Friday, October 11, 2024

Obama and the UN Betray Israel…Again

JNS poll: Israelis support Donald Trump over Joe Biden "If Israelis were the ones who decided, presumptive Republican nominee and former President Donald Trump would defeat U.S. President Joe Biden in a landslide on Nov. 5, according to a JNS/Direct Polls survey of public opinion carried out on July 9.

"According to the survey, 55% of Israelis would prefer to see Trump elected, 34% prefer Biden and 11% don’t have an opinion on the matter.

"Israelis are unsure whether Biden is pro-Israel. Fifty percent said he is, while 43% said he is not and 7% don’t know.

"Among young Israelis, the responses were even more dramatic. Seventy-four percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said that Biden is not pro-Israel. Young Israelis support Trump over Biden 95%-5%." . . .more


Democrat Lawmakers Signal They Won't Certify Election If Donald Trump Wins


 "At the end of the day, I would think Democrats wouldn't walk into the buzzsaw of trying to block a Trump victory, but perhaps I'm giving them too much credit. If that's a road they want to go down, I'd say go for it. Let's see how it turns out." 

"Some Democrat lawmakers are signaling they won't certify the election if Donald Trump wins, and some of the names are going to sound very familiar. According to Axios, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who has long accused Republicans of being a "threat to democracy," will only vote to certify the results if he feels the election was "free, fair, and honest." 

"Who gets to make that determination? Raskin and his colleagues, of course.

What they're saying: Raskin, the House Oversight Committee ranking member and former Jan. 6 committee member who objected to Trump electors in 2017, told Axios in an interview that if Trump "won a free, fair and honest election, then we would obviously accept it."

"It's honestly hilarious how much some of this language mirrors the things Republicans have been lambasted for in the past. Anytime a GOP politician even suggests that they will only certify the results if the election is "fair," they are piledriven by the press as promoting "insurrection." Yet, when Democrats do the same thing, the mainstream journalists give a collective shrug.

"Raskin wasn't the only one singing that tune, though. Several others with a history of objecting to the Electoral College also mused that things must go "as we expect it to" for them to certify a Trump victory." . . . 

Israel will go after Iran’s ‘crown jewels’ next, former US general predicts

Fox News contributor Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg reacts to the rising tensions in the Middle East during an appearance on ‘Varney & Co.’ Video

Biden was a roadblock, but Obama would have given Iran advance notice against Israel. TD

Back in the Obama era, this was the international status:  Why Middle Eastern leaders are talking to Putin, not Obama – POLITICO  "The United States has significantly more military capability in the Middle East today than Russia — America has 35,000 troops and hundreds of aircraft; the Russians roughly 2,000 troops and, perhaps, 50 aircraft — and yet Middle Eastern leaders are making pilgrimages to Moscow to see Vladimir Putin these days, not rushing to Washington. Two weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to see the Russian president, his second trip to Russia since last fall, and King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning a trip soon. Egypt’s president and other Middle Eastern leaders have also made the trek to see Putin.

"Why is this happening, and why on my trips to the region am I hearing that Arabs and Israelis have pretty much given up on President Barack Obama? Because perceptions matter more than mere power: The Russians are seen as willing to use power to affect the balance of power in the region, and we are not." . . .

. . ."As I hear on my visits to the region, Arabs and Israelis alike are looking to the next administration. They know the Russians are not a force for stability; they count on the United States to play that role. Ironically, because Obama has conveyed a reluctance to exercise American power in the region, many of our traditional partners in the area realize they may have to do more themselves. That’s not necessarily a bad thing unless it drives them to act in ways that might be counterproductive. For example, had the Saudis been more confident about our readiness to counter the Iranian-backed threats in the region, would they have chosen to go to war in Yemen — a costly war that not surprisingly is very difficult to win and that has imposed a terrible price? Obama has been right to believe that the regional parties must play a larger role in fighting the Islamic State. He has, unfortunately, been wrong to believe they would do so if they thought we failed to see the bigger threat they saw and they doubted our credibility." . . .

Dershowitz Goes Off on Obama Over Israel Comments: 'I'm Ashamed That I Was Your Friend' (The Western Journal)   . . ." 'What Hamas did was horrific and there’s no justification for it," Obama stated.

" 'And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable," he added, which drew applause from the audience.

"If you want to solve the problem, you have to take in the whole truth, and you have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree," Obama said.

"Obama says Israel is engaging in “OCCUPATION” Of Palestinian land.

"Then makes a moral equivalency between the State of Israel and Hamas.

"Hard to quantify how radical and extremist this world view is coming from a former President who funded Iran"

With today's Democrats governing this nation, Israel must have the power of God protecting them. TD

Kamala Harris’s ‘Real Men’ Ad is Nothing But Cringe and Desperation

Sorry, but Kamala is no Margaret Thatcher nor a Tulsi Gabbard and that is why she will not get my vote. Has it not dawned on Democrats that most men are not afraid of women; just this woman? And...Hillary! 

 Legal Insurrection  "A new Kamala Harris ad features men who are supposedly “man enough” to vote for her.

"Because, of course, every man who doesn’t vote for Harris hates women! Duh. It has absolutely nothing to do with her incompetence, attitude, and not telling us how she’ll be different from Biden.

"They all declare they’re “a man” before telling us why. Here are a few snippets. I’m laughing so hard. Like snort laughing.

  • “I’m man enough to enjoy a barrel proof bourbon.”
  • “I’m man enough to deadlift 500 then braid my daughter’s hair.”
  • “You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast.”
  • “I’ll tell you another thing. I sure am not afraid of women.”
  • “Man enough to know what kind of donuts I like.”
  • “Man enough to admit I’m lost, even when I refuse, to ask for directions.”
  • “Man enough to ban young women from reading.”
  • “I’m man enough to be emotional in front of my wife, in front of my kids, in front of my horse.”
  • I’m man enough to tell you that I cry at love, actually, Goodwill Hunting, West Side Story.”  
  • On the subject of Kamala ads:  “I’m speaking!” Kamala wants to be the one to interrupt

    "If you paid any attention to Kamala Harris during her brief time in the US Senate, you know interrupting others is the only weapon in Kamala’s rhetorical arsenal.

    "She did it all the time in Senate hearings.

    "She’d couch a question in a longwinded lecture. That way, if the witness attempted to answer the question, she could angrily deride him for daring to interrupt her longwinded, completely unnecessary lecture.

    "Kamala deployed her “I’m speaking!” rhetorical device to showboat in Senate hearings hoping to generate a viral moment that would get airtime on cable news and attention on social media.

    "The questions Kamala asked were immaterial. She didn’t want an answer. She wanted a viral moment that showed her berating a witness for daring to interrupt her scripted speech." . . .

    Obama’s Joke About Trump Wearing Adult Diapers Backfires as Voters Point Out Ironic Detail


    "One social media user expressed dismay, stating, “Sad that a lot of adults do have to wear and change their own diapers. Really sad that Obama would stoop that low.' ” (cue the member of "The View" who will call me racist for that)

    "President Barack Obama’s attempt at humor during a campaign event for Vice President Kamala Harris has ignited a firestorm of criticism

    "Speaking at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday night, Obama’s comments about his successor, Donald Trump, have drawn sharp rebukes from across the political spectrum.

    "The 63-year-old Obama, addressing a crowd of enthusiastic supporters, ventured into controversial territory when he broached the subject of diapers. 

    "Recalling his own experiences as a new parent, Obama posed a provocative question to the audience: “Do you think Donald Trump ever changed a diaper?”

    "The crowd’s response was swift and audacious, with one attendee shouting, “His own!”

    "Obama, seemingly caught off guard, admitted he had considered making a similar remark but ultimately decided against it."  [But he's happy that others did that very thing.] 

    Others accused the former president of being out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans. “Obama is out of touch with the American people. Their interest is the cost of living,” another user commented, highlighting the disconnect between Democrats’ political rhetoric and pressing economic issues.

    The Virtue Of ‘Price Gouging’

     I & I Editorial Board

    “When either supply or demand changes, prices change. When the law prevents this … that reduces the flow of resources to where they would be most in demand.” — Thomas Sowell

    "Government officials waste no time threatening to crack down on “price gouging” during catastrophic events. Because they care. But of course they don’t. If they did, they’d let the market take care of pricing. Instead, they’ll deny storm victims the necessities they need to get through the disaster.

    "Vice President Kamala Harris has warned merchants and entrepreneurs that Big Brother Columbia is “monitoring” stricken areas “for allegations of fraud and price gouging and will hold those taking advantage of the situation accountable.” Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina M. Khan says “no American should have to worry about paying grossly inflated prices when fleeing a hurricane,” and promises that “in partnership with state enforcers, the FTC will keep fighting to ensure that Americans can get the relief they need without being ripped off by bad actors exploiting a crisis.”

    "Their rhetoric is meant to reassure. They are proud of themselves. And quite willing to claim scalps, even if means victims are unable to obtain the goods they desperately need. We refer again to the story of John Shepperson, which we have covered before:

    In 2005, Shepperson, bought 19 generators at $500 each, loaded them on a rental truck, took time off from work, and drove 600 miles from his home in Kentucky to Mississippi, where the victims of Hurricane Katrina were in urgent need of electricity. According to economist Mark J. Perry, ‘John offered to sell his generators at twice the price he paid, to help cover his costs and make a profit.’ But rather than allow Shepperson to provide an in-demand product to willing buyers, the government arrested him. Shepperson was held for four days.

    Meanwhile, the generators were seized by the government, says Perry, and ‘never made it to consumers with urgent needs who desperately wanted to buy them.’

    "This was an unconscionable act by officials. They’d rather enforce their counterproductive laws than to allow the unfettered commerce that benefits all the involved parties.

    "Yes, it might seem on the surface that jacking up prices during an emergency is unethical. Yet it can be the best way to deal with a crisis. High prices not only discourage hoarders, they also send suppliers an important signal: They need to rush more goods into production and increase their shipments into the disaster zone. It’s basic economics. Buyers might grumble about the costs, but at least they can get what they need." . . .

    How many politicians and college-agers have ever run a business or cut somebody's paycheck? Trump knows business. TD

    Jobs available at Hezbollah

     Praise God that Israelis are more intelligent than the American left! TD

    Babylon Bee took note with this gem of an article:    

    "Young Hezbollah recruit Muhammed Amin was surprised to learn this week that he's already been promoted to the position of Regional Manager.

    "Amin recently joined the ranks of the prestigious terror organization and expected to spend the next several years proving himself before rising through the ranks but was given the unexpected news that he was now in an important leadership role.

    " 'I can't believe I'm moving up the ladder so quickly!" Amin said. "I was only recruited last week and all of a sudden they're telling me I am a manager — and not just manager, but regional manager! I can't believe my luck!"

    "Amin was immediately given a pager and told to check it for explosives, a directive that worried the young man but he decided not to ask too many questions.

    " 'It's just so exciting!" he continued. "They said I would be given a free pager and a set of walkie-talkies but that I was to be super careful and not use them too often and something about imminent bodily harm, but I'm sure it's all just boilerplate corporate orientation stuff. I only wish my mentor could see me, but he exploded last week in what I'm sure is a totally unrelated incident."

    "At publishing time, Amin's supervisor had been killed in an exploding Gameboy Advance incident and Amin had been promoted to the head of Hezbollah."

    "Among her many inadequacies, Mr. DeLuz notes that Kamala was the most left-leaning member of the Senate, all the while achieving the following – nothing. " Noel S. Williams


    "Harris appears unlikely to diverge significantly from Biden's approach to conflicts around the globe"  

    . . .“The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid,” she said. “No excuses. They must open new border crossings. They must not impose any unnecessary restrictions on the delivery of aid.  They must ensure humanitarian personnel, sites, and convoys are not targeted.  And they must work to restore basic services and promote order in Gaza so more food, water, and fuel can reach those in need.”

    It’s also notable that Harris doesn’t have the decadeslong relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Biden has. She won’t attend his public address to Congress on Wednesday, although she reportedly has plans to meet with him later in the week. 

    Philip Gordon, Harris’ national security adviser, would likely play a major role in her administration’s foreign policy apparatus. Gordon previously served as a Middle East adviser to former President Barack Obama and helped negotiate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. " . . .

    Does China Prefer Harris or Trump? | Foreign Affairs    "Why Chinese Strategists See Little Difference Between the Two"

    Kamala Harris is good for nothing  . . ."A popular idiom is that nature abhors a vacuum.  But Putin and Xi are opportunists who love it as they seek a new world order.  They will swamp Kamala’s nothingness with hard-core hegemonic Realpolitik.   As desperate and dire as the political rally hyperbole may seem, Trump may actually be right in claiming he’ll prevent WWIII.  Under Kamala’s indiscreet indecisions, and appalling appeasement of antagonistic adversaries, the world itself could become nothing.

    "It’s astonishing that an empty skirt with an empty skull is a serious presidential challenger.  She’s unserious.  She’ll say anything, but mean nothing." . . .