Sunday, September 25, 2022

Hillary Clinton Compares Trump To Hitler, Suggests His Fans Use Nazi Salute

 Hillary Clinton Compares Trump To Hitler, Suggests His Fans Use Nazi Salute… | Weasel Zippers

Via Newsweek:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has compared former President Donald Trump to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, while blasting his supporters for keeping their “arms raised” at a recent rally.

Clinton made the remarks on Friday during an onstage interview at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. Trump’s former 2016 presidential election rival recalled wondering as a student how followers of Hitler became “drawn in” by the Nazi leader before pointing out what she suggested was similar behavior by the former president and his followers during a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, last weekend.

“I remember as a young student trying to figure out, how did people get basically drawn in by Hitler?” Clinton said. “How did that happen? And I’d watch newsreels, and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought what’s happened to these people, why do they believe that?. . ."

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