The Pro Pedo Left Are The Enemy (
The leftist media and some members of the LGBT community are also pushing to normalize pedophilia. Salon has published articles claiming pedophiles aren’t monsters. Salon writer Todd Nickerson posted a video justifying his sexual fantasy for a 5-year-old girl. . . Peter Boykin

"Don Jr posted on social media recently asking the question: When did the Democrats become so pro-pedophile? This is a great question. The answer is the left has been pushing pro-pedophilia policy for years, and it’s gone largely unnoticed until now.
"This was Detailed this in a column published on 5/5/17 for the Daily Caller.
"Note How They Correctly DO NOT generalize the whole gay community, but point out a handful are pro Pedo.
"Five years later, the truth is now front and center stage for the world to see. Anyone who denies this truth at this point is consciously choosing to side with pure evil.
"How The Alt-Left Promotes Rape And Pedophilia
"Democrats brag that they’re the party for women’s rights and the children and they especially love to pat themselves on the back for being so-called champions for sex crime victims.
"That’s a lie. In reality, their stance on certain policy issues such as illegal immigration, refugees, sanctuary cities and transgender bathroom rights are enabling sexual predators by creating environments where rapists can more easily prey on women and children.". . .
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