Monday, September 26, 2022

Obama's SUV parked in a handicapped spot for 2 hours as he enjoyed upscale sushi with his daughters in LA

 Obama's SUV parked in a handicapped spot for 2 hours as he enjoyed upscale sushi with his daughters in LA - American Thinker   

"Staying out of handicapped parking spaces is for little people, apparently.  While you or I would face a fine of $250 to $1,000 in California for parking in a handicapped spot in front of a fancy restaurant while we spent two hours inside, if we didn't have the necessary documentation, the rules are different for Barack Obama.

"The U.K. Daily Mail reports:

Former President Barack Obama's Secret Service SUV was spotted parked in a handicapped spot for two hours as he dined at a swanky West Los Angeles sushi restaurant with his two daughters. 

The black SUV stayed in a spot marked for handicap parking as it waited for the Obamas to finish eating at the pricey Hamasaku restaurant, where eight-piece sushi rolls cost $50 and specialty rolls go for more than $20 each. . . .

U.S. Border Patrol Makes Horrific Discovery — 78 Terrorists Caught At Southern Border

 U.S. Border Patrol Makes Horrific Discovery — 78 Terrorists Caught At Southern Border - Analyzing America  "It’s been a historic summer for all of the wrong reasons under the failed policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats.

"A total of 78 individuals on the terror watchlist were caught at the U.S. southern boarder this year. In August alone, a dozen terrorists were caught at the border. These individuals are identified on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).

"To put this horrific discovery in perspective, 78 terrorists is triple the previous five fiscal years — combined. The most terrifying and unknown statistic of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the number of terrorists who crossed the southern border undetected.

"These individuals are either “known terrorists” or “reasonably suspected” by the FBI of being involved in terrorist activities.

""This evidence further demonstrates how the immigration system has been fundamentally broken under Joe Biden.

"Under Trump, Americans saw the lowest rate of illegal immigration in over 40 years.

"Under Biden, we have seen the highest rate of illegal immigration over 60 years.". . .

Reporters Run To Delaware As Terrorists Get Caught At The Border (

Abbott: 81 suspects on terror watchlist found at border in Biden era (

Kari Lake Reacts to Liz Cheney’s Vow To Campaign Against Her: ‘Biggest, Best Gift I’ve Ever Received’

 Kari Lake Reacts to Liz Cheney’s Vow To Campaign Against Her: ‘Biggest, Best Gift I’ve Ever Received’ (

"Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial nominee welcomed congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), calling her dangerous, saying electing her would endanger the republic.

"Candidate Kari Lake told Maria Bartiromo that Cheney’s remarks may be the best gift she ever got. The two talked during a Sunday broadcast of the Fox News program “Sunday Morning Futures.”

"“I mean, the people of Wyoming can’t stand her,” Lake said. “I’m pretty much sure that the people of Arizona don’t like Liz Cheney.”

"The face of the anti-Trump movement was soundly spanked in Wyoming’s Republican primary for the state’s lone House seat. Cheney earned just 29 percent of the vote while her Trump-endorsed opponent, Harriet Hageman, had 66 percent of voters select her. The congresswoman’s loss is probably worse since many of her voters were Democrats who switched parties to vote for her in the GOP primary.". . .

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Why the Enemies of Western Civilization Hated Queen Elizabeth

  American Thinker  "I began watching the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II at 4:00 a.m.  It was an event filled with emotion and so many traditions from Western Civilization over the centuries.  It was also a poignant reminder that, with the death of the queen, we have lost one of our last connections to that great civilization that gave us law, order, general liberty, culture, and our Christian heritage.

"During the 10-day mourning period, tens of thousands of people gathered in the streets; yet, there was only respectful silence and enthusiastic cheering for the queen.  When a rabble rouser tried to disrupt, he was told to “shut up.” 

"This is in stark contrast to our own nation, where radical leftists are allowed to intimidate, punish, and even murder other Americans.  It’s conservatives who are told to “shut up.”  Michael Harris, “cultural critic,” wrote that the “’woke’ attack on the deceased queen is actually a good thing” because it furthers Critical Race Theory and reminds us that America had slaves.  He failed to note the legacy of the British lies in the fact that, everywhere they ruled, slavery was eventually abolished -- including America -- literacy rates improved, railroads were built, and elites were educated at universities.

"The funeral service was held at the 11th century Gothic cathedral -- Westminster Abbey, followed by the committal service in St. George’s Chapel in the 1000-year-old Gothic/Victorian/Georgian Windsor Castle.  As the service drew to a close, the coffin of Queen Elizabeth was lowered into the Royal Vault where, in a private burial, she will be laid to rest in the King George VI Memorial Chapel with her belated husband Prince Philip, her parents, and her sister Margaret.  

"Those magnificent structures, the classical music, and the somber pipe organ strains were evidence of the incredible culture that Christendom has given the world in music, art and architecture.  The Left wants to cancel that culture and its visual reminders of the Christian faith. ". . . 

The Politicization of the Department of Justice

  Imprimis (  "The seal of the U.S. Department of Justice reads, “Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur”—“Who prosecutes for Lady Justice.” Depictions of Lady Justice are as familiar as they are instructive: she stands blindfolded while holding the scales of justice, representing her unyielding devotion to equal justice under the law. Contrary to this ideal, the DOJ today appears to be increasingly motivated by partisanship. Compounding the problem, it has access to the powers of the modern surveillance state. As someone passionate about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I believe there is no higher priority than addressing this danger. 

"The tragic events of 9/11 marked a turning point in our nation’s recent civil rights history. First the terrorists attacked us—and then, in the name of national security, we began to attack ourselves. It has become almost cliché to say that we live in a surveillance state, but we do. Ever since Congress, on a fully bipartisan basis, enacted the Patriot Act six weeks after the attacks on 9/11, the ever-present eye of the government has been searching for new and creative ways to spy on American citizens. The government has the technology to monitor all of our electronic devices, listen to our phone calls, and read our emails and text messages—all under the auspices of national security. 

"This special law designed for an emergency has become a permanent addition to the government’s investigatory toolbox. The unfortunate reality is that the bulk of the actions taken by law enforcement under the Patriot Act have almost nothing to do with combating terrorism. Once-rare applications for surveillance warrants to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court have multiplied many times in relative peacetime. Most of the spying conducted under the Patriot Act is for run-of-the-mill crimes that we’ve long expected law enforcement to address without special surveillance authority.". . .

Harmeet K. Dhillon is managing partner at Dhillon Law Group, Inc. She received her A.B. at Dartmouth College and her J.D. at the University of Virginia School of Law. Prior to founding Dhillon Law Group, she was associate and counsel at major law firms in New York, London, and San Francisco. She is the National Committeewoman from California at the Republican National Committee. She is the founder and CEO of the Center for American Liberty, a nonprofit that provides legal representation to Americans fighting for their fundamental civil rights. Her legal focus includes First Amendment rights and election law matters.

The Pro Pedo Left Are The Enemy - Gay Conservatives (and Allies) of America

 The Pro Pedo Left Are The Enemy (

The leftist media and some members of the LGBT community are also pushing to normalize pedophilia. Salon has published articles claiming pedophiles aren’t monsters. Salon writer Todd Nickerson posted a video justifying his sexual fantasy for a 5-year-old girl. . . Peter Boykin 

"Don Jr posted on social media recently asking the question: When did the Democrats become so pro-pedophile? This is a great question. The answer is the left has been pushing pro-pedophilia policy for years, and it’s gone largely unnoticed until now.

"This was Detailed this in a column published on 5/5/17 for the Daily Caller.


"Note How They Correctly DO NOT generalize the whole gay community, but point out a handful are pro Pedo.

"Five years later, the truth is now front and center stage for the world to see. Anyone who denies this truth at this point is consciously choosing to side with pure evil.

"How The Alt-Left Promotes Rape And Pedophilia

"Democrats brag that they’re the party for women’s rights and the children and they especially love to pat themselves on the back for being so-called champions for sex crime victims.

"That’s a lie. In reality, their stance on certain policy issues such as illegal immigration, refugees, sanctuary cities and transgender bathroom rights are enabling sexual predators by creating environments where rapists can more easily prey on women and children.". . .

Hillary Clinton Compares Trump To Hitler, Suggests His Fans Use Nazi Salute

 Hillary Clinton Compares Trump To Hitler, Suggests His Fans Use Nazi Salute… | Weasel Zippers

Via Newsweek:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has compared former President Donald Trump to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, while blasting his supporters for keeping their “arms raised” at a recent rally.

Clinton made the remarks on Friday during an onstage interview at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. Trump’s former 2016 presidential election rival recalled wondering as a student how followers of Hitler became “drawn in” by the Nazi leader before pointing out what she suggested was similar behavior by the former president and his followers during a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, last weekend.

“I remember as a young student trying to figure out, how did people get basically drawn in by Hitler?” Clinton said. “How did that happen? And I’d watch newsreels, and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought what’s happened to these people, why do they believe that?. . ."

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch

‘The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic,’ Ryan-Marie Houck described.


"BUCKS COUNTY, Pennsylvania (LifeSiteNews) – A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

"Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.

"According to his wife Ryan-Marie, who spoke with LifeSiteNews, he also drives two hours south to Philadelphia every Wednesday to sidewalk counsel for six to eight hours at two different abortion centers.

"Ryan-Marie, who is a homeschooling mother, described how the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. this morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.”

"Before opening the door, she explained, her husband tried to calm them, saying, “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.’ But they just kept pounding and screaming,” she said.

"When he opened the door, “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie described.". . .

Disturbing 1987 Photo of Joe and Ashley Biden Goes Viral After His Controversial "She Was 12 And I Was 30 Comment" - Twitter Removed The Photo -

  USA SUPREME  . . ."The audience of teachers and union members laughed and cheered at the bawdy remark.

"The White House did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for clarification on what the president meant.

"Biden’s historical habit of touching and smelling women and girls in public — often yielding on-camera grimaces from recipients — earned him the Republican nickname “Creepy Joe,” though he has rarely committed such actions in public since apologizing in 2019 to women who said he made them uncomfortable with unwanted physical contact.

"We know people have called him “creepy Joe,” but this is a whole new level of creepy.

"So, that comment he made got many people talking about his daughter Ashley Biden. As you likely know by now, her diary has been authenticated by the FBI. And in that diary, Ashley wrote about taking inappropriate showers with her dad when she was young and wondered if that led to her being hyper-sexualized at a young age. She also wonders if she was molested. It’s very disturbing stuff.". . .

Joe Biden parties with Elton John while the nation struggles following unprecedented crises

Rajan Laad

"Sir Elton John performed at the White House before an audience that is the who’s who of the liberal echo chamber. 

"Following his performance, Biden announced that John would receive the National Humanities Medal, which recognizes those who "deepened the nation's understanding of the humanities.". . .

. . ."There are numerous instances of tone-deaf and insensitive utterances and behavior that could even embarrass Marie Antoinette.

"During such turbulent times, one expects the fourth estate to speak out. Alas, the media is comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted instead of doing the opposite.

"The opposition, i.e., the GOP, is making some noise but not enough.

"The Elton John concert is a sterling opportunity for the GOP to make advertisements that can be broadcast nationally. They could do a split screen, with Elton singing for 'elites' on the left while inflation, crime, open border, the fentanyl crisis, etc. on the right.

"It is high time their barks evolve into roars."

Since His Election, Biden Has Used Racial Hoaxes To Accrue Power

The need to fuel the hoax has heated up in the run-up to the midterms—with a modification expanding its reach. Now, everyone who opposes Biden is part of the greatest threat to the nation. 

American Thinker  "The Democrats successfully used a vast racial hoax to put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House. The problem, then, was helping them stay there. To date, they’ve been relying on new additions to the same racial hoax in order to maintain their political control.

"For Democrats, having already weaponized race to attain the White House, January 6 was manna from heaven. Just 0.02% of J6 protesters (244 of 120,000 ) were affiliated with alt-right extremist groups, but creating the illusion of a White supremacist insurrection was child’s play for Team Biden and the sycophant media.

"Immediately after the election, CNN concluded that White Republicans “ignore or embrace racism.

"January 6 gave Biden the central theme for Democrats to retain control over the federal government. In Biden’s inaugural address on January 20, 2021, he launched White supremacist domestic terrorism as the biggest threat to America. The Democrat’s partner, BLM, continued supporting the hoax. It ran ads equating J6ers to the KKK and revised its platform to destroy anyone affiliated with J6.

"Biden has cited White supremacist domestic terrorists as the biggest threat to the nation so often that many Americans now believe him. Few know that the alleged “biggest threat” of domestic terrorism accounts for only 0.2% of murders. They also don’t know that Biden’s references to increasing White supremacism are possible only because the government has tied domestic terrorism and hate crimes to January 6, so every granny “parading” through the Capitol after guards invited her in is now a domestic terrorist White supremacist.". . .

Saturday, September 24, 2022

The man who raised Hunter and Ashley

First schools promote transgenders in schools and then have no objection to this.

Joe Biden’s behavior with girls and women draws scrutiny - Vox

 Creepy Joe strikes again - American Thinker  "He's not even trying anymore.

"Instead of putting on his best face as Mr. Devout Catholic, Creepy Joe Biden seems to be positively advertising his pervy attraction to children, throwing them in everyone's face, based on a speech he gave before a teachers' union group, which laughed merrily at old Joe's brand of "humor.' ". . .

Joe Biden’s behavior with girls and women draws scrutiny - Vox

. . .Biden’s recent comments recall a long history with girls and women

"Biden has long been known for touching and standing close to women, earning the nickname “Creepy Uncle Joe.” But as Laura McGann wrote at Vox, the press treated the behavior more as a joke than as a serious issue — until this year.

"In March, former Nevada lieutenant governor candidate Lucy Flores wrote in an essay at New York Magazine’s The Cut that Biden had smelled her hair and planted an unwelcome kiss on her head during a campaign event in 2014. Shortly thereafter, other women came forward to describe encounters with Biden that made them feel uncomfortable. The former vice president eventually released a video statement saying that “social norms are changing” and pledging to change along with them.". . .

Not just hugs: Biden swam naked in front of female Secret Service agents, walked around residence without a stitch (