Saturday, May 25, 2024

Joe Biden: Angry Warrior

 American Greatness ( 

. . ."He may be a braggadocious and plagiaristic dunce, but he’s also, ultimately, a happy dunce. But not anymore. Now, he’s incensed. Now, he doesn’t like what’s going on in the country. Now, he’s angry, and he wants everyone to know it. Or at least his campaign directors do.". . . 

 "Last weekend, President Biden spoke at the graduation ceremony at Morehouse College, an all-male, historically black college, aggressively attacking his Republican opponents and decrying what he sees as pervasive, overt, and violent ongoing racism in American society. “What,” Biden asked rhetorically, “is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?” Finally, he intoned, “And most of all, what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”

"The speech has been the subject of much discussion, particularly among Republicans, most of whom have bemoaned the President’s purposeful victimization of young black men for political purposes. Rather than tell them the truth, rather than encourage them to be great and to dedicate their lives to fixing the problems that exist in the nation, he encouraged them to wallow in their misery and to blame others for their problems.

"Certainly, there is considerable truth in this criticism. And certainly, Biden should be chided for playing into an ideology that thrives on resentment and jealousy. Still, the substance of the President’s comments is quite probably less important in the grand scheme of things than the tenor in which they were delivered.

"A week before his speech at Morehouse, President Biden and his campaign team released a video addressing the Trump campaign’s demand for head-to-head debates. “Make my day, pal,” Biden challenges Trump as he declares that he beat the former president twice in their previous campaign and will gladly do so this time too.

"Here again, critics rightly noted that the substance of the video was questionable at best. “6 jump cuts in 11 seconds,” conservative commentator Stephen L. Miller noted. Biden is so bad at this that he can’t even read his cue cards in a studio. How is he going to do an entire debate, much less two? He’s not up to his actual job, much less to running a grueling campaign in addition.

"This is another fair point, to be sure, but one that still misses the bigger picture—Biden’s tone." . . .

Biden administration released billions to Iran weeks before Israeli attack


The Center Square  "The Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas killed hundreds of Israelis and injured hundreds more in a barrage of surprise attacks early Saturday morning, just weeks after the Biden administration authorized $6 billion to the group’s biggest backer: Iran.

"The Hamas attack included a combination of thousands of missiles fired into Israel as well as Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israel, killing and capturing civilians, according to reports from multiple news outlets and relevant governments.

"Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanani praised Hamas after the attack.

"Immediately after the attacks, President Joe Biden took fire for releasing billions of dollars to Iran, a known backer of Hamas that funnels money to the terrorist group.

“ 'Just weeks ago, the Biden administration handed over $6 billion to Iran, and today, innocent Israelis were murdered by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said in a statement after the attacks. “We must continue to support our strongest ally in the Middle East and their right to defend themselves against these unprovoked, horrific attacks. I stand with Israel and join many around the world in praying for the safety and security of its people.” . . .

The Left Can't Meme and Apparently Biden Can't Either

 The Left Can't Meme and Apparently Biden Can't Either – Twitchy

The Dark Brandon schtick was a bomb, so they try this. TD

"Somewhere in a dimly lit office featuring Che Guevara posters and Palestinian flags, there's a bedraggled schlub with disheveled clothes, unkempt hair, and dark circles under they/them eyes. Their job? Trying to make 81-year-old Joe Biden cool to Gen Z.

"It seems the answer in recent days was to try to hire a meme manager for the Biden campaign.

"Please, make it stop.

"According to the job ad posted by the campaign, the lucky individual would be responsible for cultivating and managing 'relationships with top digital media companies, podcasters, and meme pages across a number of social media platforms'.

"It sounds like the geriatric-to-Gen Z engagement geek would not necessarily be creating the bad memes themself but would instead be trying to work with leftist social media accounts that make bad memes to make more bad memes in coordination with the Biden campaign.

"This should go well." . . .  

Much more here...

Friday, May 24, 2024

Four ICJ judges argue court order does not require IDF to halt all Rafah operations

 The Times of Israel

In dissent, former Israeli chief justice says Israel can carry out offensive in Gaza’s southernmost city ‘as long as it fulfills its obligations under the Genocide Convention’

"Four of the 15 justices at the International Court of Justice argued that the key operative clause in the court’s ruling, handed out Friday, does not require that Israel immediately halt all military operations in Rafah, but, rather, that it specifically halt military operations that “could bring about physical destruction in whole or in part” of the Palestinians.

"The relevant clause in the ruling stated that Israel must “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
"Former Supreme Court president Aharon Barak, who serves as an ad-hoc judge on the ICJ bench in the case brought against Israel by South Africa, wrote in his dissenting opinion that the majority decision “requires Israel to halt its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate only in so far as is necessary to comply with Israel’s obligations under the Genocide Convention.”
"Therefore, according to Barak, “Israel is not prevented from carrying out its military operation in the Rafah Governorate as long as it fulfills its obligations under the Genocide Convention.”
As a result,” Barak continued, “the measure is a qualified one, which preserves Israel’s right to prevent and repel threats and attacks by Hamas, defend itself and its citizens, and free the hostages.”

How America Came to Hate Joe Biden

 Don Surber

"His haphazard surrender of Afghanistan did him in. The public saw that he left behind billions of dollars worth of military equipment in a manner reminiscent of Vietnam, a war that helped catapult him into the Senate as a peacenik."

"People forget that before there were chants of FJB, he was pretty popular. He had a plus 23 rating on job approval as his presidency began and six months later he was at plus 9.6, a very respectable score. Trump was never anywhere close to 9.6 — even on his inauguration day.

"Biden was the most unknown president since William Howard Taft to the American people. Most people knew two things about Biden: 1) he was Obama’s VP and 2) he wasn’t Donald Trump. Three years ago, Americans saw No. 2 as a good thing.

"On July 22, 2021, Disney’s 538 gushed, “The first six months in the White House are often frenzied for presidents as they push for big policy changes to try to live up to their campaign promises. President Biden is no exception. In his first 100 days in office, he signed dozens of executive actions and pursued sweeping legislation, like his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package, which offered Americans further relief from the pandemic, and his ambitious two-step infrastructure plan. The hope for Biden, as with most presidents, is that his accomplishments will placate Americans who already support him while also winning over some who don’t.

“ 'But as it turns out, few Americans have changed their minds since the 2020 election. Biden’s job approval rating over his first six months in office was the steadiest such rating of any recent president during that period, according to FiveThirtyEight’s historical approval rating data. His approval has ranged from a high of 55.1% on March 22 to a low of 51.1% on July 15 — a difference of just 4 percentage points.”

"Then came August. As the month began, his approval was 50.8% and his disapproval was 42.8%. That was a plus 8-point approval.

"September began with his disapproval at 47.2% and his approval at 46.8% — a deficit of 0.4 points. FJB’s approval has been underwater ever since. His deficit was 17.8 points on Saturday.

"I would like to think he was done in by a photograph of him looking at his watch as the caskets of 13 American troops killed by the Taliban. This was deliberate. He looked at his watch several times during the ceremony at the airfield in Dover, Delaware." But no... It was the Big Skedaddle.

Douglas Murray slams ‘wrongheaded’ pro-Palestinian university students

YouTube   "Author Douglas Murray has slammed the “wrongheaded” university students at pro-Palestine protests for being in “lockstep” with someone who planned the October 7 attacks.

“ 'All of those wrongheaded students on various campuses who’ve made common cause with Hamas – they’re on exactly the same page, lockstep with one of the people who planned the 7th of October massacre,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “ 'I hope they’re proud of themselves. History will be horrible to them.' ”

WATCH: Ilhan Omar Objects to October 7 Footage Being Shown at UCLA

 Joel B. Pollak (

The screen, as Breitbart News noted, was partly funded by Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica. It was placed in a public area. The video below is another besides Seinfeld's. TD


"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) criticized University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Chancellor Gene Block on Thursday for allowing pro-Israel counter-protesters to screen “vile” images of October 7 atrocities opposite a pro-Palestinian “encampment.”

"Omar was questioning Block at a hearing of the House Education and Workforce Committee to discuss antisemitism at UCLA and other campuses. He testified alongside college presidents from Northwestern and Rutgers.

"As Breitbart News noted, the pro-Palestinian “encampment,” which was launched on April 25, took over a public area at UCLA, a public university. Activists used antisemitic rhetoric and barred Jewish students, as well as journalists, from entering.

"The university, seeking to avoid confrontation, did not allow University of California police or campus security to intervene, effectively allowing the activists to form their own police force, setting up checkpoints on the campus.

"Pro-Israel demonstrators from the surrounding communities, which are heavily Jewish, staged counter-protests. At one point, they set up a large screen showing footage from the Hamas terror attacks of October 7.

"The screen, as Breitbart News noted, was partly funded by Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica. It was placed in a public area.

"Omar, casting the pro-Palestinian students, and Palestinians, as the victims, complained about the “vile” footage, without acknowledging that the footage showed Palestinians committing atrocities — the “encampment’s” case.
Omar participated in an encampment at Columbia University. Her daughter, Isra, was banned from the campus.

"Omar’s own anti-Israel and antisemitic views are a matter of public record, both before and during her time in office.

Has America Finally Had It With Joe Biden?

 Victor Davis Hanson | Frontpage Mag

"If Biden makes it to and through the convention, he and his record remain indefensible. And so expect his campaign largely to be waged through lawfare against Trump, and massive infusions of leftist cash to ensure record mail-in and early voting. In the campaign Biden will become an afterthought, a ghost, vapor, as his party seeks to construct the entire election one of leftwing, blue-city prosecutors, judges, and juries versus serial defendant Trump." VDH

"Senator and Vice President Joe Biden was always sort of a buffoon. He is by nature a grandstander who handsomely profited from his office while posing as good ole Joe from Scranton."

"He is a fabulist who believes that the more animated he misleads and slurs (“semi-fascists” “fat”, “lying dog-faced pony soldier”, “chumps”, “dregs of society”, etc), the more likely he is to get away with it. He is a confessed plagiarist. And he has also invented much of his biography, from would be star, college-scholarship athlete and brilliant law student to semi-truck driver and jailed civil rights activist. His uncle, we are instructed, was eaten by cannibals. Joe assures us that he was the first in his family to go to college.

And he is a racist with a repertory of racial taunts and smears unrivaled among modern politicians (“junkie”, “boy”, “you ain’t black”, “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”, “put y’all back in chains”, the Corn Pop and golden-leg hairs sagas, the “racial jungle” memes, the strange brag about Delaware as a “slave state” (e.g., “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state.”), and his encomia for the old Democratic racists of the Senate from former Klansman Robert Byrd (Biden’s self-described “mentor” and “guide”) to segregationist James Eastland (“never called me boy”).

"Biden has always had a mean streak that explains why for years he lied about the tragic, fatal auto accident of his first wife and child, using it to libel the truck driver, who was neither drunk nor culpable but smeared publicly for years by Biden as intoxicated and guilty. For years he ignored the pleas of the trucker’s family to please stop libeling an innocent driver.

"Biden just told his greatest whopper that inflation was at 9 percent (actually 1.4 percent) when he took office and yet soon spiked to 9 percent due to his reckless deficit spending and money printing spree.

"But recently Biden has reached a nadir and even the Left is resigned to him as a mere construct. After bragging after October 7 that his support for Israel was rock-solid he is now cutting off military aid as it attempts finally to end the Hamas murderous threat—a reversion to old Joe Biden who in his long past has previously threatened to cut off Israel while boasting later that anyone who did so was reprehensible. (Leveraging congressional mandated aid for political advantage is precisely the (false) allegation of politicking that the Democrats demagogued to impeach Trump—to the then cheers of Biden himself).

"But his sell out of Israel is but a small tessera in his election pandering mosaic. He will again begin drawing down the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices during the campaign. He has badgered Ukraine not to hit Russian oil facilities. He has illegally forgiven billions in student loan aid to regain the elite youth vote. And as the campaign season begins, so too Biden suddenly poses as a border enforcer—after letting in nearly 10-million illegal aliens.

"Biden has always put the agendas of his own and his family above the national interest." . . .

Stormy Daniels: the Rosa Parks of Porn Stars

 Ann Coulter (

"Granted, Jones was just a low-level Arkansas state employee and Flowers a singer and model. Neither possessed the gravitas of a porn star. But I can't help thinking the media would've been more supportive of the ladies if they'd been accusing a Republican." AC

"I notice a tiny, almost infinitesimal, difference in the treatment of women who accuse Republican presidents of sexual misconduct compared to women who accuse Democrats.

"See if you can spot the difference.

"Stormy Daniels is the stripper and porn star who tried to extort Donald Trump when he was running for president in 2016, threatening to tell the tabloids they'd had sex, a claim he denies. Whether Trump's description of his extortion payment to Daniels as a "legal expense" constituted a criminal violation of the federal campaign finance laws is a central element of New York's prosecution of Trump.

"The truth of Daniels' supposed sex romp with Trump is utterly irrelevant to the criminal charge, but it's humiliating to Trump, so the prosecutors put her on the stand for hours, and the media covered her testimony like it was the 9/11 attack.

"Most grippingly, Daniels testified that she became unglued upon seeing Trump in his underwear, an unlikely story from a woman who'd had sex on camera with fully naked men in literally hundreds of porn films. She said she blacked out during the sex and, afterward, her hands were "shaking so hard" she could barely put on her shoes.

"Obviously, Trump attorney Susan Necheles questioned Daniels' credibility on this point. She raised Daniels' extensive experience with seeing naked men and then having sex with them, to suggest that maybe it wasn't that much of a bombshell to see a guy in his underwear.

"The media promptly exploded in indignation on behalf of the hothouse flower Daniels, howling about "slut-shaming." (In this case, the "slut-shaming" consisted of asking the witness, "What do you do for a living?" . . .

The Secret Reason Hamas's Friends - Ireland, Norway, Spain (and Germany) - Are Helping the Palestinians

 Gatestone Institute

  • [W]hen [Palestinians] talk about "liberating" the land, what they really mean is that they want to murder all Jews or expel them from Israel, and replace it with an Iran-backed Palestinian terror state.

"In the past few days, Hamas and other terrorist groups have been rejoicing over the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state. The terrorists are so delighted that they have released several statements praising the three countries and stating that the Palestinians view the recognition as a direct result of their terrorist attacks against Israel. Germany, not to be left out, said it would "detain Benjamin Netanyahu if he were to set foot on German soil and if the International Criminal Court (ICC) issues an arrest warrant..."

"The recognition of a Palestinian state, even if it is merely a symbolic action that has no bearing on the reality on the ground, sends two messages to the Palestinians. First, that terrorism against Jews is justified and worthwhile because the world, instead of punishing you, will reward you for your crimes.

"Second, that the Palestinians will not need to negotiate thorny issues with Israel, such as borders and the status of Jerusalem, because the international community will grant them everything on a platter.

"Ireland, Norway and Spain should have advised the Palestinians that if they wanted anything from Israel, they should sit down and negotiate with the Israelis, and not try to impose any solution on them with the help of the international community.

"They also should have told them that there will be no peace negotiations with Israel unless the Palestinians repudiate and renounce terrorism and recognize Israel's right to exist.

"The three countries, however, chose not to make any demands from the Palestinians before they announced their decision to recognize a non-existent Palestinian state. These countries appear to have been motivated more by a desire to put a finger in the eye of Israel than a genuine concern for the Palestinians." . . .

Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip said that they view the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain as a reward for the October 7 carnage and the many years of terrorism against Israel.

 Ireland and the Nazis: a troubled history – The Irish Times   . . ."The notorious character and conduct of Charles Bewley, the Irish minister to Germany in the 1930s, would appear to substantiate this unkind depiction. Arriving in Berlin in July 1933 after Hitler’s seizure of power, he betrayed a lack of professionalism time after time. Disturbing signs of his anti-Semitism, dogmatic Anglophobia and insolence are clear throughout his career from the early 1920s. After 1933 he engaged in an unashamed charm offensive to curry favour with the Nazi regime. During his accreditation ceremony with President von Hindenburg, Bewley referred to the “national rebirth of Germany” in an unconcealed endorsement of Nazism. During his tenure, he recurrently endorsed Nazism as a safeguard against the expansion of Soviet Communism. He downplayed or apologised for the reprehensible Nazi regime’s negative features such as the persecution of Jews, the suppression of Christianity and its aggressive expansionism." . . .

. . ."In the past few days, Hamas and other terrorist groups have been rejoicing over the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state. The terrorists are so delighted that they have released several statements praising the three countries and stating that the Palestinians view the recognition as a direct result of their terrorist attacks against Israel. Germany, not to be left out, said it would "detain Benjamin Netanyahu if he were to set foot on German soil and if the International Criminal Court (ICC) issues an arrest warrant..." ...

What happens when "good" nations lose all sense of right and wrong? This.

That hateful Biden Morehouse diatribe

 Biden’s deeply un-American Morehouse College commencement address *UPDATE* - Andrea Widburg

"A lot of people have commented on the nasty and divisive racism that permeated Joe Biden’s speech to the Morehouse College class of 2024. Biden assured the grads that they’re entering a world that hates them and blocks them at every turn. However, that’s par for the Democrat course. What really struck me, aside from Biden’s obsession with himself, was the complete absence of any aspirational ideas. These graduates weren’t told to go forth and be wonderful. They were told to “abandon all hope, ye who exit here,” and that their only salvation was the government.

"I have a hard time listening to Biden. His slurring, mumbling, and shouting, along with his reptilian appearance (it’s something around the eyes), irritate me. I do better when I focus solely on his words, which I found on the White House website. To spare you the agony of reading it, I've listed his topics in the order in which they appear. Take a minute to read them because a few things will jump out at you: . . ."

Biden's Desperate Move With Black Voters: Labeling Trump a Racist While Ignoring His Own Track Record – RedState   . . ."Next in the ad, we have a reference to Charlottesville, a hoax that has been debunked a myriad of times over the years. The President though, loves this particular lie. It’s what he based his 2020 campaign on in the first place. And despite it being thoroughly disproven, he maintains the lie years later.

"The gist, as most know by now, involves the false claim that Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “fine people”.

"As PolitiFact points out, Biden repeatedly leaves out the context of Trump explicitly saying, “And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally.”

"It’s an important quote since the “Contempt” ad states flatly: “Trump stood with violent white supremacists” and shows an image of him at the press conference in question.

"Blatant and malicious lies."

Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger; Mollie Hemingway

. . ."The contrast with President Joe Biden couldn’t be starker. In three decidedly non-raucous speeches within the last week or so, Biden leaned into racial grievance politics. At a speech at the National Museum of African American History and Culture last Friday, Biden claimed America was beset by “forces trying to deny freedom of opportunity for all Americans.” He claimed there was an “insidious” resistance and an “extreme movement” led by his political opponent to hurt black people. In another disaster of a speech to the NAACP, the White House later had to make 10 corrections to it." . . .

Biden Ends the U.S.-Israel Alliance at a Fortuitous Moment - Just what a democrat disciple of Obama would do

"The administration’s decision to abandon Jerusalem and side with its enemies is a terrible development. But the fortuitous timing allows Israel and the American people to minimize the damage in the coming months, and, if Biden is denied a second term, over the next four years." . . .
Michael Ramirez   "Delegations to the Egyptian-hosted hostage negotiations left Cairo on Thursday night after talks collapsed. A member of the U.S. delegation led by CIA director Willian Burns briefed reporters that the talks failed “due to Israel’s operations in Rafah.”

"Under normal circumstances—circumstances that would see the United States siding with Israel in its demands for the release of all hostages, as well as the eradication of Hamas’s forces and its regime of terror—such a statement could easily have been interpreted as supportive of Israel’s operation in the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip, where terrorist strongholds still function.

"Israel made an offer to Hamas that U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken praised as “incredibly generous.” Hamas rejected it completely, so Israel renewed its offensive entering Rafah. Nothing weakens Hamas’s negotiating position more than defeat. And now, having rejected the deal, Hamas can only expect a much worse offer from its perspective whenever talks are renewed.

"Unfortunately, that isn’t what the U.S. announcement meant at all. It meant that the Hamas and the U.S. positions are in complete alignment. This isn’t new information. The fact that the United States, like Hamas, views the hostages as a means to force Israel to capitulate to Hamas’s demands—including ending the war with Hamas victorious, leaving more than 100 held captive behind in Gaza and thousands of terrorists freed from Israeli prisons—became clear last Saturday.

"On May 4, Arab media outlets reported that behind Israel’s back, Burns had agreed to serve as guarantor that Israel will not renew its combat operations in Gaza in the event that a temporary ceasefire is enacted during the course of a hostage release. Israel never agreed to such a position. Indeed, Israel’s refusal to agree to an end of the war in exchange for a small fraction of the 132 hostages Hamas is holding in Gaza is the only thing preventing Hamas from rightly declaring victory in its jihad against Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightly felt compelled to stop the story—and the American plot—in its tracks. He issued a statement denying that Israel had agreed to such a deal and rejecting it out of hand as a non-starter.

"The news that Washington had now made strategic concessions to Hamas that involved a U.S. guarantee of Hamas victory meant the Biden administration had switched sides. By guaranteeing Hamas’s survival, the administration made it official U.S. policy to stand with a genocidal jihadist terror group against its principal Middle East ally: Israel.

"Since then, it’s all been downhill. Biden’s announcement on Wednesday to CNN that he is effectively halting the transfer of vital munitions for Israel’s Air Force and ground forces to prevent Israel from achieving its goal of defeating Hamas’s last four battalions in Rafah marked the official end of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

"Thursday’s story that the United States is blaming Israel’s operation in Rafah for the failure of the hostage talks was simply another blow below the belt. Although the lumps Israel has taken from Washington this week have been unprecedented, they aren’t surprising." . . .