And the scarf-people attacking Jews on America's streets.
UPDATE: WATCH: Holocaust Survivor Destroys Kamala Harris for Comparing Trump to Hitler . . ."Adolf Hitler invaded Poland when I was 9 years old," he said. "He murdered my parents and most of our family. I know more about Hitler than Kamala will ever know in a thousand lifetimes.
"For her to accuse President Trump of being like Hitler is the worst thing I ever heard in my 75 years of living in the United States," he continued. "I know President Trump, and he would never say this, and Kamala Harris knows it this. She owes my parents and everybody else who was murdered by Hitler an apology for repeating this lie."
When asked by an off-camera interviewer why the Jewish people should support Trump, Wartski replied, “Because he’s a mensch.”
“I believe that President Trump is definitely going to be good for Israel because everything that he’s done up until now was in [its] favor. He never double-crossed anyone, and he never showed any weakness."
Jerry Wartski met with Trump during a visit marking the anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Trump visited the Ohel of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson to offer prayers for the remaining hostages held in Gaza, an occasion Wartski recalls as a powerful moment of solidarity and support.
“He has always stood with the Jewish people and the state of Israel.” In Wartski’s eyes, Trump’s genuine care was on display when he prayed for the hostages taken by terrorists in the Ohel, showing a president not only invested in the Jewish people’s safety but moved by their struggles." . . .
"Holocaust survivor Jerry Warstki condemns Kamala Harris for comparing Trump to Hitler.
"For her to accuse President Trump of being like H*tler is the worst thing I ever heard in my 75 years living in the United States."
Jupplandia: The sickening hypocritical evil of the Trump is Hitler narrative and its associated historical ignorance.
And the greatest moral truth here is that Nazism, Communism and Islam are all systems of thought that demand total obedience and total submission. This would make them loathsome enough. But they also demand that anyone who does not submit should be enslaved or murdered.
"In a rational world, we would all condemn and despise Nazism.
Ignorance personified |
"In the same rational world, we would all condemn and despise Communism."And in this rational world, too, acting like either of these totalitarian ideologies would always be condemned and despised, no matter who did it.
"You know what would also be despised? Falsely comparing people to Hitler when the comparison makes no sense.
"We have 25 million reasons to despise Nazism, and 100 million reasons to despise Communism. Both systems murdered millions of people and both systems excused and demanded the most appalling atrocities where innocent men, women and children were tortured and murdered in factories of death.
" 'These deaths require that we be determined in our vigilance against these ideologies, but also respectful of their unique evils and extremely cautious in our references to them.
"There should never be a ‘competition’ between which of these we wish to condemn, and arguments about which was most evil are as entirely redundant as discussing whether Jeffrey Dahmer was worse than Jack the Ripper." . . .
"Every Republican is Hitler"
" Considering that Germany only had one Hitler, it’s a wonder that this country has managed to survive all these years with so many Hitlers running around." Comment from reader.
. . ."In the Iran-Contra trial, Oliver North was accused of “following Adolf Hitler’s official strategy”. What did one have to do with the other? Nothing. But this sort of lazy accusation had become typical and routine. William Shirer, who had also compared Nixon’s bombing of Hanoi to the Holocaust and called Nixon an “apt pupil” of Hitler (Pentagon spokesman Jerry Friedheim was Goebbels), compared Reagan to Hitler for intervening in Grenada. Then Shirer compared Bush I to Hitler for trying to outlaw flag burning.
"By the Reagan years, the left had achieved a banality of Hitler analogies. Everything Reagan did was just like Hitler. All of Reagan’s associates were just like Hitler. It was Hitlers all the way down.
"President George W. Bush inherited this banality of Hitlers. To left-wing Truthers, open and covert, 9/11 was the Reichstag fire, the Patriot Act was the beginning of a national dictatorship and Bush was a dictator. As Kurt Vonnegut quipped, “The only difference between Bush and Hitler is that Hitler was elected.”
"Everyone, to leftists, is Hitler except the Islamic terrorists allied with Hitler who are trying to kill Jews today." . . .