Saturday, August 29, 2020

Feds Swarm Seattle “Antifa” Group “Riot Kitchen” on Streets of Kenosha, Smash Car Windows and Round Everyone Up

Wayne Dupree  "When you cross state lines to riot, you’re in big trouble and the feds will hunt you down and take you in…
"That’s exactly what happened to the Seattle-based Antifa group called “Riot Kitchen.”
"It’s an anarchist group that uses a vegan food-truck as a front to hide their violence and anarchy.
"They claim they’re just out “feeding people.' ”
"Well, that’s not what the Feds think, because they just swarmed their vehicle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and rounded all of them up."
"You can watch the video"
  . . . 
"Antifa thinks they’re so clever using a “food truck” as a beard for their violence. This is a very common move by the left. They love using marketing and slogans to hide their true agenda." . . .
"That stuff may have worked for a while, but people are hip to the “word game” now.
"Riot Kitchen “HQ” just responded to the raid and asked for “bail money”:
"Riot Kitchen HQ just learned that our bus crew was arrested in broad daylight in #Kenosha today – kidnapped by feds in unmarked vans. We are currently trying to find our friends who were just there to feed people. Please share and donate for bail via Venmo riotkitchen206

"In truth, Riot Kitchen Headquarters is probably the basement bedroom of some 30-year-old jobless vegan guy with a man bun."

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