Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Superstitious Scientists

Biblical Worldview  "An evolutionary biologist has determined that religion, especially the “Abrahamic religions,” are superstitions. But there’s a flaw in his analysis.
There are two things that theists always yell at me about: characterizing faith as “belief without evidence” (which in fact the Bible says it is!), and calling religion a “superstition.” I decided to look up “superstition” in the Oxford English Dictionary (University of Chicago online version) to see if religion fit the definition.
"He concludes that Christianity is a superstition because it is irrational, based on ignorance, and reliant upon irrational belief in supernatural forces. One thing he doesn’t do is subject his own beliefs to this same test. That’s presumably because he believes he is rational, and because he uses logic instead of faith to investigate the world, then he is not being irrational.
"I have already shown that Coyne is irrational. Not only that, but he consistently confuses cause for effect — not a quality that instills confidence in his judgment.
"He, and the modern science establishment with him, refuses to investigate the nature of his own beliefs. He claims to be rational and an adherent to logic and science, but he simply assumes some fundamental things that he hasn’t proven. Mainly, that human logic is a valid tool. He doesn’t try to prove it because he can’t. He will get lost quickly, and his farce will be exposed." . . . Full article


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