Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sinwar’s Likely Death Comes Days After Biden, Harris Threatened Israel with Arms Embargo

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Thursday that it may have killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, after a body was discovered that closely resembled him in the aftermath of a battle in the Gaza Strip. 

. . .Only after Israeli soldiers arrived to inspect the damage did they realize that one of the three terrorists killed strongly resembled Sinwar.

The IDF is still assessing whether the body was indeed Sinwar, but Channel 12 says that it has not yet been brought back to Israel because the area where it was found is heavily booby-trapped. The body also had a military vest carrying grenades.

A DNA sample has been taken from the body, however, for expedited testing in Israel" . . .

 Joel B. Pollak  

"The likely killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on Thursday came days after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris threatened Israel with an arms embargo if it did not improve conditions in Gaza and cut back its attacks.

"As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday, Harris endorsed a threat made by the administration days before, warning that Israel had 30 days to “surge” aid into Gaza and to end the isolation of northern Gaza, effectively terminating an ongoing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) offensive there, or else it could lose access to U.S. weapons.

"The following day, IDF soldiers fighting Hamas in southern Gaza discovered a body closely resembling that of the Hamas leader. He was likely killed in a fight with ordinary infantry and armored units, not by an airstrike.

"Biden and Harris had long pushed for a ceasefire deal — with Harris insisting in March on a ceasefire even without a deal to release the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas.

"Had such a deal taken place, Sinwar would certainly have been alive, instead of suspected dead.

"The episode recalls that of the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in late September, just days after the Biden-Harris administration called for a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon.

"In both cases, had Israel followed the Biden-Harris administration’s demands, the leaders of terror organizations would still be alive and the terror groups they led would have remained more formidable foes.

"Former President Donald Trump’s position has been that Israel should finish the war “quickly” by defeating Hamas." . . .

Heartbroken Husband Slams Biden-Harris Regime as Wife Begins 3-Year Federal Sentence for Peacefully Protesting Outside an Abortion Clinic

The Gateway Pundit  So much for Trump locking Democrats away and separating children from their parents. Ask her daughter what she wants for her mother, I can just hear her say, "fweedom!"   TD

"Her husband, Rickey Victory, took to social media to condemn the regime’s actions and to urge Americans to reconsider their votes come election time. “So right now, I’m about to drive my wife to a federal facility. She has to surrender herself there, and this is due to the Harris-Biden administration." . . .

To write her, you can send mail to Bevelyn Beatty Williams, 36475-510, FCI Aliceville 11070 AL-14, Aliceville, AL 35442. Now she is simply known as "36475-510", not "Honey", or "Momma".

"In a heartbreaking plea to the American public, a devastated husband blasted the Biden-Harris regime after his wife, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, surrendered to federal authorities to begin her three-year prison sentence.

"Her crime? Peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

"On July 24th, in a Southern District Court, Judge Rochan handed down the harsh 3-year sentence, making it clear that Bevelyn was to be made an example for others.

“She told me before sentencing that I would not be defined by my sentence, but then proceeded to rip me away from my two-year-old daughter for three years,” Bevelyn said.

“ 'The court disregarded the fact that I’m a young mother and stay-at-home parent. This is nothing short of persecution for standing by my Christian beliefs when it comes to the sanctity of life.”

"Bevelyn, who was peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic, is now appealing her case.

"Her legal team put in extensive efforts to file a stay of appeal, allowing her to remain on bail during the appeal process for the sake of her daughter and husband.

"Unfortunately, the same judge who sentenced her denied this request. She has been assigned to a federal facility and must report to FCI Aliceville for surrender." . . . 

It’s Not Your Father’s Pot Anymore

Ann Coulter 

"The corporate interests pushing pot claim it works wonders on veterans with PTSD. Yes, if you consider suicide a cure. Two studies have shown that cannabis use by veterans was associated with “PTSD severity, depressive symptom severity, and suicidality.' ” . . .

"Remember all those great ideas George Soros had about crime and open borders? Guess what the spawn of Satan, whose every idea is designed to increase human misery, is pushing now? Legal weed.
"Switching out Americans for third worlders and releasing violent predators from prison gave him kicks for a while. But way too many Americans had not yet become McDonald’s-fattened, glassy-eyed deadbeats who spend most of their time sprawled across a filthy couch ordering DoorDash pizza, playing video games and not looking for work.
"Legalizing marijuana is the last step, the silver bullet to the heart of what’s left of our country. Tantalize the public with a drug that will turn them into low-IQ losers, crashing cars, committing suicide and rushing to emergency rooms with their cannabis-induced scromiting (uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time — one of the many charmingside-effects of widely available pot).
"That’s not even the best part. The cherry on top is that a very, very, very small number of corporate magnates with absolutely no conscience stand to make billions. Big Pot will make Big Tobacco and Big Pharma look like your family doctor.
"With that kind of money at stake, the pot-legalizers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on pot initiatives this year in Arkansas, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon and South Dakota so they can start profiting off ruined lives in six more states. According to Open Secrets, the group pushing the Florida pot initiative, “Smart & Safe Florida” — or, more accurately: “Lose 8 Points of Your IQ & Murder Your Wife Florida” — had raised more money than for any other ballot initiative this year, on any issue, in the entire country.
"(About my alternative name: One of the first legal pot consumers in America was Colorado’s Richard Kirk, who ate a marijuana edible, started hallucinating, held a gun to his wife’s head and shot her dead.)
"That kind of spending could persuade voters to support cannibalism. Which, come to think of it, they might be: Remember Rudy Eugene, the Miami face-eater believed to be high on bath salts? The toxicology report identified only one drug in his system: marijuana" . . .
." . . .The corporate interests pushing pot claim it works wonders on veterans with PTSD. Yes, if you consider suicide a cure. Two studies have shown that cannabis use by veterans was associated with “PTSD severity, depressive symptom severity, and suicidality.”

Social media explodes after Kamala Harris' 'total trainwreck' interview as supporters blast Fox News' Bret Baier for 'ambush'

 UK Daily Mail    She probably came this close to an "I'm speaking" moment.

'I forgive Bret Baier. He's literally ending Kamala Harris's campaign before our very eyes!' wrote Vince Langman, a supporter of Trump.

"The contentious high-drama interview between Fox News anchor Bret Baier and Vice President Kamala Harris drew strong reactions 

"Baier tried to press Harris on a number of key issues but the vice president protested that he needed to let her finish her answers to the questions.

"Meanwhile she tore into Donald Trump for being totally 'unfit to serve' as president for a second term because he's 'dangerous.'

"It was a contentious 30 minutes as the current VP worked to distance herself from Biden, saying her presidency would not 'be a continuation' while defending the administration's policies. 

"The first testy moment started after a brawl over the Biden-Harris administration immigration policies.  

" 'Kamala Harris just ran into a Bret Baier buzzsaw when asked about the number of illegal aliens in the country,' wrote conservative communicator Steve Guest as the interview aired. 

" 'Bret is crushing this and she is incapable of defending her deadly border policies,' she wrote

"Meanwhile, supporters of Harris accused Fox News of conducting an 'ambush' interview and argued that she did well. 

" 'Kamala Harris (strong) handled an ambush Fox interview light years better than the hash Donald Trump (unstable) made of the Fox pep rally disguised as a town hall,' Harris campaign advisor David Plouffe wrote on 

"Brian Stelter, a media analyst from CNN described the interview as a positive result for Harris.

" 'A lot of viewers are going to come away saying, "Wow, she's willing to do that. That's a sign of toughness and strength,"' Stelter said in a clip shared by the Harris campaign on social media. 

"Others who were not big fans of Baier indicated they were impressed by his performance." . . .

‘It’s Gotta Stop!’: Bret Baier Reveals 4 Kamala Harris Staffers Waved Arms Pleading to End Fox Interview  . . ."Harris’s team quickly began framing the interview as a biased attack on the vice president. Senior campaign adviser David Plouffe whined that Baier’s interview was an “ambush” in a tweet minutes after the interview concluded."

  The Democrats have damaged their brand   

. . ."When you add to this the Biden-Harris record of colossal bungling, you can’t help but generate a thunderous consumer groan.  This is also being played out in the various localities of America, where crime and vagrancy are rampant, and nothing serious is being done to put an end to them.  In spite of a fleeing tax base, the local “progressive” drones offer nothing more than higher taxes, more corrupt spending priorities, and a crumbling infrastructure." . . . 

Townhall; Tony Branco

Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Admits His DOJ is Working to Jail Trump After the Election   . . ."And by the way, 34 felonies,” Biden said after he sent his DOJ hatchetman Matthew Colangelo to New York to get Trump.

“ 'He got the sentence kicked back, but I want to watch that sentence,” Biden gleefully said hoping Trump is jailed." . . . 

Megyn Kelly Reacts to the Media Meltdown Over Kamala Harris' Fox Interview, w/ Ruthless Hosts   Video showing MSNBC and leftist associates. Who would tell Bret to quit his job, go to a monastery, and atone? Why Keith Olbermann!