Saturday, October 12, 2024

Catholic League Demands Apology From Gov. Whitmer After Video Mocking Holy Eucharist

Debra Heine

“Lampooning sacraments is not likely to win over Catholic voters… Or any other voting block. Or is there a Wiccan Doritos cult that I’m unaware of?” Arroyo added. Conservative commentator Tammy Bruce said, “I’m not even Catholic and I was disgusted.” Bruce went on to note that Whitmer and Plank went on to joke about “post term abortions.”

"A bizarre video featuring Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer(D) mocking the Catholic faith went viral on social media Thursday, offending Catholics and appalling just about everyone else.

"The short clip shows Whitmer placing a Doritos chip onto the tongue of kneeling lefty influencer Liz Plank, in an apparent attempt to mimic the Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion.

"As the lefty podcaster consumed the Dorito, Whitmer, clad in a camouflage Harris-Walz hat, stared at the camera with a weird, deadpan expression.“This video is abhorrent, and we are calling on @gretchenwhitmer to issue an apology for this offensive act,” the Catholic League posted on X. The Catholic League is a religious rights group founded by Bill Donahue in 1973.

" 'Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer insulted Catholics nationwide when she intentionally ridiculed the Eucharist in a video,”  Donohue wrote in a statement.

" 'There is no way to understand this stunt other than as an expression of vintage anti-Catholic bigotry. Whitmer’s team, and her allies in the media, are trying to distort what she did,” he said.

"The disturbing clip, which was posted on Plank’s Instagram account, was an apparent reenactment of a TikTok meme in which people are seen feeding each other snacks and then staring awkwardly into the camera.

"Helen Hare, a spokeswoman for Whitmer, claimed critiques of the video are an attempt to distract from Democrat investments in the economy.

" 'The governor’s social media is well known for infusing her communications with pop culture,” Hare said in a statement. “This popular trend has been used by countless people, including Billie Eilish, Kylie Jenner, and Stephen Colbert, and the fact that people are paying attention to a video promoting President Biden’s CHIPS Act proves it’s working.”

"But as Donahue noted, none of the people in the other videos were kneeling." . . .

From the Michigan Catholic Conference:   “The skit goes further than the viral online trend that inspired it, specifically imitating the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO. “It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices. While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated, whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.

“People of this state and across the country have grown tired of and continue to express their alarm at the bar of civility and respect toward people of faith lowering by the day. Michigan is a religiously diverse state and includes thriving communities of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim believers. The time is now for those in public office, their handlers, and strategists to return a level of respect, civility, and appreciation for those who have found peace and fulfillment in life by worshiping God and serving their neighbor.”     Go here to read about it.

Apparently naked anti-Catholic bigotry is now one of the core components of the Democrat party:

Michigan Bishops Protest Gov. Whitmer’s Mockery of Holy Communion  . . . "On Friday, Catholic League President Bill Donohue excoriated Whitmer, insisting that she had “insulted Catholics nationwide when she intentionally ridiculed the Eucharist in a video.”

“ 'There is no way to understand this stunt other than as an expression of vintage anti-Catholic bigotry,” Donohue wrote.

"The Whitmer team is lying when they say she is merely “mimicking a popular trend on social media where people are shown feeding each other,” he stated, and it is “easy to disprove.”

"The typical TikTok videos show one person sitting at a table, often in a restaurant, being fed—usually with a fork or spoon—by a friend.

“ 'None of them are kneeling. None of them are receiving food on the tongue,” Donohue noted.

“ 'What Whitmer did was to deride Holy Communion. There is no wiggle room for her to deny the obvious,” he added." . . .

Shut Up, Barack Obama

 Jeff Charles

"The Democrats’ strategy of shaming black men into pulling the lever for Harris will be about as effective as fighting a grizzly bear with a toothpick. Black men have valid reasons for questioning the Democratic Party, which has enjoyed their loyalty for decades without offering much in return." 

"Former President Barack Obama stepped deep in it during recent remarks aimed at black men who are not planning to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris in November. He and those defending him are getting pilloried on social media after he basically accused black men of being misogynists because they don’t want to support Harris at the ballot box.

"As cringeworthy as his remarks were, Obama showed why so many black Americans are giving up on Democrats.

"For those who haven’t heard, the former president was at a campaign event for Harris and took the opportunity to schoolmarm the millions of black men who don’t want to vote for the vice president. He argued that they should support her because she “grew up like you” and supposedly had the same struggles as many young black men who spent most of their middle-class childhoods in Canada getting a superior education.

"He then said that these individuals are “coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses” not to vote for Harris. One of these reasons is a supposed mistrust of women.

"Because part of it makes me think -- and I'm speaking to men directly -- part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you're coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that."

"Obama then claimed the “women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time” and that “When we get in trouble and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting.” . . .

Dems in Disarray as Backlash Against Barack Obama’s Lecture to Black Men Grows Louder  . . ."It’s simple: The Democratic Party is setting Black men up to take the fall in case Vice President Harris fails to defeat former President Trump in November. It’s that simple. And it is an outrage that they are trying to pin this on Black men. If Harris loses, it will not be on Black men or any other group of voters. The fault will lie squarely with the candidate and the party she represents." . . .

"Others talked about how they were insulted over the fact that they seemed to be expected to ignore the last four years of absolute failures in leadership from the Biden-Harris administration. There are a lot of videos like this circulating on TikTok (language warning):"

‘Let’s Make Our Military Great Again’: Donald Trump Video Slams Wokeness Under Biden-Harris

 Kristina Wong; Breitbart  

Some of the first actions the Biden-Harris administration took at the Pentagon were to hire a DEI senior adviser, form a counter-extremism task force, undo Trump’s order to allow transgender persons to serve in the military only in their biological sex, and implement a COVID vaccine mandate, which ended up kicking out more than 8,000 healthy troops who did not want to take the vaccine.

"Former President Donald Trump’s campaign played a video at a rally earlier this week in Pennsylvania that slammed wokeness in the United States military under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and called for making “our military great again.”

"The video begins with a clip from the movie Full Metal Jacket, where the character of drill instructor Marine Gunnery Sgt. Hartman is yelling at a new recruit, then cuts to a clip of Navy Adm. Rachel Levine, the Biden-Harris administration’s assistant secretary for health for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“ 'Happy Pride. Happy Pride Month, and actually, let’s declare it a summer of pride,” Levine, a transgender man, says in uniform.

"The rest of the video switches back and forth between clips of the movie and clips of two active duty service members, showing them in uniform before transforming themselves into drag queens and dancing, one of whom served as a digital ambassador for the U.S. Navy and has performed on ships while deployed.

"The clip ends with recruits calling cadence and the words “Let’s make our military great again” across the screen." . . .

Conservatives Must Preserve The Electoral College

Seeing hordes of Keffiyeh-clad young people in the streets assaulting Jews and destroying America's historical monuments, I have lost much confidence in the next generation and in the prospects for our nation's historical integrity. TD

Paul C. Binotto  

"Advocates of eliminating the Electoral College need look no further than one-party states like California to get a glimpse of what presidential elections would look like if the Electoral College were gone."

"Just the other day, Tim Walz stated explicitly that America needs to end the Electoral College. Although the campaign quickly walked this back, the reality is that he was speaking for most Democrats. That’s why it’s important for us to understand why the Electoral College matters and should continue.

"Equality under the law is the bulwark of any free democratic nation that operates under the rule of law and values liberty and justice for all. This includes making the value of votes as equal as possible across a vast country. The U.S. Constitution’s Framers brought this concept as close to perfection as possible.

"They accomplished this by creating a democratic republic, not a pure democracy. They were not so naïve as to think one person with one vote was enough to protect individual rights or that every vote would, by itself, carry equal weight. The Electoral College was their answer, for it prevents majority one-party rule and protects the individual rights of the minority better than pure democracy.

"The Electoral College, because it has the potential to override a national popular vote in a presidential election, may seem to infringe on individual rights. In truth, the opposite is true, for it protects individuals and states with minority views from majority electoral abuse.

"Pure democracy works best at the state and local levels because it is closest to the individuals, who, by their geographic clustering, are more likely to be “birds of a feather” and are more apt to share a greater commonality of self-interests." . . .

Paul C. Binotto writes freelance from Pittsburgh, where he happily resides with his wife of more than 20 years. He makes observations generally on society and culture, politics and jurisprudence, natural law, and natural rights, most often from a conservative, Catholic-Christian, and pro-life perspective.

Donald Trump Was the President of Deflation – Yes, Actually Lower Prices

For the Democrats, power is much more important than the financial, spiritual, and moral health of this nation, delivered to this generation by the blood,sweat, and tears of ancestors. TD

The Last Refuge 

"Our analysis of U.S. consumer prices in 2019 showed that prices of imported goods actually declined despite import tariffs. A 2024 report from CPA takes a look at the impact to Chinese exports to the U.S.  [SEE DATA HERE] Bottom line, the tariffs worked to reduce Chinese imports." 

Receipts in this article:

. . ."So yes, we know President Trump can save Social Security and Medicare by expanding the economy with his America First economic policy.  We do not need to guess if it is possible or listen to pundits theorize about his approach being some random ‘catch phrase’ disconnected from reality.  Yes folks, we have the receipts.

"This was MAGAnomics at work, and this is entirely what created the middle class MAGA coalition.  No other Republican candidate has this economic policy in their outlook, because all other candidates are purchased by the Wall Street multinationals.

"America First MAGAnomics is unique to President Trump, because he is the only one independent enough to implement them.

"That’s just the reality of the situation.  They hate him for it… "

Kylee Griswold: "Kamala Harris Is Too Stupid To Be President"

Kylee Griswold; The Federalist  

She is brat. She is joyful. She is speaking. And she exists in the context of all in which she lives and what came before her. Democrats have fallen in line behind geriatric and mentally impaired candidates before. They’ll gladly fall in line behind a stupid one now.

"Univision hosted a “Latinos Ask” town hall with Kamala Harris on Thursday night, and it was about as airheaded and disingenuous as you’d expect. Here was one word salad from the first five minutes — remarkably in response to a question about the two hurricanes that just decimated the southeast of the country:

Leadership is about understanding the importance of lifting people up, understanding that the character of our country is such that we are a people who have ambitions and aspirations, dreams, goals for ourselves and our families, and are entitled to have a leader who then invests in that. … The two visions [for our country], simply put, are that one is about the future, and the other is about the past and taking us backward. And I do believe that the American people are ambitious and aspirational about an investment in the future in a way that we are optimistic while being clear-eyed.

"That’s a lot of ambitions. After one voter observed that Harris was never elected to be the Democrat nominee but just magically became such when “President Biden was pushed aside,” the vice president naturally drove home the point for the umpteenth time that Donald Trump is the “unprecedented” threat to democracy. Funny she brought up Trump and democracy because the former president actually made an apropos comment about the topic earlier the same day, telling the Economic Club of Detroit: “Our biggest threat to democracy is stupid people.”

"He’s onto something. Stupid people — people who know nothing of civic responsibility or common sense — do threaten the fabric of our self-government, especially when they hold power, and Kamala Harris is the poster child. She’s frankly too stupid to be president." . . .

Five Quick Things: This Is All the Left’s Fault, You Know  "Plus, CBS is now literally putting words in Kamala’s mouth."  

  . . ."And Barack Obama gets credit for conquering the Democrat Party in the name of the radical Left, who were generally relegated to the low levels of that party before he broke through and unseated the genteel East Coast liberals who’d formerly run it. And now, eight years after having left office, Obama is still the most influential figure in American politics.  Are we better off as a result? Of course not. Greenfield offers a very easy, very true, explanation for why:" . . .

Vote: Charm or Skill? 

Obama criticized by black leaders over lecture on Harris enthusiasm

 May I suggest you read my commentary at the right sidebar of this page which has been there for almost two decades?  The Tunnel Dweller.

 Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) October 11, 2024  “And for him to want to come down from his mansion in Martha's Vineyard and tell black men how we should vote, really? You don't even live in Chicago anymore. You left your black community, Barack Obama, and you want to tell us how to vote? We're not having that,” he said. 

Washington Examiner (   "After former President Barack Obama rebuked black men for hesitating to support Vice President Kamala Harris, he's receiving backlash from African American leaders.

"From the Generation Z Republican who heads the Republican National Committee’s Youth Advisory Council to the Democratic national co-chairwoman of Bernie Sanders's 2020 presidential campaign, Obama’s stern words to a group of young black men during a Pittsburgh appearance Thursday haven't quite gotten the response he was looking for.  

“ 'I think that my ancestors fought far too hard for my right to vote in this country, for me to support someone just because they look like me, especially when that person who looks like me doesn't give a damn about me,” C.J. Pearson, who heads the RNC’s Youth Advisory Council, said in a video posted to X. 

"My name is CJ Pearson. I’m 22 years old. And in 25 days, I’ll be joining millions of other young black men and voting for Donald J. Trump!

"And we don’t give a damn about what Barack Obama has to say about it.

— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) October 11, 2024

"His comments came after Obama urged young black men to vote for Harris because she is “somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences.” 

"Obama told black men that considering a vote for former President Donald Trump was "not acceptable" as he said part of their hesitancy was because they “just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president.” . . .

Why do Kamala Harris supporters choose to vote against their own best interests?  "The Biden-Harris administration has been the most devastating for the American people in U.S. history. 

"From their opening the border to millions of invaders on day one, to the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, to vaccine mandates and lockdowns, the war in Ukraine, the Oct. 7 massacre of Jews in Israel and their subsequent support of Hamas and Iran, to the massively irresponsible spending that has led to soul-killing inflation, and, most recently the abject failure of FEMA to come to the aid of hurricane victims." . . .