Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a magnificent speech to Congress

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

Meanwhile, out on the street, the Democrat base raged against Israel, screamed out “Allahu Akbar,” and burned American flags:

Today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke for almost an hour before a joint session of Congress. I was paying attention so hard to his magnificent speech that I forgot to take notes—and there’s no transcript available yet. These are my impressions of the speech.

One. Bibi got one of the most rapturous greetings I’ve ever seen Congress give anyone. The ovation when Bibi walked to the podium and stood there went on so long that Speaker Mike Johnson finally had to gavel it to an end.

Two. Bibi stuck a huge shiv into the Democrat presidential ticket without seeming to have done so. It was remarkably clever and done with tremendous subtlety and grace. To appreciate what Bibi did, you must understand the Democrats’ antisemitic base.

Biden and Harris distanced themselves as far as possible from Bibi. Biden had the excuse of his COVID diagnosis and frailty, but Kamala had no excuse. That’s why it was so striking that she wasn’t at the airport to greet Bibi (nor was anyone else from the administration), and she refused to appear in Congress when he was speaking, opting instead for a sorority party: . . .

The reason for Joe’s and Kamala’s terror of being seen with Bibi is their base. Almost 30 Democrats refused to appear at the event. Rashida Tlaib did show up, but only to make a statement, which the C-SPAN cameraman caught perfectly:

. . ."And that’s where Netanyahu’s delicate (and perhaps unintentional) shiv came in. Practically the first point he made in his speech was to express gratitude for Biden’s unwavering support for Israel: Netanyahu:

"I thank President Biden for his heartfelt support for Israel after the savage attack on October 7. He rightly called Hamas sheer evil."

 Full article.


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