Friday, April 2, 2010

Middle East Cage Match: Bibi or Barry?

Pajamas Media "Netanyahu is a hundred times the man Obama could ever be. Obama is a manipulator, an ideologue, and a liar. He sat for twenty years at the feet of a real racial hate monger, Jeremiah Wright. There is simply no doubt about these facts. Even the Democrats can’t deny it anymore. Would you bet on a Chicago pol against an Israeli special ops guy? I wouldn’t." ...."Obama’s key move is always to fake brute force and power. Then, when he is challenged, he backs down. That’s why Putin isn’t afraid of Barry. It’s also why the Chinese, who actually took him to the woodshed in public over the weakening U.S. dollar, don’t fear him. Even the GOP isn’t afraid of Barry anymore. In fact, nobody is afraid of Barry except the people who rely on American resolve and strength." James Lewis

How to Treat Allies

Max Boot "Consider, by contrast, the treatment now being meted out to Israel, which is being publicly condemned by senior administration officials, and whose prime minister was hustled out of an Oval Office meeting without even a photo-op or a word of praise from the president — the kind of treatment afforded to disreputable Third World dictators rather than to the duly elected leader of one of our closest allies."

The War on Radical Islam Can Be Won; the War on Terror Cannot

Pajamas Media "In reality, homegrown jihad is an outgrowth of a foreign ideology that survives because of state support. If state sponsors of this political-religious ideology are removed, it cannot flourish and will whither away. The debate about prosecuting the war must focus on ideology, not tactics, because ideology can be defeated." Ryan Mauro

Environmentalism: the new home of the Luddite reactionaries

Pajamas Media "...the cap-and-trade legislation isn’t about science; it’s about money and control. Anyone the slightest bit interested in science would laugh the whole thing off in twelve seconds. Indeed, the entire environmental movement is verging on becoming an enemy of science itself." Roger L Simon


Boortz "If you want to guarantee the continuation of Democrat dominance in your lives ... crank up that third party stuff. "

Cleaver Steadfastly Refuses to Discuss Spitting Incident

fox4kc " "It incumbent upon him to down play it, if truly he's interested in diffusing the anger and hostility out there, then acknowledge it was a man just wanting to be heard," said conservative radio talk show host Chris Stigall.But Rep. Cleaver is standing his ground on the incident. He says that if the spitting incident hadn't been caught on tape, no one would have ever known because he wouldn't have made it an issue."

How Easter stubbornly resists commercialism.

Slate "By now, the true meaning of Christmas has been buried under a mountain of secular accoutrements. But despite the best efforts of a perky bunny, Easter has managed to retain its original religious significance. In a "Faith-Based" originally published in 2008, James Martin explained Easter's steadfast character."

Florida Doctor Tells Obama Supporters to Get Lost

Gateway Pundit "Florida libs are upset with Dr. Jack Cassell for posting an anti-Obama sign in his window. The sign asks patients who voted for Obama to go elsewhere.The Florida Sentinel reported:"...

US 'to begin profiling air passengers' "The move aims to avoid the intelligence failures that allowed the alleged Christmas Day bomber, Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to board the Detroit-bound flight from Amsterdam wearing underpants rigged with explosives, even though US intelligence had been alerted to information on him." Isn't there a 'however" somewhere? With Obama there's always a "however".

Saudi Conference Condemns Extremism, Embraces Shari’a

CNS News "It also accused Israel of “state terrorism,” and urged Islamic media to continue “coverage and exposure of Israeli occupation crimes against defenseless Palestinian civilians, in particular the Israeli Holocaust in Gaza.” "

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm Tired

The Old Jarhead  "...I think it’s very cool that we have a black president and that a black child is doing her homework at the desk where Lincoln wrote the emancipation proclamation. I just wish the black president was Condi Rice, or someone who believes more in freedom and the individual and less in an all-knowing government."...Hat tip to Jeff Hayden

Why All the Wounded Fawns?

Victor Davis Hanson "I think ultimately many "progressives," adherents to relativism, feel that the past furor over Bush in all its creepy manifestations was justified because of who Bush was; but that a similar methodology (or, in fact, far softer manifestations) of dissent toward Obama is unacceptable because of who Obama is (i.e. one can act rudely toward clearly bad people, but not rudely toward unquestionably "good" people). It is that simple."