Thursday, July 25, 2024

Democrats side with Hamas

"People who have been lifelong Democrats refuse to accept the clear reality that the Democrat Party is rapidly become openly anti-Semitic. “This trend is accelerating, not slowing down.”

"On Wednesday, the prime minister of Israel visited the United States to address Congress nearly 10 months after Palestinian soldiers broke a ceasefire, invaded Israel, raped and murdered 1,200 civilians, and kidnapped 240 others. On top of these international war crimes, the soldiers were dressed as civilians.

Democrats snubbed Bibi. Biden, Kamala and Blinken were too chickenshit to greet him and his delegation of Israeli former hostages and families of the hostages. The U.S. government’s official policy now is to abandon Americans held hostage by the Hamas kidnappers.

Half the Democrats in Congress refused to show up for his address. Democrats had their little Nazi storm troopers burn American flags at Union Station and wave Palestinian and Hamas flags.

"What a difference from the way Biden and the rest of DC have treated Zelensky and the endless war in Ukraine, where after two years no one is demanding a ceasefire. Putin started the war. The war machine profits. The politicians collect their kickbacks. Everyone is happy except the 10 million displaced persons and the hundreds of thousands of war dead.

"The press portrayed the abuse of Bibi and Israel by Democrats as bipartisan because Republican Tom Massey did not attend the address to Congress.

"Pelosi boycotted the speech.

"Nevertheless, The Hill reported, “Pelosi says Netanyahu gave ‘the worst’ speech to Congress from any foreign leader.”

"The Hill’s story had no comments from any Bibi supporter and it had no story on the reaction from Bibi supporters. Today’s journalists do not write news stories. They write press releases.

"Business Insider, though, put what is happening in proper perspective.. . .

Speaker Johnson: VP Harris will ‘pay a price’ politically for skipping Bibi speech (    . . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI." . . . I so regret this Kamala-like action and hope Sen. Vance will explain it more sufficiently. TD 

. . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI. The Trump campaign pointed to his absence as a result of “duties to fulfill as the Republican nominee for Vice President.” 

"The source said the Ohio senator will watch the speech at a later time. Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told JI that Vance “stands steadfastly with the people of Israel in their fight to defend their homeland, eradicate terrorist threats, and bring back their countrymen held hostage.” . . .

Political price: “I think it's an inexcusable political calculation that Kamala Harris has made. I think she'll pay a price for it politically, and I think she should. The idea that you would boycott right now, to me, is just beyond the pale. They had to rest on Sen. Cardin to sit in the chair, who's retiring from the Senate. I think that sends a strong message to the voters, and it's quite sad,” Johnson said. 

Is Donald Trump safe?

 Eric Dawe - American Thinker

...With the depth and vitriol of Trump Derangement Syndrome, there are many out there who ardently believe the Democrats’ repeated declarations that Donald Trump is an ‘existential threat to Democracy,’ as well as the ‘second coming of Adolf Hitler.’  ...

"Trump supporters cheered when we saw that the former president had survived the assassination attempt and pumped his fist in defiance and heroic resolve. We mourned the death of Corey Comperatore who died heroically protecting his family from harm, and we prayed for David Dutch and James Copenhaver who were seriously wounded by the assassin’s bullets.

"In the days afterwards, we’ve been overwhelmed with the tumult surrounding the Secret Service’s epic and compounded failures in securing the rally site and allowing an unsophisticated, untrained assassin to gain a vantage point only 150 yards from the President’s podium. The media have been bursting with interviews of congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle, security specialists, and attendees at the rally who saw the shooter before the Secret Service or police did, and even took videos of him climbing into position on that roof. Everyone was thankful the tragedy was over.

"At the risk of throwing cold water on our collective sense of relief, I must ask the obvious question: what are the chances there will be another attempt on President Trump’s life in the remaining months before the election? At this point, I must think it’s possible and even likely." . . .

And look at the crowds vandalizing our monuments, burning our flags, and flying foreign ones; American youth interspersed with Middle Eastern men. How can they not know about the murders of Oct 7th?

How far will the left go to eliminate Trump? - Bob Weir   "During the next few months, as Donald Trump’s poll numbers grow, many Americans, me included, will be on edge as we pray that he lives long enough to win the election in November.

"Everything that Trump said about the corruption in the Deep State has come to fruition.  They used flimsy evidence and tyrannical methods to imprison his supporters, including many of his top-level staff members and attorneys.  Not only did they charge the former president with accounting misdemeanors that had expired under the statutory limitations’ laws, but they upgraded them to felonies.  He was kept off the campaign trail for several months, forced to sit in courtrooms defending himself from bogus accusations.  With the American people watching the trials on television, the Biden administration was hoping the public would be indoctrinated to believe that Trump was a criminal.

"Then, with a New York leftist for a prosecutor and a jury of Trump-haters, they got what they wanted when he was found guilty of 34 felonies.  As fast as you could say “kangaroo court,” Biden was blasting his opponent as a felon who didn’t deserve to be a candidate for president.  There’s an appalling irony in the fact that Biden has been shown to be a crook who has used his political influence to enrich himself and his family by making shady deals with countries that hate the U.S.  Moreover, there’s a mountain of evidence that his son Hunter is as corrupt as he is.  The good news, for all who see through those fabricated lies, is that Trump’s poll numbers increased each time the Biden apparatchiks tried to keep him off the ballot." . . .

Michigan small town shaken after ATV driver runs down elderly Trump supporter: 'Politically motivated' (  . . ."The victim was visiting his brother in town when the attack occurred, Hancock Police Chief Tami Sleeman said.

" 'The four-wheeler drove past, and he used some profanity towards our victim,” Sleeman told The Post. “It’s unknown exactly what was said. The guy driving the ATV pulled the signs out of the yard as the victim was putting them in. Then the victim went and grabbed them and tried to put them back in the yard when the four-wheeler came back and ran him over.”

. . ."A day later, after they’d begun canvassing the town and investigating the attack, police said the perpetrator had confessed his crimes to them over the phone and requested “someone to pick me up.” He was found dead at his home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound." . . .

Fact-Checkers Slap 'False' Labels On Claims Harris Was 'Border Czar'

First: Remember when John Kerry was appointed the job of Climate Czar? It wasn't his title; it was his job. TD

 Alex Christy (   . . ."Previously, USA Today’s Andre Byik claimed on Tuesday that it is “false” to say “Kamala Harris was ‘put in charge of the border.’”

"Byik wrote, “The post exaggerates the vice president's role in addressing migration at the southern border. Harris was never put in charge of the border or made 'border czar,' immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the ‘root causes’ of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.”

"Both Uribe and Byik are trying too hard to be clever. Sure, Harris was never formally appointed border czar, but “czar” has also come to mean “someone in charge of something.” The media, including USA Today, called Mike Pence Donald Trump’s COVID czar despite Pence never formally being given the position and Trump rejecting the idea. Other media outlets even used the term for Harris at the time.

Second, Uribe and Byik want to claim that Harris wasn’t in charge of the border, but the administration’s diplomatic push to address the border surge’s “root causes,” but that is like saying it is false to say a sports general manager is to blame for his team’s bad season because he’s not the coach or the players, he just selects them.

Media suddenly changes its tune on calling Kamala Harris the ‘border czar’ — despite giving her the title (NY Post)   "Critics quickly pointed out an April 2021 article on the site that asserted Harris was “appointed by Biden as border czar.”. . .

"In March 2021, President Joe Biden tapped Harris for the role of tackling the issues driving migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico." . . .

"He even said at the time that she would be helping to stop the influx of illegal migrants crossing the US-Mexico border.

“I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” Biden said at the time." . . .

Czar (political term) - Wikipedia

   Czar, sometimes spelled tsar, is an informal title used for certain high-level officials in the United States and United Kingdom, typically granted broad power to address a particular issue.

In the United States, czars are generally executive branch officials appointed by the head of the executive branch (such as the president for the federal government, or the governor of a state). Some czars may require confirmation with Senate approval or not. Some appointees outside the executive branch are called czars as well. Specific instances of the term are often a media creation.[1]

In the United Kingdom, the term is more loosely used to refer to high-profile appointments who devote their skills to one particular area.

Does this not apply to Harris's responsibility? 


Half a MILLION Illegals Have Crossed Since Harris Named Border ‘Czar’ (  . . ."According to the Washington Free Beacon, only three months have passed since Harris took on the responsibility and the half a million figure only refers to those who have been apprehended." . . .

2021: Yeah, Right: After Border Debacle, Biden Picks Kamala To Push ‘Voting Rights Reform’ – Issues & Insights   . . ."There are lots of definitions out there for “failing upward” but probably the best comes from the “Simplicable” website, which calls it “a common feature of cronyism” in which members of a “social group continue to promote and reward each other despite an ongoing string of failures.”

"Could anything better describe Harris’ political career, especially her latest turn as President Joe Biden’s “immigration czar”?" . . .

Rashida Tlaib Holds Up 'War Criminal' Sign During Netanyahu Speech; Netanyahu Unloads on Anti-Israel Protesters

 Joel B. Pollak (

. . ."As Breitbart News noted:

Netanyahu, who was received with a standing ovation, began his address by acknowledging the Israeli hostages and their families, and by honoring Israeli soldiers in the gallery, — including Ethiopian and Muslim soldiers, and soldiers who, though wounded, returned to the fight.

He rebuked anti-Israel protesters, alluding to the thousands who had gathered outside the Capitol, noting that they stood with Hamas and with “evil,” and noting that they often attacked the U.S. and American symbols. Those protesters who held signs saying “gays for Gaza,” he said, may as well have said “Chickens for KFC,” a reference to the Islamic fundamentalism of Hamas, which persecutes and even executes gays and lesbians.

In the audience sat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who wore a keffiyeh and held signs — “Guilty of Genocide”; “War Criminal” — in protest.

"Tlaib has a history of extreme anti-Israel views."

'They Should Be Ashamed of Themselves': Netanyahu Unloads on Anti-Israel Protesters | National Review   . . ."“Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity,” he said. “Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who come into the kibbutzim — into the home — with the parents and the children, the two babies in the secret attic, and murder the parents, find the secret latch to the attic, find the babies, and they murder them. These protesters stand with them. They should be ashamed of themselves.” . . .

Donald Trump’s shooter -- a product of government schools’ indoctrination?

 Sheri Few; American Thinker

"As we shake off the trauma of witnessing the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump, most of us are trying to figure out the motive for a twenty-year-old shooter to attempt to murder the former president.

"President Biden and others are urging Americans not to make assumptions about motive, but we are all eager to know why -- what would cause a young man to want to assassinate Trump?

"I instantly think of his young age; not long out of high school having had his head recently pumped full of leftist indoctrination. With Critical Marxist theories intended to pit people against one another, and so-called “social justice” indoctrination happening in early grades and intensifying over time, children are taught to hate themselves, others, and their country. So, someone who loves our country and is committed to making it great again is an obvious target for “social justice” at any cost.

"We saw violence, looting, burning, and even murder following George Floyd’s death with young people rioting in the streets, destroying communities unfettered by law enforcement and media justifying their actions. With inaction, we told young people violence, lawlessness and in some cases, murder is justified in the name of “social justice.”

"We see it on college campuses with anti-Semitic protestors yelling “Death to America.” These young people are either foreign terrorists who should be deported or they are domestic terrorists who need to be on a watchlist.

"Although Caucasian herself, some pages of the Nashville transgender shooter’s manifesto expressed her hatred for white people and she specifically claimed her victims had white privileges. This is the nonsense they teach in government schools. " . . . 

Louisiana Makes The 10 Commandments Great Again - The American Spectator   Sadly the article is behind a paywall.

Who’s in charge of Kamala Harris now?

 Victoria White Berger - American Thinker

"Right now, the more interesting question is not who’s backing Kamala, but who’s in charge of her."

Babylon Bee

. . ."We can surmise that Kamala needs a lot of forceful “direction” from Obama’s stick-it-to-them backroom boys and girls.

"The MSM is already telling us, as they will do, that we cannot criticize Kamala—full stop. DEI is in full control of the dialogue, with Kamala’s awkwardly giddy arrival on the present stage. With Her Cackleness, “free speech for me but not for thee” is alive and well—after the slight hiccup of silence from the press after Donald Trump’s recent attempted assassination (about which we yet remain factless).

"The news tells us this morning that VP Harris is boycotting Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to the joint session today. She normally, as VP, is expected to preside. Ah, well, Israel is (unaccountably so, to Kamala) our main ally, but a girl’s mood can’t be legislated, right? Anyhow, as Kamala herself might say, “no biggie.”  Anyhow, what is she now?  “Interim” or “acting” something?

Kamala's friends

"Instead of attending to Israel’s accounting of the most serious war in the Middle East in modern times, Kamala will be attending a sorority event.

"Sisterhood and campaigning aside, this act of snubbing Israel, mid-war, is not particularly politic for a presidential runner-up.  Kamala’s part in signaling her own far, far left opinions in contradiction to U.S. policy, has already been a very bad sign and presages her Looney Tunes foray into non-presidential behavior.

"It would be a dissing of congressional norms reminiscent of Pelosi’s public shredding of President Trump’s State of the Union before the joint session years ago. Who knows, maybe Kamala’s getting a ticking off and will show at the Israel PM’s speech today. Which brings us to…Eric Holder and hypocrisy.

"For we need to know, soon, who is giving Kamala her marching orders. It has been suggested that Eric Holder has taken up the “organization” of the White House—at least according to an article at Politico. Holder is an Obama henchman cut from the same Chicago cloth; there was the small matter of Holder’s gun-running south of the border, one of many serious and unlitigated but criminal scandals during Obama’s “no scandals” reigns.

"So, Eric is helping Kamala out. That should give all regular folks the willies." . . .

Parody from the  Babylon Bee:  Border Czar Responsible For 11 Million Illegal Immigrants Entering Country Demands Promotion  "Voters across the nation found themselves with a serious decision to make this November, as the Border Czar responsible for allowing 11 million illegal immigrants to enter the country demanded a promotion.

"After presiding over a record number of undocumented migrants flooding across the southern U.S. border, Vice President Kamala Harris cited the accomplishment as a prime reason why the American people should put her in charge of the entire country.

" 'I think my resume speaks for itself," Harris told reporters. "I've done things at the border that no one in history ever came close to doing." . . . 

At publishing time, Harris had gone on to explain that if her work as Border Czar wasn't enough to earn the promotion, perhaps her leading the effort to prevent the war in Ukraine would do the trick.

Chaos of Abrupt, Desperate Democrat Switch to Kamala Harris Already Backfiring (

"To that point about the corrupted coronation rather than an open process, now, Black Lives Matter is formally as an organization ripping Harris and Democrats for brushing aside anyone else to simply sweep her into the nomination:. . ."


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a magnificent speech to Congress

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

Meanwhile, out on the street, the Democrat base raged against Israel, screamed out “Allahu Akbar,” and burned American flags:

Today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke for almost an hour before a joint session of Congress. I was paying attention so hard to his magnificent speech that I forgot to take notes—and there’s no transcript available yet. These are my impressions of the speech.

One. Bibi got one of the most rapturous greetings I’ve ever seen Congress give anyone. The ovation when Bibi walked to the podium and stood there went on so long that Speaker Mike Johnson finally had to gavel it to an end.

Two. Bibi stuck a huge shiv into the Democrat presidential ticket without seeming to have done so. It was remarkably clever and done with tremendous subtlety and grace. To appreciate what Bibi did, you must understand the Democrats’ antisemitic base.

Biden and Harris distanced themselves as far as possible from Bibi. Biden had the excuse of his COVID diagnosis and frailty, but Kamala had no excuse. That’s why it was so striking that she wasn’t at the airport to greet Bibi (nor was anyone else from the administration), and she refused to appear in Congress when he was speaking, opting instead for a sorority party: . . .

The reason for Joe’s and Kamala’s terror of being seen with Bibi is their base. Almost 30 Democrats refused to appear at the event. Rashida Tlaib did show up, but only to make a statement, which the C-SPAN cameraman caught perfectly:

. . ."And that’s where Netanyahu’s delicate (and perhaps unintentional) shiv came in. Practically the first point he made in his speech was to express gratitude for Biden’s unwavering support for Israel: Netanyahu:

"I thank President Biden for his heartfelt support for Israel after the savage attack on October 7. He rightly called Hamas sheer evil."

 Full article.


On Joe Biden

Is Joe Biden a "Good and Decent Man"? Glenn Greenwald 

  • carlatamanczyk3891 "Joe has been a despicable weasel since day 1 in his political career." 
  • "He was never a good man. He's the opposite of compassionate and virtuous. There's something twisted and creepy about him. He speaks like an actor, the face, voice, jokes, and stories he adds to confuse the listeners. Nothing is real about him. He's a liar. It's like watching a trickster selling something a lobby paid him to say. I would have more respect for him if he looked like he truly believed in anything he has said throughout his career. He's a person parents teach you to stay away from."
  • "Adolf Hitler would get an MSNBC show if he denounced Trump". That's hilarious and accurate! 
  • @johnb.1020 I remember people whining about how Trump didn't love American people. My condolences to anyone who considers Biden a lover of fellow human beings.
The American Spectator

Biden Isn't a Hero—He's a Failing Politician Who Saw the Writing on the Wall | Opinion - Newsweek   . . ."But Joe Biden doesn't deserve any of this praise. There was nothing noble or principled in his choice to step aside. Biden is simply a politician who lost the support of crucial power players, and recognized that it would be impossible as a practical matter to continue his campaign. Decency, a love of America, heroism, etc. do not enter into the story. And when we misrepresent Joe Biden, praising the moral wisdom of a decision that had nothing to do with morality, we not only insult real heroes, but we reduce our ability to understand political reality." . . .

The Prosecutor vs. the Felon; "Harris on attempted murder, the rape of a child, battery of a police officer: Let ’em all out!"

  Ann Coulter 

"For her next act of breathtaking mendacity, Harris deceived voters about Prop 57, which allowed the early release of thousands of violent criminals, including those convicted of attempted murder, grand theft, child molestation, drug use and possession and drive-by shootings." . . .

"I see that Democrats are going with the image of Kamala Harris as a bad-ass prosecutor.

"Hey, wait! Maybe now they’ll finally have an opportunity to mention that Donald Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. Did you know he was found guilty of THIRTY-FOUR FELONIES by a jury? (I’m not sure where, but it must have been in a neutral jurisdiction.)

"Thus, Harris’ first speech since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee began with her boasting about the cases she’d handled as San Francisco district attorney:

“ 'Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

"OK, Democrats, you want to make this campaign about crime? Game on. Guess who is one of the principal figures responsible for the crime wave currently engulfing California?

"That would be Kamala Harris.

Tom Stiglich

"As attorney general, it was her job to give propositions appearing on the ballot accurate titles and explanatory summaries. In order to fool the voters into passing Proposition 47 — decriminalizing crime — and Proposition 57 — allowing the release of thousands of violent criminals — Harris intentionally lied to the voters about what these laws would do.

"Proposition 47 basically turned every crime into a “misdemeanor.” Grand theft, commercial burglary and possession of illegal narcotics — all misdemeanors.

"Theft of anything worth less than $950 — even theft of a gun — became a misdemeanor, no more consequential than a waiter giving a straw to someone who didn’t ask for one. As Californians have since learned, that $950 cap does not include the tens of thousands of dollars required to repair smashed car windows, store fronts or display cases.

"As a result, smash-and-grab robberies 
have become the new sport in the Golden State, leaving entire inner-city neighborhoods without a pharmacy. The police don’t even respond to thefts of less than $950. Retail stores have to keep their entire inventory under lock and key, including ordinary items, like shampoo and toothpaste — and those are the ones that aren’t
 closing permanently. San Francisco’s landmark Union Square shopping district is now plastered with “For Lease” and “Going Out of Business” signs. Roughly 50% of all videos on the internet are clips of California “teens” dashing out of upscale stores with armloads of stolen goods — Gucci, Prada, Burberry, Luis Vuitton." . . .

. . ."On the plus side, maybe Harris’ ludicrously pro-criminal record will finally convince Trump to stop bragging about all the black criminals he released in a quixotic (and moronic) bid to win the black vote — following the advice of his trusted advisers, Jared Kushner and Kim Kardashian." . . . 

Kamala’s supporters: Are these people crazy? - Sha'i ben-Tekoa  . . ."This woman is vacuous, inarticulate, and dishonest. She’s the border czarina who did nothing to stop the invasion of millions of lowlife psychopaths, sex traffickers, dope peddlers, and terror-loving Muslims, and the vice president who covered up for years her knowledge that Biden was mentally crippled.

"This is no patriot. She is in a class with Hillary Clinton and the FBI and their fake smearing of President Trump as a traitor; the same FBI that still possesses a laptop containing evidence that one of the two candidates for president in 2020 was on the payroll of the Communist Chinese and hid this fact from the electorate." . . . 


Netanyahu’s Hill speech forcefully rebuts Israel’s detractors, draws polarized response

 The hour-long address drew frequent applause from those who attended, but a sizable number of Democrats either boycotted or remained seated (

He also condemned, in harsh terms, the anti-Israel protesters seen on college campuses and elsewhere in the country. . . . Referencing a recent U.S. intelligence assessment saying that Iran was funding the protests, he described the demonstrators as “useful idiots” for Iran.

Hamas was here. Oct 7

"In his fourth address to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an aggressive case to the U.S. and the world in defense of Israel’s operations in Gaza, while also offering appreciation to President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump for their support for Israel.

"While the hour-long speech received frequent applause from the lawmakers in attendance, about 120 congressional Democrats and a handful of Republicans were absent from the address, a significant boycott of a speech by a foreign leader. In the chamber, many Democrats remained seated or declined to applaud for significant portions of the speech.

Much of the speech was dedicated to defending Israel from attacks and criticism it has faced on the world stage since the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks, repeating arguments often invoked by the Jewish state and its allies.

"Just as malicious lies were leveled at the Jewish people, now they’re being leveled at the Jewish state… meant to delegitimize Israel to demonize the Jewish state and to demonize Jews everywhere,” Netanyahu said.

He called criticism from the International Criminal Court “nonsense,” highlighting that Israel had allowed half a million tons of food into Gaza, and blaming Hamas theft for any food shortages inside Gaza.

"And, responding to claims by the ICC’s prosecutor that Israel has deliberately targeted civilians, Netanyahu said, “What in God’s green earth is he talking about?” He warned that if the ICC’s charges were allowed to stand, America and other democracies would next be targeted and constrained by the international court." . . .

After Biden she may be the greatest president ever, ever

 "This woman is vacuous, inarticulate, and dishonest. She’s the border czarina who did nothing to stop the invasion of millions of lowlife psychopaths, sex traffickers, dope peddlers, and terror-loving Muslims, and the vice president who covered up for years her knowledge that Biden was mentally crippled." Sha’i ben-Tekoa

Kamala’s supporters: Are these people crazy? - Sha'i ben-Tekoa  "American democracy is in serious trouble when Americans in great numbers think Kamala Harris is qualified to be the president of the United States and have her finger on the nuclear button. This is a person with no accomplishments in life to merit the position. Her supporters seem to think all one needs is the right skin color and reproductive organs.

"This is the death of meritocracy that has nothing to do with either racism or neologistic “sexism.” This woman has done nothing in life as a leader and an executive. She is notorious for chasing away one staffer after another.

"What does she know of men at war? The structure of the military? The weaponry? What international conflict has she been involved in managing, let alone solving?

"For that matter, what does she know of business, which is America’s business?" . . .

European Leaders Laugh Behind Kamala's Back – HotAir    . . ."Isabel Schnabel, an executive board member of the European Central Bank, was caught on a hot mic earlier this year criticizing the vice president as “invisible”, and predicting that she would never win. The Democratic Party selection process “is a failure,” Schnabel said in comments reported here for the first time."

 . . ."Harris is leaning into her incompetence by refusing to preside over Bibi Netanyahu's speech and refusing to meet with him, proving that she, like Biden, hates our friends and intends to help our enemies, like Iran. 

"So what is Netanyahu doing? He'll be meeting with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago." 

Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed as Nominee (   . . ."Also to its credit, BLM appeared unmoved by the argument that race and gender should take precedence over other factors.

“We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues, now that she has assumed Joe Biden’s place, and we have no idea of the record of her potential vice president because we don’t even know who it is yet,” the statement read." . . .

Giant Caravan of Illegals Headed to U.S. Expecting Trump will Close the Border after Winning Election

  The Lid (

The Democrats still have plenty of time to steal the U.S. election, granted. But his poll numbers have never been better – not even for his winning 2016 contest.

"A caravan of thousands of illegals has set out from southern Mexico to swamp the U.S. because they are afraid that Donald Trump will close the border after winning the election in November and they won’t be able to so easily just walk into the U.S. illegally once he is elected like they can now under Biden’s disastrous regime.

"Thousands of illegals have massed in Mexico City to begin their trek northward with all haste as it seems so likely that Trump will win the presidency once again, according to Breitbart News.

"It is not clear exactly how many migrants — who are said to be from dozens of different countries — are involved in the caravan, but it is estimated to be up to several thousand.

"The caravan reportedly left Mexico City last Sunday and have been picking up stragglers along the way causing the horde of illegals to grow in size.

“ 'Mexican authorities still do not know the details of the caravan. However, it is expected to follow the patterns used by prior caravans. Hundreds of migrants march from the state of Chiapas in a northern direction, and after several days, they reach Mexico City. There, the caravans largely disband as migrants find various ways of reaching the border,” Breitbart reported.

"In the past, the Mexican government has helped these caravans with food, water, maps, clothing, and other support along their way to the U.S. border. It has yet to be ascertained if they will continue this practice with this latest giant caravan." . . .