Saturday, May 11, 2024

Here’s the damning video clip that just landed Trump’s trial judge in hot water…

 Revolver News 

Clearly, Trump Derangement Syndrome has hit the judicial community like a ton of bricks. Now, let’s see if anyone steps up to address this sideshow involving Engoron, holding the activist judge accountable, and finally tossing him and the case out of court. 

Toon added by TD
"In the never-ending circus we call our judicial system, another scandal has burst onto the scene. This time, it’s involving an activist judge attempting to take down President Trump. Enter Judge Engoron…

"Now, a hotshot lawyer turned accidental “whistleblower” has called him out for being so incredibly unprofessional that he ought to be de-robed and tossed off the bench by the scruff of his neck. It turns out that Judge Arthur Engoron is now under investigation for allegedly taking “unsolicited advice” from this high-priced real estate lawyer. This so-called “hotshot advice” came right before the Engoron ruled against Trump in the New York City case, which starred Trump-hating prosecutor Letitia James. You’ll recall that Engoron ordered Trump and his company to pay $354 million in fines—a figure that balloons to $453.5 million with all the extras factored in." . . .

. . ." Everyone knows Engoron is a corrupt activist judge, more obsessed with taking down a political enemy of the regime than actually upholding justice. As a matter of fact, Engoron’s entire team is anti-Trump, even his top clerk.


Meet  . . . Allison Greenfield – corrupt judge Arthur Engoron’s top clerk. She’s the [person] behind all the gag orders to protect her flaming anti-Trump bias. She passes notes to Engoron all day during proceedings, improperly influencing his decisions. She has also violated judicial rules preventing officers of the court
from making excessive political donations. In 2022 alone, Greenfield gave thousands of dollars in political donations to radical Democrat causes that exceeded a $500 threshold for court officials in aggregate donations for a calendar year.

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