Sunday, May 12, 2024

American appeasement engenders Islamist aggression

A drag on any strong president is the ineffectual chanting of these scarf people in the streets who cannot be more ignorant of what they are doing. TD

"Obama appeased the Muslim world in his June 2009 Cairo speech, and his former vice president is now pandering to and appeasing both the Islamists and the hard left.  Obama and his successor Biden have engendered Islamic contempt for America and various forms of anti-American forms of aggression."

 Joseph Puder - American Thinker   "In November 1979, the Organization of Iranian People's Fedai terrorists, referred to as “students,” stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.  They subsequently held 52 U.S. diplomats as hostages for 444 days.  The following March, Jimmy Carter, the weakest U.S. president in the 20th century, wrote a confidential letter to the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iranian supreme leader, promising to recognize the Islamic Revolution in a public speech.  Simultaneously, Carter complied with the ayatollah’s wishes to get the Shah of Iran to leave his medical refuge in the U.S. and find shelter in Sadat’s Egypt.  Despite Carter’s appeasement, the Iranians defied calls to release the hostages.

"In April 1980, the Carter administration attempted a halfhearted military effort to rescue the hostages, which ended in total failure.  The Iranians mutilated the bodies of eight U.S. servicemen and dragged them through the streets.  The taking over of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was an act of war, and when the U.S. appeared impotent to act decisively, Iranian contempt, defiance, and aggression grew. 

"Only in January 1981, as President Ronald Reagan was being inaugurated, did the Iranians release the hostages, fearing Reagan’s military action against them.  They perceived Reagan, unlike Carter, as being uncompromisingly strong.

. . . "President Joe Biden’s appeasement, much like that of Jimmy Carter and his former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, is seen, once again, as weakness in the eyes of America’s enemies.  Biden is appeasing his pro-Hamas staffers, the antisemitic pro-Hamas progressive wing of the Democrat party in the U.S. Congress, and the Muslim pro-Hamas public in Michigan, Minnesota, etc.  He is also appeasing the radical mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad proxies in Gaza.  And as is obvious, he is afraid to stand with Israel, in recognition of its just cause, lest he lose Arab, Muslim, and leftist voters in the November 2024 elections." . . .

Saturday, May 11, 2024

MARK DUBOWITZ explains how Desperate Joe's latest blunder 'endorses' one of the terrorists's most repulsive tactics

Biden's betrayal of Israel only means MORE civilians will die:UK Daily Mail

"He hopes that by betraying Israel, he will win back far-left supporters who threaten to withhold their support for him in November. But this cynical strategy is fated to fail."

"A decade ago, former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates famously declared that Joe Biden, 'has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.'

"Secretary Gates – you'll never believe what Joe's done now.

"President Biden has made, perhaps, his most incompetent policy blunder yet (at least since his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan). 

"In an interview Wednesday, Biden threatened to block the transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel, if the Jewish State launches a military operation against Hamas's last remaining stronghold in southern Gaza.

"His ultimatum comes nearly seven months to the day of the October 7 slaughter – and after the White House admitted they had already secretly halted the delivery of bunker-busting bombs that Israel requires to root out terrorists hiding in deeply buried underground tunnels.

"Indeed, the mastermind of the Hamas massacre, Yahya Sinwar, is believed to be sheltering in these tunnels – cynically dug beneath the feet of about 1.3 million Palestinians.

"It's not only layers of concrete, dirt, and sand that shield these terrorists from the Israeli military. These monsters hide under women and children.  

"But Biden blames Israel." . . .

FLASHBACK Joe Biden in 2019 when asked about cutting off military aid to Israel. "The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous.... - Whatfinger News Summary

Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel (Sarah Arnold )

Democratic megadonor and Israeli American Haim Saban contacted senior White House officials asking Biden to reconsider his decision to halt weapons to the Jewish state. 

“Bad, Bad, Bad, decision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” Saban wrote in the letter obtained by Axios

"Let's not forget that there are more Jewish voters, who care about Israel, than Muslim voters that care about Hamas,” he continued. . . .

 Biden's New Low   . . ."This enfeebled man is so desperate to attract these people's votes that he's willing to debase himself by accepting the premise of a despicable smear against him.  If this man had any moral clarity of self-respect, he'd forcefully reject the slander about an Israeli "genocide," in which the pro-Hamas mob insists he is complicit.  He'd defend himself and our ally.  He'd focus the conversation immediately upon the genocidal actions and statements of Hamas (who deliberately embed their terror operations among civilians), including Hamas' attacks and raids on sources of aid for the civilians of Gaza." . . .

The atrocities that occurred on Oct. 7 in Israel must spur our revulsion, but they must equally spur our reevaluation of the mindset that now defends them.  The anti-Semitic protests and attacks — especially on our college campuses — are not the result of what is happening in Israel; they are the result of America standing silent while the Left has defined reason into oblivion and education into indoctrination.  

Former Israel PM Naftali Bennett calls Joe Biden weapon halt threat ‘deeply misguided’

 Lauren Irwin ( 

Bennett continued, saying he doesn’t know why Israel has wavered on entering Rafah, which he said should have been done roughly four months ago. 

 “Certainly, President Biden has always been a great friend to Israel, but I think that this decision is deeply misguided,” Bennett told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Thursday.

“ 'What are we being told here,” he continued. “We have a radical jihadist terror organization on our border that’s telling us it’s going to continue trying to murder as many Jews as possible. Obviously, we have to get rid of it. We have no choice.”

"Bennett said Hamas is hiding behind civilians and that Biden threatening to stop sending weapons to Israel would be a “profound mistake,” because Israel has “really no choice” and they must “do what we got to do.”

"His comments follow a Wednesday declaration from Biden, who said that the U.S. would stop supplying Israel with offensive weapons like bombs or artillery shells if Israeli forces launch an invasion on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of civilians have taken refuge.

" 'Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they got after population centers,” Biden told Burnett.

"Biden said he made it clear that if Israel goes into Rafah, he would not supply the weapons.

"The White House has urged Israel to make a plan to evacuate the refugees before entering the city, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been adamant about his plans to destroy Hamas, whom he claims are hiding in Rafah.

"Bennett said Israeli is “absolutely not” using weapons to target civilians in Gaza, but said “all wars” have “collateral damage.”

"Burnett pressed the former prime minister on Israel’s supposed “stockpile” of weapons that could be used without U.S. assistance to enter Rafah, asking if that stockpile contained American weapons.

“ 'I don’t know. I assume that some of them are,” he replied, adding that he’s not in government right now." . . .

UPDATE: Lebanon: Hezbollah Escalates Rocket Fire on Israel After Biden’s Weapons Embargo Threat ( 

 "Emboldened by President Joe Biden’s decision to cut off weapons supply to Israel amid its ongoing war against terrorist group Hamas, Iran-backed Hezbollah terror militia has ramped up rocket attacks from Lebanon into northern Israel.

“Hezbollah fired a barrage of 35 rockets from Lebanon at the northern city of Kiryat Shmona sparking fires in the surrounding areas Friday, while the military responded with a wave of strikes on the terror group’s positions,” The Times of Israel reported Saturday." . . .

. . ."Close to 90,000 Israeli civilians have fled their homes in the north due to relentless Hezbollah rocket fire, figures released in February show. Many of them are “housed in collective shelters in precarious conditions,” the French newspaper Le Monde noted."

Democrat Plant in GOP Congressional Primary Panders to Jew-Hating Islamists

Still wonder why many now spell the word "Democratic" as "Democrat"? Less respectful. TD

Why do Democrats support those who did this?

 Deborah Weiss  "In the curious world of politics, alliances can be as surprising as they are concerning. Take, for instance, the case of Robert Weinroth, currently vying for a seat in the United States Congress in Florida’s 23rd District. What makes Weinroth’s candidacy particularly eyebrow-raising is not just his abrupt switch from Democrat to Republican but also his troubling associations, including cozying up to individuals with ties to terrorism and bigotry against Jews.

"Weinroth’s political journey is rife with contradictions. A long-time Democrat, Weinroth is oddly running in the Republican Primary to replace one-term Democrat Jared Moskowitz, whom Weinroth enthusiastically endorsed in 2022. Also in 2022, Weinroth endorsed the current head of the Florida Democrat Party, Nikki Fried, when she ran for governor against Ron DeSantis.

"Weinroth has even posed for photos with Democrat icons such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. At the time, Weinroth showered Biden with praise, stating about Biden, “He is so genuine and sincere.”

"Bizarrely, the website that Weinroth is using to run as a Republican is the same one he used when he ran as a Democrat. On it, he wrote, “Palm Beach County should be a global leader on the issue of climate change,” and boasted that he “would lead the charge on banning the sale and possession of assault weapons.”

"Weinroth even spoke at and helped lead a rally against guns and President Trump. Signs at the rally called for outlawing firearms. Ironically for Weinroth, one sign read, “The only thing easier to buy than a gun is a GOP candidate.”

"Considering all of the above, one can easily surmise that Robert Weinroth is a plant for Jared Moskowitz and the Democrat Party. However, Weinroth’s opportunistic political maneuvering is overshadowed by something even more serious: His pandering to radical Muslims who are linked to terrorism and bigotry against Jews." . . .

Here’s the damning video clip that just landed Trump’s trial judge in hot water…

 Revolver News 

Clearly, Trump Derangement Syndrome has hit the judicial community like a ton of bricks. Now, let’s see if anyone steps up to address this sideshow involving Engoron, holding the activist judge accountable, and finally tossing him and the case out of court. 

Toon added by TD
"In the never-ending circus we call our judicial system, another scandal has burst onto the scene. This time, it’s involving an activist judge attempting to take down President Trump. Enter Judge Engoron…

"Now, a hotshot lawyer turned accidental “whistleblower” has called him out for being so incredibly unprofessional that he ought to be de-robed and tossed off the bench by the scruff of his neck. It turns out that Judge Arthur Engoron is now under investigation for allegedly taking “unsolicited advice” from this high-priced real estate lawyer. This so-called “hotshot advice” came right before the Engoron ruled against Trump in the New York City case, which starred Trump-hating prosecutor Letitia James. You’ll recall that Engoron ordered Trump and his company to pay $354 million in fines—a figure that balloons to $453.5 million with all the extras factored in." . . .

. . ." Everyone knows Engoron is a corrupt activist judge, more obsessed with taking down a political enemy of the regime than actually upholding justice. As a matter of fact, Engoron’s entire team is anti-Trump, even his top clerk.


Meet  . . . Allison Greenfield – corrupt judge Arthur Engoron’s top clerk. She’s the [person] behind all the gag orders to protect her flaming anti-Trump bias. She passes notes to Engoron all day during proceedings, improperly influencing his decisions. She has also violated judicial rules preventing officers of the court
from making excessive political donations. In 2022 alone, Greenfield gave thousands of dollars in political donations to radical Democrat causes that exceeded a $500 threshold for court officials in aggregate donations for a calendar year.

Smells Like ‘68: Foreboding Parallels for Democrats in 2024

"There are surely many differences between 1968 and now.  But politically speaking, if American history repeats, rhymes, or even speaks the same language of 1968, it doesn’t bode well for Democrats in the fall."  "Even the hen doesn't cackle until she lays the egg." A Lincoln

- American Thinker

William Sullivan  "This election season, there are many parallels to the election year of 1968 on display, and none of it bodes well for Democrats’ chances in November. 

"It didn’t work out for Democrats back then, certainly, with Republican Richard Nixon handily defeating Hubert Humphrey, and Republicans picking up a net five seats in both the Senate and the House, along with a net gain of five governorships.

"Here are a few of these observed similarities.

"Radical leftists are again eating their own

"The first parallel, which many have already noted, is that the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be again held in Chicago in August of this year, as it was in a politically contentious 1968.  Recent events signify that the city may again be witness to mass protests outside the DNC, just as when “tens of thousands of protestors swarmed the streets to rally against the Vietnam War and the political status quo” in 1968.  

"Pacifying those radicals without alienating the political center will be difficult.  But this is the Faustian bargain that Democrats chose, then and now.

"By 1968, there had been an explosion of outrage over American military defense of South Vietnam against the aggression of the communist North Vietnam.  Escalation in this Cold War conflict had occurred over many presidencies, and as such, the communist-sympathizing activists on college campuses viewed this as a systemic result of the American political status quo.  

"Sen. Bernie Sanders recently argued that the Israel-Hamas conflict might become “Biden’s Vietnam.”  Politically, he may be right.  America is divided today on the conflict in the Middle East, and in a way that presents something of a catch-22 for Biden’s administration as it did for Democrats in 1968." . . . 

Biden betrays Israel for the feeling of a few clueless college students (  . . ."If the Israeli army does not destroy Hamas in Rafah then the war is effectively for nothing, and all the pain and grief on all sides might as well not have occurred.

"As I have said before, there is no point in putting out 80% of a fire. Until the Israeli army can clear Hamas out of Rafah the fire of Gaza is not out.

"But Biden seems to be bowing to pressure from some of his own base. As someone joked a few months back, Biden does indeed want to focus on a two-state solution, but the two states are Minnesota and Michigan.

"He is desperate to chase the few tens of thousands of voters who might turn on him because they care about Hamas more than they care about America." . . .

For the sake of spoiled students and their puppetmasters who ask others to feed them. 

Is Soros Buying Universities’ Silence on Anti-Semitic Agitators?

 Tom Olohan ( 

The leftist billionaire also made an absurd comment about the terrorist group, saying that America and Israel “must open the door to Hamas.” The president of Soros’ Open Society Foundations Lord Mark Malloch-Brown has also advocated in favor of Hamas, arguing that “Hamas must be a party to a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian problem.”

"George Soros’ Open Society Foundations sunk massive amounts of cash into several universities—most of which have been a breeding ground for radical anti-Israel students and whose administrations responded poorly to protestors, agitators and rioters trespassing, breaking into and occupying buildings and harassing Jewish students.

"Both the New York Post and Politico have reported on Soros’ connections to the groups leading the anti-Israel protests. And now, an MRC Business investigation exposed how Soros has also given at least $34,638,060 to the nine universities that have made headlines for their slow response to anti-Semitic protests and riots, as well as their ineffectual or possibly even sympathetic administrators.

"Among the recipients of Soros funding connections were Columbia University, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of North Carolina (UNC), University of Southern California (USC), City University of New York (CUNY), the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and, of course, the University of California Berkeley from 2016 to 2022.

"Soros also poured money into media and journalism-related initiatives at several of these schools, including $2,399,360 to Harvard, $1,827,560 to Columbia, $366,369 to UNC and $125,000 to CUNY. 

"The accusations of anti-Semitic sentiments at Harvard, MIT, UPenn and Columbia were so severe that all four presidents of these universities have been called to testify before Congress. The presidents of UPenn and Harvard resigned in disgrace due to their failure to address campus anti-Semitism. Former Harvard President Claudine Gay also failed to clearly condemn the anti-Semitic phrase “From the River to the Sea,” which calls for the genocide of the Jewish people. The president of Columbia only allowed police to clear out trespassing anti-Israel agitators after they barricaded themselves inside a building, trashed it and prevented people from going in or out

"At CUNY and UNC, anti-Israel hecklers tore down the American flag while raising the Palestinian flag above the campus. Students have occupied and attempted to occupy buildingstrashed their campuses with garbage and graffiti, and acted with basic impunity due to a lack of decisive actions from their university administrations." . . . 

"Let 10 Million Cop Cars Burn!" - Radical Pro-Hamas Terror Group 'Rachel Corrie's Ghost Brigade' Admits to Torching 15 Portland Police Cars in 'Preemptive Attack'   Video

Letter From A Jan. 6 Political Prisoner

 Armando Simón – Issues & Insights (

Author’s Note: Elsewhere, I published a letter from a J6 prisoner for two reasons: it was a very coherent description of life behind bars for J6 prisoners, and, second, I felt people needed to remember that these are real persons with families, whose individuality should not disappear under the blanket label of “Jan. 6 prisoners.” I publish this subsequent letter for another reason: to highlight the fact that they are subject to intimidation and punitive measures if they exercise their rights. He mentions interfering with mail. This is true. Receiving mail in prisons and jails is a long-established right for any inmate. Yet, in one prison, a J6 prisoner’s mail will be blocked if writing is on both sides of the page, whereas in others it is admitted; in another, newspaper and magazine articles are forbidden, whereas in others is allowed, etc. Much of my correspondence has been blocked for reasons ignored for non-J6 prisoners.

There are few conservative newsletters to have taken up the cause of the J6 political prisoners and they have highlighted instances of beatings by guards, withholding medical treatment, throwing people in isolation (the hole) for speaking/writing to the media,  having court-appointed attorneys who work for the prosecution, and holding an accused person without bond and without trial for over a thousand days (this J6 prisoner appears to have avoided the worst injustices, other than the obvious). Other conservative and liberal websites and writers have turned their backs on these patriots, feeling that the only reaction to blatant electoral fraud should have been disapproval headshaking. They feel the Jan. 6 “insurrectionists” are an embarrassment. I think they are patriots. They feel the Jan. 6 “insurrection” was shameful. I believe it will go down as America’s Bastille Day.

Correspondence to J6 prisoners can be done through here. Financial help would certainly be welcomed.

I am withholding the writer’s name to minimize the possibility of retaliationThe letter here.

Aid Workers Call Biden's $320 Million Gaza Pier 'A Joke'

 Rick Moran – PJ Media  "Is the $320 million U.S.-built and operated pier in Gaza going to end up being a White Elephant? Or will it be a magnet for terror attacks?

"Ready or not, the pier will begin operating in the next few days. A shipment of supplies embarked from Cyprus on Thursday and will reach the pier by the weekend." . . .

U.S.-Built Pier in Gaza Nears Opening, but Distributing Aid Is No Easy Feat ( "The U.S. said it would soon begin using a pier to receive aid for the Gaza Strip but is struggling to set up distribution, marking a test for President Biden’s promise to ease a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian enclave.

The opening of the $320 million U.S.-built floating pier would mark the first major use of a sea route to deliver assistance to Gaza since the current conflict began. It involves hundreds of troops, several ships and a mission supported by humanitarian groups and several nations, including Israel.

The U.S. hopes to begin using the pier to deliver humanitarian assistance in the coming days, a White House spokesman told reporters Thursday, after Biden announced it in March during his State of the Union address.

The opening of the pier comes at a critical time in the more than seven-month-old conflict in Gaza. Israel has begun military operations in the southern city of Rafah, threatening the two main aid crossing points. The U.S., which opposes a Rafah invasion, has suspended a shipment of weapons. More than a million Gazans are experiencing famine-like conditions, according to a United Nations-backed system that monitors hunger crises worldwide." . . .

Exclusive: US military's pier in Gaza to cost $320 million | Reuters . . ."Concerns about the threat to American troops getting caught up in the Israel-Hamas war were underscored on Thursday as news emerged of a mortar attack near the area where the pier will eventually touch ground. No U.S. forces were present, however, and they were miles off shore -- beyond mortar range.

"Biden has ordered U.S. forces to not step foot on the Gaza shore.

Friday, May 10, 2024

What happens when children seize the wheel So who is in charge: Obama, Biden (I laugh), or functionaries in the Deep State somewhere that even Donald Trump had no control?

"Israel today is compelled to decide between two options. It can fight the war to win it, in Iran and Gaza, first and foremost, and risk a rupture of relations with the United States. Or, it can lose the war and accept the position of a U.S. protectorate, with the full knowledge that the United States will not permit its protectorates to challenge Iranian hegemony."

"Three reports published since Iran’s April 13 combined missile and UAV assault on Israel stand out for what the tell us about the nature of U.S. policy in relation to the war.

"First, on Sunday Reuters reported that Turkey mediated between Iran and the United States to agree on the size and scope of Iran’s assault on Israel before Iran carried it out. A Turkish diplomatic source told the news agency that, “Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel…[and] Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be ‘within certain limits.’”

"The Turkish diplomat told Reuters that the mediation was conducted by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken.
“Iran informed us in advance of what would happen. Possible developments also came up during the meeting with Blinken, and they [the U.S.] conveyed to Iran through us that this reaction must be within certain limits,” the official said.

"The second story, reported widely by the U.S. and Israeli media, revealed that the United States is pressuring Israel to suffice with a “symbolic” counterattack against Iran. In other words, U.S. President Joe Biden and his team are telling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the government that Israel can conduct a bit of a sound and light show over Iran, but it may not do any meaningful damage to Iran’s military, missile, nuclear, energy, or regime targets. Blinken reportedly went so far as to tell Minister Benny Gantz and Jewish leaders in the United States that it isn’t in Israel’s interests to attack Iran.

"Finally, on Thursday morning, Qatari media reported that the United States has agreed that Israel may attack Hamas’s final redoubt in Rafah, along the Egyptian border, but only if Israel’s strike against Iran is little and mild.

"The most startling feature common to all three stories is the sense that for the administration, everything that is happening here is a game. It isn’t a war. At best, it’s a playground fight, or a video game. The reports indicate that as the Americans see things, Iran and its terror armies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq are children. And they’re ganging up on Israel—another child. It’s Uncle Sam’s job to be the grownup and set rules for their fight that give everyone a chance to get his licks in—but only so hard, and only so many.

"The rules Biden and his team have set are fairly straightforward. Iran and its proxies are permitted to attack Israel as hard as they can. Israel is allowed to defend against their attacks. Israel is permitted to carry out limited—preferably covert—raids to counterattack.
Israel is not allowed to defeat its foes." . . .

A Democratic Party Megadonor Just Issued a Major Warning for Biden

 Matt Vespa (    "Now, let’s move to the incompetence part of this presidency. It certainly played a factor in this decision to suspend arms shipments to Israel, but does Biden think he can pull a long con over the electorate here? Does this man believe he has the smarts and skills to sell to the antisemites and pro-Hamas supporters within the Democratic Party base that he’s tough on Israel while telling American Jews that our “ironclad” support for the Jewish state will remain? 

"That’s the sticky wicket: Biden needs to kowtow, grovel, and appease vicious antisemites and supporters of radical Islam to keep his 2024 bid alive. It’s the ‘Keep Michigan’ page of the 2024 playbook. He loses this state, and it’s all but over. His path to 270 in the Electoral College virtually vanishes, a point where operatives on both sides agree. So, to win over the terrorist vote, Biden is playing reckless games with Israel, which is on the cusp of total victory against Hamas in Gaza." . . . 
"Let's not forget there are more Jewish voters who care about Israel than Muslim voters who care about Hamas,"

. . ."Why Biden would do this — essentially helping Hamas — right at this pivotal point is concerning. It appears political, to help his fortunes with the left and in places like Michigan, that he desperately needs to hold onto for the election. 

"What makes Biden's threat even more concerning is what he's doing at the same time." . . .

"So not only is he threatening them by holding up weapons, he's providing weapons to their enemies, including Lebanon where they have Iran terror proxies who are even now attacking Israel. 

"While one might argue that he's trying to appeal to the left to help his political fortunes, this does nothing but hurt our ally and embolden terrorists. There isn't even the gross, disgusting political excuse to cover him here of trying to appease leftists, by arguing to stop the action in Rafah. 

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted this action." . . . 

Hamas and American campuses

UPDATED 5:20 PM Friday: Where are the anti-Hamas protests? Why does the world accept the rape, torture and slaughter of Jews? (

'Hamas has taken Americans hostage. Where is that pathetic housewife Michelle Obama with her duckbill pout and hashtag sign?'

Within 72 hours of the attack, Politico reported, “U.S. calls for ‘proportionate’ Israeli response while not openly setting red lines.”


Fortunately, Israel ignored Democrats and did not send soldiers in to rape and murder Palestinians. Instead it methodically destroyed the military fortress hidden below Gaza City. Palestinians staged horrors. The world press ate it up." . . .

Ilhan Omar on Biden Withholding Arms from Israel: 'What Young People Across the Country Were Protesting For'   . . ."Protesters who had participated in the various encampments and protests had issued a varying list of demands, including calling for their universities to divest from Israeli companies, ending academic ties with Israeli educational institutions, ending academic student trips to Israel, a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and for the U.S. to stop arming Israel."

Northwestern University administration officials and faculty members signed a resolution demanding that the school cut ties with Israel, calling the Jewish country a "terror" state and accusing it of "one of the most atrocious and monstrous sieges in modern history." . . .
Campus scarf people, remember this hostage. Will she play again?

Greta Thunberg joins the campus scarf people:  – Twitchy

 This Pro-Hamas Student at Princeton Shows How Weak and Soft the Left Is (    "It’s not enough that pro-Hamas mayhem has overtaken college campuses nationwide. We now have these students, though many are probably professional agitators, going on hunger strikes to protest the war in Gaza. We should put “hunger strike” in quotes since this is intermittent fasting. These kids are taking snack breaks—it’s the weakest sauce hunger strike ever. Yet, at Princeton, one student who claims to be immunocompromised complained that she was dying from her self-imposed hunger strike and blamed the school for weakening her." . . .

Hamas was here.
. . . "And? This decision was yours to make. Israel isn’t going to withdraw because some idiots decided to starve themselves for terrorists. Biden may be messing with arms shipments to Israel, which is reckless, but even this administration isn’t going to abandon Israel, though it might seem that way right now. They’re setting the stage to sell Muslim voters that they’re willing to crack down on the Jewish state without doing so—those bombs will be shipped but later. And Muslim voters will be able to see right through it because Biden can’t maneuver worth a damn. It’s part of the ‘keep Michigan’ playbook." 

Defending Freedom: A Tribute to the Warriors of Israel :: Gatestone Institute

It is no coincidence that Gaza was the historic home of David's avowed enemies, the Philistines. Goliath was a Philistine; David killed him not far from the caves of Adullam in the Kingdom of Judah, present-day Judea, in Israel's heartland. In similar mode, Israel's enemies invaded Judea in October 7th. Statements by these enemies openly acknowledge that they will continue hostilities and repeat attacks until all Jews are eliminated: 

 Israeli soldiers inspect the entrance to a Hamas terror tunnel just
outside an UNRRWA compound in Gaza City

. . ."Encouraged by the words of Yitzhak Lamdan, "Never again shall Masada fall," Israel fights for all that is beautiful, free and democratic, and shall protect civilization to the end. It is therefore incumbent upon a new cohort of great men and women, the latest giborei Yisrael - heroes of Israel – to secure the nation so that its hard-won freedoms, values, and moral-ethical precepts, can be enjoyed by subsequent generations.

"Finally, Israel's brave warriors might identify with Eli Wiesel's statement in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech of December 10, 1986:

"I have faith in the Jewish people. Let Israel be given a chance, let hatred and danger be removed from her horizons, and there will be peace in and around the Holy Land."

"As people of peace, the warriors and all citizens of Israel long for such a time with all their hearts, but first there are battles to be won."