Thursday, July 25, 2024

Democrats side with Hamas

"People who have been lifelong Democrats refuse to accept the clear reality that the Democrat Party is rapidly become openly anti-Semitic. “This trend is accelerating, not slowing down.”

"On Wednesday, the prime minister of Israel visited the United States to address Congress nearly 10 months after Palestinian soldiers broke a ceasefire, invaded Israel, raped and murdered 1,200 civilians, and kidnapped 240 others. On top of these international war crimes, the soldiers were dressed as civilians.

Democrats snubbed Bibi. Biden, Kamala and Blinken were too chickenshit to greet him and his delegation of Israeli former hostages and families of the hostages. The U.S. government’s official policy now is to abandon Americans held hostage by the Hamas kidnappers.

Half the Democrats in Congress refused to show up for his address. Democrats had their little Nazi storm troopers burn American flags at Union Station and wave Palestinian and Hamas flags.

"What a difference from the way Biden and the rest of DC have treated Zelensky and the endless war in Ukraine, where after two years no one is demanding a ceasefire. Putin started the war. The war machine profits. The politicians collect their kickbacks. Everyone is happy except the 10 million displaced persons and the hundreds of thousands of war dead.

"The press portrayed the abuse of Bibi and Israel by Democrats as bipartisan because Republican Tom Massey did not attend the address to Congress.

"Pelosi boycotted the speech.

"Nevertheless, The Hill reported, “Pelosi says Netanyahu gave ‘the worst’ speech to Congress from any foreign leader.”

"The Hill’s story had no comments from any Bibi supporter and it had no story on the reaction from Bibi supporters. Today’s journalists do not write news stories. They write press releases.

"Business Insider, though, put what is happening in proper perspective.. . .

Speaker Johnson: VP Harris will ‘pay a price’ politically for skipping Bibi speech (    . . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI." . . . I so regret this Kamala-like action and hope Sen. Vance will explain it more sufficiently. TD 

. . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI. The Trump campaign pointed to his absence as a result of “duties to fulfill as the Republican nominee for Vice President.” 

"The source said the Ohio senator will watch the speech at a later time. Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told JI that Vance “stands steadfastly with the people of Israel in their fight to defend their homeland, eradicate terrorist threats, and bring back their countrymen held hostage.” . . .

Political price: “I think it's an inexcusable political calculation that Kamala Harris has made. I think she'll pay a price for it politically, and I think she should. The idea that you would boycott right now, to me, is just beyond the pale. They had to rest on Sen. Cardin to sit in the chair, who's retiring from the Senate. I think that sends a strong message to the voters, and it's quite sad,” Johnson said. 

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