Saturday, October 19, 2024

Douglas Murray's advice to Kamala Harris: 'Stay away from Joe Rogan'

Sky News Australia  "Author Douglas Murray has advised Kamala Harris to stay away from Joe Rogan's podcast, saying it would be a "bad idea" for her to go on.

"There are rumours Kamala Harris may appear on Joe Rogan's podcast as the US election enters its final weeks. " 'The fact that the Democrats are currently putting her out there is actually a sign she is not doing well, or she's not doing as well as she should be doing in the polls," Mr Douglas told Sky News Rita Panahi. " 'The point is it is an extraordinarily free-rolling conversation - Kamala Harris hasn't been exposed to a free-rolling conversation in her time in elected office because when she rolls, she rolls all over the place. " 'Maybe she is toying with it but wow is it a bad idea."

40 THEN and NOW Civil War Photos That'll Take You BACK in TIME; Part 3

Unhinged Past   "Journey through history with 40 stunning 'Then and Now' Civil War photos that’ll transport you back in time! See the dramatic transformation of battlefields, towns, and iconic landmarks as we compare historic images with their present-day counterparts. From the haunting ruins of war to the vibrant landscapes of today, these powerful side-by-side photos offer a unique look at how the past has shaped our Journey through history with 40 stunning 'Then and Now' Civil War photos that’ll transport you back in time! See the dramatic transformation of battlefields, towns, and iconic landmarks as we compare historic images with their present-day counterparts. From the haunting ruins of war to the vibrant landscapes of today, these powerful side-by-side photos offer a unique look at how the past has shaped our world. Get ready to be amazed by this incredible visual journey."

Tucker’s Interview With Elon Is Required Viewing for Everybody

Scott McKay: American Spectator 

  . . ."It’s a fascinating interview, and that’s hardly surprising given that Musk is a fascinating individual. He’s a truth-seeker and a curious man who examines things deeply in order to understand what makes them tick, and because of that, he’s now very interested in the morals and values that underlie society and its component institutions." . . . 

Ben Garrison

"There’s an ad circulating on the TV networks that you may have seen. It features a working-class union black guy who calls himself “Buddy,” and he says that he’s voting for Kamala Harris because Donald Trump wants to give tax breaks to billionaires and Buddy thinks that’s not cool.

"Somewhat conspicuously, when the ad starts in on how terrible it is for billionaires to get tax breaks, Team Kamala simply has to throw up a picture of Elon Musk in a tuxedo.

"Musk has now become the Left’s new Emmanuel Goldstein, the figure of the Two Minutes’ Hate that all of their votaries must condemn. And why? For the sin of having backed Trump.

"The dishonesty that underlies the ad isn’t hard to unpack, of course. Most of America’s billionaires are leftist ideologues, and for a number of reasons. First, the oldest and surest way to be a billionaire is to inherit a fortune of that size, and the descendants of the great 19th- and 20th-century captains of industry are quite plentiful.

"And what we know about the inheritors of great wealth is that their appreciation for the work that went into its creation is inversely proportional to their contribution to that process.

"It’s almost a cliche at this point that trust-fund babies are going to lean left. In fact, the capture of elite institutions by the Left, and particularly higher education institutions like those of the Ivy League, was done in no small part for this precise purpose. Indoctrinating the children of those Americans who created the immense fortunes that our rise to economic superpower status would inevitably produce into Marxist ideologues was the single greatest victory the Left has ever achieved. It’s allowed the Left to worm their way into positions of power and wealth that a sane nation would never knowingly choose to give them.

"Another reason most billionaires tend to be leftists is that the newer billionaires disproportionately come from the tech sector." . . .

As in, those sex pests and perverts of great means and influence who currently populate the flight logs to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. Musk notes that many of them are sizable donors to and influencers for Kamala Harris, and there is a reason for that — they want to stave off the otherwise inevitable reckoning that their past deeds would entitle them to.

Saturday Night Live has turned on Kamala Harris.

SNL turns on Kamala Harris with hilarious parody as she is ‘abandoned’ by key allies    "Yes, the historically left-leaning sketch show is joining other rusted on Democrats who are abandoning Kamala Harris in droves.
"Sky News All Stars Rita Panahi, James Morrow and Kosha Gada take a deep dive into Kamala Harris’s week from hell and ask whether it has affected her polling numbers in the lead up to the election."

Donald Trump Dines With Both Sides as Kamala Leaves the Table

 Julianna Frieman; American Spectator   "If you can’t take the roast, don’t go to the Al Smith Dinner."

"America needs an executive, not a virtual avatar. We need a body in a room whose eyes can meet any adversary, domestic or foreign, and deliver warmth while saying, “Don’t cross me.' ”  J.F. 

. . ."Traditionally, both Democrat and Republican presidential nominees speak before a room of hundreds of diners. They elicit laughs with lighthearted roasts as a testament to the humanity of larger-than-life politicians.

"It is a rite of passage on the path to the White House. But what happens when one party decides to break tradition instead of bread? 

"Even though Catholics account for 22 percent of the American population, Vice President Kamala Harris opted out of the charity event to campaign in a battleground state. Except Harris was not on stage in Wisconsin when the dinner began at 8 p.m. — she spoke for 30 minutes before wrapping up her last rally for the day in Green Bay around 7:20 p.m.

"Hours before President Donald Trump made Democrats blush with meta punches and praises, Harris was busy telling religious protesters shouting “Jesus is Lord” that they went to “the wrong rally” in La Crosse. 

“ 'I’m sorry. Why is Vice President Harris not here?” Gaffigan asked, as some of the attendees jeered. “I mean, consider this. This is a room full of Catholics and Jews in New York City. This is a layup for the Democratic nominee.”

"Trump broke the fourth wall with jokes about his criminal indictments in the state — as New York Attorney General Letitia James sat mere feet behind him — and quips acknowledging his infamous characterization by Democrats and the media. He opened up about attending the Al Smith Dinner with his father, Fred Trump, and admonished Harris for disrespecting the faith by “attending” via pre-recorded video. " . . .

Kamala: not just anti-American, but specifically anti-Catholic?

 "Absent probing and honest media interviews, no one knows whether Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris still stands by her anti-Catholic rhetoric of 2020."  Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

Kamala Harris, Knights of Columbus and Anti-Catholicism — Beyond These Stone Walls
So, as you can imagine, Pornchai and I both reacted with umbrage to the misinformed and slanderous remarks of Kamala Harris and other Democratic politicians while interviewing a judicial nominee in 2020 who happened to be a faithful Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus.
Brett Kavanaugh and family at the start of his confirmation hearing when they had no idea what Kamala,
Feinstein and their Democrats had planned for him. Soon those smiles will be turned to tears of agony. TD 

. . ."In just the six months between the anti-Catholic questioning of Notre Dame’s Amy Coney Barrett and that of judicial nominee Brian Buescher, a lot had changed. One distinctive change was the Senate Democrats’ assault on the character of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a devout Catholic.

"Senator Kamala Harris reprised her role as a career prosecutor by grilling Brett Kavanaugh mercilessly on entirely uncorroborated rumors of drunkenness and sexual escapades in his high school years — rumors that not a single person could confirm.

"It has also been lost in most of the news media coverage that before becoming the nominee for vice president on the Democratic ticket, Kamala Harris went on record to state that she also believes the sexual allegations against Joe Biden brought forward by Tara Reade in 2020. This is among the tough questions that most in our now-partisan news media will not ask." . . .

Democrat grilling brought Kavanaugh to tears while Booker and Kamala laughed at him. TD

 This speech is no Gettysburg address.