Sunday, May 12, 2024

American appeasement engenders Islamist aggression

A drag on any strong president is the ineffectual chanting of these scarf people in the streets who cannot be more ignorant of what they are doing. TD

"Obama appeased the Muslim world in his June 2009 Cairo speech, and his former vice president is now pandering to and appeasing both the Islamists and the hard left.  Obama and his successor Biden have engendered Islamic contempt for America and various forms of anti-American forms of aggression."

 Joseph Puder - American Thinker   "In November 1979, the Organization of Iranian People's Fedai terrorists, referred to as “students,” stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.  They subsequently held 52 U.S. diplomats as hostages for 444 days.  The following March, Jimmy Carter, the weakest U.S. president in the 20th century, wrote a confidential letter to the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iranian supreme leader, promising to recognize the Islamic Revolution in a public speech.  Simultaneously, Carter complied with the ayatollah’s wishes to get the Shah of Iran to leave his medical refuge in the U.S. and find shelter in Sadat’s Egypt.  Despite Carter’s appeasement, the Iranians defied calls to release the hostages.

"In April 1980, the Carter administration attempted a halfhearted military effort to rescue the hostages, which ended in total failure.  The Iranians mutilated the bodies of eight U.S. servicemen and dragged them through the streets.  The taking over of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was an act of war, and when the U.S. appeared impotent to act decisively, Iranian contempt, defiance, and aggression grew. 

"Only in January 1981, as President Ronald Reagan was being inaugurated, did the Iranians release the hostages, fearing Reagan’s military action against them.  They perceived Reagan, unlike Carter, as being uncompromisingly strong.

. . . "President Joe Biden’s appeasement, much like that of Jimmy Carter and his former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, is seen, once again, as weakness in the eyes of America’s enemies.  Biden is appeasing his pro-Hamas staffers, the antisemitic pro-Hamas progressive wing of the Democrat party in the U.S. Congress, and the Muslim pro-Hamas public in Michigan, Minnesota, etc.  He is also appeasing the radical mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad proxies in Gaza.  And as is obvious, he is afraid to stand with Israel, in recognition of its just cause, lest he lose Arab, Muslim, and leftist voters in the November 2024 elections." . . .

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