Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rashida Tlaib Holds Up 'War Criminal' Sign During Netanyahu Speech; Netanyahu Unloads on Anti-Israel Protesters

 Joel B. Pollak (

. . ."As Breitbart News noted:

Netanyahu, who was received with a standing ovation, began his address by acknowledging the Israeli hostages and their families, and by honoring Israeli soldiers in the gallery, — including Ethiopian and Muslim soldiers, and soldiers who, though wounded, returned to the fight.

He rebuked anti-Israel protesters, alluding to the thousands who had gathered outside the Capitol, noting that they stood with Hamas and with “evil,” and noting that they often attacked the U.S. and American symbols. Those protesters who held signs saying “gays for Gaza,” he said, may as well have said “Chickens for KFC,” a reference to the Islamic fundamentalism of Hamas, which persecutes and even executes gays and lesbians.

In the audience sat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who wore a keffiyeh and held signs — “Guilty of Genocide”; “War Criminal” — in protest.

"Tlaib has a history of extreme anti-Israel views."

'They Should Be Ashamed of Themselves': Netanyahu Unloads on Anti-Israel Protesters | National Review   . . ."“Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity,” he said. “Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who come into the kibbutzim — into the home — with the parents and the children, the two babies in the secret attic, and murder the parents, find the secret latch to the attic, find the babies, and they murder them. These protesters stand with them. They should be ashamed of themselves.” . . .

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