Saturday, August 29, 2020

Yeah, well boycott THIS!

Sports are such a great exit plan for gifted young people to escape the horrors of gang-infested areas where their families must live. Those looking to a future of safety and prosperity must shudder to think what these virtue-signaling dramas can do to their prospects. TD

Boycotting Themselves Out of Business?   "By skipping games for nebulous political demands, pro athletes threaten to alienate fans and crater their own industry." . . .
"With their boycott of games earlier this week to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, athletes in the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball have crossed a bridge that they may find difficult to return from. Though professional athletes have become increasingly politicized since former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his “Star Spangled Banner” protests in 2016, the widespread cancellation of games, including NBA playoff contests, is unprecedented.
"The walkout in support of Blake, who was wanted on a sexual-assault charge and whose own girlfriend called the cops on him, hardly represents the kind of compelling case against police brutality one might build a mass movement around. If players, in the midst of a pandemic slowdown already costing professional sports billions of dollars, were willing to shut down their industry in this instance, how frequently will they feel compelled, or even pressured, to do the same in the future? Fans who were already watching less sports may react negatively to being lectured by wealthy athletes who regularly walk off the job." . . .

Empty virtue-signaling destroying sports, entertainment  "Sports leagues are now canceling and postponing games for every perceived injustice or slight.  Soon, players will boycott games if someone in the country refuses to admit there are an infinite number of genders, or if someone riding light rail in Minneapolis calls an obese person "chubby."
"In the future, "non-essential" businesses will be shut down with regularity whenever a perceived "major health threat" comes along.  Similarly, it appears sports leagues will shut down with any accusation of "injustice" — more accurately, with any accusation of injustice against the progressively protected members of society, such as non-white people and those in the LGBT community.  If a cis-gender white person in Indiana forgets to use a black American transgender person's preferred pronoun, the NBA will shut down for a month.  Because, after all, no one wants to be just a world-class athlete anymore.  Gotta be a social justice warrior.  The more ignorant you are, the more you feel the need to appear up on the issues, hip, and morally superior to the great unwashed in flyover country.
"But what if conservatives played this game, too . . ."
Soon romance novels, videogames, spas, resorts, and fishing shows will all have to toe the leftist line and aggressively push the progressive agenda or risk being boycotted, marginalized, canceled or abolished.
Stop Letting Children (aka Professional Athletes) Bully the World

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Demands Hollywood Strike Over Shooting of Jacob Blake

Rights and Wrongs of Sports Boycotts  . . . "Over the last two days, NBA players have boycotted their league's playoff games in protest of police brutality and racism, and players in several other professional sports leagues have followed suit. NBA players have now agreed to resume playing in the near future, and I expect the same thing is likely to happen in other leagues. But the whole episode still raises the more general issue of when and if sports boycotts are justified. This situation is not the first time players or others have advocated boycotting a sports event, and it is unlikely to be the last." . . .

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