Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Target celebrating its own destruction

Honoring and obeying those who burned and looted our cities, knifing and beating those who did not; who were just trying to make a living. TD

Eric Utter

"Big business is so woke now, it not only is helping to sow the seeds of its own destruction, it is actually celebrating it. The very same Target store that was nearly demolished by looters and arsonists in Minneapolis last year recently put up a series of signs proclaiming that it proudly stands…with the looters and arsonists. The mural spans much of one side of the store’s exterior, and is comprised in part of three large signs, each sporting one word centered in a graphic. The first sign states “WE,” the second “STAND.” The third states “TOGETHER” amidst a background of what appears to be BLM rioters standing just outside a large burning building, fists raised in a triumphant Black Lives Matter gesture." . . .

‘Woke’ Coke Pauses Diversity Plan After ‘Intense Backlash,’ Plan Author Suddenly Resigns   . . . "The soft drink titan also passed the “diversity” on to its employees. In a series of slides leaked to media, a company working with Coca-Cola to provide corporate training encouraged Coke employees to “be less white” in an effort to create a more welcoming and racially diverse workplace." . . .

No, ‘Jeopardy!’ Champ Kelly Donohue Didn’t Make the ‘White Power’ Hand Gesture


"A brief hand gesture by Donohue sparked a torrent of internet outrage."

. . . "According to the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks and researches hate and extremism, the white supremacist meaning behind the “OK” hand gesture has evolved over time. It started as a hoax on the 4chan message board in 2017, then became a trolling tactic. The gesture, per the ADL, is generally a circle formed with the thumb and forefinger and the three remaining fingers outstretched: . . ."

 The ‘Jeopardy!’ Hate Gesture Controversy, Explained

It is believed that the association between the widely used gesture and white supremacy began as a prank conceived by 4Chan users, known as "Operation O-KKK," hoping to goad anti-fascists into making fools of themselves.  

"Having learned absolutely nothing from their utter humiliation after the MSM led an internet mob to attack teenage Covington Catholic students using a deceptively edited video clip, resulting in multiple multi-million dollar lawsuits against major news organizations like Washington Post and CNN, once again liberal media's own bias and knee-jerk reactions caused them try to destroy three young West Point cadets for what ended up being no more than a game.

"Apparently this latest bit of idiocy on the part of the establishment media began after a random Twitter user, with a little over 400 followers, tweeted "Just wanted to enjoy the #ArmyNavy. Didn’t expect or want to see the White Power symbol thrown up by cadets on national television." Along with that statement were images, shown below." . . .
It is not often that ANP readers will see me offering kudos to anyone that works at CNN, but credit must be given when it is due, so kudos goes out to CNN law enforcement analyst James A. Gagliano, who offered up and heartfelt apology without attempting to make excuses for himself, stating "Owe cadets in question apology for my knee-jerk reaction, questioning their actions before Academy’s investigation & fair hearing of the facts. Guilty of serving as Twitter judge w/my *hot take*, immediately presupposing something nefarious. I was wrong."


"So, how did something as innocent as the "Okay" sign, which most of us grew up using meaning things were alright, OK, good, etc..... suddenly become taboo, a sign of white supremacy in the eyes of the media, ADL and liberals?

"The same way an innocent and amusing green frog became a "white supremacist symbol," and milk was declared "racist."

"A mixture of 4chan trolls, with the full complicity by the liberals and the establishment media (I know, the same thing!) by allowing those 4chan trolls to control the narrative by allowing them to co-opt memes and symbols, and doing the trolls bidding by then reporting on those appropriated symbols and memes as if they "belonged" to the trolls, and anyone that uses them must be a racist, white supremacist." . . .

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Big Business Joins the Other Crumbling Pillars of Society

Conrad Black

"As with all the other pillars of traditional America, business has gone horribly wrong."

"What a pitiful trajectory the woke leaders of large American corporations have traced as American business, once a pillar of American society and political science, has crumbled along with other pillars as if in a choreographed sequence. 

"The senior levels of national intelligence and the Justice Department were tainted in the nonsense about collusion between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia. Academia, apparently down to kindergarten, largely has been transformed into a massive brainwashing operation to convince the country’s youth that the United States is hateful and racist. The national political media have failed catastrophically and all surveys show that over 80 percent of Americans don’t believe a word they read or hear from that source. Any sector of American society which has done such savage violence to its own franchise will pay dearly for it commercially.

"Owners of major sports franchises roll over like poodles in perfect conformity with the league commissioners, as players prostrate themselves before the totalitarian authorities of China, denigrating the flag and national anthem. Team revenues have suffered, but the insolent players have not—yet. 

"Critical race theory may confidently be assumed to be undermining the morale and motivation of the Armed Forces." . . .

Woke Coke going broke; what a joke

 Coke: Got Woke, Went Broke… Via Weasel Zippers:  "Conservatives who are tempted to despair over the abrupt shift of major corporations into engines of left-wing culture war might want to take a look at Coca-Cola. Recent developments suggest that Coke is rethinking woke." . . .

Is Coke rethinking woke? Soft drink giant puts 'pause' on diversity plan requiring outside law firms 'meet racial quotas or have their legal fees reduced'  . . . "Coca-Cola appears to be putting a ‘pause’ on its plan to transition to ‘woke-a-Cola.’

"The soft drink giant announced last week that it was suspending its ‘diversity initiative’ after the firm replaced its top lawyer after just eight months on the job.

"Bradley Gayton abruptly resigned last week as the company’s general counsel just months after he introduced ‘aggressive’ diversity initiatives that included requiring the firm’s outside lawyers to meet diversity quotas.

"In January, Gayton announced that The Coca-Cola Company would adhere to ‘revised outside counsel diversity guidelines.’

"According to the plan, any law firm seeking to do business with the company was required to ‘providing KO (the contracting officer) with self-identified diversity data (including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black, Women, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQ+, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and Persons with Disabilities) for KO’s quarterly analysis of the diversity of teams working on KO matters.’ " . . .

Coke, as some of us remember it.

'You'll never be white': Black driver launches into racist tirade against Latino cop and calls him a 'murderer' after he pulled her over for using her cell phone

Woman Who Claims She’s A Teacher Gets Stopped By Deputy. She Repeatedly Calls Him ‘Murderer,’ ‘Racist’  "A woman who claimed she was a teacher, driving a white Mercedes-Benz, got stopped by a Latino Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Deputy for using her cell phone while she was driving, then launched into a tirade in which she repeatedly accused him of being a “murderer,” then concluded, “Mexican racist. You’re always gonna be a Mexican. You’ll never be white, you know that, right?' ” . . .

 UK Daily Mail  "A black motorist who was pulled over in Southern California for using a cell phone while driving went on a racist tirade against a Hispanic sheriff's deputy, calling him a 'murderer' and telling him he'll 'always be a Mexican' and he'll 'never be white.'

"The body cam video of the April 23 incident in San Dimas surfaced on Monday. The clip was first obtained by Fox News.

" ‘Can you tell me why I’m being harassed today? Because I was going under the speed limit.’

" ‘The speed limit is 40 and I was going 38, so why are you harassing me?’ the woman asks the sheriff’s deputy.

" ‘You’re correct,’ the deputy responds. ‘I pulled you over because…’ "

At this point, the woman interrupts the deputy. She tells him that she took out her cell phone to record the interaction because ‘you’re a murderer.’

" ‘You can’t be on your cell phone while driving,’ the deputy tells the woman." . . .

San Dimas station doesn't have official bodycams yet, the deputy tells me he invested in his own personal cam to protect himself on the job.

Strangers: For years I was a psychotherapist and worked with people who were very seriously emotionally and mentally unstable. Some of the personality disorders explain such behavior. But watch out for the borderline personality disorders (BPD). These are highly unstable individuals who hate themselves and hate anyone associated with them. They can be exceedingly charming one moment and in the next moment severely ridicule and criticize you as though you are lower than dirt to them. Not saying this diagnosis fits the driver, but the behavior pattern looks familiar.

LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told Fox News he was "appalled" when he saw the video.  "She claims to be a teacher. I'm not so sure where she is teaching... but if she represents her profession, is that an indictment on her profession and the caliber of people?" Villanueva asked. 

" 'You have one incident like George Floyd...but some people want to label the entire profession as if everyone was a Derek Chauvin. It shows you that bigotry, racism comes in all, colors and all ages -- that's proof of that right there," Villanueva said. "If you want to call all of the deputies murderers, unfortunately, you are doing the exact same thing you're accusing other people of doing against your own kind.' "

7 Ways Biden Wants to Make America More Like California

Daily Signal  . . . "Here are seven key areas where Biden’s agenda largely would mirror policies enacted in California." . . .

BLM puts out a new list of demands, targeting President Trump, or else

This, in their case, is a shakedown, given the damage they cause to cities — burning, looting, rioting — when they don't get their way. 

 Monica Showalter  "Activists from Black Lives Matter, not happy with merely defunding the police or raking in huge corporate donations as their objective, now want President Trump banned from all digital media and future office.

"That's the report from the Washington Examiner, which notes that they've put out and updated their list of demands:

"We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately convicted in the United States Senate," reads the first demand on the BLM website. "Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future."

The group also called on former President Donald Trump to be permanently banned from "all digital media platforms," arguing he uses the platforms "recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation."

Turning their attention to Trump loyalists in Congress, the activist group demanded that all GOP lawmakers that "stoked Trump's conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election" be expelled from Congress.

Chauvin juror wore BLM shirt in 2020, now says people should join juries 'to spark some change'

 Thomas Lifson  "The impartiality of one of the jurors who convicted Derek Chauvin on all charges now is highly questionable, thanks to discovery of a (now deleted) tweet from August last year and his own words in an interview one week ago, April 27.  Ian Miles Cheong sums it up in the Post Millennial:

A juror on the Derek Chauvin trial who told the court that he had no prior
knowledge of the George Floyd civil case was photographed last August wearing a shirt that read "Get your knee off our necks" and "BLM." He stated last week that he saw jury duty as a means to "spark some change."
"The juror, whose name is Brandon Mitchell and whose juror number was 52, may have perjured himself during the voir dire examination of his suitability for the jury by claiming little knowledge of the case." . . .

Derek Chauvin Jury Selection Process Highlights Need to Stop Dumbing Down Juries jury system's "efficiency," as Mark Twain snarked in 1873, "is only marred by the difficulty of finding 12 men every day who don't know anything and can't read."

. . . "Many of the questions presented to potential Chauvin jurors seem designed to screen out the very sorts of people most likely to be able to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions about  the issues in the case. That is especially true of those that focus on the respondents' knowledge of health care, forensics, criminology, and other simlar issues. And, while the extraordinary publicity and political tensions surrounding this case are unusual, efforts to exclude knowledgeable jurors are common in more typical cases, as well." . . .

From Legal Insurrection:"Juror No. 52, Brandon Mitchell, answered “no” to two questions in the juror questionnaire that asked about participation in demonstrations".

The problem was a combination of pre-trial and ongoing threats of violence if there was a not guilty verdict, and an underlying lack of aggressiveness by the defense and the judge in weeding out biased jurors. Now there is evidence that at least one juror was tainted beyond repair, calling into question the legal viability of the verdict.  . . .

From   In the real world, Floyd is the obvious criminal and Chauvin the hero. But that’s not the case in the “woke” world.  . . . "Evidence clearly proves the man didn’t commit murder. Seriously? With other cops around, onlookers, and knowing there are cameras around, Chauvin decided to kill Floyd?

"Well, mob justice won. Now Chauvin sits in prison, wondering WTF!?

"As it turns out, the Fed wasn’t going to let Chauvin go if he were found not guilty. According to Fox News,

"The U.S. government is planning to bring federal civil rights charges against former Minneapolis police officers Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, according to a Minneapolis Star Tribune report.

"A week after Chauvin was found guilty of the murder and manslaughter of George Floyd, the Star Tribune reported that the Justice Department had been gathering evidence for months and had developed a contingency plan to arrest Chauvin at the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis if there was a mistrial or if the jury failed to convict him on all three counts." . . .

Whose knee was on whose neck? TD

As we’ve learned from Democrats, they can spin anything. All they need to know is what the politics are.  . . . "With President Trump, they actually tried to impeach him on what Biden actually did. Moreover, they gave Hunter Biden a pass, on obvious guilt."

More Proof The Chauvin Case Was A Farce

  Through it all, and despite the defense providing an evidentiary rebuttal to the claim Chauvin snuffed out Floyd via asphyxiation, it was all for naught. In the same time it will have taken me to write this article, the jury had already made up their mind as to Chauvin’s fate.

 More here.. 

Ron Klain, the man executing Biden’s mission

What? Not Comma-La?

Financial Times

The White House chief of staff has pulled off a successful first 100 days — what’s next?

. . . "The operation that is Biden’s presidency has certainly gone well so far. This week, he celebrated his 100th day in office, having accomplished his two main goals: a swift vaccination rollout against the pandemic, and a $1.9tn stimulus plan to reboot the economy.

" Klain, the White House chief of staff, is among the key architects of that success, cementing his status as one of the most skilled US political managers of his generation. “No one was as well prepared to be White House chief of staff, and up to now I think he’s living up to that,” says Chris Whipple, author of The Gatekeepers, a book about the role. “If the Trump White House was a smoking, backfiring jalopy, then the Biden White House is a finely tuned Rolls-Royce”." . . .

Not everything has gone flawlessly. Klain has had to deal with the botched nomination of Neera Tanden for budget director; the White House’s struggles to address a surge in migration across the southern border and heavy criticism for hesitating to raise the cap on refugees, a key campaign pledge. Republicans have accused the White House of overly aggressive tax-and-spending policies and said the president has not lived up to his vows of bipartisanship. . . .

Speaking of those first 100 days:

"The first 100 days of the Biden administration have been wonderful for the criminal cartels and gang members!"   "Drugs seized: Heroin up 4000%, Fentanyl up 5000% year over year, human trafficking at an all time high. The Biden administration is abandoning immigration laws passed by Congress. What is the "root cause?" Lack of border security!" . . .

New Poll Is Bad For Joe! Only 36% Say Biden’s First 100 Days in Office Were a ‘Success’   "Joe Biden has been in office for just over 100 days and a new poll reveals that just about no one is very happy with his job performance.

"According to Rasmussen Reports, only 36 percent of Americans say Biden’s first 100 days in office were a “success.”

"The report found:  Most voters don’t give him high marks at this milestone of his presidency." . . .

Monday, May 3, 2021

What word would be accurate for the Chauvin jury?

 I'm sick of the word "racist" which reeks of the smell from the breath of Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters. Can anyone come up with a more accurate word to describe these people below? TD

Chris Cuomo: Time to Kill the White Kids   . . . Here’s what he had to say:

“You know what the answer is…you really do. And you don’t like it, I don’t like it…it scares me,” he said. “Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people’s kids start getting killed,” Cuomo said. “Smokin’ that doobie that’s actually legal, probably, in your state now, but they [police] don’t know what it was and then the kid runs and, pop, pop, pop pop! Cop was justified. ‘Why’d you run?’ Oh, he had a baseball game tonight. White kid, big family, oh, that house over there.”

"First of all – what did he just say? It doesn’t even make sense. Did he actually suggest killing white kids will end the black man’s death by cop?" . . . 

LeBron James is an ignorant racist. And he loves proving it. . . . "Why do I know James jumped to a conclusion? Because he quickly deleted the tweet once he found out that the white cop who shot the black girl did so to protect another black girl." . . .

. . . "Oops. Tough to call the cop a killer when he was protecting another black woman. Further, James couldn’t accuse Reardon of “hunting blacks”, when it was the black people who CALLED THE COPS!" . . .

BLM Activist Sat on the Chauvin Jury After Claiming He Could Be ‘Impartial’, Tells People to Get on Juries to ‘Spark Change’

"Juror #52, now identified as Brandon Mitchell, is also encouraging people to try to get on juries to “spark some change.”

"During jury selection, Mitchell claimed that he had very little knowledge of the case. However, Mitchell was photographed last August wearing a shirt that read “Get your knee off our necks” and “BLM.”

Tim Scott deserves better*

*Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) on Capitol Hill, September 30, 2020. (Bonnie Cash/Pool via Reuters) In the eyes of Scott’s Democratic critics, a black Republican is an outrageous anomaly — and fair game for racist abuse.


The hustlers will continue to make a living by casting racism as the irredeemable sin. The radical Left will continue to invoke racism to defame America and erode the bonds that unite us as Americans. Yet it is a fact that we have solved racism as a systemic problem in our country. Racism is a human attribute. We can and should discourage it, but racism can no more be wholly eradicated than other forms of hatred and stupidity. There will always be individual racists. But as a society, we have made racism an attitude worthy of ostracism, any manifestation of which is condemnable, and many of which are legally actionable. Systemically, we can’t do more than that.

 Barack Obama, Race, and Revolution  . . . "However, true to his Marxist upbringing and indoctrination in Critical Race Theory, he created and exploited racial tension for political objectives and monetary gain for him and his fellow travelers.

"Barack Obama and virtually all of his black and white collaborators on the left view the African American population as both useful pawns in their insatiable quest for self-aggrandizement, financial benefit and political power, as well as helpless minions to be paraded about and bought off whenever convenient to the overriding political, societal or self-serving cause." . . .

Texas rep calls for Dem official to resign after racist slur about Sen. Tim Scott  . . . “I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles,” Lamar County Democratic Party chair Gary O’Connor wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post, Fox News reported." . . .

'Tim Scott Won the 'Racism' Debate — 'Here's What Biden, Dems Can Learn'  . . . "Similarly, Goodwin noted, “Biden’s continuing refrain of ‘systemic racism’ is fundamentally at odds with his promise to unite the country.”

A reckless charge of racism might silence speech in college dorms, but coming from a president, it’s an intolerable insult to millions of people and fuels growing rancor.

Scott, the only black GOP senator, gracefully sliced and diced Biden’s remarks with a tone of disappointment, lamenting “this feeling that our nation is sliding off its shared foundation.”

He pushed back against the unaffordable price of Biden’s overreach and Democrats’ determination to ram the measures through Congress on party-line votes. . . .  

Tim Scott Accuses Biden of Abandoning Bipartisan Promise: ‘This Is Not Common Ground’

Who’s really running Biden’s White House? Step forward President Klain

 The Times of London

Ron Klain is determined to secure Biden’s place in the pantheon of presidents,
with Roosevelt and Johnson

"The name’s Klain — President Klain. Washington insiders delight in assigning the White House chief of staff this mischievous title as the driving force behind the actual president, Joe Biden. The man himself, Ron Klain, would never describe himself this way, but his firm grip on the levers of government has enabled the 78-year-old president to cruise through his first 100 days in office without breaking sweat.
"Everybody who is anybody in Washington knows Klain, although few people outside the Beltway — the ring road surrounding the capital — have heard of him. He is a powerful, confident operator who knows the business of government inside out. Trusted to exercise power and take decisions, he keeps his boss informed while lifting the burden of office from him.
"Klain, 59, has recently emerged from the shadows as the surprising face of the administration on Twitter, where he touts Biden’s achievements with gusto under the handle @WHCOS, for White House chief of staff. His output is very different in style to Donald Trump’s but equally triumphal. Among his latest tweets was a Reuters/Ipsos poll showing 55 per cent of Americans approved of Biden’s job performance, as opposed to 38 per cent who disapproved. He also highlighted a Washington Post article headlined: “No wonder the president has a bounce in his step.” . . .