Democrat governors who locked down their states in the hope it would hurt Trump.  They destroyed the economies of their own states to take out a president they hate
Patricia McCarthy   "Everyone, even Democrats, can agree that the DNC convention was an embarrassing bust, a poorly produced concoction of vapidity, anger and wrath.  They overdid the “let’s make everyone afraid of covid” bit, no audiences, masks on everyone even when alone on a stage.  It was a joke perpetrated by people who, to the core of their beings, think the American people are really stupid.  

"This core belief, that they can stupefy and manipulate us all, is why they produced a ridiculous covid-fearful four-night convention so boring no one watched it… because it was unwatchable.  John Kerry? Bill Clinton?  John Kasich?  Bernie Sanders?   Who on this planet cares about anything these corruptocrats have to say?  No one, not even the current crop of apoplectic Trump haters, especially those among the media.  The entire endeavor was a joke born of the left’s contempt for middle America.  They actually think that by making common cause with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they can win.  
"Now that we’ve seen and reveled in the joyous tone of the RNC convention, the abyss between the two parties is writ gloriously large.  The left is angry and rattled because they’ve lost their grip on the power that they’ve always taken for granted, even when there was a Republican in the White House.  
"They are not running the show, Trump is, and his attempt to drain the swamp is making inroads, despite all their treasonous efforts to destroy the man and his presidency.  The ferocity of their hate for Trump has led them to reveal their inner souls and it is not a pretty picture.  They are an ugly bunch. The termagant Nancy Pelosi charges that Trump and his supporters are “enemies of the state”!  How is that for projection? " . . . 

Feds Swarm Seattle “Antifa” Group “Riot Kitchen” on Streets of Kenosha, Smash Car Windows and Round Everyone Up

Wayne Dupree  "When you cross state lines to riot, you’re in big trouble and the feds will hunt you down and take you in…
"That’s exactly what happened to the Seattle-based Antifa group called “Riot Kitchen.”
"It’s an anarchist group that uses a vegan food-truck as a front to hide their violence and anarchy.
"They claim they’re just out “feeding people.' ”
"Well, that’s not what the Feds think, because they just swarmed their vehicle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and rounded all of them up."
"You can watch the video"
  . . . 
"Antifa thinks they’re so clever using a “food truck” as a beard for their violence. This is a very common move by the left. They love using marketing and slogans to hide their true agenda." . . .
"That stuff may have worked for a while, but people are hip to the “word game” now.
"Riot Kitchen “HQ” just responded to the raid and asked for “bail money”:
"Riot Kitchen HQ just learned that our bus crew was arrested in broad daylight in #Kenosha today – kidnapped by feds in unmarked vans. We are currently trying to find our friends who were just there to feed people. Please share and donate for bail via Venmo riotkitchen206

"In truth, Riot Kitchen Headquarters is probably the basement bedroom of some 30-year-old jobless vegan guy with a man bun."

"In the current chaos, I’ve come to appreciate Marcus Aurelius’s maxim that 'The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.'"

One of the most devastating lines in president Trump’s convention speech last night was this: 'Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?' AA
Althouse  "And I have to say I’m horribly conflicted on some issues. I’m supportive of
attempts to interrogate the sins of the past, in particular the gruesome legacy of slavery and segregation, and their persistent impact on the present. And in that sense, I’m a supporter of the motives of the good folks involved with the Black Lives Matter movement. But I’m equally repelled by the insistent attempt by BLM and its ideological founders to malign and dismiss the huge progress we’ve made, to re-describe the American experiment in freedom as one utterly defined by racism, and to call the most tolerant country on the planet, with unprecedented demographic diversity, a form of 'white supremacy.' I’m tired of hearing Kamala Harris say, as she did yesterday: 'The reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human.' This is what Trump has long defended as 'truthful hyperbole' — which is a euphemism for a lie. But here’s one thing I have absolutely no conflict about. Rioting and lawlessness is evil. And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy. This comes first. If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue.... One of the most devastating lines in president Trump’s convention speech last night was this: 'Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?' A cheap shot, yes. But in the current context, a political bullseye.' " . . .

About Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse has been blogging since January 14, 2004, and her blog has been called “Althouse” since January 15, 2004Born in Wilmington, Delaware, she’s been living in Madison, Wisconsin since 1984 when she began teaching at the University of Wisconsin Law School, where she was a law professor for many years and is now a professor emerita. . . .

That magic wand!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Michelle Obama: White people treat me like 'I don't exist


'And when we do exist, we exist as a threat'

A threat? You mean like this?

And this from back in 2013:

It isn't that I hate you Ms. Obama; it's that I assume you all hate me. I see your anger on display so often and how you have often described encounters with whites sometimes as charming and later as offensive. Your family of racial scolds has caused so much damage in white-black relations and in how police are treated; always assuming the most offensive. TD

On to the featured article here: :
. . . "Obama told her audience she had "a number of stories like that." 
She said "white people ... don't experience this in their lives."
On her podcast, Obama previously discussed her "low-grade depression," blaming it on President Trump's administration.
She said it's not "just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife, and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting."
“No one knew that was me. Because a woman actually walked up to me, right? I was in the detergent aisle, and she said — I kid you not — she said, ‘Excuse me, I just have to ask you something.’ And I thought, ‘Oh, cover’s blown.’ She said, ‘Can you reach on that shelf and hand me the detergent?’ I kid you not. And the only thing she said — I reached up, because she was short, and I reached up, pulled it down. She said, ‘Well, you didn’t have to make it look so easy.’ That was my interaction. I felt so good.”

Then again: 
Target Customer Asks Michelle Obama For Help; First Lady Believes Request Was Racially Motivated  . . . "A Target customer asked Michelle Obama to help her grab an item during a trip to the mega retailer back in 2011. In an interview with People Magazine, the First Lady talks about her own experiences as a black woman and why she believes the customer’s simple request may have been influenced by racial stereotypes. 
"In her highly publicized Target trip, Michelle Obama said that not a single customer approached her other than one woman who asked her to grab an item off the shelf for her. The First Lady believes that despite being the wife of the Commander-in-Chief, people will always see her first as a helping hand due to the color of her skin." . . .
Michelle Obama: Asking Me To Help You Get Something Off The Shelf At Target Might Be Racist   . . . "When did she decide that that encounter wasn’t a rare, heartwarming slice of normalcy outside the presidential bubble but a depressing reminder that even First Ladies aren’t immune from racism in America?
"What’s especially weird about this is that she and O obviously gave this interview to People mag to do damage control after the Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury decisions. Obama’s been knocked by black voters for not taking more of a stand so now he’s handing a lengthy chat on racism to a general interest publication, to try to reach beyond the political class and connect with the wider electorate. If you’re going to do that, though, logically you’d want to come to People armed with your most harrowing experiences of racism. Somehow, “she asked me to get detergent off the shelf” made the cut. Um, why? The only theory I can muster is that the Obamas wanted to make the point that, even as the most powerful people in the world, they still experience the same sort of casual racism that average black Americans experience every day. So they reached for an example, and the best they could come up with was repurposing an amusing old story from Letterman’s show for the occasion."

Read the entire Tunnel Wall here.

Biden: Soft on Criminals, Hard on the Police

Tony Branco
The Daily Reformer
                           In his America, criminals, not cops, would rule the streets.
"The Democrats have always been the party that coddled criminals. It is now the party that canonizes them. While Democrat-run cities burn across the country, Biden concerns himself with masks and Hatch Act violations. He strains at the gnat and swallows the camel.
Race relations only got worse under the Obama–Biden administration. Now Biden threatens to damage them even more by pushing the malicious lies of Black Lives Matter.
"A captive of the far Left, he couldn’t bring himself to condemn the looting and mayhem during his convention. He only now condemns it, half-heartedly, after pollsters inform him that the riots pose a political problem for him. CNN’s Don Lemon let this cat out of the bag, saying, “I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away, and it’s not going to go away…. I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it … he’s got to address it. He’s got to come out and talk about it.”
"Mike Pence pounced on this weakness in his speech on Wednesday night, saying,
Joe Biden says that America is systemically racist, and that law enforcement in America has, and I quote, an “implicit bias” against minorities. When asked whether he’d support cutting funding to law enforcement, Joe Biden replied, “Yes, absolutely.” Joe Biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in American cities. The hard truth is you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. Under President Trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line, and we’re not going to defund the police — not now, not ever.
. . .  

A Mister Rogers for the White House? Oh, Please

Every few minutes the time to hate arrived and all together, the Democrats hated. Trump supported the Nazis at Charlottesville (he denounced them in vehement terms). Trump “coddled” terrorists (he led the destruction of Isis which was created by the negligence of Obama and Biden). And so forth: an endless procession of shameless lies at all levels. CB
Conrad Black
Biden’s rickety aircraft bound together by duct tape and sealing wax will come apart in the air between now and the election.

"The Democrats managed to launch the pantomime horse of their nominees into the election campaign after a strained farce of a virtual convention. It is an ambitious exercise. An election platform, no major components of which could possibly receive the support of a majority of Americans, is fronted by an apparently inoffensive presidential candidate and an ostensibly presentable running mate. And the sleight-of-hand of making these two the standard-bearers of a radical socialist and authoritarian program was covered by a diversionary crescendo of Trump-hate. 
     "Examined carefully, none of it is remotely acceptable to a majority of Americans. The Democrats’ presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is 77. And after 48 years of Washington retreading, he pledged to shut down the country again unless the coronavirus is eliminated. He signed on to confiscatory tax increases, the suppression of the oil and gas and coal industries as well as other ambitious elements of the Green Terror, free healthcare, free and universal university for all families making less than $150,000 a year, obligatory seizure of most firearms, reconfiguring and repurposing of the country’s 700,000 police, the resurrection of Iran’s right to deploy nuclear weapons in five years, open borders and unlimited admission of foreign migrants with the imposition of no standards at all and free healthcare, education, and other services to them. (This would ultimately result in the arrival of the entire under-developed world of perhaps 2 billion people.) 
     "This is the Democratic Party platform and the country agrees with none of it. The evident plan of action is to continue to terrorize the country with absurdly exaggerated notions of the COVID-19 danger and to taint the judgment of the voters by the most frenzied assault on the character and abilities of the president in American history. 
     "To this end, since there is nothing in his long public career to justify his elevation to the Oval Office, Biden is presented as Mr. Nice Guy, a Mister Rogers for the White House. The Trump-hating media, most of whom would in normal circumstances find the Democratic program excessive and in many places insane, have looked the other way and continued to facilitate a demented juvenile demonization of the president. " . . .

Mr. Black continues with comments on Seinfeld's girlfriend and on Obama the scold.  
Normally a fluent and facile if easily forgettable speaker, Obama was an obnoxious, pompous, scold and myth-maker. None of the speakers mentioned the threat from China, and none of the speakers mentioned the urban violence that in Portland in particular continued right through the convention.    

Fight for America—Voters Must Do This to Stop Socialism and Anarchy

Key Takeaways:

  • For months, the forces of Marxism, socialism and anarchy have terrorized our streets and threatened the values that make America the greatest nation in the world.

  • The radical left’s ideas could destroy America for generations. The only bulwark that can stop them is an informed and energized citizenry.

  • If you are alarmed at the state of our nation and if you believe in America, this is the time to fight for America.

  • "Rioting. Vandalism. Bullying opponents into silence. Calls to defund the police, abolish the Electoral College and remake America as a socialist country. It’s hard to believe what we’re now seeing.
    "For months, the forces of Marxism, socialism and anarchy have terrorized our streets and threatened the values that make America the greatest nation in the world. They have shown no signs of stopping, and many left-leaning politicians, members of the media and celebrities either tacitly accept their behavior or openly cheer it on.
    "Today, America has a choice of two paths. We can embrace the foundational principles that created this nation of limited government and individual liberty. Or we can veer down the path of those who trash those principles, who teach our children that America was illegitimate from the start, and who want to make the vast majority of Americans subservient to an all-powerful government.
    "The time has come to fight for America and against the poisonous ideology of the radical left.
    "But this is not the typical fight between liberals and conservatives over whose vision for America should prevail. This is a much bigger fight.
    "This is a fight over whether America as we know it continues to exist at all." . . .

    California’s First Experiment without Police

    National Review
    Californians learned the hard way that vigilante justice and the demands of the mob are no substitute for police and courts of law.

    "The temporary collapse of authority in many American cities, and the proposals of “defund the police” advocates to make that collapse permanent, has illustrated a timeless truth: When government authority dissolves, people will form their own armed enforcers of order. You will not get a peace-and-love utopia: You will instead get vigilante justice, posses, and lynchings. It will not be pretty; in Kenosha, Wis., it has already led to one well-publicized shooting. More force still will be needed to retake control. Come back with me to San Francisco in the 1850s to see how Americans learned this lesson once before.
    "San Francisco grew quickly from a late start. Europeans only reached the Bay Area in 1769, and the first permanent, civilian, non-Native American settlement dates only to 1835. The American conquest of California in 1847, and the gold rush in 1848-49, changed that in a heartbeat, turning a ramshackle town of 150 people in 1846 into a boomtown city of 25,000 in 1849, then 50,000 in 1853." . . .