Monday, July 15, 2024

Firefighter Corey Comperatore’s widow refused Biden call after Trump rally shooting: ‘Didn’t want to talk to him’

 NY Post ( 

"The heartbroken widow of Corey Comperatore, the hero firefighter shot dead by a sniper at a Trump rally, wanted nothing to do with President Biden when he called after the tragedy, she told The Post.

“ 'I didn’t talk to Biden,” Helen Comperatore said from her Pennsylvania home on Monday. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”

"Corey Comperatore, a beloved volunteer firefighter and married father of two, was at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pa. on Saturday with his family when deranged sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire.

"A bullet struck the former president in the ear, two rallygoers were wounded and Corey Comperatore was killed in the gunfire." . . .

"Helen Comperatore said it was supposed to be an “exciting day” for the family to support Trump.

"When the shots rang out, her husband instinctively shouted, “Get down,” and used his body to shield his family from the sniper’s bullets — and it cost him his life.

"She said the former president has not reached out — but Biden’s call wasn’t welcome." . . .

‘Died A Hero’: Former Volunteer Fire Chief Identified By Family As Crowd Member Killed At Trump Rally | The Daily Caller 

. . .“I didn’t talk to Biden,” Helen told New York Post. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”. . .

. . ."Helen clarified her stance on politics, expressing no animosity towards Biden. “I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden. I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump. That’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill will towards Biden,” she added. “He didn’t do anything bad to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did.” . . .

Corey will find little sympathy from Jack Black and MSNBC

Jack Black And Bandmate Go Viral For Awful Trump Comments At Concert | The Daily Caller

. . ."The viral moment apparently occurred on Saturday night at a concert for Black and Gass’s band Tenacious D, Yahoo News reports. Gass, who turned 64 on Sunday, was presented with a cake at the concert and told to “make a wish,” by Black. Gass then appears to hold the microphone up and can be heard hissing: “don’t miss Trump next time.”

“ 'Thank you,” Black then appears to reply."

Donald Trump Jr Tells MSNBC Reporter To ‘Get Out Of Here’ During RNC Floor Dust Up | The Daily Caller   . . ."“It’s MSDNC, so I expect nothing less from you clowns, even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn’t wait,” Trump Jr. said, referencing the Saturday attempted assassination of his father at a Butler County, Pennsylvania, campaign rally. “You couldn’t wait with your lies and with your nonsense, so just get out of here.' ”

. . ."Soboroff handed coverage over to MSNBC host Katy Tur, who described the exchange as “asking a tough question to Don Jr.' ” . . .  MSNBC, one example of  Yellow Journalism

American Left Let Their Hatred For Trump Exceed Their Love For America | OutKick    . . ."I am f--king furious beyond words. F--king every left wing media member who has been calling him Hitler for the past eight years," Clay Travis posted on X Saturday evening. "This is on them. They made this happen."

"Adolf Hitler is known as the most notorious and barbaric dictator of the past century. History books suggest that killing Hitler before he wreaked global havoc would've been a moral act. It probably would have been. The "Trump is Hitler" crowd has been daring someone to believe the same is true about the former president.

"And it's all based on a lie.  

"Trump was president for four years. He didn't rule the nation like a fascist or inflict harm on his dissenters. Forget Hitler, Trump did less damage to our country than the other three presidents of this generation. For example, he didn't try to put a political opponent in prison for life. Biden did.

"Trump's greatest sin is that he undermined the establishment of Washington through the most effective populist movement of this century. And the people in charge, with their media lackeys, have tried to dehumanize him to prevent it from happening again. Depicting him as a ruthless dictator is just the latest attempt." . . . 

. . .We are not a properly functioning nation. We are morally bankrupt. We have been for quite some time – ever since the American Left let its hatred of Donald Trump exceed its love for America, to be exact. 


Staten Island GOP Member Puts Reporters in Their Place After They Suggest It's Trump's Fault He Was Shot

Under Democrats, mediocrity metastasizes into every nook and cranny of American culture: the media, entertainment, educators, recent Supreme Court Justices, government agencies including the President and his cabinet, the DOJ and Transportation....

Brandon Morse – RedState

"Things got heated at the Staten Island GOP conference after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and some members have been tearing reporters a new one as they attempt to place the blame for it on...Donald Trump. One fiery moment includes New York State Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo, who got behind the podium to address accusations that Trump's own rhetoric is responsible for the attempt on his life and that the shooter was a registered Republican, something that the press has been attempting to use to absolve themselves of any blame. Taking the stage, Pirozzolo chided the reporters for suggesting that this is just more Republican violence."

. . ."There's nary a dull moment in the conference, and you can watch the full thing here

"Pirozzolo is correct. Once it was released that the shooter was a registered Republican, the media and many a leftist have been using it as an excuse to take all the heat off themselves. However, it's been discovered that while the shooter was indeed registered to the Republican Party, his donation history involves the leftist activist organization "ActBlue," The money was earmarked for the "Progressive Turnout Project," a radical left organization. He also made a donation to President Joe Biden on his inauguration day." . . . 

 Maybe more anti-Trumpers should register as Republicans? It seems to absolve them of all non-woke acts. TD


 Trump Picks Vice President: Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance (

J.D. honorably served our Country in the Marine Corps, graduated from Ohio State “University in two years, Summa Cum Laude, and is a Yale Law School Graduate, where he was Editor of The Yale Law Journal, and President of the Yale Law Veterans Association.”

. . ."Trump’s team maintained throughout that there was a plethora of candidates on the list — even some that the media wasn’t focused on.

"Upstate New York Rep. Elise Stefanik’s longstanding support of the president throughout his re-election campaign and legal trials also sparked rumors she was seeking the nomination. She stumped for the former president in New Hampshire and said she would be “honored” to be his veep." . . .

Trump zeroes in on Veep pick with JD Vance, married to an Indian-American, the frontrunner (

"DEI kills. It’s time for DEI to DIE."


RealityBites by Broc Smith

DEI and the shooting -Howard Hyde  . . ."The wives and daughters of men who are denied employment for which they are more qualified than the women who are hired in their place under DEI policies, do not benefit from DEI.

"Black heart attack patients do not benefit from having a black cardiologist who is less qualified that one who happens to be white.

"LGBTQ+ airline passengers do not benefit from having LGBTQ+ engineers, pilots and air traffic controllers servicing, flying guiding their planes, if these were artificially promoted ahead of non-LGBTQ+ candidates under DEI.

"In other words, DEI hurts members of the target beneficiary demographics as much as it hurts the deplorable white, Christian, heterosexual males that are targeted for suppression. 

"One standard, no preference or prejudice.". . .

They look just like the Keystone Kops: The DEI Secret Service in inaction - American Thinker   . . ."However, today, while that credo may still be in the playbook, there are other factors now at play.  Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle had long experience with then Vice President Biden, so – as president – he appointed her to head up the agency.  However, someone – presumably President Biden – set her priorities based on DEI: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, instead of the traditional priority of making sure the president doesn’t DIE. 

"One of her personal priorities was to ensure that thirty percent of all field agents – including those who protect the president – must be women.  These women might be of the right mindset – putting themselves between the president and a shooter – but the ones we all saw on Saturday didn’t meet one of the basic requirements.  Specifically, they weren’t big enough to protect the president with their bodies. 

"So ask yourself this:  How well can a five-foot-six agent protect a six-foot-three president? 

"Fast Forward to last Saturday.  When President Trump was shot, here’s what I noted:" . . .

As I said, real Keystone Kops.  Which makes me wonder – if President Biden finally allows the Secret Service to provide the additional agents to President Trump’s “detail,” which the Trump campaign clearly needs, will he be moved by DEI or by DIE?

Thoughts on the Trump attack, and the Israel attack

Expect no sorrow from Democrats in politics and the liberal media; expect no more than a cold, forced "we do not condone" such as Maxine Waters gave after the brutal near-murder in her district of truck driver Reginald Denny during the Rodney King riots. TD

Citing attack on Trump, Netanyahu demands crackdown on what he says is incitement by his opponents - Jewish Telegraphic Agency ( . . ."At the meeting, Netanyahu screened 90 seconds of protest leaders speaking at the rallies that have dogged him since his return to office in December 2022. Protests at first targeted Netanyahu’s proposed reforms of the judiciary and then, after Hamas’ deadly invasion on Oct.7, turned to his failure to prevent the attack and so far to secure the release of the hostages taken captive by Hamas.

"Some speakers in the video said they wished for Netanyahu’s execution while others engaged in rhetoric typical of Israel’s political ferment, including accusing Netanyahu as being as damaging to Israel as its enemies — a gambit that Netanyahu has deployed for decades, including in the most recent election." . . .

 Howard J. Warner - American Thinker 

This is a real worry that our government is run by such mediocrities.  Can anyone doubt this after the Afghanistan withdrawal, the misstatements about Ukraine prior to the war, the failing economy, the encouragement of illegal aliens to cross our borders, and the misuse of our judicial system. 

 "As of this writing the Secret Service has confirmed that a possible assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has resulted in an injury to him, a killing of an attendee to the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the injuring of two others. 

"What has happened to our country and the world?  After three and one-half years of abysmal leadership in Washington, D.C., why should we expect anything else?

"The protective detail of the Secret Service acted admirably, but it was not a flawless operation as the outer perimeter of the event was not adequately patrolled and secured. 

"This is a failure and must be examined.  Clearly, sharpshooter agents did neutralize the shooter, but it is now reported that bystanders noticed the person on an elevated location (likely a rooftop of a business) with a gun and told police before the attack began, warnings that were apparently ignored. 

"In time, we will find out whether this is true, but for now the investigation must begin.  One cannot help but question the quality of the Secret Service leadership and detail leadership.  But then this is one more mediocrity of the Biden administration.

"Donald Trump’s instincts were to thank the Secret Service and express concern for those killed and injured at his rally.  As the protective detail was ushering Trump off the stage, he let the crowd know he was O.K., and encouraged them. 

"The man demonstrated determination and strength that our nation needs in a leader.  Trump had the presence of mind to get down once he felt the bullet hit his ear.  The bullet moves faster than the sound so time is essential as the next bullets would come quickly." . . .

Media RIPPED for downplaying Trump assassination attempt: 'Absolute stupidity'   Martha Raddatz: "Let's Remember January 6th" | Video | RealClearPolitics

First Episode of 'The View' After Trump Assassination Attempt Was Something Else (

. . ."The phony echoing of Biden's phony call for unity — which came from the Oval Office just days after the president said it was time to put Trump "in the bullseye" — is right on-brand for the ladies of "The View." They just can't help themselves. It's likely the same reason that MSNBC and NBC News brass decided to avoid airing "Morning Joe" on Monday." . . .

UPDATED: Surely the American left has better people than all these!



To protect Joe and endanger his opponents - Patricia McCarthy  "Obama, the Clintons, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and the rest of us are beginning to find out that getting Biden out of the White House is more difficult than getting him in. Joe’s comment, “No one f$^ks with a Biden” may be the most memorable line of his miserable presidency.

"The idealists among us believe that the most important job of any president is to protect and defend the United States of America. Democrats seem to believe that the most important job of a president is to protect their hold on that office. President Biden, as his famous quote declares, is all about protecting himself and his family’s How To Get Rich In Politics enterprise.

"Biden has surrounded himself with people skilled at protecting him. Attorney General Merrick Garland has kept wayward son Hunter Biden out of jail so far, and that is noteworthy, given his love of vice. Members of his National Security team will say and write anything to protect Biden. There are no depths too low for his press secretary as she mangles words and logic in Joe’s defense." . . .

Who really tried to assassinate President Donald J. Trump? - Lynne Lechter    . . .The media tried to assassinate Trump.  From the time he came powerfully down that escalator in New York, looking every bit the prize fighter he exhibited yesterday, the press was and is merciless. They have mocked him and attacked, slandered and defamed him, but they have not taken him out.

"The Democrats have tried to assassinate Trump. They called him illegitimate, they called him a tyrant; President Biden who went all wobbly tonight, is still calling him a threat to democracy; many have wished him dead. Thank G-d that wish did not come true today. 

"Women of a certain ilk have tried to assassinate him.  Oh, the sordid sex tales. Rape in a dressing room in Bergdorf Goodmans!  Have you ever shopped there?  It is literally impossible. Staff watch those rooms like hawks. The police would have been immediately called and the falsely accused Trump might have been hauled out in handcuffs.  But the event would surely not have gone unnoticed at the time.

"Comedians have tried to assassinate Trump through mean diatribes. ‘Orange man bad’ is their popular meme -- who’s laughing tonight?" . . .

UPDATE: Mayorkas denied 'repeated requests' for more Secret Service protection for Trump, GOP lawmaker says | Fox News   "A House Republican lawmaker is alleging that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denied stronger Secret Service protection for former President Trump multiple times.

"Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., made the accusation hours after Trump was grazed by a bullet at his Saturday Pennsylvania rally.

" 'I have very reliable sources telling me there have been repeated requests for stronger secret service protection for President Trump. Denied by Secretary Mayorkas," Waltz wrote on X.

"The House Homeland Security Committee is planning on investigating reports that Trump was denied stronger Secret Service protection before the rally, a source told Fox News Digital." . . .

Dem Staffer Axed Over Vile Post About Trump's Near-Assassination After Newt Gingrich Sounds Alarm


AfterMath - Home (

Resist the Mainstream (

Newt Gingrich @newtgingrich Congressman Benny Thompson’s staffer Jacqueline Marsaw posted last night "I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops [sic] that wasn't me talking." She should be fired today. Thompson introduced the resolution to cut off secret service protection for President Trump. With staff like this the poison is deep.
How bad must Democrats hate us to support this guy?

“Bennie Thompson proposed legislation that would authorize removal of Secret Service protection from former presidents ‘upon sentencing following conviction for a federal or state offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year,’” it read.
. . ."

“This is the America we have now, divided between Americans who found the near-murder of a presidential candidate profoundly disturbing and Americans who are disappointed the shooter didn’t blow Donald Trump’s head open. A nation polarized so radically cannot sustain itself.”  Mark Tapson, Front Page Magazine

"The horrific event that occurred on Saturday in Butler, PA, has made the ideological and moral divide between Americans appallingly clear.  Those of us who are still reeling from what might have been are learning just how venal the Trump-hating left actually is.  What is coming out of their mouths and tweets is beyond shocking.  Sure, we’ve all known they loathe Trump and support the catastrophically diminished Biden but who knew just how conscienceless the left is today?" . . .   

. . ."Pundits on CNN and MSNBC, celebrities on X and all the other social media sites, are not shy with their glee that Trump was shot and that they are disappointed that he was not killed." . . .

. . ."Today’s Democrats are brazenly guilty of what psychologists call projection.  Attributing to their opponents the sins of which they themselves are guilty of.  Russian collusion, not Trump, Hillary.  Weaponizing government to jail political opponents, again, not Trump, Biden.  Censoring opposing viewpoints and declaring them “disinformation,” you guessed it, not Trump, Biden. 
 "Do you want to know what fascism really looks like?  This is it!  I’m not going to rehash all of the specifics here because I don’t think it’s necessary, but you get the picture, and this is just the tip of the iceberg." . . .

The same generation that wears cool designer scarfs and supports the murderers of families, killing children in front of their families. "But what about the "Palestinians", you ask? If not for the murders, destruction and rapes of Oct 7, this would never have happened. TD

Hamas announced the death of the youngest hostage Kfir Bibas (10 months old). The mom, brother, and dad are dead too.

Aman Kumar's Space 024 (

"Hamas has said they had no ability to track because it was so bloody and chaotic. Because they were high on Captagon and high on religion.

"It's worse, they kidnapped these people, tortured them, and then murdered them...AFTER the massacre.

Tool of Hamas.
"How people can support a group that has murdered and abducted civilian men, women, children, raped and tortured babies in cold blood is absolutely beyond human. While 9/11 was inconceivable in its scope, the Hamas attack on Israel is inconceivable in its depravity.
"Many people in 9/11 died an instantaneous death from a high-speed plane crash. there were others who suffered from burning in a fire, having no choice but to jump off the building. However, in the 10/7 attacks, many were tortured/mutilated/raped before being brutally killed.

"All terrorist attacks are bad, innocent people die in all of them. whether it be 2 people killed, 10 people killed, 1200 people killed, or 3000+ killed.

"However, there is a concerning number of people in the US, the UK, and Europe who condemn 9/11 only to praise the Hamas attack.

"Imagine the level of propaganda campaigns that will be run on TikTok the moment China attacks Taiwan." . . .

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Here are some people who I''m sure would not mourn the death of Donald Trump

Religio-Political Talk
 Trump’s promise to ‘take over’ Washington is a dictator’s dream (MSNBC)

‘Trump is a threat to this nation’: Biden rips into former president during Detroit rally | Sky News Australia

Snopes Finally Debunks The “Very Fine People” Hoax, The Left Loses Its Collective Mind (  "Back in 2017, Kemberlee wrote a post debunking the lie that Trump said that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville are “very fine people.”

"It’s taken a long time, but Snopes finally got around to admitting that this statement — latched onto by the Biden campaign as well as by Democrats in Congress and on social media — was not only taken out of context but that he literally condemned neo-Nazis in the same response to a reporter’s question."

Anyone who believes claims made by Joe Biden has reached the highest plain of Gullibility. TD

Robert De Niro on The View:. . .“I don’t understand why people are not taking him seriously. You read about it historically in other countries that they didn’t take people seriously — Hitler, Mussolini,” De Niro said. “Who does not think that this guy is not gonna do exactly what he says he’s gonna do? He’s done it already.”. . .

Kamala Harris calls Trump a politician who ‘incites hate.’ - NYT

Stephen Colbert and his Trump jokes are getting annoying;  Colbert didn't like Trump's getting two scoops of ice cream.

Retired Fire Chief Corey Comperatore Slain By Assassin’s Bullet Aimed At President Trump

 Fuzzy Slippers (  "The “would-be assassin was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.” He was killed at the scene by Secret Service snipers."

This former fire chief's final act was to shield his wife and daughter from the bullets at the Trump rally. Read his daughter's statement here.

. . ."The member of the crowd killed in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his Pennsylvania rally has been identified.

"Corey Comperatore, the retired fire chief of Buffalo Township, was sitting behind the former president shot and killed by gunman 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.

"The 50-year-old died a hero as his family revealed he was shielding his young daughter and wife from the gunfire when he was killed.

"Members of the audience frantically tried to save the father’s life in the bleachers in Butler after Crooks opened fire from a rooftop 130 yards away.

"Family members paid tribute Comperatore who was well-known in the community.

"His sister wrote on Facebook: ‘The PA Trump Rally claimed the life of my brother, Corey Comperatore.

" ‘The hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved the most. He was a hero who shielded his daughters." . . .

Full article here. 

It’s time to talk about the Secret Service problem we saw yesterday *UPDATED*

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Preliminarily, let me say what I wrote yesterday: Trump’s near miss seems to have an element of Divine Providence to it, reminiscent of how George Washington invariably emerged from the heat of battle unscathed. Just sayin’. Now, to the topic at hand, which is the Secret Service’s performance before, during, and after the assassination attempt. It wasn’t good.

"Ironically, just yesterday, I finished reading Lee Child’s Without Fail, which was published in 2008. In it, Jack Reacher works with the female head of the Vice President’s Secret Service detail to help foil an assassination attempt. Unlike most Reacher novels, this one had no fistfights. Instead, it focuses tightly on what the Secret Service does to protect politicians.

"I don’t know what kind of research Child did, but the point he makes repeatedly—and it’s an obvious and intuitive one—is that the Secret Service must control the high ground. Every rooftop or high floor within range of a politician is a potential platform for an assassin.

"In Butler, Pennsylvania, however, not only did the Secret Service seemingly make no effort to control a rooftop within relatively easy shooting distance of a former president and current presidential candidate, but Secret Service agents also seemed disinterested in repeated warnings that a man with a gun had crawled on top of a building that gave him a clear shot at President Trump. This video shows the first eyewitness we heard from, but reports are that several other people saw the same thing and had the same response from Trump’s security detail—that is, no response:. . .

Leftists make the ludicrous assertion that the shooter was a Republican *UPDATE*

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 Leftists make the ludicrous assertion that the shooter was a Republican *UPDATE* - Andrea Widburg   "Democrats are very excited now that we know who the shooter was (although I won’t use his name to deny him the fame he obviously sought). This excitement is because he was...wait for it...a registered Republican! However, if you’ve paid any attention at all to the way in which Democrats have tried to game the 2024 Republican primaries, you’ll understand that the man’s political registration was meaningless. What’s meaningful is his words and how he spent his money.

"Harry Sisson, a very strange young man with a weird Biden fetish, was out in front with the news that a Republican was the one who tried to kill Trump: . . .

. . .  "Again, that’s not the act of an actual Republican.

"In the absence of more information, the best guess as to why the shooter registered as a Republican is that he intended to vote in the Republican primary. After all, Democrats didn’t have to vote in their own primary because the party made sure that Joe Biden was the chosen one. With that out of the way, the party faithful were told to go forth and mess with Republicans’ ability to pick their preferred presidential candidate:

  • New York Times: “Democrats Are Meddling in Republican Primaries”
  • AP: “Some Democrats voting in GOP primaries to block Trump picks”
  • Indiana Capital Chronicle: “New billboards urge Indiana Democrats to take Republican ballots in May primary”

"In states with open primaries, Democrats could simply elect to vote in the Republican primary. Indeed, in her home state of South Carolina, Nikki Haley targeted Democrats to block true Republicans from choosing their candidate.

"However, Pennsylvania, where the shooter lived and registered to vote, is a closed primary state. If you want to vote in a party primary, you must register with that party. And that’s almost certainly what the shooter did." . . .